MAGNETIC AND ALBUMIN TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY FOR BREAST CANCER TREATMENT A Thesis by Farhana Abedin Bachelor of Science, Bangladesh University of Engr. & Tech., 2008 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the faculty of the Graduate School Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science July 2011 © Copyright 2011 by Farhana Abedin All Rights Reserved MAGNETIC AND ALBUMIN TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY FOR BREAST CANCER TREATMENT The following faculty members have examined the final copy of this thesis for form and content, and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science with a major in Mechanical Engineering. _________________________________ Ramazan Asmatulu, Committee Chair _________________________________ Shang-You Yang, Committee member _________________________________ Hamid Lankarani, Committee member iii DEDICATION To my parents and loving husband iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express her heartiest gratitude to her supervisor, Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu, Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for his invaluable guidance and support in accomplishing this research work. The author is very grateful to her committee member Dr. Shang-You-Yang, Associate professor, Department of Biological Sciences for his advice and suggestions. The author would also like to thank her committee member Dr. Hamid Lankarani, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for his important comments. The author is thankful to Zheng Song, Laboratory manager CIBOR and Nora Zacharias, Animal lab manager CIBOR, for their support in all biological experiments. The author expresses her deepest gratefulness to Dr. Kevin Langenwalter, NMR/Instrumentation manager, Department of Chemistry for his guidance and assistance in HPLC tests. The author is deeply thankful to Md. Rajib Anwar, graduate student, Department of Mechanical Engineering for supporting and helping her in this research work. The author is thankful to Heath Misak, graduate student, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Janani Sri Gopu for their assistance in this research work. Finally the author is very grateful to her parents, family members and her husband, Md. Rajib Anwar for their inspiration and support to take this research work to completion. v ABSTRACT This research work involves multifunctional magnetically targeted drug delivery microspheres for treatment against breast cancer. A combination therapy approach was followed by encapsulating two chemotherapeutics, 5-Fluorouracil (5-Fu) and cyclophosphamide in poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres. Magnetite nanoparticles and albumin were also incorporated in the microspheres to achieve targeted treatment. The microspheres were fabricated using oil-in-oil emulsion/solvent evaporation technique. Albumin is attracted to cancer cells and thus it is likely to draw the microspheres towards tumor cells. On application of magnetic field near tumor site, magnetites in the microspheres are likely to guide them to the region of magnetic field. This will allow release of drugs from microspheres in the cancer cells. Also the burst release of drugs and then slow release due to diffusion in the cancer cells lead to effective treatment and also limit excessive spreading of drugs in other regions of the body. Release rate study was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Invitro and in-vivo study was carried out to check the efficacy of treatment. Keywords: Targeted drug delivery, magnetite nanoparticle, breast cancer vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter page 1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................4 3. FABRICATION AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS .....................................................9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Materials .....................................................................................................................9 Fabrication of Magnetic Nanoparticle ........................................................................9 Synthesis of Microsphere ..........................................................................................11 Separation of Nanocomposite Sphere .......................................................................13 Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) Spectroscopy of Nanocomposite Sphere .......14 In-vitro Tests .............................................................................................................14 3.6.1 In-vitro Test using 3T3 Cells ...........................................................................14 3.6.2 In-vitro Test using Breast Cancer Cells (MDA 486) .......................................16 3.7 High Performance Liquid Chromatography .............................................................17 3.8 In-vivo Test ...............................................................................................................20 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................22 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Characterization of Microsphere...............................................................................22 In-vitro Test Release Profile from High Performance Liquid Chromatography ...........................26 In-vivo Study ............................................................................................................32 Histology Study ........................................................................................................36 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ..........................................................................42 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................44 APPENDICES ...............................................................................................................................48 A.........................................................................................................................................49 B. ........................................................................................................................................76 C .........................................................................................................................................90 vii LIST OF TABLES Table page 1. Data for Calibration Chart of Cyclophosphamide in PBS .................................................67 2. Data for Concentration of Cyclophosphamide in the PBS Sample ...................................67 3. Cumulative Concentration of Cyclophosphamide in PBS Sample ....................................73 4. Data for Calibration Chart of Cyclophosphamide in Acetonitrile .....................................74 5. Data for Cyclophosphamide from 100mg/ml Suspension of Drug Carrier in Acetonitrile ........................................................................................................................74 6. Data for Cumulative Percentage Release of Cyclophosphammide in PBS .......................75 7. Data for Tumor Size at Various Time Intervals.................................................................87 8. Data for In-vitro Test with 3T3 Cells ................................................................................88 9. Data for In-vitro Test with Breast Cancer Cells ................................................................89 10 Data for Percentage Live Cancer Cells in Tumors ............................................................98 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure page 1. Some of the materials for PLGA microsphere fabrication ..................................................9 2. Addition of ammonium hydroxide solution .......................................................................10 3. Formation of magnetite nanoparticles ...............................................................................11 4. Schematic for magnetite nanoparticle synthesis ................................................................11 5. Oil in oil emulsion /solvent evaporation technique ...........................................................13 6. Overhead mixer at 8500 rpm .............................................................................................13 7. Plate for in-vitro test with 3T3 cells after MTT test ..........................................................16 8. Plate for in-vitro test with breast cancer cell before incubation ........................................17 9. Schematic for working principle of HPLC ........................................................................18 10. HPLC system used to measure the release profile of cyclophosphamide from microspheres ......................................................................................................................19 11. Tumor on mouse and application of magnetic field ..........................................................21 12 Molecular configuration of (a) 5-FU and (b) Cyclophosphamide .....................................22 13 Molecular configuration of PLGA .....................................................................................23 14. ATR spectrum of nanocomposite sphere ...........................................................................24 15. In-vitro test result using 3T3 cells .....................................................................................25 16. In-vitro test result using MDA 486 breast cancer cells......................................................26 17. Calibration chart of peak area versus concentration of cyclophosphamide in PBS ..........27 18. HPLC peak for ctclophosphamide in PBS having 10 mg/ml concentration ......................27 19. Cumulative release profile of cyclophosphamide from microsphere ................................28 20. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in the sample collected after 1 hour ...........................28 ix LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 21. Calibration chart of peak area versus concentration of cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile ......................................................................................29 22. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile having 10mg/ml concentration ...........30 23. Cumulative percentage release of cyclophosphamide from microsphere ..........................30 24. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in collected supernatant with acetonitrile as solvent.................................................................................................31 25. Release mechanism from PLGA microsphere ...................................................................32 26. Variation of tumor size at different time intervals .............................................................33 27. Variation of tumor size at dufferent time intervals for the groups treated with microspheres containing chemotherpeutics .......................................................................34 28. Tumor on mouse from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................................34 29. Tumor on mouse from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................34 30. Tumor on mouse from group 3 (treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................................35 31. Tumor on mouse from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 .............................................................................................35 32. Tumor on mouse from group 5 (treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................35 33. Necrotic site on a mouse from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) .....36 34. Left side tumor sections of different mice from group 1 (untreated) at 10X magnification..........................................................................................................37 35. Tumor section of different mice from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutic) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side ..................................................................37 x LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 36. Tumor sections of different mice from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................................................38 37. Tumor sections of different mice from group 5 (treated with microspheres containing drugs + magnetic field) at 10X magnification (a) Right side (b) Right side .....................38 38. Tumor sections of different mice from group 3 (treated with microspheres containing no drugs) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side ...........................39 39. Left side tumor section of a mouse from group 1 (untreated) at 4X magnification ..........40 40 Right side tumor section of a mouse from group 4 (treated with chemotherpeutics) at 4X magnification .....................................................................................................................40 41. Variation of percentage live cells for different treatments ................................................41 42. HPLC peak for solution of 10 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run .............49 43. HPLC peak for solution of 10 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run .........49 44. HPLC peak for solution of 5 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run ...............50 45. HPLC peak for solution of 5 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run ...........50 46. HPLC peak for solution of 2.5 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run ............51 47. HPLC peak for solution of 2.5 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run ........51 48. HPLC peak for solution of 1.25 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run ..........52 49. HPLC peak for solution of 1.25 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run ......52 50. HPLC peak for solution of 0.625 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run ........53 51. HPLC peak for solution of 0.625 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run ....53 52. HPLC peak for 1 hour sample for first run ........................................................................54 53. HPLC peak for 1 hour sample for second run ...................................................................54 54. HPLC peak for 2 hour sample for first run ........................................................................55 xi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 55. HPLC peak for 2 hour sample for second run ...................................................................55 56. HPLC peak for 4 hour sample for first run ........................................................................56 57. HPLC peak for 4 hour sample for second run ...................................................................56 58. HPLC peak for 8 hour sample for first run ........................................................................57 59. HPLC peak for 8 hour sample for second run ...................................................................57 60. HPLC peak for 12 hour sample for first run ......................................................................58 61. HPLC peak for 12 hour sample for second run .................................................................58 62. HPLC peak for 24 hour sample for first run ......................................................................59 63. HPLC peak for 24 hour sample for second run .................................................................59 64. HPLC peak for 72 hour sample for first run ......................................................................60 65. HPLC peak for 72 hour sample for second run .................................................................60 66. HPLC peak for 10 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run .........................61 67. HPLC peak for 10 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run ....................61 68. HPLC peak for 5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run ...........................62 69. HPLC peak for 5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run ......................62 70. HPLC peak for 2.5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run ........................63 71. HPLC peak for 2.5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run ...................63 72. HPLC peak for 1.25 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run ......................64 73. HPLC peak for 1.25 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run .................64 74. HPLC peak for 0.625 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run ....................65 xii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 75. HPLC peak for 0.625 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run ...............65 76. HPLC peak of cyclophosphamide for 100 mg/ml drug carrier in acetonitrile for first run ......................................................................................................66 77. HPLC peak of cyclophosphamide for 100 mg/ml drug carrier in acetonitrile for second run ......................................................................................................................................66 78. Left side tumor on mouse (723) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................................76 79. Right side tumor on mouse (723) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ..........................................................................................................................76 80. Left side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ..........................................................................................................................76 81 Right side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day ...............................................................................................................77 82. Left side tumor on mouse (725) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 .................77 83. Right side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 ..............77 84. Left side tumor on mouse (726) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................................78 85. Right side tumor on mouse (726) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................................78 86 Left side tumor on mouse (727) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 .............................................................................78 87. Right side tumor on mouse (727) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............78 88. Left side tumor on mouse (728) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................79 89. Right side tumor on mouse (728) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................79 xiii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 90. Left side tumor on mouse (729) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................79 91. Right side tumor on mouse (729) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................79 92. Left side tumor on mouse (730) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................80 93. Right side tumor on mouse (730) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................80 94. Left side tumor on mouse (731) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................80 95. Right side tumor on mouse (731) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................80 96. Left side tumor on mouse (732) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................81 97. Right side tumor on mouse (732) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................81 98. Left side tumor on mouse (733) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................81 99. Right side tumor on mouse (733) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................81 100. Left side tumor on mouse (734) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................82 101. Right side tumor on mouse (734) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ........................................................................82 102. Left side tumor on mouse (735) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................82 103. Right side tumor on mouse (735) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................82 xiv LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 104. Left side tumor on mouse (736) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................83 105. Right side tumor on mouse (736) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................83 106. Left side tumor on mouse (737) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................83 107. Right side tumor on mouse (737) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................83 108. Left side tumor on mouse (738) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................84 109. Right side tumor on mouse (738) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ............................................................84 110. Left side tumor on mouse (739) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ...........................................84 111. Right side tumor on mouse (739) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 .................................84 112. Left side tumor on mouse (740) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3................................................................................85 113. Right side tumor on mouse (740) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 ......................................................................85 114. Left side tumor on mouse (741) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 ...........................................85 115. Right side tumor on mouse (741) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 .................................86 116. Left side tumor on mouse (742) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3................................................................................86 117. Right side tumor on mouse (742) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 ......................................................................86 xv LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 118. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (723) from group 1 (untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side ..............................................................................90 119. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side ............................................................................90 120. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (726) from group 1 (untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side ..............................................................................91 121. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (727) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................................91 122. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (728) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................................92 123. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (729) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................................92 124. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (730) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................................93 125. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (731) from group 3 (treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side ...................93 126. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (732) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side.....................................................94 127. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (733) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side.....................................................94 128. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (734) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side.....................................................95 129. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (735) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side..........................................................95 130. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (736) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side..........................................................96 131. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (737) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side..........................................................96 xvi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure page 132. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (738) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) ..............................................................................97 133. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (739) from group 5(treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) ...............................................97 134. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (741) from group 5(treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) ...............................................98 xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PLGA Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Acid 5-Fu 5-Fluoroucil HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography ATR Attenuated Total Reflectance OD Optical Density xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS µm2 Micrometer Square ˚C Degree Celsius M Molarity mg Milligram ml Milliliter mVolts Millivolts Sec Seconds xix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The clinical success of any treatment depends on the bioviability of drugs which includes the route of drug administration, drug absorption rate and its metabolism in the body. Targeted drug delivery is localized drug delivery to a specific disease site so that there will be interaction of drugs only with disease tissue. Hence targeted drug delivery reduces side effects and improves bioviability. Targeted drug delivery is very important in cancer treatment because of the toxicity of chemotherapeutics. Nanotechnology has opened various paths of treatment methods for cancer therapy. It involves a wide variety of fields such as engineering, materials science, chemistry and physics along with cancer biology. Extensive research is going on to improve the efficacy of treatment with targeted drug delivery. The size of carriers used for cancer drug delivery is such that they are able to pass through the leaky endothelium of cancer cells. Drug carriers accumulate in the tumor site by means of active or passive process. The passive transport mainly involves enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. For tumor cells to grow rapidly there is enhanced growth of blood vessels around tumor cells. In order to meet the growing need of nutrition and oxygen of cancer cells, new blood vessels form. These blood vessels are abnormal in architecture with wide lumen. Tumors also possess poor lymphatic system. All these lead to excessive molecule and fluid transport. As a result EPR effect plays an important role in carrying drug molecules or nanoparticles to tumor cells. Active transport can be achieved to the desired site by means of molecular recognition. Drug carriers can be functionalized to drive the particles to the targeted site. There are many ways of achieving targeted drug delivery. There can be pH 1 sensitive drug carriers which release drugs at lower pH which is characteristics of tumor. Ultrasound can cause drug loaded vehicles to release drugs at a specific site. Thermally responsive carriers accumulate and release drugs in heated solid tumors. The drug loaded carrier can be magnetized and it can be driven and retained at the desired site using external magnetic field of appropriate strength. Photosensitive drug carriers are designed to release drugs when they are exposed to electromagnetic wave of certain wavelength. Drug carriers can be functionalized with ligands or antibodies which will direct them to specific tumor receptors. There are many types of nanocarriers such as dendrimers, micelles and liposomes. Dendrimers possess three dimensional tree-like structures with multifunctional core molecule at the center. Drug molecules can be attached to its functional groups and its branches can be functionalized with ligands or antibodies specific to a tumor. Micelles are spherical in nature. They possess both hydrophobic and hydrophilic end. The hydrophilic end is towards the outer surface and the hydrophobic tails face towards the inside of micelles. Liposomes are vesicles with lipid layers. There are two kinds of it, unilamellar and multilamellar. Unilamellar liposomes possess aqueous core and hence are able to carry water soluble drugs. Multilamellar liposomes can carry lipid soluble drugs. Liposomes have a polymeric coating which prevent its disintegration and hence give it steric stability. Drug molecules can be entrapped or attached to nanospheres for drug delivery purpose. Nanocapsules have central cavity for drug entrapment and its core can have aqueous or oily atmosphere. In this research work, chemotherapeutics, magnetic nanoparticles, fluorescence tag and albumin loaded microsphere was used for the treatment of breast cancer. The microsphere is made of biodegradable poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA). Albumin and magnetic nanoparticles are used to obtain targeted delivery. External magnetic field is used to guide and 2 accumulate microspheres in the tumor. Albumin itself drives the carriers towards tumor cells as tumor cells draw albumin for nutrition purpose. Use of polymeric microsphere has allowed controlled release of drugs. A combination of two types of drugs are used which are 5Fluorouracil (5-Fu) and cyclophosphamide. Characterization of the drug delivery system was done using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy. The release profile of drug was studied using high performane liquid chromatography. In-vitro and in-vivo study was carried out to observe the efficacy of treatment against breast cancer. 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW A lot of research is dedicated towards targeted drug delivery especially for cancer treatment. Most of these researches involve development of novel multifunctional drug delivery vehicles. Magnetic nanoparticles have opened novel pathways towards targeted drug delivery system, hyperthermia, magnetic resonance imaging and many other clinical applications [1-3]. Magnetic targeted drug delivery holds promising future for cancer treatment. Extensive research involving development of high momentum magnetic nanoparticle carriers is underway to overcome the constraints of magnetic targeted drug delivery such as decrease of magnetic field strength with increasing depth of target site [4]. Takeda et al successfully guided ferromagnetic particles through Y-shaped glass tubes by means of superconducting magnet [5]. The magnet was placed at a distance from the tube that is comparable with the distance between rat‟s vena cava and body surface. Ciofani et al developed alginate magnetic nanoparticles and loaded them into bovine serum albumin [6]. He used a bioreactor having two cell culture compartments to conduct experiments. He used a permanent magnet to accumulate nanoparticles in one compartment successfully. Mu et al developed magnetic hybrid emulsion droplets [7]. He fabricated polyanion/polycation multilayerencapsulated oil in water hybrid emulsion droplet cores. Drug molecules were loaded in the hybrid emulsion droplet. A controlled release profile was observed at pH 1.8. Goodrazi et al. fabricated homogeneous aqueous iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles and functionalized its surface with citric acid [8]. The carboxylate group provides possibility for further functionalization to be used as targeting and bioimaging agents. PLGA microparticles containing 4 magnetite nanocrystals and insulin were directed to gastrointestine by means of external magnetic field [9]. It was seen that there was substantial reduction in blood glucose level when these microparticles were administered in mice. The average microparticle size for 0, 2 and 5 wt% of magnetite was 4.6, 6.4 and 7.2 µm respectively. Insulin encapsulation efficiency was 68, 78 and 79% for the mentioned contents of magnetite. Water-in-oil-in water solvent evaporation technique was employed to produce the PLGA microparticles. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle was functionalized with Gum arabic [10]. Rhodamine B was grafted on the magnetic nanoparticle (RDB-GAMNP) and dexamethasone drug was conjugated to the RDB-GAMNP by means of photosensitive linker. Drug release was triggered by light source. Rutnakornpituk et al synthesized a drug loaded magnetic nanoparticle of approximately 9 nm in diameter [11]. The particle was coated with oleic acid followed by poly (ethylene glycol) methyl ether-poly (εcaprolactone) (mPEG-PCL). The particle had PCL hydrophobic inner shell and mPEG hydrophilic corona. It showed superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature with tunable drug release profile. Drug loaded magnetic nanocomposite spheres were fabricated using magnetite nanoparticles and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) by oil-in-oil emulsion/solvent evaporation technique [12]. The nanocomposite spheres containing magnetite were approximately 200 nm to 1.3 µm in diameter and they exhibited superparamagnetic behavior above the blocking temperature. This shows these nanocomposite spheres are potential drug delivery vehicle for magnetic targeted drug delivery. Asmatulu et al. reported influence of various parameters on magnetic guidance [13] Oh et al synthesized carbonized polypyrrole by pyrolysis of polypyrrole nanoparticles which was made by micelle templating in oil/water emulsion [14]. The nanoparticles were made to undergo heat treatment during when the nanoparticles turned into carbon nanoparticles and the doped iron cations into magnetic phase. 5 He studied the release profile of ibuprofen from these particles and observed that the particles exhibited sustained slow release because of higher surface area and pore volume. The particles possessed low toxicity when its concentration was lower than 100 µm/ml. Miscelle size is dependent on concentration of surfactant. Miscelle size decreases with increasing concentration of surfactant. The polypyrrole nanoparticle size was controlled by varying the concentration of DTAB and decyl alcohol. Avilé et al used magnetic implant to capture magnetic drug carrier particles [15]. Dexatran coated magnetic particles were used for seeding and polydivinylbenzene magnetite particles acted as magnetic drug carrier particles. A porous polyethylene cylinder was used as tissue capillary. A permanent magnet at a specific distance from the cylinder was used to capture the seeding particles which in turn increased the capturing efficiency of magnetic drug carrier particles. Thus it is possible to improve drug delivery from magnetic drug carrying vehicles at the targeted site which is deep within the body using magnetic implants. Rodrigo et al studied the use of permanent magnet as implant in the target organ to improve the efficacy of magnetic targeted drug delivery of anti-cancer drugs [16]. Wilson et al performed clinical study on four patients using magnetic targeted drug delivery and MRI [17]. In his study hepatocellular carcinoma was treated with magnetically targeted drug carrier having doxorubicin (MTC-DOX). A 5 kg magnet was placed on the patient‟s abdomen closest to the tumor to draw the drug carriers from vascular space to surrounding tumor tissues. Gelatin magnetic microspheres were synthesized by emulsification/cross-linking method [18]. Diclofenac sodium was loaded into it and it was delivered by intra-arterial injection to the target site using external magnet. Release profile of drugs from drug carriers is very important. Porous poly(lactic-coglycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres were fabricated to load simvastatin (SIM) drug [19]. Approximately 80% SIM encapsulation efficiency was achieved. About 18% of drug was 6 released between 1 to 2 days and then slow sustained release was observed. Lin et al encapsulated doxorubicin in PLGA microparticles by spray drying technique [20]. He improved the release characteristics of drug by using pluronic (PLU) and poly (L-Lactide) (PLLA) along with PLGA. Degradation rate of PLGA was reduced when the lactide/glycolide ratio was increased. PLLA/PLGA composite microparticles exhibited reduced release profile as PLLA formed a protective layer preventing fast release of drugs. Wei et al fabricated PLGA microspheres and loaded them with bovine serum albumin or human parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-34) [21]. The microspheres exhibited high encapsulation efficiency. He studied the degradation, protein loading and release kinetics of the PLGA 50:50 microspheres. The microspheres degraded rapidly after 3 weeks and there was detectable amount of PTH release within 24 hours. Studies have shown enhanced uptake and retention of albumin in tumor tissues [22, 23]. Stehle et al suggested that tumor nutrition is based on excessive plasma protein catabolism and that albumin can be a key source of nutrition for tumor proliferation [23]. Albumin is stable in pH 4-9, soluble in 40% ethanol and able to sustain itself at 60˚C for 10 hours [22]. It is preferentially taken up by tumor tissues and it is also biodegradable and non-toxic [22]. All these features make albumin a perfect drug delivery carrier for tumor treatment. Because of the same reasons albumin was used as a carrier to deliver methotrexate (MTX) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis [24]. Efficiency of treatment with MTX coupled to human serum albumin (HSA) in arthritic mice was studied [24]. It was found that MTX coupled with HSA exhibited effective treatment against arthritis compared to MTX only. Agarwal et al studied the use of MTX loaded solid-lipid nanoparticle conjugated with HSA to deliver MTX to brain [25]. He also observed accumulation of the conjugate in high concentration in cancer cells compared to plain 7 solid-lipid nanoparticle. Tumors and inflammatory cells harness amino acids and energy by metabolizing albumin [26]. Human serum albumin contains various functional groups on its hydrophilic surface as well as in hydrophobic binding pockets [26]. Thus hydrophobic molecules and drugs can bind to the hydrophobic binding sites of albumin molecule. Therefore albumin is a potential carrier to deliver drugs at target sites like tumor and inflammatory disease sites. It is also possible to achieve targeted drug delivery by means of targeting ligands. Alexis et al used anti-[human epidermal growth factor receptor 2] (HER-2) affibody as targeting ligand [27]. He conjugated anti-HER-2 affibody to poly (D, L lactic acid)-poly (ethylene glycol)maleimide (PLA-PEG-Mal) copolymer nanoparticle and encapsulated paclitaxel in it. This carrier can be used for drug delivery to HER-2 positive cell lines like SKBR-3 and SKOV-3. Aptamers are outstanding substitute to antibodies for targeted drug delivery. Cisplatin encapsulated liposome having aptamer conjugation have been reported [28]. Aptamer derived from AS1411 was used which possessed high affinity to nucleolin (NCL). The latter is overexpressed in various human disease sites such as breast cancer. Gold nanoparticles conjugated with aptamers can be used to detect cancer cells [29]. The aptamer used specifically bind to platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) which were overexpressed in certain cancer cells. This shows the potential of aptamers to be used as targeting ligands. In this research work a multifunctional novel microsphere made from poly(D L-lactideco-glycolide) (PLGA) has been developed for targeted drug delivery. It is loaded with two types of chemotherapeutics, cyclophosphamide and 5-Fluorouracil (5-Fu). It also contains magnetite nanoparticles and albumin for targeting purpose. Fluorescent agent is added to it for imaging. The microsphere has been characterized for all the components and its release rate is studied. Invitro and in-vivo tests are done to evaluate the efficacy of treatment against breast cancer. 8 CHAPTER 3 FABRICATION AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 3.1 Materials Poly(D L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA 50:50) (MW 7000-17000), Albumin from human serum (96-99%), Cyclophosphamide Monohydrate, 5-Fluorouracil minimum 99% TLC, 1,6Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene 98%, Petroleum Ether Spectrophotometric Grade, Paraffin Oil, Ammonium Hydroxide were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Figure 1 shows some of the materials used in the fabrication process. Hexanes Optima, Hydrochloric Acid (normality 12.1) were purchased from Fisher Scientific and Acetonitrile from ACROS ORGANICS. Span-80 was purchased from Fluka. Iron (II) chloride and iron (III) chloride were bought from Alfa Aesar. Figure 1. Some of the materials for PLGA microsphere fabrication 3.2 Fabrication of Magnetic Nanoparticle A solution of 1g iron (II) chloride (FeCl2.4H2O) in 25ml of 2M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was prepared. Another solution of 1.6g iron (III) chloride (FeCl3.6H2O) in 100ml of 2M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was made. Then these two solutions were mixed in a beaker and stirred with a magnetic bar for 10 minutes. After this 25ml of this solution was transferred to another beaker and stirred vigorously. During stirring 6ml of 30% ammonium hydroxide solution was 9 added dropwise by a syringe in 5 minutes. Figure 2 shows the drop wise addition of ammonium hydroxide solution. There would be formation of black nanoparticles as shown in figure 3. The magnetic stirring bar was removed and a strong Nd magnet was held underneath the beaker so that the black particles would settle down. The top liquid was decanted. Then 25 ml of DI water was added to prevent nucleation and growth. The Nd magnet was held underneath the beaker and when the particles settled down, water was decanted. This process was repeated five times to wash the particles. The resulting particles were iron oxide magnetite nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm in size. The schematic diagram for synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles are shown in figure 4. 2FeCl3 + FeCl2 + 8NH3 + 4H2O = Fe3O4 + 8NH4Cl Figure 2. Addition of ammonium hydroxide solution 10 Figure 3. Formation of magnetite nanoparticles FeCl2 solution in 2M HCl FeCl3 solution in 2M HCl 30% ammonium hydroxide solution Magnetite Nanoparticle Figure 4. Schematic for magnetite nanoparticle synthesis 3.3 Synthesis of Microsphere Magnetic nanocomposite spheres were fabricated using Poly(D L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and magnetic nanoparticles by oil-in-oil emulsion/solvent evaporation technique. The synthesis process consisted of two phases. First phase consisted of an acetonitrile system. In this phase required percentage of magnetite nanoparticle (13.5%) was added to 5ml acetonitrile and sonicated for 10 minutes with a probe sonicator in order to disperse it properly. Then 1.25% w/v 11 PLGA was added to the 5 ml solvent and sonicated for 5 minutes. Once PLGA dissolved, anticancer drugs (cyclophosphamide and 5-FU), albumin and fluorescent tag (1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5hexatriene) were added and the whole mixture was sonicated for another 15 minutes. The second phase consisted of paraffin oil and span-80 emulsifier. This phase was made by adding 0.2ml span-80 as a surfactant to 40ml of paraffin oil. The mixture was agitated by an overhead mixer at 8500 rpm. Then phase 1 was added dropwise to phase 2 and the mixture of the two phases were agitated for one and a half hour so that acetonitrile would evaporate and nanocomposite sphere would form. Figure 5 and 6 shows the schematic diagram for the fabrication process of nanocomposite sphere and the overhead mixer respectively. The composition of various components used is as follows: PLGA: 32% Magnetite: 13.5% Albumin: 28% Cyclophosphamide: 12.5% 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU): 12.5% Flourescence Tag: 1.5% 12 Figure 5. Oil in oil emulsion /solvent evaporation technique Figure 6. Overhead mixer at 8500 rpm 3.4 Separation of Nanocomposite Sphere The oil mixture was centifuged at 17000 rpm for 10 minutes at 10⁰C and the nanocomposite spheres were collected. Then they were washed twice with hexane containing 5% 13 petroleum ether and twice again with hexane only. After this hexane containing 5% carbon tetrachloride was added to the particles and sonicated in order to disperse the microspheres, then the mixture was filtered with 0.2 micron paper cloth. 3.5 Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) Spectroscopy of Nanocomposite Sphere In ATR system, a beam of infrared light is passed through its crystal so that there will be reflection at the internal surface in contact with the sample. The reflection results in an evanescent wave that travels through the sample. It is used to study chemistry of molecules. Its working principal is based on the fact that molecules absorb certain frequencies that correspond to their molecular structure. The frequency of the vibrating group or bond corresponds to the absorbed frequency. 3.6 In-vitro Tests This test gave insight about release profile of the drug carrier and its efficacy against cancer treatment. In-vitro test is carried out using 3T3 cells and breast cancer cells (MDA-486). The compositions of various components of the drug carrrier are same as mentioned in fabrication section. 3.6.1 In-vitro Test Using 3T3 Cells 20 mg of drug carrier was added to 1 ml of cell culture medium to make a suspension of 20 mg/ml and the suspension was incubated at 37°C. After 1 day incubation, the suspension was centrifuged and supernatant was collected and refrigerated at -20°C. Then 1 ml of fresh cell medium was added and it was incubated again. This process was repeated in order to collect supernatant for day 3 and 5. Approximately 40,000 3T3 cells per well per 100 μl of cell medium were cultured in 96 well plate. The plate was then incubated at 37°C overnight for cell 14 attachment to the well base. 500 μl of supernatant for day 1, 3 and 5 was added to separate tube wells in the first column followed by mixing. Then 250 μl of fresh medium was added to each of tube wells starting from second column. After this 250 μl of supernatant was trasferred from tube wells in first column to the next adjacent tube wells and this was continued in order to achieve 1:2 dilution. 100 μl of supernatant of various concentrations for day 1, 3 and 5 were added to the plate wells. The starting concentration for day 1, 3 and 5 was 2000 μg in 100 μl. After adding to the wells containing 100 μl of cell medium, the concentration changed to 2000 μg in 200 μl or 10 mg/ml. So for wells in a row the concentrations were 10 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, 2.5 mg/ml, 1.25 mg/ml, 0.625 mg/ml, 0.3125 mg/ml, 0.15625mg/ml, 0.078125 mg/ml, 0.0390625 mg/ml, 0.01953125 mg/ml, 0.009765625 mg/ml, and 0.004882813 mg/ml. The plate was incubated at 37°C for 7 days. For control experiment, two rows of the plate contained only fresh medium and no supernatant. Then 20 μl of MTT (3-(4,5 –Dimethylthiazol-2-YI)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) was added to each well and the plate was incubated again at 37°C for 6 hours. After incubation of 6 hours, all liquid from each well was carefully taken out using pipette. Then 200 μl of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added and the plate was incubated overnight. After that 150 μl of SDS from each well is trasferred to a well of a new plate. The optical density (OD) of the new plate is read at 590 nm. Figure 7 shows the plates for in-vitro test using 3T3 cells after the MTT test. 15 Figure 7. Plate for in-vitro test with 3T3 cells after MTT test 3.6.2 In-vitro Test Using Breast Cancer Cells (MDA-486) A suspension of 20mg/ml of drug carrier in cell medium was prepared as in the case of in-vitro test with 3T3 cells. The suspension was incubated at 37°C and after day 1 it was centrifuged. The supernatant was collected and stored in the refrigerater at -20°C and 1ml of fresh medium replaced the supernatant. This was repeated in order to collect supernatant for day 3, 5 and 7. Breast cancer cell was cultured in 96 well plate such that there would be approximately 20,000 cells per well in 100 μl of medium. The plate was incubated overnight for cell attachment. Then 500 μl of supernatant for day 1, 3, 5 and 7 was added to separate tube wells in the first column followed by mixing. After this 250 μl of fresh medium was added to tube wells starting from second column. Liquid from tube wells in first column was transferred to tubes in the next adjacent column. This was repeated to achieve 1:2 dilution. 100 μl of supernatant of various concentrations for day 1, 3, 5 and 7 was plate wells As discussed above the concentration of liquid for wells in a row were 10 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, 2.5 mg/ml, 1.25 mg/ml, 0.625 mg/ml, 0.3125 mg/ml, 0.15625mg/ml, 0.078125 mg/ml, 0.0390625 mg/ml, 16 0.01953125 mg/ml and 0.009765625 mg/ml. For control experiment, wells containing fresh medium were used. The plate was incubated for 6 days. Then 20 μl of MTT was added to all wells and the plate was incubated for 6 hours. The liquid from each well was removed by a pipette and 200 μl of 10% SDS was added. The plate was incubated overnight. 150 μl of SDS from each well is transferred to a well in new plate. The optical density was then read at 590 nm. Figure 8 shows the plate for this in-vitro test before incubation. Figure 8. Plate for in-vitro test with breast cancer cell before incubation 3.7 High Performance Liquid Chromatography High performance liquid chromatography is a type of liquid chromatography which separates components present in a solution. A solvent is forced through a column under high pressure. For normal phase HPLC, the column consists of silica particles and the solvent used is non-polar. When polar compounds pass through the column they become attracted to polar silica. So their flow is hindered. In case of non-polar compounds they will flow through the column quickly without hindrance. For reversed phase HPLC, the silica is made non-polar by means of long hydrocarbon chains attached to silica surface. In this case a polar solvent is used. When polar molecules pass through the column, there will be interaction with polar solvent but no 17 attraction to the non-polar silica which is the stationary phase. Therfore polar compounds will flow through the column quickly. For non-polar molecules there will be attraction to the hydrocarbon chains due to van-der-waals force. As a result they will travel slowly through the column. Figure 9 shows a schematic of HPLC system. Figure 9. Schematic for working principle of HPLC The time taken by a specific compound to flow through column is known as retention time. The retention time varies with various compounds. Apart from the type of compound, retention time depends on pump pressure, features of stationary phase, solvent and column temperature. There are many ways of detection but ultraviolet absorption is mostly used. The output is displayed as peaks and each peak represents a specific compound passing through the column. The retention time under controlled condition is unique for a specific compound and it can be used to identify a compound. The area under the peak is proportional to the amount of the compound in the injected sample. 18 Reversed phase HPLC was employed in this experiment to determine the release rate of drug from carrier. „VARIAN ProStar‟ HPLC system was used. A suspension of 10 mg drug carrier in 100 μl of 0.015M phosphate buffer (PBS) having pH 7.4 was prepared and left at room temperature. Then at specific interval of time the suspension was centrifuged and 30 μl of supernatant was collected and same amount of fresh PBS was replaced back into the suspension. HPLC was carried out using the supernatant collected after various interval of time. Cyclophosphamide was detected and the release rate of cyclophosphamide was determined. Based on the methodology followed by Kensler et al, HPLC for detecting cyclophosphamide was carried out [29]. The flow rate was set to 1 ml/min and sample volume injected was 10 μl. The mobile phase consisted of 70% water and 30% acetonitrile. Ultraviolet absorbance was used as the method of detection. The wavelength used was 205nm. Figure 10 shows the HPLC system used for this experiment. The configuration of column used is given below: Column: Bondclone 10µ C18, 10 micron 19 Figure 10. HPLC system used to measure the release profile of cyclophosphamide from microspheres 3.8 In-vivo Test This test was done in animal model to see the efficacy of the drug delivery system. Twenty nude mice were divided into five groups. Each group went through following treatment: Group 1: No treatment Group 2: Treatment with pure drug (combination of 5-Fu and cyclophosphamide) Group 3: Treatment with microspheres containing no drug Group 4: Treatment with microspheres containing drug Group 5: Treatment with microsheres containing drug and application of magnetic field One million breast cancer cells in 0.5 ml of cell medium was injected into each side of a mouse and allowed to grow for about a week. Figure 11(a) shows an image of tumor on a mouse before treatment. For group 2, a solution of 1.25 mg/ml for each drug was prepared by dissolving 18.75 20 mg of 5-Fu and 18.75 mg of cyclophosphamide into 15 ml of PBS. For group 3,4 and 5, 2mg of microspheres in 0.2 ml PBS was injected into each side of mouse near four points around tumor for first injection. For second, third and fourth injection, 4mg microspheres in 0.2 ml of PBS was injected into each side near four points around the tumor. For group 5 right after injection, small magnet was attached to the tumor by means of glue as shown in figure 11(b). Tumor size was observed for 17 days and then mice were sacrificed. After every two days the tumor size was measured. Most of the tumors were irregular in shape. The length which is the longest dimension, the width which is perpendicular to length and in the same plane and the height which is the distance between mouse‟s body and outer edge of tumor were measured. The tumor size was calculated using the formula below [31]: (3.1) According to Tomayko et al. the above formula correlates well with the mass of the tumor [31]. That is why it has been used to determine the tumor size. Figure 11. (a) Tumor on a mouse before starting treatment (b) Application of magnetic field using permanent magnet on tumor 21 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Characterization of Microsphere Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy of the nanocomposite sphere had been employed to examine whether the expected components were present. Figure 12(a) and (b) shows the molecular structure of 5-FU and cyclophosphamide respectively. The structure of PLGA is exhibited by figure 13. It can be seen that 5-FU contains C-F, C-N, C-H, C=O, C=C, CC and N-H bonds. Cyclophosphamide possesses C-C, C-H, C-O, P=O, P-O, P-N, N-H, C-N and C-Cl bonds. The structure of PLGA shows the presence of C-C, C=O, C-O and C-H bonds. Figure 12. Molecular configuration of (a) 5-FU and (b) Cyclophosphamide 22 Figure 13. Molecular configuration of PLGA The ATR spectroscopy of the nanocomposite sphere is shown in figure 14. At 460 cm-1 the bending vibration of Fe-O bond occurs [32]. Also at 570 cm-1, the Fe-O bond vibration occurs. When these are compared with the spectroscopy, peaks close to the above mentioned frequencies can be seen showing the presence of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in the nanocomposite sphere. The absorption frequencies for C-F and C-N are 960 to 1350 cm-1 and 1000 to 1350 cm1 respectively [33]. The spectroscopy shows peaks within these ranges as marked in figure 14. This indicated that both these bonds are present in the nanocomposite sphere. The absorption fraquency for C=C is between 1680 to 1640 cm-1 [33]. A clear peak at 1660.12 cm-1 can be seen in the obtained IR spectrum and hence this bond also exists in the nanocomposite sphere. Since C-F bond is only present in 5-FU, it can be said that 5-FU is present in the nanocomposite sphere. The absoprtion frequency for P=O bond is 1280cm-1 and that for P-O bond is 1155 cm-1 [34]. The spectrum below shows peaks approximately at those frequencies and hence both these bonds exist in the nanocomposite sphere indicating the presence of cyclophosphamide. The latter also contains C-Cl bond which has absorption frequeny between 500-800 cm-1 [33]. The peak at 815.32 cm-1 shows its presence. PLGA and 5-FU both contain C=O which has absorption peak 23 between 1760 to 1670 cm-1 [33]. A clear peak can be observed at 1754.71 cm-1 showing the existence of C=O bond. C-F or C-N C-Cl P=O C=O C=C Fe-O P---O __ __ __ _ Figure 14. ATR spectrum of nanocomposite sphere 4.2 In-vitro Test In-vitro test gave an estimation of drug release profile and also the concentration required for effective treatment. Figure 15 shows in-vitro result for 3T3 cells. It can be seen that most of the drug is released within day 3 as the OD reading is very low showing most of the cells are dead. Compared to the control experiment where the wells contained only medium, OD reading for day 5 is still lower showing some realease of drug. 24 In-Vitro Study on 3T3 cells 1.4 Optical Density 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Day 1 0.4 Day 3 0.2 Day 5 0 Medium Concentration (mg/ml) Figure 15. In-vitro test result using 3T3 cells It is also observed that OD readings for low concentrations of drugs are close to those of the medium. This shows that the treatment is not effective at low concentrations. The OD readings for day 3 and 5 are high and close to the corresponding readings for medium from concentrations 0.3125 mg/ml and below. The results using breast cancer cells are similar as shown in figure 16. 25 Optical Density In-vitro study using MDA 486 breast cancer cells 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7 Medium Concentration (mg/ml) Figure 16. In-vitro test result using MDA 486 breast cancer cells 4.3 Release Profile From High Performance Liquid Chromatography The rate of cyclophosphamide release from drug carrier is determined using HPLC. In order to determine the concentration of cyclophosphamide in the sample a calibration chart of concentration versus peak area is made by running HPLC using authentic samples at known concentrations. Figure 17 and 18 shows calibration graph and HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide. 26 Calibration chart for cyclophosphamide in PBS 3500 y = 300.34x R² = 0.9742 Area (mVolts*sec) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Concentration (mg/ml) Figure 17. Calibration chart of peak area versus concentration of cyclophosphamide in PBS Figure 18. HPLC peak for ctclophosphamide in PBS having 10 mg/ml concentration The peak area for the sample and calibration chart are used to determine the concentration of cyclophosphamide in the collected sample. Appendix A shows the HPLC reults for authentic as well as experimental samples. Apendix A also shows the calculation for concentration of 27 cyclophosphamide in the collected sample at various time interval. Figure 19 and 20 exhibit the cumulative release rate of cyclophosphamide and trypical HPLC peak respectively. Cumulative Concentration (mg/ml) Release of Cyclophosphamide 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (hr) Figure 19. Cumulative release profile of cyclophosphamide from microsphere Figure 20. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in the sample collected after 1 hour 28 It can be seen from the release rate graph that drug is released very fast within 12 hours showing burst release. Then the release rate slows down a lot. In order to calculate the percentage release of drug at various time interval a solution of 10 mg drug carrier in 100 μl of acetonitrile was prepared and the solution was vortexed. PLGA dissolved in acetonitrile releasing approximately all the encapsulated drug. The solution was centrifuged and the supernatant was collected. HPLC was carried out using the supernatant to determine the approximate total amount of drug in 10 mg of drug carrier. In order to determine the appriximate total amount of drug, a calibration chart for various concentrations of cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile was prepared. Figure 21, 22, 23 and 24 exhibit calibration chart for cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile, typical HPLC peak for authentic sample using acetonitrile as solvent, cumulative percentage release rate of cyclophosphamide from drug carrier and typical HPLC peak for experimental sample in acetonitrile. Area (mVolts*sec) Calibration chart for cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 y = 383.28x R² = 0.9553 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Concentration (mg/ml) Figure 21. Calibration chart of peak area versus concentration of cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile 29 Figure 22. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile having 10mg/ml concentration Cumulative Percentage Release Percentage Release of Cyclophosphamide 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (hr) Figure 23. Cumulative percentage release of cyclophosphamide from microsphere 30 Figure 24. HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide in collected supernatant with acetonitrile as solvent It can be seen from the percentage release graph that approximately 77% cyclophosphamide is released within 12 hours and rest of the drug is released very slowly. Figure 25 shows a schematic of the release mechanism from PLGA microspheres. At first a burst release of drug occurs due to drug on surface layer [20]. This is evident from the release profile. Then there will be slow release mainly due to diffusion as can be seen from the release rate graph and finally there will be second burst release due to rapid degradation of the microsphere [20]. The final stage is not observed in the release profile graph because the release study was only for 72 hours. Further study over long time period is required in order to see the last stage. 31 Figure 25. Release mechanism from PLGA microsphere 4.4 In-vivo Study The in-vivo test was carried out using nude mice for 17 days and during this period the tumor size was monitored. Figure 26 shows how the tumor size of various experimental groups varied with time. For experimental group treated with microspheres containing no drug, the tumor size increased continuously, showing that except for the chemotherapeutic all other materials were not as the drugs. For the group treated with pure chemotherapeutic, the tumor size decreased only during the time of treatment that is during the first eight days. After stopping the treatment tumor size increased again for this group. For groups treated with microspheres containing drugs, tumor size followed a decreasing trend throughout the experiment. For these two groups there were continuous release of drug from the microspheres into the tumor. Drug is continuously released from the microspheres over a long period by diffusion after first burst release. As a result cancer cells are exposed to chemotherapeutic over longer period than the group treated with pure drug. The tumor size for the control group which was not treated continued to increase. 32 Figure 26. Variation of tumor size at different time intervals The tumor size for the group treated with microspheres containing drug and application of magnetic field is slightly smaller when compared with tumor size of the group treated with microspheres containing drugs and no application of magnetic field. This is shown in figure 27. The reason for not observing a major difference was that particles were injected into the tumor underneath the skin and they did not diffuse into the blood stream. Magnetic field will improve the efficacy of treatment a lot when the particles will be injected into blood stream. Magnetic field on the tumor will cause microspheres to concentrate in the tumor. Thus the release of drug from most microspheres will take place inside the tumor. Figure 28, 29, 30 31 and 32 shows 33 some images of mice from various groups during different time interval of the experiment. Appendix B shows in-vivo test data and images of mice during the experiment. Tumor Size (mm3) Variation of tumor size with time 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Tumor + Particle with drug Tumor + Particle with drug + Magnet 0 5 10 15 20 Days Figure 27. Variation of tumor size at dufferent time intervals for the groups treated with microspheres containing chemotherpeutics Figure 28. Tumor on mouse from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 29. Tumor on mouse from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 34 Figure 30. Tumor on mouse from group 3 (treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 31. Tumor on mouse from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 32. Tumor on mouse from group 5 (treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 For the groups 4 and 5 some mice exhibited necrosis around the tumor. It has been assumed that necrosis is caused by cyclophosphamide. Necrosis was more evident in group 5 where two mice died due to excessive tissue damage. The slow continuous release of drug and accumulation of drug carrier at the site of magnetic field application led to very high concentration of cyclophosphamide in and around the tumor leading to necrosis. No necrosis was observed for group 2 where pure drug was administered. Pure drug administration causes rapid diffusion of drug and thus its concentration was not high enough in the tumor to cause necrosis. This shows 35 that with proper dose of drug in the carrier it is possible to obtain effective treatment. Moreover the drug carriers were administered subcutaneously for ease of experiment. So the high concentration of drug easily led to necrosis. Figure 33 shows necrotic site of a mouse from group 4. Necrotic Region Figure 33. Necrotic site on a mouse from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) 4.5 Histology Study The hostology slides for tumors were studied. The results seemed consistent with other experiments. It was observed that tumors from group 1 which was untreated possessed more live cancer cells compared to the treated ones (group 2, 4 and 5). This is exhibited in figure 34, 35, 36 and 37. It was seen that tumors treated with microspheres containing drugs had less healthy cancer cells when compared the one treated with pure chemotherapeutic. This shows that treatment with microsphere is more effective than pure chemotherapeutic. Figure 38 shows the tumor sections from the group treated with microspheres without drugs. There seemed to be some dead and unhealthy cells in this case too revealing some toxicity of the microsphere itself. 36 Figure 34. Left side tumor sections of different mice from group 1 (untreated) at 10X magnification Figure 35. Tumor section of different mice from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherapeutic) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side 37 Figure 36. Tumor sections of different mice from group 4 (treated with microspheres containing drugs) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 37. Tumor sections of different mice from group 5 (treated with microspheres containing drugs + magnetic field) at 10X magnification (a) Right side (b) Right side 38 Figure 38. Tumor sections of different mice from group 3 (treated with microspheres containing no drugs) at 10X magnification (a) Left side (b) Right side With the software Image Pro 7.0, the area of the whole tumor and the area of live cell regions in the tumor were measured as shown in figures 39 and 40. Appendix C shows the images of tumors and the areas considered to be containing live cells for all groups. Then percentage live cells in each tumor was calculated using the formula given below: (4.1) 39 Live cancer cell regions Figure 39. Left side tumor section of a mouse from group 1 (untreated) at 4X magnification Live cancer cell regions Figure 40. Right side tumor section of a mouse from group 4 (treated with chemotherpeutics) at 4X magnification For group 5, two mice did not survive the entire treatment period. So the tumors possessed by them were not taken into account in the above mentioned calculation. Since the areas of live cells calls for personal judgement, these values are approximate. Figure 41 exhibits the variation of percentage live cancer cells in tumor for different treatments. It is evident that percentage live 40 cells for tumor treated with microsphere containing drugs is far less than the one treated with pure chemotherapeutics only. This confirms better efficacy of treatment using these microsperes. Percentage Area of Live Cells for different Treatments 100 90 Percentage Live Cells 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Untreated Pure Chemotherapeutic Microsphere without Drugs Microsphere with Drugs Microsphere with Drugs + Magnetic Field Figure 41. Variation of percentage live cells for different treatments The percentage live cells for tumor treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs was slighly more than the one treated with only microspheres containing drugs. This contradicts the result obtained from tumor size measurements. This discrepancy can be accounted by the fact that only three tumor sections for each tumor was observed and the one that best represents all three sections was used in this calculation. The sample size for group 5 histology study was less. Also the results from tumor size measurement were very close which was also the case for the percentage live cells. 41 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this research work a novel drug delivery system was used for treatment against breast cancer. The objective behind this work is to limit spreading of chemotherapy and achieve targeted treatment. The targeting is achieved using magnetic field and albumin. The drug delivery system consists of PLGA microspheres containing iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle, albumin, fluorescent agent, chemotherapeutics (5Fu and cyclophosphamide). Magnetic nanoparticles and albumin act as targeting agents. Albumin is attracted to cancer cells and this causes the the microspheres to accumulate into the tumor. Application of external magnetic field on the tumor attract magnetic nanoparticles causing microspheres to accumulate in the tumor. Thus release of chemotherpuetic takes place inside the tumor. Also the continuous release of drugs, at first burst release followed by slow release due to diffusion prevent rapid diffusion of drugs away from the tumor site. This also leads to effective treatment. ATR study on the microspheres showed that all the expected components are present. Absorption peaks for Fe-O shows the presence of iron oxide. Peaks for P=O and C-F exhibits the presence of both the chemotherapeutic. In-vitro test is carried out using 3T3 and also breast cancer cells. It was observed that most of the drug is released within first three days. With decreasing concentration of drug the effectiveness of treatment was drastically reduced. For low conccentrations of drugs, the OD readings were similar the the control experiment which involved only cell medium and no chemotherapeutic. The release profile of cyclophosphamide from microspheres was studied by means of HPLC. The HPLC peak for cyclophosphamide was around 6 to 6.5 minutes. Around 77% of drug was released within first 12 hours which was due 42 to the burst release. Then there was very slow release which was due to diffusion. From in-vivo test results it was observed that the tumor size continued to increase in case of the group that did not undergo any treatment and also for the group treated with microspheres containing no chemotherapeutics. For the group treated with microspheres containing chemotherapeutics a drastic decrease in tumor size was observed and it continued to decrease even after the treatment was stopped. A better control over drug release needs to be achieved in the future. It would be great if most drug is not released during the burst release as in this case. Better manipulation of the polymer will yield much better controlled release than the one observed in this case. The release profile of 5 Fu from PLGA microspheres still needs to be studied. Histology study involving organs like liver and lungs need to be studied to observe the effect of chemotherapeutics on them. This would also help to know whether controlled release mechanism and targeted delivery were successful in limiting diffusion of chemotherapeutics away from tumor site. Other active targeting agents can be incorporated to achieve better targeted treatment. 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HPLC peak for solution of 0.625 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for first run Figure 51. HPLC peak for solution of 0.625 mg/ml of cyclophosphamide in PBS for second run 53 Figure 52. HPLC peak for 1 hour sample for first run Figure 53. HPLC peak for 1 hour sample for second run 54 Figure 54. HPLC peak for 2 hour sample for first run Figure 55. HPLC peak for 2 hour sample for second run 55 Figure 56. HPLC peak for 4 hour sample for first run Figure 57. HPLC peak for 4 hour sample for second run 56 Figure 58. HPLC peak for 8 hour sample for first run Figure 59. HPLC peak for 8 hour sample for second run 57 Figure 60. HPLC peak for 12 hour sample for first run Figure 61. HPLC peak for 12 hour sample for second run 58 Figure 62. HPLC peak for 24 hour sample for first run Figure 63. HPLC peak for 24 hour sample for second run 59 Figure 64. HPLC peak for 72 hour sample for first run Figure 65. HPLC peak for 72 hour sample for second run 60 Figure 66. HPLC peak for 10 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run Figure 67. HPLC peak for 10 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run 61 Figure 68. HPLC peak for 5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run Figure 69. HPLC peak for 5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run 62 Figure 70. HPLC peak for 2.5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run Figure 71. HPLC peak for 2.5 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run 63 Figure 72. HPLC peak for 1.25 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run Figure 73. HPLC peak for 1.25 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run 64 Figure 74. HPLC peak for 0.625 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for first run Figure 75. HPLC peak for 0.625 mg/ml cyclophosphamide in acetonitrile for second run 65 Figure 76. HPLC peak of cyclophosphamide for 100 mg/ml drug carrier in acetonitrile for first run Figure 77. HPLC peak of cyclophosphamide for 100 mg/ml drug carrier in acetonitrile for second run 66 TABLE 1 DATA FOR CALIBRATION CHART OF CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE IN PBS Concentration (mg/ml) 10 5 2.5 1.25 0.625 Area 1 (mVolts*sec) 2759 1738 977 448 192 Area 2 (mVolts*sec) 2906 1754 850 436 177 Average Area (mVolts*sec) 2832.5 1746 913.5 442 184.5 STD 103.9446968 11.3137085 89.80256121 8.485281374 10.60660172 TABLE 2 DATA FOR CONCENTRATION OF CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE IN THE PBS SAMPLE Time (hours) 1 2 4 8 12 24 72 Area 1 (mVolts*sec) 303 239 178 147 110 85.7 71.3 Concentration 1 (mg/ml) 0.9999 0.7887 0.5874 0.4851 0.363 0.28281 0.23529 Area 2 (mVolts*sec) 285 233 172 140 113 83.3 71.2 Concentration 2 (mg/ml) 0.9405 0.7689 0.5676 0.462 0.3729 0.27489 0.23496 Calculation for determining the cumulative drug concentration data for release profile: Relation between area and concentration for cyclophosphamide in PBS: Based on above formula the followings are calculated: Calculation for 1 hour sample: Run 1: Concentration of drug in 1 hour sample: Run 2: Concentration of drug in 1 hour sample: Calculation for 2 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = = 0.029997 mg 67 Amount of drug in 100 µl of 2 hour sample = = 0.07887 mg Total amount of drug that should be in 100 µl of 2 hour sample = 0.029997 + 0.07887 = 0.108867 mg Actual concentration for 2 hour sample = 0.108867/0.1=1.08867 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = = 0.028215 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 2 hour sample = = 0.07689 mg Total amount of drug that should be in 100 µl of 2 hour sample = 0.028215 + 0.07689 = 0.105105 mg Actual concentration for 2 hour sample = 0.105105/0.1=1.05105 mg/ml Calculation for 4 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.029997 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.023661 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 4 hour sample = = 0.05874 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 4 hour sample: 0.029997 + 0.023661+ 0.05874 = 0.112398 mg Actual concentration of 4 hour sample = 0.112398/0.1 = 1.12398 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.028215 mg 68 Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.023067 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 4 hour sample = = 0.05676 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 4 hour sample: 0.028215 + 0.023067 + 0.05676 = 0.108042 mg Actual concentration of 4 hour sample = 0.108042 /0.1 = 1.08042 mg/ml Calculation for 8 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.029997 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023661 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.017622 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 8 hour sample = = 0.04851 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 8 hour sample: 0.029997 + 0.023661 + 0.017622 + 0.04851 = 0.11979 mg Actual concentration of 8 hour sample = 0.11979/0.1 = 1.1979 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.028215 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023067 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 69 = 0.017028 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 8 hour sample = = 0.0462 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 8 hour sample: 0.028215 + 0.023067 + 0.017028 + 0.0462 = 0.11451 mg Actual concentration of 8 hour sample = 0.11451/0.1 = 1.1451 mg/ml Calculation for 12 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.029997 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023661 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017622 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.014553 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 12 hour sample = = 0.0363 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 12 hour sample: 0.029997 + 0.023661 + 0.017622 + 0.014553 + 0.0363 = 0.122133 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.122133/0.1 = 1.22133 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.028215 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023067 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017028 mg 70 Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.01386 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 12 hour sample = = 0.03729 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 12 hour sample: 0.028215 + 0.023067 + 0.017028 + 0.01386 + 0.03729 = 0.11946 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.11946 /0.1 = 1.1946 mg/ml Calculation for 24 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.029997 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023661 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017622 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = 0.014553 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 12 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.01089 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 24 hour sample = = 0.028281 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 24 hour sample: 0.029997 + 0.023661 + 0.017622 + 0.014553 + 0.01089 + 0.028281 =0.125004 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.125004/0.1 = 1.25004 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.028215 mg 71 Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023067 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017028 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = 0.01386 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 12 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.011187 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 24 hour sample = = 0.027489 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 24 hour sample: 0.028215 + 0.023067 + 0.017028 + 0.01386 + 0.011187 + 0.027489 = 0.120846 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.120846/0.1 = 1.20846 mg/ml Calculation for 72 hour sample: Run 1: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.029997 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023661 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017622 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = 0.014553 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 12 hour sample that is taken out = 0.01089 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 24 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.0084843 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 72 hour sample = = 0.023529 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 72 hour sample: 0.029997 + 0.023661 + 0.017622 + 0.014553 + 0.01089 + 0.0084843 + 0.023529 72 =0.1287363 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.1287363/0.1 = 1.287363 mg/ml Run 2: Amount of drug in 30 µl of the first hour sample that is taken out = 0.028215 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 2 hour sample that is taken out = 0.023067 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 4 hour sample that is taken out = 0.017028 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 8 hour sample that is taken out = 0.01386 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 12 hour sample that is taken out = 0.011187 mg Amount of drug in 30 µl of the 24 hour sample that is taken out = = 0.0082467 mg Amount of drug in 100 µl of 72 hour sample = = 0.023496 mg Total amount of drug that should be present in 100 µl of 72 hour sample: 0.028215 + 0.023067 + 0.017028 + 0.01386 + 0.011187 + 0.0082467 + 0.023496 =0.1250997 mg Actual concentration of 12 hour sample = 0.1250997 /0.1 = 1.250997 mg/ml TABLE 3 CUMULATIVE CONCENTRATION OF CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE IN PBS SAMPLE Time (hours) 0 1 2 4 8 12 Cumulative Concentration (mg/ml) 0 0.9999 1.08867 1.12398 1.1979 1.22133 0 0.9405 1.05105 1.08042 1.1451 1.1946 73 Average Concentration (mg/ml) 0 0.9702 1.06986 1.1022 1.1715 1.207965 STD 0 0.042002143 0.026601357 0.030801571 0.037335238 0.018900964 TABLE 3 (continued) Time (hours) Cumulative Concentration (mg/ml) 24 72 1.25004 1.287363 1.20846 1.250997 Average Concentration (mg/ml) 1.22925 1.26918 STD 0.0294015 0.025714645 TABLE 4 DATA FOR CALIBRATION CHART OF CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE IN ACETONITRILE Concentration (mg/ml) 10 5 2.5 1.25 0.625 Area 1 (mVolts*sec) 3517 2076 1349 787 464 Area 2 (mVolts*sec) 3846 1794 1298 773 434 Average Area (mVolts*sec) 3681.5 1935 1323.5 780 449 STD 232.638131 199.4041123 36.06244584 9.899494937 21.21320344 TABLE 5 DATA FOR CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE FROM 100MG/ML SUSPENSION OF DRUG CARRIER IN ACETONITRILE Area 1 (mVolts*sec) 627 Concentration 1 (mg/ml) 1.635879775 Area 2 (mVolts*sec) 574 Formula for percentage release of cyclophosphamide: 74 Concentration (mg/ml) 1.497599666 TABLE 6 DATA FOR CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGE RELEASE OF CYCLOPHOSPHAMMIDE IN PBS Time (hours) 0 1 2 4 8 12 24 72 Concentration Percentage Concentration Percentage Average 1 (mg/ml) Release 2 (mg/ml) Release Percentage Release 0 0 0 0 0 0.9999 61.123 0.9405 62.800 61.962 1.08867 66.550 1.05105 70.182 68.366 1.12398 68.708 1.08042 72.143 70.426 1.1979 73.227 1.1451 76.462 74.845 1.22133 74.659 1.1946 79.768 77.213 1.25004 76.414 1.20846 80.693 78.553 1.287363 78.695 1.250997 83.533 81.114 75 STD 0 1.186116 2.568775 2.429239 2.287988 3.612422 3.02585 3.420996 APPENDIX B IMAGES OF TUMORS FROM IN-VIVO TEST Figure 78. Left side tumor on mouse (723) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 79. Right side tumor on mouse (723) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 80. Left side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 76 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 81. Right side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 82. Left side tumor on mouse (725) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 Figure 83. Right side tumor on mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 77 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 84. Left side tumor on mouse (726) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 85. Right side tumor on mouse (726) from group 1(untreated) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 86. Left side tumor on mouse (727) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 87. Right side tumor on mouse (727) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 78 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 88. Left side tumor on mouse (728) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 89. Right side tumor on mouse (728) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 90. Left side tumor on mouse (729) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 91. Right side tumor on mouse (729) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 79 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 92. Left side tumor on mouse (730) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 93. Right side tumor on mouse (730) from group 2 (treated with pure chemotherpeutics) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 94. Left side tumor on mouse (731) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 95. Right side tumor on mouse (731) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 80 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 96. Left side tumor on mouse (732) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 97. Right side tumor on mouse (732) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 98. Left side tumor on mouse (733) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 99. Right side tumor on mouse (733) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 81 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 100. Left side tumor on mouse (734) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 101. Right side tumor on mouse (734) from group 3 (treated with microsphere without drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 102. Left side tumor on mouse (735) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 103. Right side tumor on mouse (735) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 82 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 104. Left side tumor on mouse (736) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 105. Right side tumor on mouse (736) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 106. Left side tumor on mouse (737) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 107. Right side tumor on mouse (737) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 83 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 108. Left side tumor on mouse (738) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 109. Right side tumor on mouse (738) from group 4 (treated with microsphere containing drugs) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 110. Left side tumor on mouse (739) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 111. Right side tumor on mouse (739) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 84 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 112. Left side tumor on mouse (740) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 Figure 113. Right side tumor on mouse (740) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 Figure 114. Left side tumor on mouse (741) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 85 APPENDIX B (continued) Figure 115. Right side tumor on mouse (741) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 (c) Day 10 (d) Day 17 Figure 116. Left side tumor on mouse (742) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 Figure 117. Right side tumor on mouse (742) from group 5 (treated with microsphere containing drugs + magnetic field) (a) Day 1 (b) Day 3 86 TABLE 7 DATA FOR TUMOR SIZE AT VARIOUS TIME INTERVALS No. of days Type of treat ment 1 3 6 8 10 13 15 17 Volume of tumor (mm3) Untre ated Pur e dru gs Micros phere without drugs Micros phere with drugs 6.610 4 10.57 02 17.23 51 21.81 66 26.09 27 44.85 5 52.88 35 61.52 29 7.2 322 5.4 323 5.0 396 3.7 961 5.9 232 4.7 778 6.8 068 9.2 939 6.7495 8.2794 6.8395 4.7124 10.864 7 13.220 9 14.791 7 23.529 2 35.081 1 44.178 6 2.6834 1.6690 0.8181 0.8399 0.7418 0.7106 Standard deviation Micros Untre phere ated with drugs + magnet ic field 5.3096 1.299 6 4.6919 1.238 1 2.4871 3.641 5 1.6362 3.559 4 0.6218 6.081 7 0.4581 13.50 98 0.3927 14.87 98 0.1963 20.95 43 87 Pur e dru gs Micros phere without drugs Micros phere with drugs 1.5 265 1.4 883 1.4 617 1.0 405 2.3 600 1.1 800 1.4 696 2.2 258 1.8218 2.4842 Micros phere with drugs + magnet ic field 1.2390 2.1225 1.3505 0.9337 3.0872 0.6558 0.7252 4.1455 0.4360 0.4122 4.5484 0.1536 0.3772 8.3589 0.3005 0.2581 9.8031 0.1993 0.2581 13.637 4 0.2112 0.0756 TABLE 8 DATA FOR IN-VITRO TEST WITH 3T3 CELLS Concentr ation (mg/ml) Day 1 release Average Day 3 release Average Day 5 release Average Medium Average 10 5 2.5 1.2 5 0.0 5 0.0 60 0.0 55 0.0 45 0.0 48 0.0 47 0.4 79 0.3 89 0.4 34 1.1 40 1.1 84 1.1 62 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 43 0.0 48 0.0 66 0.0 57 0.5 31 0.4 05 0.4 68 1.0 07 1.2 64 1.1 35 0.0 41 0.0 53 0.0 47 0.0 73 0.0 90 0.0 82 0.6 52 0.5 78 0.6 15 1.0 36 1.1 37 1.0 87 0.0 45 0.0 42 0.0 44 0.3 02 0.2 46 0.2 74 0.7 36 0.6 23 0.6 80 0.9 68 1.1 12 1.0 40 0.6 25 0.0 44 0.0 47 0.0 46 0.5 02 0.5 41 0.5 21 0.8 43 0.7 00 0.7 71 1.0 55 1.1 55 1.1 05 0.31 25 0.04 2 0.04 3 0.04 3 0.60 6 0.65 4 0.63 0 0.77 9 0.86 7 0.82 3 0.91 0 1.08 2 0.10 0 0.15 625 0.078 125 0.039 063 0.019 531 0.009 766 0.004 883 0.071 0.084 0.198 0.644 0.778 0.874 0.061 0.055 0.387 0.569 0.743 0.805 0.066 0.069 0.293 0.606 0.760 0.840 0.697 0.756 0.851 1.026 1.048 1.137 0.691 0.696 0.764 0.949 0.921 1.069 0.694 0.726 0.807 0.987 0.984 1.103 0.905 1.159 1.019 1.026 1.156 0.975 1.013 1.010 0.935 0.988 1.147 1.167 0.959 1.084 0.977 1.007 1.152 1.071 1.163 1.141 1.051 1.121 1.124 1.013 1.069 1.104 1.071 1.099 1.016 0.988 1.116 1.123 1.061 1.110 1.070 1.000 88 TABLE 9 DATA FOR IN-VITRO TEST WITH BREAST CANCER CELLS Concentra tion (mg/ml) Day 1 release Average Day 3 release Average Day 5 release Average Day 7 release Average Medium Average 10 5 0.0 74 0.0 86 0.0 80 0.0 73 0.0 87 0.0 80 0.9 25 0.8 36 0.8 81 1.5 59 1.5 19 1.5 39 1.6 99 2.1 14 1.9 07 0.0 88 0.0 86 0.0 87 0.0 96 0.0 97 0.0 96 1.0 86 1.1 63 1.1 24 1.6 72 1.5 93 1.6 32 2.1 14 1.5 58 1.8 36 2.5 0.0 78 0.0 82 0.0 80 0.1 87 0.1 98 0.1 92 1.5 44 1.5 23 1.5 34 1.7 50 1.6 01 1.6 75 2.0 55 2.0 44 2.0 49 1.2 5 0.0 86 0.0 81 0.0 83 0.4 52 0.4 69 0.4 61 1.5 87 1.5 19 1.5 53 1.6 06 1.6 07 1.6 07 2.2 27 1.1 78 1.7 02 0.6 25 0.08 5 0.08 8 0.08 6 0.72 6 0.64 2 0.68 4 1.69 7 1.66 4 1.68 0 1.71 3 1.56 1 1.63 7 2.10 3 2.20 8 2.15 6 0.31 25 0.156 25 0.0781 25 0.0390 63 0.0195 31 0.0097 66 0.055 0.121 0.358 0.621 1.151 1.408 0.108 0.124 0.342 0.945 1.180 1.696 0.081 0.122 0.350 0.783 1.165 1.552 0.923 1.071 1.866 1.591 1.421 1.942 0.827 0.915 1.387 2.330 1.829 1.935 0.875 0.993 1.626 1.961 1.625 1.938 1.756 1.511 1.546 1.192 1.277 1.196 1.506 1.697 1.750 1.675 1.830 1.508 1.631 1.604 1.648 1.433 1.554 1.352 1.447 1.934 1.755 1.643 3.059 1.708 1.506 1.314 1.621 1.666 1.485 1.632 1.477 1.624 1.688 1.654 2.272 1.670 1.759 1.989 1.845 2.080 2.357 1.732 1.877 2.212 2.385 3.038 2.273 2.538 1.818 2.101 2.115 2.559 2.315 2.135 89 APPENDIX C HISTOLOGY IMAGES OF TUMORS Figure 118. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (723) from group 1(untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 119. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (724) from group 1(untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side 90 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 120. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (726) from group 1(untreated) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 121. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (727) from group 2(treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side 91 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 122. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (728) from group 2(treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 123. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (729) from group 2(treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side 92 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 124. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (730) from group 2(treated with pure chemotherapeutics) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 125. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (731) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side 93 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 126. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (732) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 127. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (733) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side 94 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 128. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (734) from group 3(treated with microspheres containing no drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 129. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (735) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side 95 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 130. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (736) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side Figure 131. Tumor sections at 4X magnification of the same mouse (737) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) (a) Left side (b) Right side 96 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure132. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (738) from group 4(treated with microspheres containing drugs) Figure 133. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (739) from group 5(treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) 97 APPENDIX C (continued) Figure 134. Right side tumor section at 4X magnification of the same mouse (741) from group 5(treated with magnetic field and microspheres containing drugs) TABLE 10 DATA FOR PERCENTAGE LIVE CANCER CELLS IN TUMORS Treatment Type Untreated Pure Chemotherapeutics Microspheres without Chemotherapeutics Total Tumor Area (µm2) 2940198 3515143 3502046 3517055 3347443.7 3502675 2703230 2356861 2639058 3093948 1476795 2965149 3398283 2959196 1234708 734062.8 3419295 3235183 3456158 Area of Live Cancer Cells (µm2) 2528280 2956097 3421721 2886227 3347443.7 2583129.5 737430.3371 651252.4756 595458.9267 584961.9375 548146.3945 1006960.665 2221409.715 785470.397 741873.7877 485972.4424 1884312.459 1732575.728 973617.4617 98 Percentage Live Cells 85.9901 84.0961 97.7063 82.0637 100 73.7473 27.2796 27.6322 22.5633 18.9067 37.1173 33.9599 65.3686 26.5434 60.085 66.2031 55.1082 53.5542 28.1705 Average Percentage Live Cells 87.267 STD 4.4391 32.4214 5.4841 53.6538 4.6907 TABLE 10 (continued) Treatment Type Microspheres without Chemotherapeutics Microspheres with Chemotherapeutics Microspheres with Chemotherapeutics + Magnetic Field Total Tumor Area (µm2) 3458801 2449912.8 2593785 2978922 3098511 3493042 3470712 1984066 1063623 2947139 3509448 2978337 Area of Live Cancer Cells (µm2) 1514495.845 1425608.337 1663459.486 299189.163 454855.6392 1012975.519 532871.988 446055.7353 136077.9952 882012 701457.2444 869866.3882 99 Percentage Live Cells 43.7867 58.1902 64.1324 10.0435 14.6798 28.9998 15.3534 22.4819 12.7938 29.9277 19.9877 29.2064 Average Percentage Live Cells 19.1829 24.5971 STD 3.2575 6.5187