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Battle of Fort Sumter Notes Part 1 (11:48-18:25) Part 2 (21:38-38:42)
1. What state was Fort Sumter located within?
2. “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this
government cannot endure permanently half slave & half free.” Abraham
Lincoln. -> What is Lincoln saying in this quote?
13. Abraham Lincoln’s primary goal once elected was to
______________________ the _________________________
with or without slavery.
14. Where was Lincoln born & who were his parents?
15. What was Lincoln’s profession before he became a politician?
3. With a population of 9 million, how many Southerners were enslaved people?
4. Roughly, 1 in _____ AMERICANS were enslaved.
16. What does it mean to say, “Major Robert Anderson’s sympathies
are with the South, but his loyalties with the Union”?
5. Most towns in the South had __________________________, in
which enslaved people were treated like cattle.
6. In the late 1850, an A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ movement grew across
17. What was the first state to secede from the Union (1 month after
Lincoln was elected)?
the North.
7. Suddenly, southerners realized they had no way to further their way of life b/c
they would lack ______________________.
18. Why did Anderson move his men from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter?
8. What state was “always the center” of talk about southern
19. Describe Fort Sumter’s physical appearance (based on the pictures
shown and descriptions given).
9. The “Fire-eaters” were so vocal/outspoken about SECESSION, they
were said to …
------------------------------(STOP @ 18:25)------------------------------20. President Buchanan attempted to send a supply ship to Fort
10. Who is Edward Ruffin?
Sumter; what happened next?
11. White southerners were _____________ on the issue of secession.
12. What event pushed the country toward Civil War more so than any
other event?
--------------------------START @ 11:48)----------------------------------
21. How did Major Anderson delay the start of the Civil War by four
22. By 1861, how many states had seceded from the Union?
30. Opinion. Why might a leading “fire eater” decline to fire the first
shot? (Do you remember what a “fire eater” was?)
23. When these states met in Montgomery, Alabama, who did they elect
President of the Confederate States of American?
31. The Union’s General Anderson could have fired on downtown
24. Describe the background of the new Confederate President. (3 facts!) Charleston (on civilian targets) … why did he choose not to?
25. “The power confided in me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess
the property and places belonging to the government. In your hands my
dissatisfied country, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of Civil
What is LINCOLN saying in the quote above?
32. On the second day of the battle, how was the Union fairing?
33. How many hours did the Battle of Fort Sumter last? How many died
at Fort Sumter?
26. Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union above all else; how would not
doing anything about Fort Sumter hurt his goal?
34. What happened to Major Anderson and his men after he
surrendered? (Were they taken as prisoners?)
27. What was in the letter Lincoln sent the Confederates?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------35. Why did Major Anderson get assigned to Kentucky after Fort
28. How was Lincoln’s letter a “political maneuver” to force the south to
fire the first shot of the civil war?
29. Did Major Anderson know when the Civil War would start? Explain.
36. Lincoln called for ____________ troops to fight for the Union.
37. After the civil war, what was Major Anderson invited to do at Fort