College of Nursing EVALUATION PLAN FOR UNDERGRADUATE BSN, MASTERS IN NURSING SCIENCE AND DOCTORAL PROGRAMS Elements – CIPP Model (Stufflebeam’s Educational Decision Model, 1983) CONTEXT INPUT PROCESS PRODUCT Mission and goals Resources Implementation Learner Outcomes Setting Support systems Course Evaluation Satisfaction Internal and External Forces Learners Teaching-Learning Transaction Discipline-Specific Aggregate Data (BSN only) Philosophy Program Plan Assessing Student Learning Community Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the school of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The purpose of this phase is to define the context where change is needed, identify unmet needs, identify problems underlying those needs, and identify opportunities for change. Needs, problems, and opportunities are evaluated on an ongoing basis. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Input Evaluation – This element addresses the intended means and primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. Input elements include evaluation of resources, support systems, learners, program plan, curriculum organization, and support courses related to the curriculum. Process Evaluation – Involves an evaluation of the delivery. It monitors actual means to assess progress and to intervene if the evidence suggests that there is a lack of congruence between intended and actual means. Process evaluation includes the elements of implementation, course evaluation, teaching/learning transaction, and assessing student learning. Product Evaluation – provides the information that informs decisions about the congruence of intended ends and actual ends. The purpose is to determine the fit of product outcome and program goals. This determines the program effectiveness in attaining the program objectives. Elements that are evaluated are learner outcomes, satisfaction (which includes students, alumni, and employers), and discipline-specific aggregate data. College of Nursing Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the school of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Elements of context evaluation Mission and goals Setting Internal and External Forces Philosophy Community CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS -Annual review to determine whether activities are on target and to identify problems. -Extensive collegiate review every five years. Mission, Goals, and Philosophy DATA SOURCES -Mission statements -Philosophy Congruence of College of Nursing and University of Iowa goals and strategic plans -Strategic plan with indicators -Academic program goals PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS Mission, goals, & philosophy for the school reflect the collective wisdom of administration and faculty about the obligation and capacity of the college to meet advanced knowledge needs of society for health. -Futuristic trends of the discipline are reflected. -Annual review to determine whether activities are on target and to identify problems. -Extensive review every five years. Setting in which learning will occur supports the mission, and, goals and strategic plans. -Mission statements Academic and clinical settings MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Structure of the organization to determine its fit to mission, goals, and philosophy. -Dean -CCNE -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Faculty -Roles and responsibilities attached to each position in the structure. -Area Chairs -Role clarification -lines of authority and lines of collaboration. Collect data via survey or focus group. -Academic Council -IBN -Directors -Dean -CCNE -Strategic plan with indicators -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Faculty -Academic program goals -Area Chairs -Faculty Council -Clinic settings -Academic program goals updated yearly. -Directors of BSN & RN-BSN, MSN, and PhD Programs 2 -Updated Program and Reports with goals sent to State Board of Nursing Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the school of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Elements of context evaluation Mission and goals Setting Internal and External Forces Philosophy Community CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every five years One year after graduation Product of curriculum (graduates) currently in demand DATA SOURCES Review of health care setting and employment opportunities using surveys and focus groups PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS Employment of graduates MEASURES Self-report of graduates Self-report of employers Survey of graduates Literature review Comprehensive review of health care settings ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Dean -CCNE -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Faculty -IBN -Area Chairs -Board of Regents -Faculty -Provost’s Office 3 Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the College of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Elements of context evaluation Mission and goals Setting Internal and External Forces Philosophy Community CONTEXT & PRODUCT PROCESS/METHODS TIME-LINE STANDARDS DATA SOURCES Every ten years with interim reports as needed Internal and External Forces -Media coverage Schools bylaws -Peer group rankings Congruence of schools bylaws with the constitution and bylaws of the larger institution and the structures included to facilitate faculty governance in relation to academic authority State Board report every six years and interim reports as needed - Forces which influence or govern the curriculum Accreditation standards -Alumni feedback -Feedback from IBN and AACN INDICATORS ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES Standing committees –address major issues related to faculty affairs, student affairs, curriculum, budget, and major thrusts of the mission Extent to which stakeholders are included in the committee structures delineated in the bylaws— student representation, voting privileges PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Extent to which the curriculum provides content related to professional nursing organization guidelines/standards -Dean - CCNE -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Board of Regents -Ratings in US News and World Report -Directors of BSN & RNBSN, MSN, and PhD Programs -Comparison to essentials of Baccalaureate Education of Professional Nursing Practice by AACN -Area Chairs -Faculty -Academic Council -Marketing Director ? Minutes of standing committees – reflect membership agenda items, salient discussions, decisions made and actions taken. Representation – intended (who is supposed to come, vs actual participation) -Number of media reports Education commissions and governmental regulations, accrediting bodies. State board. National accreditation -Forum to evaluate the congruence with bylaws Specialty accreditation from relevant organization and regulating bodies 4 -Other peer group rankings - Iowa State Board of Nursing Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the College of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Elements of context evaluation Mission and goals Setting Internal and External Forces Philosophy Community CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every five years DATA SOURCES PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES Philosophy - Mission and philosophy congruent internally (College of Nursing) and externally (The University of Iowa) Mission statements (CON and UI) Philosophy (CON and UI) Congruence between UI and CON Mission and Philosophy Appropriate Organizational Structure Evaluation of documents to establish congruence ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Dean -CCNE -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Faculty -Area Chairs Strategic Plan ? Strategic Plan ? -Faculty -Academic Council -Directors -Provost’s Office and Board of Regents Yearly 5 Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Context Evaluation – Elements of context evaluation are designed to assess the operational context of the school of nursing. The intended ends of the organization are evaluated. The structure of the organization is reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to the mission and goals, environment, internal and external forces, philosophy, and community. Elements of context evaluation Mission and goals Setting Internal and External Forces Philosophy Community TIME-LINE Every five years CONTEXT & PRODUCT STANDARDS Community Engagement of alumni and donors in University advancement Continuing -Help meet the graduate nursing education needs for State of Iowa: -Hospitals -Agencies -Community and Technical Colleges -Attract BSN nurses interested in pursuing graduate education -Help meet the need of Iowa constituents for ARNPS -Develop recognition as a leader in providing graduate educated nurses for rural settings - Develop recognition as a leader in providing research training and knowledge for nurses DATA SOURCES Faculty and student report Alumni and donor report -Employer surveys -Graduate surveys -Legislative initiatives -Graduates employed in HPSA or MUSA locales in US -Peers from CIC Universities PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS -Externally funded centers, major projects, certificate programs or publications involving faculty from different departments -Programs that provide service to the international, national, state and local constituencies -Research that provides knowledge to the international, national, state and local constituencies -New scholarships, donations -Availability of Programs -Legislative/ State directives -Number of applicants -Employer need/demand -Inclusion of Iowa emphasis and rural practice issues -Number of graduates working in areas designated as HPSA or MUSA 6 MEASURES -Number of externally funded centers, externally funded research grants, major projects, certificate programs or publications involving faculty from different departments -Number of programs that provide service to the international, national, state and local constituencies -Number of new scholarships, donations -Data from faculty reported at administration review -State Funding -Employer satisfaction -Graduate satisfaction New funding initiatives from Governments/ employers/ agencies designed to support their own needs ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Dean Fiscal report on external funding -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Provost’s Office -Board of Regents -Director of External Relations -Faculty -Director of Student Services -Area Chairs -Marketing Director ? -Dean -Graduate Faculty -Course Directors ? -Program Directors -Individuals involved with student recruitment and publicity -Area Chairs -Marketing -Academic Affairs -State & Federal Government -Public -Citizens of Iowa Marketing Issues: The Public outside of Iowa already thinks ―rural‖ when they think of Iowa. They also associate ―good, country and/or pastoral‖ It is our strength and we need to build on it to compete with other schools. Marketing efforts should make the following links ―University of Iowa CON: -meeting the nursing needs of rural America‖ or -―meeting the educational needs for rural nursing ― or -―serving the citizens in the heartland‖ Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Input Evaluation – Primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every Semester Resources Faculty Resources used efficiently and effectively DATA SOURCES -Demographic profile of faculty and faculty expertise PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES -Faculty profile with number and type of adjunct faculty, clinical preceptors, and clinical sites -faculty/staff elected to American Academy of Nursing -faculty receiving regional, national, international awards -faculty elected or appointed to major professional and service organizations -faculty/staff participation in mandatory annual performance assessments -faculty available with specific expertise -Mix of faculty needed to meet the mission and goals. The nature of programs delivered by the school and the faculty mix expectations of the parent institution and accrediting bodies -Analyze the faculty profile against the goals -Goals related to scholarship and service -Faculty credentials are one criterion of assessment. -The source of the credentials -Representation of a wide variety of educational institutions in the faculty profile differences -Faculty education and experience relevant to their areas of assignment -Mix of full-time and part time faculty to help meet broad goals of teaching scholarship and service. Every semester Library with adequate holdings Extent of nursingrelated library holdings -Characteristics of Library holdings 7 ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Salary structure - Dean -Data Base Management -Profile of clinical preceptors, Preceptor affiliations -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area Chairs - CCNE Self-Study NOT EVERY SEMESTER -number of faculty/staff elected to American Academy of Nursing -number of faculty receiving regional, national, international awards -number of faculty elected or appointed to major professional and service organizations -number of faculty/staff participation in mandatory annual performance assessments -number of faculty available with specific expertise -Amount and variety of Library holdings -Faculty -Provost Office yearly -Board of Regents yearly -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area Chairs -Faculty - CCNE (NOT EVERY SEMESTER) -IBN Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every semester Physical Space adequate for teaching Internal fiscal resources to meet teaching needs External fiscal resources to support the College mission Clinical facilities to support the College mission DATA SOURCES Classrooms, offices, research, lounge, meeting space. Overall CON budget Amount of external funding received by faculty and staff Profile of clinical units PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES -Classroom characteristics available to faculty -Number and variety of classrooms -Funds and their allocation -Amount of money received -Travel and related expenses supportBudget for curriculum development, maintenance, evaluation, and revision expensesOffice supply budget for faculty and students -Amount of money received -Fiscal resources – percentage related to curriculum and instruction, teachingrelated grant amounts -Number and variety of clinical sites -Funds from NIH, private foundations -Clinical facilities data to include: -Clinical facilities -Clinical site, Availability -Profile of clinical units -Population ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area Chairs -Faculty -Dean -Director of Operations and Finance - CCNE -Dean -Director of Operations and Finance -Associate Dean for Research -Faculty -Director of Academic Outreach -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Directors of BSN & RNBSN, MSN, and PhD Programs -Faculty -Faculty Haven’t inserted the Board of Visitors anywhere. Might need to insert this group also. 8 -Faculty What about staff ? -Provost -Board of Regents Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs Input Evaluation – Primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Yearly Support systems Support staff to support the College mission Yearly Student services to support the College mission PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS DATA SOURCES MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Demographic profile of faculty and faculty expertise Support systems needed -continuity -innovation Faculty evaluation -Dean Administrative evaluation – Diversity (gender and ethnic) statistics and trends (faculty, students, staff) Diversity program: Diversity director or officer Staff evaluation -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area Chairs -Faculty -Director of Student Services -OICT Director Student services data Evaluation plan for technology Support staff Quality of faculty and staff -Diversity program -Remediation programs -Tutors -Enrollment support, -Services to support second degree, part-time, commuter students, distance education -Retention activities -Recruitment activities -Advanced placement options and programs -Specialized laboratory or simulation equipment -Teaching related supplies, software, and instructional design -Updated technological infrastructures for educational and support programs -Staff available with expertise to help with hardware and software -# of diversity programs -# of remediation programs -# of tutors -# of enrollment support, -# of services to support second degree, part-time, commuter students, distance education -# of retention activities -# of recruitment activities -# of advanced placement options and programs Yearly Information and Student services data -# of specialized laboratory or Instructional simulation equipment Technology to -# of teaching related supplies, support the software, and instructional College mission design -# of updated technological infrastructures for educational and support programs -# of staff available with expertise to help with hardware and software Yearly Faculty support Student services data -Release time for course development -amount of release time for to support the -Time and FTE for secretarial, clerical, course development College mission and student services support per -amount of time and FTE for student and FTE faculty secretarial, clerical, and student services support per student and FTE faculty Student services data to include Student services : -Enrollment support, advising, scheduling, parking, library support , tutors 9 -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area chairs -Director of Student Services -Undergraduate Assembly -CCNE -Graduate Assembly -Faculty Organization -Undergrad Assembly -CCNE Self-Study -Graduate Assembly -Faculty Organization -Directors of BSN & RN-BSN, MSM, and PhD Programs -OICT Director -Undergrad Assembly -Technology Committee (faculty, staff, student representatives) -Academic Council -Academic Council -CCNE -Graduate Assembly -Dean, -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Area chairs -Faculty -Faculty Organization -Undergrad Assembly - CCNE -Graduate Assembly -Faculty Organization Evaluation Plan for Undergraduate BSN, Masters in Nursing Science and Doctoral Programs INPUT EVALUATION – Addresses the intended means and primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Each cohort of learners DATA SOURCES Learners - Admission profile High quality learners are admitted, progress through the program in a timely fashion, and graduate successfully - Demographic data - Commitments beyond school - Plans of study PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS Demographic data: BSN and RN/BSN, MSN, and PhD -Number of students in the program -% Part-time and fulltime enrollments -Graduation rates -Acceptance rates -Racial and cultural characteristics -Gender MEASURES Admission Data ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO -Associate Dean for Academic Affairs -Faculty -Academic Council -Directors of BSN & RN-BSN, MSN, and PhD Programs -CCNE -Director of Student Services -Undergraduate Assembly -Program Associates -Graduate Assembly -Faculty Organization Admission profile: ACT/SAT/GRE -High school rank -GPA -Motivation of students – essay -TOFFEL minimum -Prior completion of programs started (second degree) -Prior learning (courses and programs) by students -Prior grades -Supporting courses -Previous nursing education -Licensure -Practice history 10 GRADUATE CURRICULUM EVALUATION PLAN SPECIFIC TO THE DOCTORAL PROGRAM Input Evaluation – Primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support Systems Learners Program Plan CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every two years for curricular evaluation. Yearly Yearly Resources Faculty DATA SOURCES Students, Faculty, Alumni Diverse intellectual perspectives are valued; represented by the faculty Faculty conceptualize & implement research that attract & engage students Students, Faculty, Alumni, Applicants PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO Respect for academic freedom is apparent. Director, PhD Program DPE, Faculty item #2 Area Program Associates maintain administrative database. Faculty represent diverse intellectual perspectives DPE, Faculty item #1 Faculty are regionally, nationally, and internationally known for their research and scholarly work. Faculty are recognized leaders in nursing. DPE, Facullty item #4 Faculty encourage graduate students to participate in their research. Faculty work with students on student research Faculty encourage students to present or co-present papers at research conferences Presented to faculty, administration, & students. Faculty include in annual Administrative Review materials and for Administrative Data Base Area Chairs, Office of Research Area Chairs, Office of Research Area Chairs, Office of Research University Indicator: National Ranking Number of Faculty in AAN (Annual Review) Number of faculty elected or appointed to major professional and service organizations(Annual Review) Number of Manuscripts, presentations developed by faculty and students. Administrative data base Graduate student data base University Indicator: Report to Office of the Provost Faculty and students Area Chairs, Office of Research Faculty and students Director of PhD Program Student report. During Annual Review. Faculty report in Administrative review documents and their vitas. Number of Faculty and student presentations Administrative data base Graduate student data base 11 Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Yearly Twice A Year Survey using Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnai re every 2 years. PROCESS/METHODS MEASURES DATA SOURCES INDICATORS Faculty conceptualize & implement research that attract & engage students Faculty create environment in which mentoring, socialization of students, & a community of scholars is evident Students, Faculty, Alumni, Applicants Faculty are funded or are seeking funding and have appointments on research review committees and/or editorial review boards. Students, Faculty, Alumni, Applicants Faculty promote the welfare and professional development of students. Faculty assist students to understand the value of programs of research and scholarship that continue over time and build upon previous work. Student report Faculty host social events for students Alumni report Faculty doctoral student relationships are positive Faculty devote a significant proportion of time to dissertation advisement; generally each faculty member serve as major advisor/chair for no more than 3-5 students during the dissertation phase. Faculty members are accessible to doctoral students Number of externally funded awards per capita. Number of Faculty on research review committees and editorial review boards Administrative Review Research Office Items on Section I for Faculty on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE- faculty items 10,11,12 GPSA item 22 Student report at annual review. Opportunities are available to report to faculty advisors, AGNS, and Director of PhD Program. Items on Section I for Faculty on the Doctoral Program Evaluation DPE faculty item12 ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO Research Office Director of PhD Program Dean PhD Director Dean Faculty PhD Director Dean Faculty Student report at annual review. Opportunities are available to report to faculty advisors, AGNS, and Director of PhD Program. Faculty receive collegiate teaching awards Student evaluations Faculty are enthusiastic as teachers and stimulate students to learn Master teachers capable of preparing graduates for faculty roles Faculty discuss issues related to the substance of nursing science with students. Yearly Faculty identify, generate, and use resources within the University and broader community Students, faculty, alumni, administration Faculty discuss issues related to research methodologies with students. Faculty foster interaction between the College of Nursing PhD Program and other related disciplines or programs on the campus Items on Section I for Faculty on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire.DPE faculty item 18 # of comprehensive exam and dissertation co-chairs and committee members from other disciplines (not including statisticians). # of multidisciplinary grants, manuscripts, and presentations reported by students and faculty. 12 Faculty Area Chairs Faculty provide data for administrative review on number of grants, manuscripts /presentations that are multidisciplinary. University Indicator: Report to Office of the Provost Data stored on Administrative Database Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Yearly Faculty identify, generate, and use resources within the University and broader community PROCESS/METHODS MEASURES DATA SOURCES INDICATORS Students, faculty, alumni, administration Faculty participate in multidisciplinary scientific pursuits Faculty collaborate in clinical research or administrative endeavors with members of the nursing community outside the College Faculty research findings are disseminated to the practice community and the public at local, state, national, and international levels. Most faculty are members of several professional organizations and organizations that are interdisciplinary Faculty hold leadership positions in professional nursing organizations Endowed professorships in College of Nursing Faculty Research Ongoing Research is an explicit component of the mission of The University of Iowa and the College of Nursing The University and the College of Nursing value, support, and reward faculty and student research and scholarship Number of students enrolled in courses from other disciplines Administrative review ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT GOES TO Faculty University Indicator: Report to Office of the Provost Area Chairs Data stored administrative database. Items on Section on Faculty in Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE faculty 20 Student, administration, and faculty report Number of reports at local, state, national, and international levels Items on Section I for Faculty on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire Number of Professional Organizations reflected on faculty vita Number of leadership positions held by Faculty AACN survey Administrative data base Items on Section II for Research on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE research 2 Faculty, students, alumni. Faculty are well-trained and experienced researchers University and College mission statements & strategic plans. Faculty influence nursing science Faculty, students, alumni Faculty & students participate in the discussion at the nursing research colloquia Items on Section II for Research on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE RESEARCH 4 Faculty publish in refereed journals (an average of two per year) Number of people attending as shown on the sign-in sheet at colloquia Number of articles published with faculty as authors Faculty workload assignments PERSONS RESPONSIBLE PhD Director Office of Assoc. Dean for Research. Amount in dollars of faculty funding and number of published articles. Associate Dean for Research Faculty provide data for administrative review. Data stored administrative Database. Faculty submit data with administrative review materials Faculty Faculty participate in NIH study sections & other grant review activities Number of faculty participating in NIH Study Sections 13 PhD Director Area Chairs Data stored administrative data base University Indicator: Report to Office of Provost Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program Continuation page Annually Faculty Programs of research that are developed over time and build upon previous exist and are congruent with research priorities within nursing and its constituent communities Faculty, students, alumni Funding record A variety of mechanisms (e.g. peer review, mentoring, consultation) exist that foster high quality research Number of externally funded grants involving interdisciplinary/ interdepartmental/cross-collegiate PIs Items on Section II for Research on the Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE research 7 Funded Centers of Excellence exist related to faculty programs of research Number of funded grant proposals per capita at University and NINR ranking DPE RESEARCH 8 Number and variety of research topics for faculty Sufficient research exists to support the curricular goals DPE research9 Faculty obtain and maintain research funding over extended periods of time. 14 Faculty, Area Chairs, Assoc Dean for Research University Indicator: Report to Office of Provost PhD Director Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program Input Evaluation – Primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support Systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum Organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS DATA SOURCES Yearly Support Systems Students Sufficient human, financial, & institutional resources are available to accomplish the goals of the unit for doctoral education & faculty research Faculty advisors PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS Technical support exists for: Cutting edge education and research. DPE RESOURCES 1 Peer review of proposals & manuscripts in process Data management & analysis support Hardware & software availability Expertise in advanced technological support exists for data repository and knowledge building to be used for education, research, and practice. Grant proposal development & management Technical support for research design expertise State of the art technical & support services are available & accessible to faculty, students, & staff for state of the science information acquisition, communication, & management Faculty advisors Space is sufficient for: -Faculty research needs -Doctoral student study, meeting & socializing -Seminars -Small group work Centers of research excellence Students Computer accessibility Faculty advisors Computer consultation & support are accessible MEASURES Student & faculty self-report ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO College Administration Office of OITC Curricular evaluation questionnaire Faculty advisors OICT data DPE resource items, 8,12,13,14,15,16 Office for Research Research Colloquia Doctoral symposia Number of centers Student & faculty self-report DPE resources item 9 College Administration Office of OITC Faculty advisors College Administration Office of OITC Faculty advisors 15 PhD Director PhD Director PhD Director Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Every two years normally; ongoing informally Library & data base resources are sufficient to support the scholarly endeavors of faculty & students. Support systems exist to promote learning PROCESS/METHODS DATA SOURCES INDICATORS MEASURES Library acquisitions Nursing journals & journals from other disciplines are available to support research Student & faculty self-report DPE resources item 7 Faculty, Students, Alumni report On-going On-going On-going On-going Yearly Resources needed are adequate Consultant Resources are available for research Students are matched with faculty doing the same research Strategic Planning is developed and used to monitor the doctoral program Resources are allocated in an equitable, fiscally responsible fashion and are aligned strategically Program Evaluation occurs in a regular, systematic fashion PhD Director Faculty Students Faculty, Students, Alumni, Administration Curricular Evaluation Questionnaire Annual report of research office DPE resources items 2,3 An Office of Research administration is in place A Record of NIH funding exists NIH funding record from office of nursing research Internal research funds exist Mechanisms are in place that value, support, & reward faculty & student research & scholarship Informal feedback from students Budget report Report of faculty and students Faculty and other resources are available Faculty, students Funding proposals are competitive. Consultation for diverse research is available. Students choose dissertation topics related to faculty research Students, Faculty Students, Faculty Budget report, Students, Faculty Evaluation Reports Associate Dean for Research Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs Assoc. Dean for research PhD. Director PhD Director Section IV for Resources on Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire Faculty Advisors CON alumni assist in recruitment of faculty, students, and contribute funds for endowed chair positions Mechanisms for financial support for fulltime study Administration Support Systems University support List of journals available Postdoctoral programs are in place Yearly ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO NRSA awards Research Assistantships Section IV on Resources from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire Faculty and student requests Strategic Plan is used for benchmarking and formative evaluation Comparison of program processes and outcomes to standards of parent institution and selected peer groups Focal areas in PhD program receive equitable resources. Resources decisions are made by faculty consensus when possible. Evaluation Report is given to faculty every two years 16 College Dean PhD Director Director of Operations and Finance Section IV on Resources from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire. Faculty and student reports PDE Resource item 2 Section I on Faculty from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire NRSA awards Section IV on Resources from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire. Faculty and student reports Yearly report to Provost Associate Dean for Research PhD Director Area Chairs PhD Director PhD Director College Dean annually Section IV on Resources from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire. Faculty and student reports DPE resources item21 PhD Director Director of Operations and Finance Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire IBN, AACN, CIC, Board of Regents, Statement of Trends reports PhD Director Faculty and Associate Dean for Academic Programs Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS On-going Yearly Yearly Annually PROCESS/METHODS ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO DATA SOURCES INDICATORS MEASURES Facilities are managed to provide support to faculty and students Exceptional Students are accepted Faculty Advisors are oriented Students and faculty Students and faculty report that they have adequate facilities for their work Section IV on Resources from Doctoral Evaluation Questionnaire. Faculty and student reports DPE student item 6 PhD Director Director of Operations and Finance Student Applicant pool Students accepted to the program are moving forward successfully PhD Director and Faculty To Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Faculty report Students report that Faculty Advisors are knowledgeable. PhD Director To Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Program Director and Program Staff are Evaluated Annually Evaluation summaries Students and faculty provide evaluation data for the report. Recognized caliber of: Program Faculty Students Section V on Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire GPSA item 20 Section I on Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire GPSA items II2, 15 Section I on faculty and Section IV on resources from Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire Administrative Review Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and PhD Director To Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 17 Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program Input Evaluation – Addresses the intended means and primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support Systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Annual Review STUDENTS Learners Students are exceptional DATA SOURCES Applicant records Student vitas & self-report Faculty advisors Yearly Students represent diversity in gender, ethnicity, and races. PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO Students are selected from a pool of highly qualified & motivated applicants who represent diverse populations. Students’ research goals & objectives are congruent with faculty research expertise & scholarship & institutional resources Students are successful in obtaining financial support through competitive intramural & extramural academic & research awards. Applicant profiles PhD Student Services Office PhD Director Research office report. Number of funded pre-doctoral proposals. Number of students representing diversity DPE student item 6 Faculty Advisors & Associate Dean for research University Indicator: Report to Office of the Provost Students commit a significant portion of their time to the program & complete the program in a timely fashion Student plans of study Time for completion of PhD program, Graduation rates Plan of study Plans of study Faculty report Publication records Administrative office Faculty Advisors Student Applications Students establish a pattern of productive scholarship, collaborating with researchers in nursing & other disciplines in scientific endeavors that result in the presentation & publication of scholarly work that continues after graduation. 18 Doctoral reviews Alumni surveys Faculty Advisors Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program Input Evaluation – Addresses the intended means and primarily focuses on the resources available to meet the intended ends. INPUT EVALUATION Resources Support Systems Learners Program Plan Curriculum organization Support Courses and Liberal Education Foundation CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Formal evaluation every two years normally; ongoing informally Program Plan DATA SOURCES INDICATORS PROCESS/METHODS MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO Faculty, students, alumni Requirements (program of study) and their sequence for progression are clear and available to students in writing. Graduate student handbook PhD Director PhD Director Items on Section III for Program of Study from Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE program item 1 Ongoing faculty report. DPE program item 2 Ongoing student report\ DPE program item 3 Faculty Doctoral Advisory Committee University Indicator. Report to Office of the Provost Faculty PhD Director Core & related course content distribution are Consistent with Goals of the program & student’s area of focus Content: History & philosophy of science and their relation to the development of nursing knowledge #2 PROGRAM CLEAR, AVAILABLE Existing and evolving Substantive nursing knowledge Methods & processes of theory/knowledge Development in nursing and other disciplines Elements for Formal & informal teaching & learning prepare students to be nurse scientists & nursing leaders Faculty, students, alumni, Employers of graduates Elements for Formal & informal teaching & learning prepare students to be nurse scientists & nursing leaders &/or educators Faculty, students, alumni, Employers of graduates Research methods & scholarship are appropriate to inquiry Analytical & leadership strategies for dealing with social, ethical, cultural, economic, & political issues related to nursing, health care, & research Faculty practice provides opportunities for learning translational research DPE program item 4 Items on Section III for Program of Study from Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire DPE program item 4 University Indicator. Report to Office of the Provost Faculty practice data Progressive & guided student scholarship research experiences, including exposure to faculty’s interdisciplinary research programs Immersion experiences that foster the student’s development as a nursing leader and/or nurse scientist Agencies provide opportunities for the conduct of research and leadership experience Socialization opportunities for scholarly development in roles that complement students’ career goals 19 Number and variety of experiences for research and leadership training Research residency, Research Seminars, Research Colloquia, Research Assistantships Student report at annual review Administrative data base Number and variety Residency experiences GPSA items I16, II,2 Faculty PhD Director Graduate Curriculum Evaluation Plan Specific to the Doctoral Program Product Evaluation – provides the information that informs decisions about the congruence of intended ends and actual ends. The purpose is to determine the fit of product outcome and program goals. PRODUCT EVALUATION Learner Outcomes Satisfaction Discipline Specific Aggregate Data (BSN only) CONTEXT & PRODUCT TIME-LINE STANDARDS Ongoing Learner outcomes Graduates’ scholarship & leadership are recognized 3-5 years postgraduation 3-5 years postgraduation DATA SOURCES Alumni, employers of graduates Faculty PROCESS/METHODS INDICATORS MEASURES ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONS RESPONSIBLE REPORT GOES TO Advancement to candidacy requires faculty’s satisfactory evaluation Student records PhD Student Services Dissertations represent original contributions to the scholarship of the field Dissertation Abstracts Systematic evaluation of graduate outcomes is conducted at regular intervals Student plan of study Graduates have designed & secured funding Survey of graduates PhD Director Employers report satisfaction with leadership & scholarship Graduates’ scholarship & leadership are recognized through awards, honors, and/or external funding. References: *American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2000). Task Force to Revise Quality Indicators for Doctoral Education Report. Doctoral Faculty, University of Iowa (1999). Doctoral Program Evaluation Questionnaire University of Iowa Strategic Plan Indicators (2001). Stufflebeam, D.L. (1983). The CIPP model for program evaluation. In G.F. Madaus, M.S. Scriven and D.L. Stufflebeam (Eds.) Evaluation models: Viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation (pp. 117-141). Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff. GPSA. (1987). Graduate Program Self-Assessment. Doctoral Programs Faculty Questionnaire. Educational Testing Service. DPE.(2000. Doctoral Program Evaluation. College of Nursing, The University of Iowa. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (November 2001). Indicators of quality in research-focused doctoral programs in nursing. Retrieved March 1, 2002. N:caffairs\eval\EvaluationPlan2001 4/9/02 20 21