U.S. USDA Form usda-fsa-1940-56 This form is available electronically. FSA-1940-56 Form Approved - OMB No. 0560-0162 See page 3 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements. Position 1 (06-05-02) ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT TO FARM LEASE . FOR LEASE YEAR BEGINNING (1) (Date) , Between (2) landlord, and (3) , tenant Dated (4) This agreement supplements a lease heretofore signed between the above-named parties and which continues in full force and effect during the lease year shown above. In view of the fact that the lease specifies crops, acreages, livestock, and certain other annual arrangements for the first year of the lease, the following provisions are agreed upon by the two parties. PART A - LAND USE - The agreed­upon use of the land is outlined in the following table: (5) (6) (7) (8) USE OF LAND ACRES FIELDS SEED VARIETY (9) KIND AND AMOUNT OF FERTILIZER PER ACRE (10) ADDITIONAL NOTATIONS FOR FAMILY LIVING WOODLAND FARMSTEAD AND LOTS (11) TOTAL PART B - LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION -The tenant (or parties jointly) will engage in the following production of livestock: (12) KIND OF LIVESTOCK (13) (14) NUMBER BREED (15) SPECIAL HEALTH, SANITATION, OR FEEDING PRACTICE PART C - COMPENSATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS - The two parties will carry out new conservation practices and measures and make other improvements, and share contributions and costs necessary for completion of such practices and improvements as set forth below. The tenant will be reimbursed by the landlord when the practice, measure, or improvement is completed, or the tenant will be compensated for its unexhausted value when leaving the farm according to the schedule below: (16) (17) CONSERVATION PRACTICE, MEASURE OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT DATE TO BE COMPLETED (MM-DD-YYYY) (18) ESTIMATED COST (Dollars) (19) PERCENT TO BE FURNISHED BY LANDLORD (L) AND BY TENANT (T) MATERIALS % L T LABOR % L T MACHINERY % L T (20) VALUE PLACED ON TENANT'S CONTRIBUTION (Dollars) (21) RATE OF ANNUAL DEPRECIATION (Percent) Additional agreements: (22) The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race color, national origin gender, religion age disability, political beliefs sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille large print, audiotape etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D. C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. FSA 1940-56 (06-05-02) (Page 2 of 3) PART D - RENTAL RATES - The tenant agrees to pay as rent the cash, or shares of crops, or shares of livestock, or combinations thereof as indicated below: (23) CROPS, LIVESTOCK, AND IMPROVEMENTS SHARE OR AMOUNT PAID AS RENT (25) (26) OFFSPRING OR LIVESTOCK CROPS OR CASH INCREASE IN SALES LIVESTOCK (24) (27) SALES OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS (28) PLACE OF SALE OR DELIVERY (29) DATE OF SALE, DELIVERY, OR PAYMENT FARM BUILDINGS DWELLING Additional agreements in regard to rental rates: (30) PART E - EXPENSES - Expenses, including investments in personal property, shall be supplied by the landlord and tenant as follows, except as indicated in Part C of the original lease: (31) INVESTMENTS IN PERSONAL PROPERTY FURNISHED BY LANDLORD FURNISHED BY (32) TENANT LANDLORD EXPENSES FURNISHED BY (33) TENANT LANDLORD EXPENSES TRACTOR LABOR LIMING MATERIAL WORKSTOCK MAINTENANCE-BUILDINGS FERTILIZER MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE-FENCES TENANT MACHINE REPAIRS SEED FUEL-TRACTOR FUEL-TRUCK FUEL-OTHER CUSTOM WORK AND HAULING ELECTRICITY TELEPHONE INSURANCE-BUILDINGS VETERINARY FEES INSURANCE-CROPS BREEDING FEES BEEF CATTLE TAXES-REAL ESTATE FEEDER CATTLE WEED CONTROL MATERIAL HOGS INSECTICIDES TAXES-PERSONAL SHEEP DAIRY FEED PURCHASED OR SUPPLIED Additional agreements relative to operating expenses: (34) Government agricultural programs. - The farm will be operated in compliance with Government programs as follows: (35) Additional agreements: (36) (37) Witnesses: Signed this (38) day of (39) (month and year) [SEAL] (40) (Landlord) [SEAL] (41) (Tenant)