Student Affairs and Academic Support Hire Above Minimum Guidelines (HAM) What is a HAM? An individual who is exceptionally qualified (has training and/or experience which significantly exceeds the minimum training and experience established for the position) may be hired above the minimum of the pay band. Prior to making a salary offer, submit a HR 27 to Salary Administration who will determine the appropriateness of the salary being requested based on the following: 1. The applicant’s education, training or experience which exceeds the minimum requirements for the position. 2. The employment characteristics of the position to include: a) Recruiting difficulties associated with filling the position. b) Specialized/technical or unique nature of the position. c) Identified differences in market or occupational rates of pay. 3. The salaries of current employees in similar positions for equity considerations. Should I consider a HAM for my candidate? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Does the applicant exceed minimum advertised requirements? Was this position difficult to fill? How long was it advertised? ____________months How many applicants were in your pool? _____________ How many people were interviewed? ______________ Is this position located in a high geographic location? E.g. Admissions counselor in California Yes No N/A Is this position in a highly specialized field? Does the applicant possess education, training, experience, skills, certifications that are unique to the position? E.g Banner Training, Peoplesoft experience Is the applicant current making above the minimum posted salary? Will the requested salary create equity problems with others in the same classification within your department? If yes, stop equity problems must be addressed before continuing. Note: If you are unable to answer yes to at least one of questions 1-5 a hire above is unlikely to be approved. If this prevents you from recruiting qualified candidates for your position you may consider revising the position description and reclassifying the position or recruiting at a different rate within the current classification. After answering the above questions do you still believe it is necessary to hire the candidate above the minimum starting salary? Yes ☐ No ☐ How do I determine percentages? Although determining percentages is not an exact science, a general rule of thumb is up to 5% for each year of directly related education, and experience OVER the minimum, for example if the minimum is a bachelor’s degree and 2 years’ experience, a master’s degree alone would not be considered for a hire above because the master’s degree is equal to two years of experience. Up to 5% for certifications and specific job related licenses and roughly 2% to 3% for each year of experience or education not directly related to the position. Percentages over 15% require approval from the State Fiscal Accountability Authority (SFAA) formerly the Budget and Control Board. It is not a standard practice to send approvals to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority and rarely done. Calculating Rates Starting Salary Requested Salary Minimum qualifications Years of education above minimum or directly related certificate or license Years of directly related experience above the minimum Years of indirectly related experience Percentage over minimum offering Example $31,805 $36,575 Masters degree in Student Personnel Services or related field, or bachelor's degree and 2 years related experience. 2 years [10%] Candidate 1 year [5%] 6 years [6%] 15% [based on departmental budget and candidate qualifications asking for the maximum without going to SFAA] What should I include in the HAM request? Completed HR27 Job application Justification memo o Attach a separate memo and answer the following questions: Why is a hire above necessary? Does this cause inequity in the department? What are the comparable positions in the department? What experiences does the candidate have to justify hiring above current employees? e.g. more years of experience, additional education or certifications o Include a *comparable chart: USC Class Code AA75 Base Salary AA75 AA75 AA75 AA75 $27,445.00 Total Salary $27,445.00 Pay Basis Desc 12 MNTHS $31,553.00 $31,553.00 12 MNTHS $26,139.00 $26,139.00 $27,968.00 $26,139.00 $26,139.00 $27,968.00 12 MNTHS 12 MNTHS 12 MNTHS Years in position 2 2 7.7 0.75 3.11 *Check Data Warehouse for departmental comparable salaries in the class code. If you do not have a comparable send an email to Alicia Bervine at for a division comparable.