Ministry of Coal 17 Chapter Eco park towards Sustainable mining ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Information Technology 111 Annual Report | 2015-16 112 Ministry of Coal Information Technology In the year 2015-16, Ministry of Coal accelerated its endeavours to surge ahead in the path of e-Governance. Working closely with NIC, the Ministry geared up its efficiency of digital services delivery, augmented e-infrastructure and worked towards development of e-skills and promotion of IT environment in the Ministry. An IT based Computer Centre, is operational in the Ministry equipped with latest computer systems for delivering and implementing secure computer based applications and solutions, database support, Internet, email, network and video conferencing facilities. This year Ministry of Coal has adopted Government of India’s Meghraj Cloud technology to ensure optimum utilization of infrastructure and speed up the development and deployment of e-Governance applications. The official website of Ministry of Coal – is bilingual, user-friendly and provides an easy navigation and quick access to important and latest up-to-date information. A clutter-free responsive design helps the end user to access the site on all handheld devices. Links are also provided in the header section to guide the visitors to the Twitter and Facebook pages of the Ministry. The site provides rich updated content such as details of senior officers, organisational setup of the Ministry, subordinate offices links, policies, annual reports, publications, acts, rules, notifications, policies, RTI disclosures etc. Besides, a website for Minister’s office – is hosted and maintained by the Ministry. The site highlights the initiatives and achievements of Ministry of Coal, Power and NRE looked after by Hon’ble Minister. Coal Projects Monitoring Portal has been successfully implemented in the Ministry. This comprehensive MIS links all stake holders of coal sector – industry, coal companies, State Governments, Ministries/Departments and Ministry of Coal. Coal projects with their pending issues with various States or departments are submitted into the system. These issues are closely monitored, discussed and resolved on this platform thereby eliminating cumulative information seeking and decision making delays. E- File is successfully adopted in Ministry of Coal. Gradually more physical files from all sections of the Ministry being handled electronically. Coal E-Office is operational in Ministry of Coal with an aim to support e-governance by ushering in more effective and transparent inter and intra-government processes. The vision of e-Office is to achieve a simplified, responsive, effective and transparent working. Ministry of Coal has developed a workflow based Online Coal Clearances Portal to provide a single window access to its investors to submit online applications for all the permissions / clearances and approvals granted by Ministry of Coal. The portal has been made ready for launch. This will act as a dashboard for all stakeholders who are involved and interested to obtain clearances. Coal Clearances portal of Ministry of Coal has been integrated with e-Nivesh Portal of Cabinet Secretariat as well. NIC has conducted a detailed study to develop a comprehensive integrated MIS to monitor Coal Blocks and Coal Linkages. The study has covered analysis of workflow and flow of information among stakeholders for coal blocks and linkages. All requirements have been assessed and the Functional Requirement Study report is being finalized in the Ministry. Coal Allocation Monitoring System (CAS) is developed to monitor the allocation of coal by Coal India Limited (CIL) to States, States to State Nominated Agencies (SNA) and SNA to consumers in a transparent manner. The system is designed to cater to the consumers through SNA in small and medium sector (erstwhile non-core sector) whose annual consumption is less than 4200 metric tonnes per annum and is otherwise not having any access to purchase coal or conclude Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) for coal supplies with coal companies. enhancements, 113 Annual Report | 2015-16 audit etc. Testing of the system is under progress for tentative launch by Hon’ble Minister in the month of January 2016. 114 Letters MIS has been introduced in PRIW Section of Ministry of Coal. This user friendly in-house product has been designed so that multiple letters bearing same subject and requiring same action by Ministry / coal companies are managed systematically. Some of the main office automation software being used in the Ministry for day to day working are: Biometric Attendance system, Coal Assurances Monitoring System, Comprehensive DDO for Payroll, Budget Reports MIS, Intracoal Dashboard for pay slips, Income Tax and GPF online etc. Ministry has implemented Intra-Ministry and interMinistry official communication on NIC email to save time and reduce paper movement. All regular external reports that are to be provided to other Ministries/departments by the Ministry are provided from the website of the Ministry. E-governance applications have been implemented in the Ministry and are being actively used in the Ministry. A few of these are RTIMIS to manage RTI cases, AVMS for monitoring ACC vacancies, CPGRAMS for public grievances, Parliament Questions and Supplementary MIS, Court Cases Monitoring, etc. Ministry of Coal Loading of Coal by backhoe excavator in a dumper ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Annexure 115 Annual Report | 2015-16 116 SUB BCCL BCCL BCCL BCCL BCCL CCL CCL CCL CCL CCL CCL CCL CCL SL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PAREJ EAST NORTH URIMARI MAGADH EXPN. KARMA GOVINDPUR PH-II CHURI-BENTI CM ASHOK EXPN.(10 MTY) AMRAPALI NORTH TISRA & SOUTH TISRA MURAIDIH-CM SM-III/ II/I MOONIDIH XV SEAM KAPURIA BLOCK BLOCK-II UG CM (I/II SEAM) PROJECT UG OC OC OC OC UG OC OC OC UG UG UG UG TYPE May-08 Dec-07 Aug-08 Jun-09 Dec-09 Aug-07 Dec-07 Feb-12 Feb-14 Feb-11 Aug-11 Aug-11 Dec-09 DATE OF SANC 0.51 3.00 20.00 1.00 1.20 0.81 10.00 12.00 6.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 0.45 CAPACITY (MTY) 128.89 179.87 706.40 162.46 142.11 165.51 341.63 858.11 555.52 339.88 1230.27 988.35 113.37 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-12 Mar-12 Mar-17 Mar-14 Mar-14 Mar-11 Mar-11 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-15 Mar-19 Mar-17 Mar-14 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-22 Mar-17 Mar-17 Mar-17 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-16 Mar-19 Mar-17 Mar-19 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.40 1.71 0.03 7.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACT 2013-14 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.58 1.91 0.03 6.48 2.55 3.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACT 2014-15 0.00 0.90 3.50 0.65 2.00 0.03 8.00 7.00 3.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) Delayed due to delay in release of forest land Delayed due to delay in hand over of forest land, which in progress. On Schedule Delayed due to delay in release of forest land & land Authentication Delayed due to delay in release of forest land Delayed due to FC and handover of sight (i)Initially delayed due to delay in release of forest land, which is in possession now (ii) Land authentication and Law & order problem On Schedule On Schedule Delayed due to acquisition of land and approval of DPR. On Schedule On Schedule Delayed due to signing of agreement by one of the parties of Consortium. STATUS STATUS S OF ON-GOING PROJECTS COSTING RS. 100 CRORES AND ABOVE IN COAL INDIA LIMITED AS ON 31.01.2016 Annexure-I Ministry of Coal 117 118 CCL CCL CCL CCL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL ECL 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SUB 14 SL. RAJMAHAL EXPN (17) NEW KENDA NARAINKURI KUMARDIHI-B CM (UCE_) KOTTADIH CM (PR PH-1) JHANJRA PSLW(R-VI) JHANJRA LOW HEIGHT CM JHANJRA 2ND CM (UCE) HURA C CHITRA EAST(2.50 Mty.) TAPIN ROHINI EXPN.(EPR) RAJRAPPA (RCE) PURNADIH PROJECT OC OC UG UG UG UG UG UG OC OC OC OC OC OC TYPE Sep-09 Nov-14 Feb-09 May-14 May-11 Nov-06 Feb-15 May-11 Sep-15 Aug-07 Aug-08 Sep-08 Dec-09 Jul-08 DATE OF SANC 17.00 1.20 0.54 1.02 0.60 1.70 0.72 0.51 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 CAPACITY (MTY) 1107.77 127.27 149.06 117.91 127.17 287.17 127.72 147.20 359.69 112.69 264.68 105.67 510.85 210.98 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-14 Mar-18 Mar-15 Mar-23 Mar-16 Mar-10 Mar-18 Mar-15 Mar-22 Mar-13 Mar-12 Mar-11 Mar-16 Mar-13 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-16 Mar-18 Mar-17 Mar-23 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-16 Mar-22 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-16 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 14.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.42 1.09 0.73 0.80 1.49 ACT 2013-14 15.92 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.74 1.22 0.55 1.31 2.00 ACT 2014-15 16.13 0.20 0.00 0.60 0.51 0.00 2.00 1.90 1.50 1.25 1.80 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) Delayed due to delay in R & R activities because of resistance from villagers. On Schedule Delay in Shaft sinking and Env. Clearance On Schedule On Schedule Delay in finalization of tender for PSLW On Schedule Delay in finalization of tender for CM On Schedule Delay in FC, legal handover of J.B land and transfer of Govt. land Delayed due to delay in receiving FC and handing over of site Delayed due to delay in release of forest land On Schedule Delayed due to delay in FC and authentication & possession of non forest land. STATUS Annual Report | 2015-16 ECL ECL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SUB 28 SL. KANIHA OCP JAGANNATH RO OCP HINGULA EXPN.PH-III GOPALPRASAD GOPALJI KANIHA EXPN GARJANBAHAL OCP BHUBANESWARI OCP BHARATPUR PH-III BASUNDHARA(WEST) EXTN. BALARAM EXTN. ANANTA EXPN.PHIII(15 MTY) SONEPUR-BAZARI COMB. SARPI(RCE)AUG. PROJECT OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC UG TYPE Dec-07 May-14 Nov-08 Feb-08 Sep-15 Nov-14 Dec-07 Feb-07 May-14 Dec-07 Aug-08 Aug-12 Jun-08 DATE OF SANC 10.00 6.00 7.00 15.00 30.00 10.00 20.00 9.00 7.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 0.76 CAPACITY (MTY) 457.77 337.66 479.53 395.87 4384.41 1375.38 490.10 131.39 479.15 172.08 207.28 1055.05 147.86 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-13 Mar-19 Mar-13 Mar-21 Mar-17 Mar-10 Mar-19 Mar-10 Mar-12 Mar-18 Mar-11 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-16 Mar-19 Mar-16 Mar-21 Mar-17 Mar-17 Mar-19 Dec-16 Mar-16 Mar-18 Mar-16 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 4.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.45 1.58 4.78 4.57 0.00 6.40 0.69 ACT 2013-14 6.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 3.72 3.70 0.00 6.41 0.61 ACT 2014-15 10.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 25.00 12.90 0.00 7.45 0.00 7.50 0.68 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) report under Delayed due to Stage-I Forestry clearance pending at state level. Initially delayed due to delay in construction of MGR by NTPC, which is complete & operating. On Schedule Delayed due to FC. Stage II pending at state level. Allotment of block cancelled On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule Delayed due to delay in FC and handover of forest land, which is in progress. On Schedule Delayed due to non allotment of R&R site by State Govt. Delayed due to Stage I FC pending at MoEF & CC On Schedule Completion approval STATUS Ministry of Coal 119 120 MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL NCL NCL NCL NCL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 SUB 41 SL. BATURA (HIGHWALL) BAROUD EXPN(RAI WEST) BAGDEVA RPR AMRITDHARA OC AMLAI EXPN.SEC-B AMGAON RCE AMERA UCE NIGAHI EXPN.PHII(15MTY) RCE KRISHNASILA (RPR) KHADIA EXPN. AMLOHRI EXPN TALABIRA SIARMAL LAKHANPURBELPAHAR-LILARI KULDA EXPN KULDA PROJECT UG OC UG OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC TYPE Jul-15 Jul-08 Mar-11 Feb-15 Nov-09 Jul-15 Feb-15 Oct-15 Jun-11 Jun-11 Dec-09 Mar-08 May-14 Aug-15 Jun-14 Jan-05 DATE OF SANC 0.50 3.00 0.75 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 15.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 5.00 10.00 CAPACITY (MTY) 231.92 135.58 117.60 481.60 198.59 316.10 335.97 2333.06 741.62 1720.03 1670.65 447.72 3756.36 3017.54 289.03 302.96 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-20 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-23 Mar-16 Mar-20 Mar-08 Mar-13 Mar-18 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-26 Mar-18 Mar-12 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-20 Mar-18 Mar-16 Mar-23 Mar-16 Mar-20 Mar-18 Mar-16 Mar-18 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-26 Mar-18 Mar-17 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 0.00 3.50 0.49 0.00 0.67 0.98 0.85 4.00 5.14 8.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.27 ACT 2013-14 3.50 0.56 0.00 0.70 0.77 1.00 13.66 4.95 5.33 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.80 ACT 2014-15 3.50 0.52 0.70 1.00 1.35 15.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) On Schedule Delayed due to possession of land and delay in Stage I FC. Delay in Construction of CHP On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule Delay in Construction of CHP On Schedule Delayed due to construction of CHP, which is in progress and rail connectivity to the CHP On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule Delayed due to delay in completion of JharsugudaBarpali Railway Line by S.E. Rly (Scheduled compl. Oct-09 now ant June-2016), resulting coal evacuation problem. STATUS Annual Report | 2015-16 SUB SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SECL SL. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 PELMA MANIKPUR EXPN. MAHAN-II(RCE) MAHAN (RCE) MADANNAGAR KUSMUNDA OCP KARTALI EAST KANCHAN EXPN JAMPALI RCE JAGANNATHPUR (MAHAN-III&IV) GEVRA EXPN (35 MTY) DURGAPUR DIPKA EXPN. (20-25 MTY) CHURCHA RE-ORG CHHAL (SEAM-III) BIJARI OC PROJECT OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC UG OC OC TYPE Nov-14 Nov-09 May-14 Jan-13 Sep-15 Aug-13 Jul-08 Dec-14 Oct-11 Sep-08 Jun-10 Feb-15 Dec-09 Jun-08 Dec-13 May-14 DATE OF SANC 15.00 3.50 1.00 0.36 12.00 50.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 35.00 6.00 25.00 1.35 6.00 1.50 CAPACITY (MTY) 1624.59 321.50 113.05 148.72 1875.32 7612.33 178.44 371.04 142.58 152.43 2675.67 916.24 1943.66 462.35 610.63 164.49 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-21 Mar-14 Mar-16 Mar-09 Mar-21 Mar-14 Mar-21 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-23 Mar-14 Mar-14 Mar-19 Mar-20 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-21 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-21 Mar-16 Mar-21 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-23 Mar-16 Mar-16 Mar-19 Mar-20 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 0.00 3.22 1.00 0.06 0.00 18.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.70 0.00 29.20 1.43 0.00 0.00 ACT 2013-14 0.00 3.50 1.51 0.12 18.75 0.00 0.75 0.60 0.00 41.00 0.00 31.00 1.40 0.00 0.00 ACT 2014-15 3.50 2.00 0.35 22.25 1.15 41.00 31.00 1.69 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) On Schedule Delayed due to delay in getting EC & FC. On Schedule Could not achieve production as Contractor did not perform and left the work. Tendering under process On Schedule On Schedule Delay in FC On Schedule Delay in FC Delayed due to delay in possession of land and grant of FC Some major activities like R & R, conveyor system and HEMM procurement delayed. On Schedule Major activities of the project have been completed. Delay in commissioning of CM Package On Schedule On Schedule STATUS Ministry of Coal 121 122 SUB SECL SECL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL WCL SL. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 YEKONA-I & II AMLGMTD SINGHORI PENGANGA PAUNI II & III AMLGMTD NEW MAJRI UG TO OC MAKARDHOKRA-I JUNAD EXTN. GOKUL OC DINESH (MAKRADHAKRA-III) BHANEGAON RPR ADASA UG TO OC RAMPUR BATURA RAJNAGAR PROJECT OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC TYPE Aug-15 Jun-15 Sep-14 Jun-15 May-15 Sep-14 Feb-15 Nov-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 Aug-15 Aug-15 Dec-14 DATE OF SANC 2.75 0.85 4.00 3.25 0.80 2.00 0.60 1.50 4.00 1.00 1.50 4.00 1.70 CAPACITY (MTY) 727.28 205.49 441.82 483.69 295.56 266.23 118.14 267.67 611.16 187.94 300.89 1186.64 357.79 SANCTION CAPITAL Mar-24 Mar-20 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-23 Mar-23 SCHEDULED DATE OF COMPLETION Mar-24 Mar-20 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-23 Mar-23 ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACT 2013-14 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 ACT 2014-15 0.00 0.40 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.41 1.20 TARGET 2015-16 PRODUCTION (MTY) On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule On Schedule STATUS Annual Report | 2015-16 Name of Project Mine II Expansion Barsingsar Mine, Rajasthan Barsingsar TPS, Rajasthan Sl no 1 2 3 Aug-09 Mar-12 1626.09 1868.71 Mar-12 218.05 Dec-04 Aug-09 254.60 Apr-12 2125.83 Dec-04 Jul-08 2295.93 254.07 Oct-04 Month & year of sanction 2161.28 Sanctioned cost and RCE I & II 2*125 MW 1114.18 2.1 MTPA 4.5 MTPA Capacity Power: Mine 1,840.08 at Rajasthan Lignite: TPS 213.52 at Rajasthan - 2.50 28.28 Cummu. BE Exp. Upto 2015-16 Mar-15 Lignite: TPS II 2,023.12 Expansion Grade of coal linkage 1,840.08 213.88 2,029.16 Actual 2015-16 up to Jan16 since Inception Recently Commissioned Projects 14.83 1.60 26.80 RE 2015-16 - 1.05 9.69 BE 2016-17 STATUS OF THE ONGOING PROJECTS COSTING Rs 100 Cr AND ABOVE IN NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LTD (NLC) Both units have been commissioned. Unit II on 29.12.2011 and Unit I on 20.01.2012 Lignite production commenced in Nov-2009 and attained full capacity level on 31/01/2010 The project has been commenced on 12.03.2010 Status of project (Rs. in Crore) Ministry of Coal 123 124 Project TPS II Expn. NTPL 4 5 Tuticorin Name of Sl no 2.1 MTPA 2*250 MW Capacity 6602.74 4909.54 3583.77 Cummu. BE Actual 6,568.73 3,221.08 Inception 16 since up to Jan- 2015-16 RE 674.48 74.63 2015-16 BE 491.83 120.02 2016-17 of TPS-II Expansion was main plant package contractor and of adequate manpower by BHEL, the start of works and non-mobilization The reason for initial delay was delayed project suffered a delay of 73 months. II was commissioned on 22.04.2015. The commissioned on 05.07.2015 and Unit Unit-I Status of project contractors. attributable to BHEL as well as other slow progress of civil and erection works, resources especially the manpower and sub contractors, poor mobilization of for delay are delay in finalization of the a delay of 35 months. The main reasons 9/12/2013 18.06.2015 and Unit II was commissioned on 29.08.2015. The project has suffered based Unit-I of NTPL was commissioned on RCE 12.05.2008 could not be put in continuous operation. both the units are yet to be stabilized and in the country. Even after commissioning, Combustion” technology for the first time project employ “Circulating Fluidized Bed The 250 MW steam generators of this the unit continuously and sustain full load. synchronization impeding operation of 132.37 74.63 2015-16 (RCE-III) Coal 6,115.69 Mine 3,185.95 Mar-15 Exp. Upto the recurring technical problems after Power: II Exp Power: linkage coal Grade of (In Rs Crore) 23.06.2015 Apr-12 Jul-08 2453.57 3027.59 Oct-04 sanction RCE I & II 2030.78 year of Month & cost and Sanctioned Projects under Implementation Annual Report | 2015-16 NNTPS Wind Power 6 7 51 MW (34 units*1.5 MW) 2*500 MW LOA in Aug-13 Rs. 332.52 crore LOA Value Board & Moc approval in 2009 09.06.2011 Est cost Rs. 364.75 crore 5907.11 Wind power Power: Mine-1 & Expn and Mine 1A 128.27 784.75 49.88 1,291.95 191.25 1,373.77 204.25 950.95 950.00 - engineering activities, civil Delay in start of (scheduled Structural fabri- date: TG deck column Start of condenser The progress of has been granted up to 31st March 2016. project is 72.00%. Extension of time (EOT) and erection. The overall progress of the ress in transfer of lands to NLC, supplies The project was delayed due to slow prog- been commissioned upto January 2016. Fourteen WTGs of 21 MW capacity have dressed in this regard firm M/s EPIL has been ad- BOP package is very slow. The • and TG erection. • casting up to deck in unit-1 • house of unit 1 and unit 2 cation and erection in power • 31.12.2014). columns delay in receipt of main boiler main boiler erection due to • The following issues are being faced: package, civil works are in progress backfilling.In respect of balance of plant wall final lift, mill Deck concreting and activities were completed, except Mill packages for unit-I and unit-II. All civil Steam generator and turbo generator works and supplies are in progress for Detailed Ministry of Coal 125 126 Expansion of Mine I 10.50 MTPA area Expansion and Expansion of Mine IA (From 3.0 to 7.0 MTPA) Project Hadla Mine Project Barsingsar Extension power Project 8 9 10 1*250 MW 1.9 MTPA 13.50 to 17.50 MTPA 2,112.59 522.45 1,458.17 23.03.2015 23.03.2015 30.04.2013 Hadla Mine Project Power: Barsingsar Extension power Project NNTPS Power: 0.41 2.67 8.19 50.00 48.08 408.94 0.45 2.56 14.59 0.22 0.02 86.77 190.00 50.05 279.53 September for establishing the project and scrutiny is under progress. 04.01.2016.Seven bidders participated floated on 28.08.2015. Tender opened on Barsingsar Extension power project was ing of the bidders for both Bithnok and Combined single EPC tender for shortlist- proval on 23rd March 2015 has accorded ap- NLC Board in its 448th meeting held Rajasthan turn communicated to JS/ Mines , Govt of by LAO to conduct survey and this was in ever, villagers did not permit the team sent Govt of Rajasthan on 03.06.2015. How- through Collector / Bikaner to JS/ Mines , Award has been prepared and sent by LAO section 6 issued on 30.05.2013. sued on 31.05.2012 and notification under vate lands notification under section 4 is- and Governement land is pending. For pri- on 15.05.2014.Acquisition of private land Application for mining lease submitted through outsourcing mode IA commenced on 24th September 2015 Mine Development activities in Mine- 2015. corded by MOE&F on 2nd Environmental Clearance has been ac- by Board on 27th August 2015. mine development quantity was approved Letter of Award (LOA) for outsourcing 2015 mining plan of the project on 16th June Ministry of Coal has accorded approval for Annual Report | 2015-16 Bithnok Mine Project Bithnok Power Project Solar Power Project Neyveli 11 12 13 130 MW 1*250 MW 2.25 MTPA 650 (approx.) 2,196.30 513.63 Dec,2015 23.03.2015 23.03.2015 - Bithnok Mine Project Bithnok Power Project - 38.74 46.73 0.25 50.00 66.39 0.06 38.74 67.23 2.20 7.93 35.33 585.00 190.00 6.31 2015 has accorded ap- 2016. scheduled date of opening on 8th March NIT was issued on 13th January 2016 with er projects of 130MW at Neyveli. proval for installation of Solar pow- December NLC Board in its meeting held on 17th and scrutiny is under progress. 04.01.2016.Seven bidders participated floated on 28.08.2015. Tender opened on Barsingsar Extension power project was ing of the bidders for both Bithnok and Combined single EPC tender for shortlist- proval for establishing the project . on 23rd March 2015 has accorded ap- NLC Board in its 448th meeting held NLC. to expedite transfer of land in favour of tary /Revenue, GoR on 6th October 2015 Special request has been made to Secre- paid compensation). owners (125 out of 135 Khata have been crore has been disbursed to private land Compensation to the tune of Rs.94.56 are yet to be transferred to NLC. han. Private, Government and Forest lands to be granted by Government of Rajast- Based on Stage I FC, mining lease requires mitted on 24.04.2014. Application for revised mining lease sub- EC yet to be received. Stage I F received on 02.12.2015. Ministry of Coal 127 14 Solar Power Project, Barsingsar 130 MW 650 (approx.) Dec,2015 - 0.12 0.34 - 17.00 585.00 128 2016 opening ary of on with issued 13th 8th March scheduled on 2016. date Janu- with RREC is in progress. Action for registration of 130 MW SPP was NIT Solar projects of 125MW at Barsingsar. 17th December 2015 for installation of NLC Board has accorded approval on Annual Report | 2015-16 Srirampur OC-II Adriyala Shaft 2 3 7 6 5 4 JK-5 OCP 1 Phase-I RKP OCP Project Extension RG OC-II Project Longwall Kakatiya project Longwall Shanthi khani Project Name of Project Sl. No OC OC UG UG UG OC OC Type 29.3.2010 30.12.2009 15.12.2008 09.10.2006 27.8.2014 24.12.2009/ 29.09.2006/ 16.10.2015 20.10.2004/ 19.4.2014 12.01.2011/ Date of Sanction. FR/ RCE 2.500 4.000 2.747 1.167 2.810 3.100 2.500 Capacity in MTPA 209.780 489.620 453.630 249.030 1228.390 407.380 131.200 Latest Sanction cost Rs.Crs 2014-15 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 Sept’2012 2009-10 2012-13 Scheduled date of completion 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17 RFR 31.03.2016 2016-17 2015-16 Anticipated date of completion 0.902 0.7 0.114 0.084 0.707 2.54 1.392 Production in 2014-15 ( MT) 0.636 1.100 0.090 0.085 1.462 2.148 2.082 Production in 2015-16 as on Jan, 2016 ( MT) 2.100 1.200 0.160 0.380 2.800 2.500 2.500 Production target in 2016-17 ( MT) STATUS OF ON-GOING PROJECTS COSTING RS. 100 CRORES S AND ABOVE IN SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED (SCCL) AS ON 31.01.2016 Production form the Project has commenced from March, 2014. After achieving the desired production completion report will be put up to the ensuing Board. Delay in diversion of forest land. RCE is approved on 16.10.2015 due to increase in land cost and R&R. Delay of project is due to nil activity of TPO due to which contract on TPO is terminated on 7.03.2014. Tender floated on 27.12.2014 for new TPO. Proposal is dropped as only one bidder qualified.. It is proposed to drop the TPO concept and further action is under study. Revised Feasibility Report (RFR) is under preparation in view of geological disturbances found with in the mine property. Commissioning of LW equipment is completed and production from Longwall Panel No 1 is commenced from 15.10.2014. Completion report will be put up to technical committee after the completion of this financial year. Delay in diversion of Forest land and R&R implementation. RCE is approved on 16.10.2015. due to increase in land cost and R&R as per New LARR act, cost are increased Delay in implementation of R&R. Status by the end of January, 2016 Ministry of Coal 129 130 Manuguru 8 Indaram OCP 10 RG OC-III Ext 12 Manuguru 14 KTK OC-II KOC III KK 6 Incline Total 15 16 17 Project opencast KKOCP 13 Ph-II JVR OC-II 11 RCE Kistaram OCP 9 (Phase-II) OC-II Extension Name of Project Sl. No UG OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC Type 29.12.2015 16.10.2015 13.5.2015 13.5.2015 10.11.2012/ 24.07.2012 29.06.2012 4.7.2011 4.7.2011 1.11.2010 29.3.2010 Date of Sanction. FR/ RCE 39.92 0.800 3.600 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 4.000 1.200 2.000 3.000 Capacity in MTPA 477.650 426.790 397.090 486.270 417.330 365.010 447.060 162.760 242.290 181.190 Latest Sanction cost Rs.Crs 2019-20 2017-18 2018-19 2015-16 2015-16 2014-15 2014-15 2014-15 2014-15 2011-12 Scheduled date of completion 2019-20 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Kept on hold 2019-20 2016-17 Anticipated date of completion 9.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.323 Production in 2014-15 ( MT) 10.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.052 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.877 Production in 2015-16 as on Jan, 2016 ( MT) 16.64 1.500 0.500 3.000 Production target in 2016-17 ( MT) Project activities are in initial stages Project activities are in initial stages Project activities are in initial stages Delay due to acquisition of NF land and implementation of R&R. Delay due to acquisition of NF land and implementation of R&R. Production from the Project commenced from 11.1.2016. Project was delayed due to approval for diversion of Jallaram -vagu Delay in diversion of forest land and implementation of R&R. Delay in acquisition of private land as villagers are opposing upcoming OC Project. Delay in diversion of forest land and implementation of R&R. Production from the project has commenced. Completion is delayed in diversion of forest land( 430.42 Ha) Status by the end of January, 2016 Annual Report | 2015-16 Ministry of Coal Annexure-II Audit Para Present status of the Audit Para No.3.3 of Report No. 21 of 2015 Sl.No Para No. / Report No. Summary of the audit observation Present status 1. Para No.3.3 of Report No. 21 of 2015 – Commercial Audit Observations (Vol I) The Dankuni Coal Complex (DCC) was established at a cost of Rs.147 crore in 1990 as a unit of Coal India Limited (CIL) based on the recommendations of the Fuel Policy Committee, 1974 of Government of India (GOI), and the Working Group Nos. 9 and 10 of the Planning Commission (1974). Later, CIL handed over DCC to South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) for running the plant on operating lease basis in April 1995 and renewed the lease subsequently at an annual lease rent of Rs.7.50 crore followed by further renewal of lease w.e.f. 1st April,.2010 at Rs 1 per annum. Pending Audit observed that DCC did not operate efficiently since inception so as to achieve financial viability. DCC, did not take effective measures to control environmental pollution. The Unit has been sustaining loss (Rs 650.97 crore as on 31st March, 2014). Audit examination revealed:* Operation far below installed capacity as there was revival /capital rehabilitation of the plant. no capital infusion for * Outdated technology * Poor off take of gas by customer * Non-remunerative price obtained from customer * Poor sale of by - products * Absence of marketing strategy. Neither DCC nor SECL or CIL took any coordinated and productive steps to address the core issues pointed out above which would have helped DCC to get its financial health restored. 131