R _ _ _ _ _

Name ________________________________
John Wilkes Booth 17:02 – 43:39
1. What does John Wilkes Booth believe concerning the institution of slavery?
2. John Wilkes Booth was a R
_ _ _ _ _ & thought that black people should be S _ _ _ _ _ .
3. What did John Wilkes Booth do in order to witness the trial & execution of the radical abolitionist John Brown?
4. Even though John Wilkes Booth “detested” John Brown, he admired the fact that John Brown had done
something to support what he B
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Booth admired that John Brown was changing
H _ _ _ _ _ _ through a single violent act.
5. What were 3 things Abraham Lincoln did in Maryland to make sure the state did NOT join the Confederacy?
6. In Maryland, Lincoln authorized the government to A _ _ _ _ _ anyone who so much as contemplated secession.
7. During Lincoln’s lifetime, Lincoln was hated; people thought Lincoln was a
T _ _ _ _ _, & violated the
C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; many also thought Lincoln was a threat to the “white race”.
8. Why did Booth allegedly stay out of the American Civil War?
John Wilkes Booth becomes a Star (24:02)
9. While war waged across the country, John Wilkes Booth became a
S _ _ _. In 1862, Booth played a variety of
roles in a variety of cities – performing in ______ different roles in the course of a single year. John Wilkes Booth
could make as much as $________ dollars per night, which was a tremendous amount of money in 1862.
10. As the war drug on, how did Booth feel about the war?
11. What does Booth do when Abraham Lincoln asked to shake his hand?
12. Even though Booth did NOT fight for the Confederacy, he had acted as a
13. As the war went on, friends of Booth said that whenever the name of
S _ _ for the Confederates.
L _ _ _ _ _ _ comes up in
conversation, Booth went crazy, totally “losing it”.
14. In 1864, Booth became less focused on acting; he was realizing that his “beloved south” was going down.
Around this time, Booth came up with a plan to
K _ _ _ _ _ Abraham Lincoln. Booth planned to “trade”
Lincoln for Confederate prisoners.
15. Did Booth act alone or with others in his plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln?
16. Eventually, Booth’s plan went from kidnapping … to
M _ _ _ _ _.
17. What event(s) led Booth to decide he would attempt to kill President Lincoln?
18. When Booth heard Lincoln give a speech in which Lincoln suggested newly freed African Americans be
given the right to vote, what was Booth’s reaction?
19. Shortly after, Booth realized Lincoln would be attending a play at
F _ _ _‘s T _ _ _ _ _ _
- this
is when Booth’s assassination plan was coming together.
20. Booth believed that a
get rid of a T
T _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
was to K
could not be voted out of office; Booth believed the only way to
_ _ _
21. What did Booth’s co-conspirators plan to do while Booth assassinated the president?
Booth’s Plan is Put in Action (36:12)
22. How was security on the night Lincoln was assassinated?
23. Booth drank a few shots of whiskey, walked calmly into the box where Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln
where watching the play in Ford’s Theatre – what happens next?
24. How many days would Booth live after he shot Lincoln?
25. What does John Wilkes Booth do immediately after shooting Lincoln?
26. Booth felt that by killing Lincoln, he was supporting the
the W
C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _&
_ _ _ _ race.
27. 12 days after he kills the president, Booth is cornered in a barn & forced to come to the front of the
barn after federal troops set it on fire - What happens next?
28. Booth does NOT die immediately; what message does Booth ask to be taken to his mother?
29. Four people associated with Booth were convicted of helping Booth’s plot. What was the fate of these
four co-conspirators?