Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade PF15-32-000 April 13, 2016 Field Survey Report U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service March 15, 2016 Nick Utrup Project Coordinator U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 4101 American Boulevard East Bloomington, Minnesota 55425 Re: USFWS Consultation for the Cedar Station Upgrade Project: Request for Review for Sensitive Species Impacts Mr. Utrup: Northern Natural Gas (Northern) is planning a new 7.86-mile 20-inch-diameter pipeline in Dakota County, Minnesota. The new pipeline will originate at Northern’s existing Rosemount Junction in Rosemount and extend to its existing Cedar Station in Eagan (Figure A-1, Appendix A). Of the 7.86 miles proposed, approximately 99 percent will be collocated with existing energy and transportation infrastructure. Northern plans to install in-line inspection facilities at both ends of the new pipeline. Additionally, Northern plans to modify existing regulators and install a maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) regulator within its Cedar Station. The planned activities described above are herein referred to as the Cedar Station Upgrade Project (Project). Northern is committed to reducing impacts where feasible; therefore, approximately 48 percent of the proposed Project will be installed via trenchless construction methods, such as horizontal directional drill (HDD) and conventional bore. Currently, Northern has identified seven staging areas along the Project route. The proposed Project facilities are being constructed to accommodate a contractual obligation to meet a delivery pressure for Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation (NSP-MN). In accordance with a letter agreement dated February 15, 2006, as amended September 18, 2006, NSP-MN has notified Northern that it intends to exercise its pressure increase option at the existing Cedar Station from 400 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) to 650 psig. In general, the construction corridor will be approximately 100 feet wide in upland areas. This width will consist mostly of existing easement in areas where the new pipeline is collocated with existing infrastructure. In areas where the pipeline is not collocated with existing infrastructure, the approximate 100-foot-wide construction corridor will consist of a 50-foot-wide temporary workspace and a 50-foot-wide permanent easement for Project operation. Where necessary, Northern will utilize extra temporary workspace (ETWS) outside of the construction ROW to facilitate specialized construction procedures, such as HDDs; railroad, road, wetland, waterbody, and foreign utility line crossings; tie-ins with existing pipeline facilities; areas with steep side slopes; pipeline crossovers; and adjacent residential areas. These ETWSs, as well as the construction corridor and permanent easement will be restored to preconstruction contours and conditions following construction activities. 8201 Norman Center Drive \ Suite 300 \ Bloomington, MN 55437 O 952-656-6003 \ F 952-229-2923 \ Mr. Nick Utrup U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service March 15, 2016 Page 2 To the extent practicable, Northern will utilize existing public and private roads, including both paved and gravel roads, to access the Project ROW and aboveground facilities. FIELD HABITAT ASSESSMENTS For the purpose of consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. (Burns & McDonnell) conducted a habitat assessment within areas of existing utility ROW, encompassing both preferred and alternative routes (Survey Area) to evaluate the Project’s potential impacts to habitats that may be used by species protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) (16 U.S.C. 668), and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) (16 U.S.C. 703). As a result of this habitat assessment, it is Burns & McDonnell’s opinion that the Project is not likely to adversely affect species protected under the jurisdiction of the USFWS. During the week of September 14, 2015, Tyler Beemer of Burns & McDonnell visited the Survey Area for routine habitat assessments. The Survey Area is primarily mid-density residential neighborhoods, with a few undeveloped forested areas, such as Lebanon Hills Regional Park (Figure A-1). The topography is gentle to steep rolling hills with elevations ranging from 810 to 1,074 feet (Figure A-2). Numerous ponds, lakes, and wetlands are present within the Survey Area, but are in higher densities in undeveloped areas (Figure A-2). Common herbaceous vegetation found in the Project area included reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), fescue (Festuca rubra), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), and wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis). Common trees species found in the Project area included eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), white oak (Quercus alba), and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Representative photographs for the Survey Area are included in Appendix B. ANALYSIS BY SPECIES The proposed Project has the potential to impact habitats used by species protected under the jurisdiction of the USFWS. The USFWS Information, Planning, and Conservation (IPaC) System was used to determine protected species for the Survey Area (Appendix C). Burns & McDonnell evaluated the Survey Area for impacts to habitat potentially used by the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) and prairie bush clover (Lespedeza leptostachya), both listed as federally threatened species. The Survey Area also was evaluated for potential impacts to the Higgins eye pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii), listed as a federally endangered species. Additionally, consideration of potential impacts to bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and migratory birds were included in this assessment. Mr. Nick Utrup U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service March 15, 2016 Page 3 Northern Long-eared Bat The northern long-eared bat (NLEB) is found in the United States from Maine to North Carolina on the Atlantic Coast, westward to eastern Oklahoma, north through the Dakotas, southward to parts of southern states from Georgia to Louisiana, and in eastern Montana and Wyoming. Historically, the species has been found in greater abundance in the northeast and portions of the Midwest and Southeast, and has been more rarely encountered along the western edge of the range. Suitable winter habitat (hibernacula) for the NLEB includes underground caves and cave-like structures (e.g., abandoned or active mines, railroad tunnels). During summer, NLEBs roost singly or in colonies and in cavities, underneath bark, in crevices, or in hollows of both live and dead trees and/or snags typically 3 inches in diameter at breast height or greater. Males and nonreproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. This bat species seems opportunistic in selecting roosts, using tree species based on presence of cavities, crevices, or of peeling bark. Suitable spring staging/fall swarming habitat for the NLEB consists of the variety of forested/wooded habitats where they roost, forage, and travel, which are most typically within five miles of a hibernaculum. This includes forested patches as well as linear features such as fencerows, riparian forests, and other wooded corridors. Bat habitat assessment field surveys were guided by the USFWS 2015 Range-Wide Indiana Bat Summer Survey Guidelines (Guidance). Information collected during the field surveys and supporting desktop studies were used to determine the presence of NLEB roosting habitat within the Survey Area. Using the guidance, the forested areas within the Survey Area were qualitatively evaluated for the presence of NLEB habitat. Parameters evaluated included existing development and disturbances, forest type, canopy closure/density, dominant tree species, and presence of suitable snags and trees with exfoliations (e.g., shagbark hickory, suitable shellbark hickory, and suitable dead trees). Field and desktop evaluations for NLEB habitat within the Survey Area noted the presence of very few suitable dead trees, and no tree species with exfoliated bark. Additionally, the Survey Area is located in a well-developed area, with no known hibernacula within five miles. Based on this assessment, it is anticipated that the Project will not result in significant adverse impacts to the NLEB. Biologists with species-specific qualifications will conduct species-specific field surveys 30 days prior to clearing to identify potential suitable habitat for protected avian and bat species, scheduled from April 1 to September 30. In the unlikely event that protected species are found as a result of the survey, the USFWS and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) will be consulted to determine appropriate measures. Mr. Nick Utrup U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service March 15, 2016 Page 4 Prairie Bush Clover The prairie bush clover is known to occur at scattered locations in the upper Midwest. The majority of plants occur in and near the Des Moines River valley of southwestern Minnesota and the nearby lakes region of northwestern Iowa. The species has become extremely rare because of the widespread conversion of its native prairie habitat to agricultural uses. The majority of surviving populations are in remnant prairies on steep slopes or in other isolated prairie habitats where cultivation is not feasible. Neither the prairie bush clover nor suitable habitat for this species was observed within the Survey Area. It is anticipated that the Project will not result in adverse impacts to the prairie bush clover. Higgins Eye Pearlymussel The Project is not near large rivers that may contain the Higgins eye pearlymussel; thus, it is anticipated that the Project will not result in adverse impacts to the Higgins eye pearlymussel. Bald Eagle and Migratory Birds Bald eagle nests are generally constructed and used for multiple years and are highly visible. In the Midwest, bald eagles typically nest in mature trees adjacent to perennial water bodies. There are no known bald eagle nests located within the Survey Area, based on the current review. Furthermore, no raptor nests were observed in the Survey Area. If active bald eagle nests are located within the ROW during the Project construction activities, Northern will work with the USFWS and MNDNR to prevent disturbance and stay within federal and state regulatory compliance. It is anticipated that the Project will not have adverse impacts to bald eagles or other raptors. The Project will include the removal of some trees in developed or forested areas. However, habitat alterations would be generally along an existing ROW and not be considerably different than the existing conditions. Furthermore, Northern is currently evaluating an HDD crossing that would avoid tree clearing within forested areas of Lebanon Hills Regional Park. It is anticipated that the Project will not result in significant adverse impacts to protected migratory birds. As previously stated, qualified biologists will conduct species-specific field surveys 30 days prior to clearing of potential suitable habitat for protected avian and bat species, scheduled from April 1 to September 30. CONCLUSIONS Based on this habitat assessment, no biologically unique habitat was identified within the Survey Area that would support or concentrate the NLEB, bush prairie clover, the Higgins eye pearlymussel, bald eagles, or protected migratory birds. In order to minimize the potential impact to the NLEB and their associated habitats and migratory bird habitat, species-specific field surveys will occur 30 days prior to clearing of potential suitable habitat, scheduled from April 1 Mr. Nick Utrup U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service March 15, 2016 Page 5 to September 30. Also, utilization of HDD methods would avoid extensive tree clearing throughout forested areas of Lebanon Hills Regional Park. By submittal of this habitat assessment, Burns & McDonnell is seeking concurrence with the assessment that the proposed construction of the Project is not likely to adversely affect federally protected species. A similar habitat assessment for state-protected species is also available upon request. If you have any questions regarding this report, you may contact me at 952-656-3666 or at Sincerely, Tyler Beemer Environmental Scientist Enclosures cc: Appendix A – Figures Appendix B – Field Photos Appendix C – USFWS IPaC Results for the Project Steve Ziemba, Northern Robyn Susemihl, Burns & McDonnell Randy Root, Burns & McDonnell APPENDIX A - FIGURES Cedar Meter Station 7.8 # * 7.0 # * 6.0 # * 5.0 # * 4.0 Lebanon Hills Regional Park 3.0 # * 2.0 # * COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A1.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 # * Minnesota 1.0 # * Area Enlarged Rosemount Meter Station Figure A-1 # * Mile Post Existing 16-inch A-Line Proposed Pipeline Existing 345-kV Transmission Line Survey Area Source: Northern Natural Gas; ESRI and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. 2,500 1,250 0 Scale in Feet 2,500 NORTH Location Map Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 800 810 0 83 84 0 0 81 860 870 810 800 810 Cedar Meter Station 850 840 0 81 820 87 0 7.8 # * 89 0 850 870 0 88 870 880 7.7 # * W-48 870 0 86 89 0 W-54 890 0 87 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 880 870 0 88 88 0 W-53 890 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 860 0 83 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 1 of 20 Scale in Feet # * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 850 W-54 7.7 W-48 # * 0 87 870 870 87 0 7.6 880 880 87 0 870 870 860 880 7.5 W-43 870 880 890 880 880 900 7.4 # * 88 0 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 880 # * 900 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 # * 860 890 87 0 870 880 860 880 880 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 2 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 90 0 0 89 0 89 890 0 87 890 890 900 890 W-44 . SP-53 ! W-45 90 0 0 90 910 900 870 900 870 900 880 87 0 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 870 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 3 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 950 940 890 94 0 930 920 900 920 930 93 0 950 950 95 0 92 0 Mile Post 91 0 Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 92 0 91 0 920 # * 920 930 92 0 91 0 920 920 Sample Plot (SP-#) 930 940 940 920 . ! 0 93 0 94 930 900 900 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 960 W-55* 940 950 91 0 910 W-47 920 930 . . ! SP-55 ! 920 SP-54 950 950 910 900 950 890 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 0 95 960 890 900 910 940 0 93 890 W-46 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 4 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 900 7.5 880 # * 880 900 87 0 880 7.4 W-41** 880 890 880 890 870 7.3 # * 880 90 0 920 920 890 900 910 920 7.2 # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 890 900 890 92 0 Sample Plot (SP-#) 880 0 92 900 90 0 . ! 900 # * 0 92 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. W-42 880 900 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 870 # * 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop 6 ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 Scale in Feet 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH 200 # * Page 5 of 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 890 86 0 900 90 0 88 0 89 0 0 87 87 0 890 90 0 900 900 89 0 90 0 0 91 88 0 W-50 900 W-49 910 . SP-56 ! . ! 910 910 92 0 91 0 0 91 0 91 91 0 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS ! . . SP-59 ! W-51 0 92 910 SP-58 910 0 91 0 91 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. SP-57 0 91 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 88 0 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 6 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 910 900 910 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 7.2 890 900 # * 88 0 900 890 890 0 92 0 92 900 920 890 89 0 900 7.1 # * 930 920 0 92 6.9 W-52 # * # * ! SP-51 . . SP-52 ! 920 920 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS W-39 SP-49 ! . . SP-50 ! 1 ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 7 of 20 Scale in Feet 6.6 # * # * 890 * Denotes features delineated from desktop 200 890 880 940 890 930 910 6.7 0 88 W-40 6.8 88 0 900 920 900 890 0 92 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 900 910 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 920 7.0 # * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 89 0 890 890 890 900 890 890 6.5 # * W-35 W-38 6.4 6.3 # * 6.2 # * W-37 SP-43 ! . . ! SP-42 6.1 . SP-48 ! # * ! SP-47 . . ! SP-46 880 . SP-44 ! 6.0 # * # * . SP-45 ! 920 900 W-36 880 880 900 910 90 0 900 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) 92 0 0 90 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 890 90 0 900 89 0 880 0 90 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 900 0 89 890 # * 880 890 890 # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 8 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 920 910 920 920 920 920 940 940 SP-40 W-33 930 5.6 # * 5.5 # * . ! ! . 93 0 W-32** 0 91 90 91 0 0 90 0 SP-41 5.4 # * 940 940 940 950 950 0 89 940 940 94 0 93 0 0 92 940 940 94 0 950 94 0 940 950 940 940 0 95 0 94 930 0 95 950 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 9 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 920 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 950 930 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 W-34 5.7 # * 920 5.8 # * 950 5.9 # * 930 920 # * 940 W-31 92 0 910 940 91 0 90 0 92 0 91 0 91 0 930 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 900 950 910 950 94 0 0 94 940 920 940 0 94 94 0 940 920 930 5.3 # * 890 5.2 # * 940 930 5.1 # * W-30 4.9 5.0 910 # * 940 # * # * 960 900 930 4.8 930 0 94 0 96 0 98 # * 0 91 920 95 0 910 91 0 92 0 920 0 92 910 5.4 940 920 940 970 940 920 91 0 960 950 930 0 96 960 940 970 96 0 940 0 94 92 0 # * 950 4.7 0 93 0 94 930 91 0 95 0 970 940 960 920 94 0 940 94 0 940 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 940 930 940 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 0 94 930 930 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 10 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project # * Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 930 970 970 960 4.6 960 # * 960 W-56 940 0 94 W-29 !! . . SP-39 SP-38 0 91 920 93 0 920 950 W-28 930 4.5 # * W-57** 93 0 920 910 930 970 940 920 W-27 0 92 92 0 W-58* 4.4 # * COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 960 0 92 930 960 91 0 930 960 940 940 940 4.3 Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post 960 Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. 950 Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Contour (Feet) 940 # * 940 . ! 910 PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 11 of 20 Scale in Feet 940 4.1 # * 940 970 200 4.2 # * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 920 930 930 920 0 96 0 97 930 940 4.2 # * 910 0 93 910 950 4.1 # * 930 930 1000 1010 1010 0 10 940 990 0 980 4.0 # * 10 2 103 0 0 103 0 103 0 103 0 1030 930 3.9 # * 10 3 0 950 930 93 0 3.8 1030 3.7 90 0 950 91 0 10 2 # * 1030 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 940 1030 # * 0 0 92 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 960 0 95 930 1040 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 12 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3.6 # * Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota # * Issued: 2/29/2016 1030 0 40 10 1 10 1020 3.7 30 10 1030 # * 3.6 # * 1020 104 0 10 4 1070 1000 1030 1060 1070 3.4 # * 0 101 1030 0 1040 3.3 980 990 970 10 40 7 10 10 6 0 0 105 0 # * 1050 3.2 1050 0 105 7 10 3.1 # * 96 0 0 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. # * 0 105 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 3.5 # * . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 13 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 960 93 0 990 70 10 3.1 # * 0 980 99 0 920 94 0 Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 920 940 Mile Post 940 2.7 92 0 W-22 930 940 # * 93 0 # * W-22 93 0 Sample Plot (SP-#) # * 0 94 950 0 95 920 . SP-34 2.8 ! 930 960 . ! 95 0 . SP-33 ! 96 0 980 97 0 970 W-23 0 94 980 0 92 920 910 0 101 1000 990 980 970 960 0 0 91 98 0 3 10 2.9 # * 960 0 20 10 970 970 1050 W-24 93 0 10 1 0 10 4 0 95 SP-36 960 960 SP-35 . ! . ! W-25 950 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. . ! 940 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 SP-37 0 0 94 W-26 950 1070 0 95 # * 940 102 10 3.0 0 92 920 1040 20 960 96 0 0 10 00 1060 940 6 10 3 10 0 93 940 0 93 930 1050 70 10 970 980 103 0 3.2 # * 930 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 14 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 930 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 960 0 95 93 0 0 94 92 0 910 930 930 93 0 930 94 0 # * 950 2.5 # * 930 92 0 W-21 910 920 950 960 940 2.4 950 Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. W-11 . ! 2.2 SP-29 930 ! . . ! # * 950 SP-20 940 W-16 W-12 SP-21 930 W-60* 960 940 Delineated Wetlands (W-#) PSS 930 950 950 . SP-28 ! 950 Proposed Pipeline Contour (Feet) 960 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 W-59 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 15 of 20 Scale in Feet # * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 950 93 0 950 940 930 940 W-14 !. SP-25 . ! SP-24 0 93 Mile Post 940 930 . SP-22 ! W-17 95 0 # * 930 930 940 Sample Plot (SP-#) . SP-23 ! 2.3 # * 94 0 950 940 W-13 930 940 0 94 920 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 950 # * 0 95 . ! 950 930 940 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 930 930 93 0 2.6 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 W-60* 930 W-59 2.1 950 930 W-15 960 94 0 950 930 940 SP-26 950 ! . . ! 940 SP-27 950 # * 2.0 # * 0 94 96 0 W-61* 1.9 # * 940 950 950 950 980 93 0 930 0 95 930 960 1.8 * 940# 940 990 960 950 990 940 950 1.7 # * 94 0 98 0 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 970 930 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 950 930 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS W-20 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 16 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 # * Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 # * 96 0 950 950 950 940 0 95 950 0 95 1.7 # * 940 W-20 950 950 950 95 0 W-63* 950 93 0 940 1.6 W-18 SP-30 ! . 950 W-19 96 0 930 # * 970 W-62* ! SP-31 . . ! 960 SP-32 970 940 970 . ! 94 0 970 SP-16 W-09 . ! 1.3 SP-17 Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) 970 W-07 # * Mile Post 970 . SP-14 ! 970 # * W-08 PSS . ! ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 100 0 200 6 950 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 17 of 20 Scale in Feet 990 0 96 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop 200 980 SP-15 1.4 SP-13 ! . # * Sample Plot (SP-#) 970 970 960 . ! 970 970 970 1.5 # * 950 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 950 0 97 980 960 W-64* 970 93 0 96 0 940 960 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 940 95 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. # * * 95# 0 960 950 95 0 1.2 970 # * W-10 W-65 990 950 0 97 98 0 # *SP-11 970 990 970 W-06 .! SP-12 ! .1.1 970 980 980 980 980 1.0 # * 0 97 0 97 950 W-66** 0.9 # * 950 96 0 950 Sample Plot (SP-#) 980 980 . ! 96 0 98 0 97 0 0 95 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 950 0 98 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 960 . ! ! SP-18 . 0 98 960 SP-19 100 0 990 950 . ! 0 99 980 950 SP-16 W-09 . ! 1.3 SP-17 0 99 0 97 94 0 980 96 0 W-07 0 94 # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 # * 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 18 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 96 0 98 0 0.8 # * 980 0 96 0 97 980 960 0 99 980 96 0 990 950 940 980 970 0.7 # * 0 96 970 950 SP-02 0.6 97 0 SP-10 W-05 . ! 0 95 . SP-03 ! 950 SP-09 ! . 960 97 0 . SP-04 ! W-02 W-03 950 SP-05 0.5 W-04 0 96 . ! 0 94 # * SP-06 0 94 0 95 940 950 . ! W-04 0.4 W-03 970 96 0 96 0 960 0.3 960 Sample Plot (SP-#) 0 96 . ! # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 10 11 NORTH Page 19 of 20 Scale in Feet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ! SP-08 . 0 97 960 . SP-07 ! 980 # * 950 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. # * 0 94 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 # * . ! SP-01 . ! W-01 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas * Dakota County, Minnesota# Issued: 2/29/2016 980 970 0.3 # * . SP-07 ! 980 ! SP-08 . 980 0 98 0.2 970 # * 96 0 98 0 0 96 980 W-67 95 0 0.1 # * 970 960 970 W-68** Rosemount Meter Station 980 960 95 0 960 . ! Sample Plot (SP-#) # * Mile Post Delineated Wetlands (W-#) Proposed Pipeline Existing 16-inch A-Line PEM PAB Survey Area Existing 345-kV Transmission Line PFO PUB Contour (Feet) Source: Northern Natural Gas, USGS NAPI (2013), and Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. PSS 980 980 970 960 COPYRIGHT © 2016 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 980 960 Path: Z:\Clients\ESP\NNatGas\86519_BlackDogExp\Studies\Geospatial\DataFiles\ArcDocs\Figures\T&E\MDNR\Figures_A2.mxd tbeemer 2/29/2016 98 0 0 97 940 980 980 950 96 0 1 * Denotes features delineated from desktop ** Denotes features delineated from roadway 200 100 0 200 6 5 2 7 3 8 4 9 950 10 11 NORTH Page 20 of 20 Scale in Feet 95 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure A-2 Topography & Delineated Wetlands Cedar Station Upgrade Project Northern Natural Gas Dakota County, Minnesota Issued: 2/29/2016 APPENDIX B - FIELD PHOTOS Photograph C-1: View of typical wooded area, looking north. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-2: View of typical wooded area, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-3: View of typical wooded area, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-4: View of typical wooded area, looking north. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-5: View of typical wooded area, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-6: View of typical wooded area, looking east. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-7: View of typical wooded area, looking west. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-8: View of typical wooded area, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-9: View of typical wooded area, looking west. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-10: View of typical wooded area, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-11: View of typical wooded area, looking north. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-12: View of potential roost, looking north. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-13: View of potential roost, looking south. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-14: View of potential roost, looking east. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-15: View of potential roost, looking east. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-16: View of typical emergent wetland, looking west. Photograph C-17: View of typical fringe emergent wetland and pond, looking west. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN Photograph C-18: View typical uplands and pond, looking east. Northern Natural Gas Company Cedar Station Upgrade Project Site Photographs September 2015 Dakota County, MN APPENDIX C - USFWS IPAC RESULTS FOR THE PROJECT IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI US Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC Trust Resource Report Project Description NAME My project PROJECT CODE CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI LOCATION Dakota County, Minnesota DESCRIPTION No description provided U.S. Fish & Wildlife Contact Information Species in this report are managed by: Twin Cities Ecological Services Field Office 4101 American Blvd E Bloomington, MN 55425-1665 (612) 725-3548 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 2 IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI Endangered Species Proposed, candidate, threatened, and endangered species that are managed by the Endangered Species Program and should be considered as part of an effect analysis for this project. This unofficial species list is for informational purposes only and does not fulfill the requirements under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, which states that Federal agencies are required to "request of the Secretary of Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action." This requirement applies to projects which are conducted, permitted or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can be obtained by returning to this project on the IPaC website and requesting an Official Species List from the regulatory documents section. Clams Higgins Eye (pearlymussel) Lampsilis higginsii Endangered CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Flowering Plants Prairie Bush-clover Lespedeza leptostachya Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Mammals Northern Long-eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis Threatened CRITICAL HABITAT No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Critical Habitats Potential effects to critical habitat(s) within the project area must be analyzed along with the endangered species themselves. There is no critical habitat within this project area 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 3 IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI Migratory Birds Birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Any activity which results in the take of migratory birds or eagles is prohibited unless authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1). There are no provisions for allowing the take of migratory birds that are unintentionally killed or injured. You are responsible for complying with the appropriate regulations for the protection of birds as part of this project. This involves analyzing potential impacts and implementing appropriate conservation measures for all project activities. American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bird of conservation concern Year-round Black Tern Chlidonias niger Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Black-crowned Night-heron Nycticorax nycticorax Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora pinus Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Cerulean Warbler Dendroica cerulea Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Dickcissel Spiza americana Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 4 IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Bird of conservation concern Year-round Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Bird of conservation concern Year-round Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Bird of conservation concern Season: Wintering Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Bird of conservation concern Season: Breeding 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 5 IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI Refuges Any activity proposed on National Wildlife Refuge lands must undergo a 'Compatibility Determination' conducted by the Refuge. If your project overlaps or otherwise impacts a Refuge, please contact that Refuge to discuss the authorization process. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge 2,849.27 acres PHONE (952) 854-5900 ADDRESS 3815 American Boulevard East Bloomington, MN 55425 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 6 IPaC Trust Resource Report CGAWG-OPUCF-A6ZFK-UFF56-FDZUZI Wetlands Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats from your project may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal Statutes. Project proponents should discuss the relationship of these requirements to their project with the Regulatory Program of the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District. DATA LIMITATIONS The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identified based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on-the-ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classification established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verification work conducted. Metadata should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or field work. There may be occasional differences in polygon boundaries or classifications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. DATA EXCLUSIONS Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial imagery. DATA PRECAUTIONS Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may define and describe wetlands in a different manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may affect such activities. Wetland data is unavailable at this time. 09/08/2015 01:05 IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation Version 2.2.4 Page 7