1994 Famine in Sudan Pulitzer Prize Winning Photograph

1994 Famine in Sudan
Pulitzer Prize Winning Photograph
This heart-wrenching photo taken during the Sudan famine in 1994.
It won South African photojournalist Kelvin Carter the Pulitzer prize, a prestigious
award in photography.
Captured in the photo are a child crawling towards a UN food camp few kms away
and a vulture waiting for the child to die, so that it can eat her.
Whether the child survived is not known to anyone, including the photographer who
fled the place the minute the picture was taken.
He later revealed to friends that he wished he had saved the child. Even though
these journalists were warned not to touch the famine victims for the fear of
contracting diseases, Carter himself felt afterwards that he could and should have
done something more humanitarian.
Three months after winning the Pulitzer prize, he committed suicide out of