Pennbrook Middle School Family and Consumer Sciences 7 , 8

Pennbrook Middle School
Family and Consumer Sciences
7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Policies and Procedures
Mrs. Doyle –
Mrs. Moos -
1. Be on time for class; if late without a pass:
First offense = warning
Second offense = morning detention in FCS room at 7:30 a.m.
Third offense = morning detention and an essay assignment.
2. Come to class prepared with a pen or pencil.
3. You must have an FCS section in a binder or a separate FCS folder to keep
all FCS papers in. It is important that all papers are kept in your folder to
use as a reference in class.
4. Passes to leave class:
Bathroom and Water Fountain – Only 1 person is allowed out of the room
at a time, you must sign out and take agenda.
Nurse – Please get agenda signed to go to the nurse’s office. The nurse’s
office is closed during 1st and 8th period.
Office – You may go to the office only if you have a pass from the office or
get called down.
5. Missed work – It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed in
class. If you miss a quiz, class work, or homework assignment, you need to
make it up within 1 cycle before school starts or during lunch study
intervention. Failure to make up a quiz or assignment results in 0 for that
6. Missed lab – If you miss a cooking lab, the first lab is excused, but if a
second or third lab is missed, you will need to make up the lab at home.
You can follow the same recipe we have made in class. Please ask for a lab
make-up sheet to complete the lab.
7. Keep your work area clean – Each person is responsible for putting things
back where they belong. It is important that we keep the rooms neat and
orderly so others can work effectively. Lab points will be deducted if your
teacher has to clean up your mess.
8. When working on sewing projects, they may not leave the classroom or
school until they have been graded.
1. Grades are based on points. Total number of points earned divided by total
possible equals the percent. Grades will be rounded to the nearest whole
97-100= A+
87-89= B+
77-79= C+
65-69= D
90-96= A
80-86= B
70-76= C
Below 65= E/F
Final Course Grades: E: 50-64, F: Below 50
2. Homework assignments are given in advance. All homework is due on
time. If turned in late, points will be deducted for each school day the
assignment is late.
3. Quizzes are announced. Students are required to take all scheduled quizzes
on time unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the
4. Projects are given in all areas of FCS. Projects must be complete for credit.
If a project is turned in after the due date, 11 points will be deducted for
5. There will be labs in both cooking and sewing. Students are given a lab
grade based on how well directions were followed, cooperation, practicing
skills learned and clean up.
6. Missed assignments must be made up when students return to class or that
assignment will be given a grade of 0. If an illness was the reason for the
extended absence, students will have more time to make it up.
After you have read the classroom policies and procedures, please sign below
acknowledging that you understand the rules while in the FCS classroom.
Student Name Printed: __________________________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________________