Unit 1 Level F

Unit 1
Level F
Approbation (n)
 Official approval; praise
Clue: Approval
 To relieve or ease
 Clue: massage
 An alliance that come together for a
specific purpose or goal
Clue: Co ally
Decadence (n)
 Decline or decay
 Excessive self-indulgence
 Clue: Decay
Elicit (v)
 To draw forth or bring out from some
 Clue: ?
Expostulate (v)
 To reason earnestly with someone against
doing something.
Syn: argue, persuade
 Clue: expose someone to your way of
Hackneyed (adj)
 Overused, corny (usually referring to
ideas or language)
Clue: The “heck” with the old, I “need”
something new!
Hiatus (n)
 A gap or break
 Clue: Halt
Innuendo (n)
 A hint or subtle suggestion
 Clue: ?
Intercede (v)
 To intervene or
serve as a
Jaded (adj)
 Worn out from over-indulgence or
excessive luxury
Clue: too many jades
Or jewels
Lurid (adj)
 Causing shock, horror, or revulsion
Meritorious (adj)
 Worthy of recognition or praise
 Clue: merit
Petulant (adj)
 Easily irritated or upset
 Pet peeves
 peevish
Prerogative (n)
 A special right or privilege
 (adj) Simple, country-like
 A narrow-minded person or a person
from the countryside
Simulate (v)
 Imitate
Transcend (v)
 To rise above or beyond; to surpass
Umbrage (n)
 Shade cast by trees
 An overshadowing influence
 Resentment or offense
Unctuous (adj)
 Excessively smooth or smug in the
sense of trying too hard to make a
good impression