Document 14133856

August 1, 1991
The Wichita State lkliversity Handbook for Faculty is annua]]y revised aod IOOdified
with the assist.BB:e of the Faculty Senate Executive Camdttee aod legal eotmSe1 in the
office of the Kansas State Board of Regents.
It is designed for use by all members of
the faculty aod is of particular value to new members as they seek to ucderstaDd the
orga:nizatioo, policies, aod procedures of the University.
The traditloos aod the
spirit of The Wichita State University are Ullique, evolviDg siD:e its founding as
Faii.loount O:>llege in 1895, through ia years as a municipal instit:lltioo, aod during its
relatively brief existea:e as a state university.
It is important, I believe, that
they be Ullderst:ood aod appreciated.
'Ibis Haodbook will assist you in a fuller
utilizatiCXJ. of the facilities of the University aod in meeting your responsibilities as
a member of its faculty.
4.).r- - /.5.
Warren B. Aimstroog, Presideot
The Wichita State lkliversi ty
't.· .
. '~c:t
State University
'WSU Faculty
Faculty SeDate Ccmnittee
August 1991
Faculty HaOObook Revisioos
The Faculty SeDate Executive Ccmnittee, serving as the ex officio Faculty Handbook Ccmnittee, has
reviewed and approved the attached iDc:lusioos and chacges in the Handbook for 1991-1992. All changes
reproduce policies approved by votes of the Faculty SeDate.
We would like to draw your attentioo. to several chaoges in the HaDdbc:xit.
In Sectioo. 2.111, the
revised By-laws of the Gmeral Faculty are suonarlzed (the caoplete By-laws appear as Appecdix T).
The new By-laws provide that vot.i.Dg members of the faculty are those oolding half-time or mre
appointments at the rm::K of instru:tor or higher in which the pd.Dmy duties are fifty percent or 100re
teaching, research, and/or library service. The effect of this change is to withdraw vot.i.Dg rights in
the General Faculty fran several dozen who oold faculty rank, but whose assigmelts are
Also, el:im:f.Dation of the at1nin1strative title "18m of Faculties" has led to the
desigoation of the Vice President of the SeDate as Presidiog Officer of Geoeral Faculty Meetings. The
autlx>rity to detenn1ne the ageoda of GeDera1 Faculty Meetings is oo.~ solely that of the Faculty's own
Agenda Camrl. ttee (the Senate Executive Camrl. ttee).
A new Section 2.123 clearly defines the elected Faculty SeDate as the Faculty's representative in
University governance, am describes the expanded role of SeDate officers as spokespersoos for the
Senate am the Faculty in University affairs.
Revisioos in Appeadix D ilx:orporate a significant chacge in University TE!DUI'e am Praootioo
review procedures. P.teviously, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Dean of the
Graduate School as ex officio members of the University Tewre and Praootion Camrl.ttee atteDded all
meet.i.Dgs of the camrl.ttee.
Fran oo.~ on, ooe 1.'0Uild of case reviews, and the final camrl.ttee vote will
take place in the abseoce of the Provost and of the 18m of the Graduate School.
The Provost will
stUl make his or her own reconnendatioos to the President on each case. The new procedure parallels
procedures at the college level.
We would like to draw your attention cxx:e again to Sectioos 4.061 ("Rights of Cocsultation'') and
4.10 (''Rights and Respoosibilities of Acaderrfc Professiooa.l.s am Collegiality") added to the Handbook
last year. 'lhese sectioos gave specific definition to the principle of collegiality, and affiimed
both oor obligatioos as faculty members to respect the lawful. authority of adninistrative officers,
am their obligatioos to respect oor professiooa.l rights as teachers and sclx>lars.
Together, these various changes in the Faculty Handbook have importantly made the Faculty's role
in the University and our professiooal rights mtters of cootract rather than just mtters of custan
or trad1 tioo.
'Dible of Q;wllaus
I 'Die Vldd.ta State 1DlVII!!I:Bit;y: 'lMI:d
the Pat::ul:e.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
'Ihe Evolutioo of '1he Wichita State University
A C'.aDpreheDsive University with an Urban Mission
Di.r:ectioas for Developllellt
UDlVII!!I:Bi~ ~................................................................
'Ihe Board of Regents
'Ibe WSU Board of Trustees and Fl:xla.lllelt Associatioo
CentJ:al Administration
College Adninisttatioo.
University Advisory Ccmnittees
Regents' Insti tutioas Couoctis
'Ihe Budget Process
University Govemaix:e
GeDeral Faculty Meetings
Faculty SeDate
Graduate Acade:nic Affairs
Student Goverr.m:nt Association
I Pacul.t;y Appofn~wr~t, 'JB:D:'e,
l.etfl"fWW¢ Polid•...... .... • .... • .. .. ..
Appointment and Reappointment Policies
Teen of Appointuelt
Salary Payments
Faculty Ra11ks and Titles
Types of Appointuelts
Special Cooditioos of Appointuelt
~ti~ of Nooreappointuelt
Recruituelt Policy
Policy Cooc.eming Employment of Relatives
'l.emlre and ProDotion Policies
Interpretative Statemeots oo Tenure at '1he Wichita State University
tbltemrrable Positioas
Regents Tenure Policy'y Period
Guidelines and Criteria for Tem.Jre aod ProDotion
Teoure and ProDotioo Review Process
Policy of Noodiscrlm:lnatioo. tmd Affi.t:mative Action and ProDotioo calendar
ResigDatioo, Retirenent, and Dismissal Policies
J)fsm1ssal. for cause
FitraDcial Ex:i.gE!IX:y Procedure
Te:cnination Pr:ocedures
Faculty Eellefits
AcadeDic Preecbn Stateoent
State Coo.tributol:y EeDefit ProgtaDs
WSU Dllployees Associatioo Progtans
Travel Pol1cies a:ad Procedures
Leave Policies
Resol.uticn of Intemal Disputes
T!:affic and PaJ:kiiig Regulaticns
P:rofessiooal Developnent
Faculty Awards
Faculty Respoosibilities
Rights and Respoosibilities
Faculty Ethics Statement
Resolutloo on Academic Freedan a:ad campus Disruptioo.
Political Activity
Ccnfllcts of Interest
Consulting and Q.Jtside Wor:k
Library Policies
Use of the Uoiversity•s NeiDe
Jury Service
Caunerrenent Policy
Final Exam
Withholding of Paychecks a:ad Setoff of Aloounts (),.,led
Faculty Pers<xme1 Records
Recaanendaticn for ApiXJint:mellt to the GI:aduate Faculty
Adnission Policies
EDrol.lmellt Policies
Class Policies
Examinatioo. Policies Policies
Student Rights and Respoosibilities
COurt of Ac:ademic Appeals Camrl.ttee
Student Record Policies
limdicapped Sb.I:!Ents - Acadentfc Adjust:ment.s
Other Policies
6 I
IkE! £il.............................................................................
li:dversity Liaisal
Infotmation Services
P:roposal Piepai:aticn a:ad Follow-up
Adnini stratioo. of Giants a:ad Coo.tracts
Uoiversity-SupiXJrted Research Giants
Direct a:ad Indirect Costs
ltrl.versity Support for Scholarly a:ad Creative Activities
University Q.mership
Patent Policy
Copyright Procedures
Policy on Research Involving lhmm Subjects
Policy on Radiation Sources
6 I &1 auac!a (cm.t)
F\llicy 00. Hazardous Ch:!mical Materials
Policy al AirlDEl Care
Policy oo. Bicilazards
Ikug-Free Wari<:pla:e F\llicy/Drug AwareDess Pl:ograD
Investigatial and Besolutioo of Allegaticos of Miscooduct in Resesi:ch
Ua:l:v•:a:l.t;y' Sel:v.fces 8ld
Mfa:elJIWJflOIIW l'Dfii••Hm....................................
U:liversity Services
Ubtary Services
Media Resources Center
cable Televisioo
Olnpus Activities Center and Booksto:re
CBmpus Credit Unioo
Counseling Center
Kl'I.IW Radio
Rmd1Dg and Stmy Sl.d.1ls Center
lbskett Center
Ulrich Museun of Art
Miscellaneous Infomatioo
SooldDg and AJ.coool F\llicies
OfficW. Hospitality
~ce&/ll:d.-..:a:l.t;y' Polfd«F, PJ:oce\ues, 8ld
C1Jairpersal F\llicies and Piocedures
Faculty SeDate Coostitution
Faculty SeDate Camdttee St:ri.Ctu:re
Teoure, Praootioo, am Appeals Procedures
Uo.iversity Guidelines - Sabbatical Leaves
Grlevmx:e Piocedures
St:udent Bill of Rights
Procedures of the Court of Academic Appeals Camdttee
AffiiDBtive Ac.tioo Progz:am.
Policy Stat:aDent oo. Sexual Haz:assment of Students
F\llicy cn Pl:evalt:lDg Cooflicts of Interest
Policies m:1 Procedures for the Redu:tioo. of Unclassified Staff
for ReaSalS of FiDmcW. EldgeD:y
Public Fmployee Relatioos Board Unit ~termination ~isioo
Ag:reement em Guidelines for C1assi:oan Copying in lt:lt-for-Profit
Fdtaticoal Instituticos with Respect to Books am Periodicals
'lbe Wichita State U:liversity Unclassified Pe!:sa:IDe1 Policy
Copyright Micy
P:r:ogram Disccnt:fmvmce at 'lbe Wichita State Uo.iversity
Micy m:1 Procedures for Respooding to Students and B:oployees with Am>
Subveotioo Policy
Bylaws of the Geoetal Faculty Meetings of 'lhe WSU Faculty
field experiences, aDd clinical facilities for a myriad of edtraticoal programs, as well as
professiooal talelt that eoriche.s the c.lassrocms en campus.
It provides opportunities for research
aDd service by faculty members, who wotk aloogside outstanding public servants aDd CCJ!I!I!mfty leaders
in developing inoovative and special programs. The university, in tum, provides research aod service
progamJS to address the needs aDd problems of the city and regicn.
1.03 I Dlrect1ms
The future c:ii.r.'e:tiOilS for developuent for The Wichita State University and all other universities are
shaped by the chaDging setting of higher edtraticn. ImiDg the 1980s significant chaoges are expectai
in the lllJilber acd ldilds of students, in available f~ial resow:ces, aDd in managerial approaches
requited to meet these challenges.
Accord:I.Dgly, WSU has identified ways to meet the chaogii:lg of the 1980s.
'Ihe Wichita State University will:
1. Seek reasooable gtWth by maintaining its appeal to traditiocal students and by expanding
offerings to the wide variety of people within the CQ!IIllmity, while providing quality t:eaching at all
2. Ccn.tinue to offer a carprdleosive array of bachelor's programs, including those traditionally
associatai with university educaticn aDd professiocal programs with a stra:lg liberal edtration base.
3. Maintain high quality master's programs in basic fields of study, in professiocal fields, and
in selected interdisciplinary fields.
4. Stteogthen existing doctotal programs and identify and COI.lSider a limited lllJilber of new
prograns that are COI.lSistent with the University's missim.
5. Expand ccnt:lru,:lng edtratim programs with a CCilCei'Il for professiocal developnent and selfem:i.ctlneDt.
6. Ccn.t:f.mJe to build an excellent faculty.
Rs:ogoize and reward effective teaching as well as both basic and applied research.
Offer significant service to the regicn, state, and nation.
<hapt:a' 2
I 1id:vemlty Stmcb:u:e
2.01 I 'Ihe Board of Regents
2.02 I WSU Board of Trustees and Fntb.upnt Associatioo.
2. 03 I Ce:l.tral Acirdnistra tioo.
2.031 I President
2.032 I Provost aod Vice President for Academic Affairs
2.033 I Vice President for Administratioo and ~
2.034 I Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
2.035 I Vice President for Academic Resource IEvelopnent
2.036 I Vice President for University AdvaDcement
2.037 I Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
2.038 I Cou!x!il of Deans
2.04 I O:>llege Ac:ininistratioo
2.041 I Deans
2.042 I College Handbooks aDd GoverDanc:e lXlcu:nents
2. os I Cllairpe:rsoo.s
2.06 I University Advisory Camlittees
2.061 I General Education Caim1 ttee
2.062 I Hooorary Degrees Camlittee
2.063 I Capital Improvement Plaming Camlittee
2.064 I Televisioo Advisory Camlittee
2.065 I University Alcolx>liSubsta:rx:e Abuse Advisory Board Statement
2.066 I Advisory Camlittee for Advareement
2.067 I Regents DistiDguished Professorships Paoel
2.068 I University Gallputing and Teleccnmmicatioos Center Advisory Camlittees
2.07 I Regents' Institutioos Coulr!Us
2.08 I Legislative Request Budget
2.09 /legislative Budget
2.10 I Operating Budget
2.11 I GeDeral Faculty HeetiDgs
2.111 I Bylaws of the University Faculty
2.12 I Faculty Secate
2.121 I CCilstitutioo of the Faculty SeDate
2.122 I Senate Camlittee Structure
2.123 I Faculty Representative on University Governing Bodies
2.13 I Graduate Academic Affairs
2.131 I Criteria for Graduate Faculty Membership
2.132 I Graduate O:>UDC!U
2.133 I rxx:toral Progran Subcotnx:il
2.14 I Student Govemnent Association
a State University, 'Ihe Wichita State University has a govez:nance structure that iDcludes both
erterna1 and intemal bodies. Elct.eroa1 ageocies iDclooe the Kansas Board of Regents, vari011'3
coordiDatioo COUDCils, and, through the budget process, the Governor aDd the legislature. Internally,
it iDcludes an organizatioo of administrative officers and an extensive structure for faculty arxl
student participation.
resources, 8IJd will foiDI.I.l.ate recQ!JDE'Ddatioos about depart:ments which should re::eive further
'!be CouputiDg 8IJd Tel~lJ!IDID'licatioos Strategic Advisocy Calmittee is respocsible for advising
and maldDg reccmnendatia:as to the Director of CouputiDg and Tel~lJ!IDimicatia:as coocerDiDg operatia:as
and priorities of the Couputer Center, canpus ccmputiDg and teleclJ!IDimicatioos needs, and loog-tecn
plans for the develop~e:tt of the Center.
Calmittee IIellbership coo.sists of six faculty with specified
expertise related to ccmputiDg, and tm adninisttative offices representatives.
1D1 'OO,.,.,_mcat-tcrti IJIS AdvUa:y a-itb!le
The Managanent IDfoDIIltioo. Systems (MIS) Advisory Calmittee will advise 8IJd make recaiille.Ddatioos to
the Director of the CanputiDg Center (or the ISta Base administrator) coocerDiDg all aspects of the
data base developoont and use, including: data base managEm:!nt, integration, use of data bases,
Detworldng, and ClJ!IDiroicatioos.
Calmittee membership coo.sists of representatives fran Adva:trerent,
I.eans' C'.ot.D:¥:il, Eilrollment Services, Library, aDd Student Affairs ; a faculty representative expert in
MIS; and eight administrative offices representatives.
Both coomittees are appointed by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs in
coo.sultation with the Faculty Senate and vice presidents, and ccmposed of members with perlllSI.'letlt and
rotating appointments.
2.C11 /
lDBtltutf.a:B Cbwrfls
Several state councils provide the mechanisms through which cooperation and coordinatioo. aiilX'I8 the
Regents' Universities are achieved. The Coureil of Presidents (CXPs), ccmposed of the Presidents and
Olancellor of the Regents' Universities, makes recQTII!E!Ildatioos to the Kansas :Ba:lrd of Regents on
subjects of system-wide significm::e. The Coureil of Qrlef Academic Officers (CXX'AO), ccmposed of the
.Acadenic Vice Presidents of each University, is responsible for coordination of academic planning.
The Council of BusiDess Officers (COOO) coord!J:I.:ates Wdget and fiscal matters. '!be Coureil of Faculty
Senate Presidents and the Student Advisocy Calmittee (SAC) meet regularly to exchange infoDIIltion and
develop coordinated positioos aJ. issues important to faculty at the Regents' Universities. In
additioo., there are many other specialized councils.
'1he budget process begins approximately 19 1101ths in advaDce of the fiscal year for which fwding is
requested. Within this time frame, t:hiee evolvillg tu:lgets are prepared.
'1he Legislative Request Budget provides the basic guideliDes or the rsnainiDg steps in the total
budget preparatioo. process. With iiiput fran the Coureil of Presidents (and through the Council of
Presidents, fran the Couccil of Business Officers, Couccil of Qrlef Academic Officers, and other
bodies oo. individual campuses), the Kansas Board of Regents establishes guidelines for certain
budgetary items. 1bese items include faculty salary increases, friDge benefits, and other operatiDg
expenditure increases. '1he Board also approves or disapproves individual campuses requests for
program inprovements, eohaDcements, and adjustments to the base budget due to cha:cges in levels of
enrollment. This budget is suhnitted to the Kansas Board of Regents 13 1000ths in a.dvaoce of the
relevant fiscal year. This budget establishes the maxil:mJn dollar level of support that a particular
:l.tlsti tution will be provided in a fiscal year.
A Legislative Budget, based oo the J:I>ClYII!!EIDdtioos of the Kansas Board of Regents, is prepared for
sutmissioo to the Governor sed the Legislature.
This bOOget is due oo Septenber 15 prior to the next
fiscal year.
It is first reviewed by the State Dire::tor of Divisioo of Budget, wlx> suhnits
recarmendatioos to the Governor.
'Ill! Govemor modifies or accepts the Dire::tor of Divisioo of
Budget's figuz:es sed subnits recarmendatioos to the Legislature. 'Ihese reccmrendatioos are coosidered
by the Joint House and Senate Ways mKi Means Carmittee in the fom of an appropriatioos bill. Appeals
for restoratioo of ftmds approved by the Kansas Board of Regents but deleted by the Govetmr are
possible at this stage.
The final appropriatioos actioo by the full Legislature establishes the
spending autbJrity of the various Regents' :lnstitutioos.
Internal allocatioo of resources o:ade available to The Wichita State University by legislative actioo
is accauplished through the ~ting Budget. With guidelines provided by the centtal acbinistration,
this process begins at the departmental level sed progresses thz:ough the dean or other appropriate
review officer to the President of the University.
The ~tiog BOOget is presented to the Kansas
Board of Regents duriDg the first week of May of each year. The Board reviews and approves the final
budget during this umth for the fiscal year~ July 1.
c /11«VBrSll'Y ~
Faculty acd student participatioo in University-wide govei'Il8IX:e involves the University faculty, the
Faculty SeDate, the graduate faculty, and the Student SeDate as the priocipal fotuDS as well as
1llJDei'OUB camrl.ttees.
The role am participative characteristics of these elenents of University
g~ are outlined oo the followiDg pages.
The traditiooal g~ role of the University faculty has been o:aintained despite growth in the
size of the faculty and the volUDe of faculty business. 'Ill! University faculty cootiDues to coodoct
important business in meeti.Dgs of the entire faculty, but these meeti.Dgs are not the sole forun of the
In 1964 the orgaoizatiooal st:Iu:ture of the faculty was enlarged to provide for a
representative body, the University Senate. The University Senate was changed to the Faculty Senate
begiDniDg with the 1987-88 acadsdc year.
'Ihe SeDate acd its camd.ttees are delegated a o:ajor
govemacce role with a charge to "deliberate acd recCJIIIlf'Od ooo:atters camd.tted to the faculty sed oo
8I.l'J matter of an internal faculty nature." Reoonnendatioos of the Faculty SeDate oo matters requiriDg
faculty actioo are IepOrted to the entire faculty for actioo.
2.lll/ Byl&E of tbe Dd.wad.ty Pa:ulty
The rules tmt govem meeti.Dgs of the University Faculty are tbJse adopted by the Faculty oo Hay 1,
1991, which -were derived substantially fran rules adopted by the Faculty on Ck:tober 31, 1956, mKi
Jl'lle1lded on August 25, 1970, mKi thereafter. 'Ill! Bylaws of the Genem1 Fa:ulty of Wichita State
University appear as Appendix T.
Faculty Defined: Fa:ulty members eligible to vote at Genem1 Faculty Meeti.Dgs are tbJse holding halftime or oore appointments at the rank of instructor or higher in which the primary duties are fifty
percent or 100re teachiDg, research, or library service.
Eligible faculty are the same as tbJse
qualified to vote in Faculty Senate electioos.
Meetings and lbtice of Meeti.Ip:
'lhere are at least two GeDeral. Faculty Meetings anmmlly, alt:rough
the Ageoda Ccmnittee my cancel a regular meeting if there is no business. At least ten days before a
Faculty Meeti.Dg, fa-::ulty members will receive a notice of the meeting, including the agenda, and
detailed statements oo proposals to be coosidered •
.Ageada Requests:
hJy faculty member may request the Ageoda Camrl.ttee to place an itan oo the ageoda
of the next Faculty Meeting.
Upon written request of twelve or mre faculty members, an iten shall
appear oo the agenda of the next meeting.
A qoorun is the DlJilber of faculty present at the Faculty Meeting.
In order to discuss or
vote oo a IICC'"'ageoda iten, a qoorun of ooe-third of the eligible faculty members is requil:ed.
~of tbe Jleetf~:
Set meetings are limited to 90 mimltes duratioo tmless extecded by a two-thirds
vote of those present.
(qJy of Jti11111J!B: Each faculty member is required to be fumished a copy of the official mimltes of
2.12 I Pacul.ty Se.aatE
The Faculty SeDate serves as a forun for the uajor coostitnencies within the University. Rules of the
Senate provide for meetings oo the secClld and fourth l'kxlda.ys of each I!Dilth during the academe year.
Meetings are open to the University CLJll!!lmity except for m<ECUtive sessioos.
2.121 I CDistltat::lm of tbe :r.:ulty Se.aatE
The Ccostitutioo of the Faculty SeDate detetmlnes the selectioo and canpositioo of the SeDate, its
organizatioo, and rules, and procedures for aooodillg the CcostitutiCilo The full text of the
<mstitution, as amecded tlu:oogh Hay, 1991 is CCllta.ined in the AppeDdices.
2.122 I Seude o-t.ttee Stnrtm:e
Mu::h of the \«>rk of the Senate is dooe tlu:oogh its ccmnittees. The canpositioo., selectioo. procedures,
and charge of each ccmnittee are listed in the Appeodices; the full statement of rules that govem
standing ccmnittees of the SeDate is available fran the SeDate Office.
In additioo to the Senate's standing ccmnittee structure, ad hoc ccmnittees my be fotmed to
address major issues arising at the University.
2.123 ll'a:Dlty Rep
ilatf"Ve CD
The Faculty SeDate represents the faculty :in University governaxx:e.
The President of the Faculty
SeDate is the primary spokespersa1 for the faculty in University governance, as the Senate's
designated representative. The President of the SeDate is a member of the Council of Deans, a faculty
representative to tbe WSU Board of Trustees, and serves on additiCllal. govemmce bodies as detprnrfned
by coo.sultatioo between the SeDate and the acbfnisttatioo. The President-elect of the SeDate sits as
a IDl""V'ting member of the Council of Deans and other bodies to assure DDre effective faculty
2.13 I GnwJrwd:e Amilewtc Affirlra
Graduate academic affairs of the University are the geoeral respocsibility of the Dean of the Graduate
School, the Gtaduate Coull::il, aDd the graduate faculty.
Membership 00 the graduate faculty is
obtained by IICJilinatioo fran the depart:ueJ.t or progmn involved aDd approval by the Graduate Couocil.
fal' Gmdlate Faculty !We ehlp
Appointment to the graduate faculty is based oo the followiog general criteria:
Regular faculty members raokiDg above instructor, with substantial interest in
graduate edlx:atioo, aDd for wban a daimstrable departmental or progmn need exists may be ncminated
for full membership.
'Ihese faculty members are expected to oold the teiminal degree, or its
equivalent in training aDd/or experiea::e (w1 th criteria aDd docuneotatioo supplied in cases for which
equivalency is cla:l.Ded), aDd be judged qualified to bear all designated academic responsibilities of
the graduate progrsn(s) in which they serve. It is expected that significant scrolarly or artistic or
creative achievement is evident in the academic and professiooal resume presented in support of
naninatioos aDd reoewa1.s for full membership on the graduate faculty.
Ae-x:'atp Mp;aieshlp: Regular faculty above instructor, with substantial interest in graduate
education, aDd for wban a dE!IXXIStrable departmental or progran need exists may be ocminated for
associate membership.
Associate members will be judged qualified, because of academic ariJ/or
professiooal experiea::e, to teach graduate credit courses and serve oo, but oot chair, thesis ariJ/or
dissertatioo camrl.ttees.
l'bimally, new faculty wb:> have not had the opportunity to demoostrate
scholarly activity will be naninated for the associate member category •
.Act:IDg .Ad lb: !l4e sJ dp: Regular faculty or participating faculty in various tsnporary or part-time
cil:ctmstaDces for wban a daimstrable departmental or program need exists may be naninated for acting
ad hoc membership.
'Ibese faculty members stBll be judged qualified, because of academic aDd/or
professiooal experiea:e, to teach a course (or courses) for graduate credit. Such membership may oot
exceed the teim of ooe year but may be reoewed annually by request aDd revie.l of the department
I Qalt•w 0qr11
Graduate Council serves as the elected exe::utive body for the graduate faculty in actioos oo
Graduate School academit! uatters and in an advisory role to the dean oo Gtaduate Sclxx>l affairs.
Graduate Cam:il also serves as a ccmnittee oo e:xceptioos. 1he Gl:aduate Couocil is cauposed of the
dean of the Graduate Sclxx>l,
the associate aDd/or assistant dean(s),
ten elected faculty
representatives, aDd ooe student.
Faculty representatives are elected fran the divisioos:
W. Ftallk. Barton School of Business (2), College of Fdlx:atioo (2), College of Ebg~ (1), College
of Fine Arts (1), College of Health Professioos (1), ariJ Fail:mount College of Uberal Arts ariJ
Sciences - lnloanities, natural sciences aDd mathEmatics, aDd social sciecces (1) for each divisioo.
In additioo, the graduate dean may appoint ooe at-large member to balance the representatioo of
various types of graduate programs aDd various categories of graduate faculty members.
2.133 ll)x=tr«a1
Pucaa Suko•rll
The Ibctoral
Program Subcouocil exists for the geoeral advocacy of doctoral programs. l'Snbership
coosists of the graduate dean, ooe representative fran each doctoral progran, and ooe member elected
fran the Graduate Coull::il.
am Pl'OceduJ::es
Chairperson Policies
Faculty SeDate CalstitutiCD
Fa::ulty SeDate C'.almittee Structure
TeEIUl'e, PmnotiCD,
University Guidelines - Sabbatical
Grievance Procedures
Student Bill of Rights
Procedures of the OxJrt of Acadenic Appeals Camdttee
Affirllative ActiCD Pl:ogian
Policy Statement CD Sexual Harassment of Students
Policy CD P.teventing Coofl.icts of Interest
Policies am Ptocedures for the ReductiCD of
Ib::lassified Staff for ReasaJs of F1nancia1 Exigency
am Appeals
Public Employee Relatioos Board Unit DetenninatiCD
Agreement em Qrl.delines for Classz:oan Copying in
Not-for-Profit Fducaticnal Institutioos with Respect tD
Books aDd Periodicals
'Ihe Wichita State University UIX:lassified Persome1
Copyright Policy
P.tx>gimn DiscontfmJSO::e at 'Ihe Wichita State Uoiversity
Po11cy and Procedures for Respa.ldiDg to Stments 8Dd
Employees with AIDS
SUbventic:m Policy
Bylaws of the Galeml Fa::ulty .t-i:!etillgs of the WSU Fa::ulty
0.1qemou lhlfcfes aid Pravodmes
1. Title af the Office
The ter:m "clairperson" as opposed to "head" is used herein to suggest coosultative and opeo
acininistrative procedures.
2. IDle af the <hEI:lJ:peaal
Appropriate fuoctioos of the chairperson i.Dcl.ude the folladog duties:
AcaJtwlc IAIIla Mdp: To inspire and to facilitate departmental staff actien that identifies and moves
effectively tnorard the realization of goals of the department.
To create aJJd maintain an envi.romlent coodu::ive to centinuous departmental develo{Jilellt by
employjllg carefully coosidered aJJd highly selective recruitment practices acd by ax:ouragiDg and
facilitating professiocal growth in all members of the staff.
••atfm• To represent to appropriate groups beyald the departmental staff, strll as students,
college administratien, university acininistratien, and the general public, the academic, professicnal,
and ecoocmic needs aJJd interests of the department aJJd its staff.
To represent to the staff the interests of identified relevant groups beycnd the departnmtal
staff, such as university acJministratien, college a<ininistratioo, students, the academic discipline,
and the geoera1 public.
To act en all budgetary matters of the department in ccnsultatloo with representative staff
and the Dean.
1\s+MMel: To act en personoe1 problems of the department,
BJJd, in coosultation with representative
staff, to DBke decisioos en or transmit to the Dean recamevlatioos regarding:
Assigllnent of staff
Evaluatioo of staff
Level atxi equity of financial reward
Ncnrecewa1 of employment.
The role of the chairperson is important to the well-beiDg, mral.e, and developnent of the
professicnal staff and to the operatioo of the University.
The departmental staff, the Dean, the
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, aJJd the President all share an interest in developing
and following procedures to facilitate the selectioo of cha.iiperscns who will foster the highest
standards of professicnal perfoiliEIX:e, or when necessary, infuse new life into a department.
the Camd.ttee recammds that the following procedures be utfl1zed in the selectien, appointmeot, atxi
eval.uatien of chairpersons.
3. 'n!al af the a.tqa:aan
The ter:m of the chairperson shall be set by a majority vote of the depa.rtllental electorate at not less
than three years nor mre than five years. The chairperson usy serve mre tlml ooe successive term on
the vote of a majority of the departmental electorate.
Juoe I, I99I
Cbuposi tioo and Selecticn
Sectioo I. 1he Faculty SeDate shall be cauposed of elected members of the teachiDg/reseatch faculty,
department chairperscns, and academic progran directors as described UDder (a), (b), and (c), bel.Clrr,
acd ex officio members as described UDder (d) and (e), bel.a.l.
(a) 1he teaching/research faculty iix:lude all t00se OOI.ding half-time or oore appointments at the
I:mK of instructor or higher in which the primry duties are 50 percent or oore teaching, research,
acd /or library service. Eligible members of the faculty also serve as the electorate.
For purposes of representatioo, Faculty Senators shall be allocated en the blsis of a
proportiooal system, with I Senator for each 12 faculty members, l'OUDded to the nearest integer. It
is the respoosibility of the SeDate Rules Ccmnittee, in coosultatioo with appropriate aan!nisttative
officials, to determine the IDJDber of representatives fran each area, prior to the electioos.
Seoatars will be elected fran the followiDg areas:
Colleges of Business Aclninistratioo., F.ducatioo.,
Eogineering, Fine Arts, Imlth Professioo.s, ai¥i Liberal Arts ai¥i Scieoces; Ablah Library; the Center
for Urban Affairs; and University College.
E'ach area will detennfne the distributioo of its representatioo. oo. the blsis of subdivisioos or
Four Faculty Sellators will be elected at large, but not oore than 2 fran any ooe area.
regulatioo. does not preclude the electioo of secators to represent areas, as described in (b) above.
(d) The President of the University, or his/her representative in the person of the Provost/ Vice
President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculties, is an ex officio, na:t"'VOting member of the
Faculty Semte.
(e) 1he President of the Stlllent Govermlent Associatioo is an ex officio,
Faculty Seoate.
DCil'"'\IOting member of the
(f) Upcn assuning office, the President of the SeDate begins a two year term as an At-large Senator.
If the President's previous elected tenn has not ecpired, it will be filled by electioo.
Sectioo 2.
El.ectials shall be held annually to replace ooe-ba1.f the membership of the SeDate. 1he
SeDate shall cause ooe-bal.f the representatives of~ area to be replaced at~ regular electioo.
With ~d to members at large, the SeDate shall cause two members to be elected each year.
Secti<Xl 3.
Regular electioo to the SeDate shall be for a tenn of two years.
for re-electioo..
Senators are eligible
Sectioo 4.
During the spring sanester of each acadEmic year, the Senate Rules Ccmnittee shall
circulate to each eligible faculty member a list of trose ineligible for Senate electioo. by reasoo. of
cootfnnfng Senate membership and solicit naninatioos for Sellator At large. A total of six naninatioos
is required to place a ncmfnee oo. the At large ballot.
The Rules Ccmnittee will coodoct an electioo.
to fill the Senator At large positioos by distributing ballots slnrlng t:OOse persons nan:lDated.
Sectioo 5.
Each year, subsequent to the At large electioo described in Sectioo 4, the Rules
Caimi ttee will distribute to the members of each area mentiooed in Article I, Sectioo I, paragr8lil
(b), a list of its members ineligible for SeDate election by reasoo of continuing SeDate membership or
election as Senator At Lgrge.
Naninatioos for Seoator fmn each area will be solicited and the Rules
Camrl.ttee will distribute ballots to the members of each area list:illg the DCJJJfnees. The Rules
Camd.ttee will detennfne the need for run-off electioos.
Section 6.
of elected members will be calendar years begimrlng Juoe 1.
Sectioo 7.
SeDate members elected in the spring seieSter shall take office June 1, except that the
newly elected members of the SeDate, aDd those members of the SeDate with ooe year reminiDg in their
teJ:ms, shall meet in Hay for the sole purpose of elect:illg SeDate officers for the year.
Sectioo 8.
A seoator wm leaves the area fmn which elected will be considered to have resigned.
However, the tenn may be caopleted if the chacge occurs during the spring SE!JieSter of the last year of
the member IS tenn.
Sectioo 9.
The Executive Camd.ttee of the Senate has the respocsibility of cocsult:i.Dg with any
senator wm has a record of poor attervJance at Senate meetings. After coosultation with the secator,
the Executive Ccmnittee can reccmnend to the Senate disnissal. of the seoator.
A two-thirds vote of
the Senate is required for dismf ssa.l..
Orgfmization of the Senate
Section 1.
'1he SeDate shall elect its am President-Elect, Vice President, aDd Secretary fmn atOODg
its membership.
Following service as President-Elect, this officer becanes President of the Senate.
In the year after serving as President, a Seoator beccmes Past President.
Sectioo 2.
.Meet:f..Dgs shall be held no less than twice a senester, the time aDd place being set by the
Section 3.
VEK:a~X:ies on the Senate shall be filled by vote of the SeDate for UDeXpired tenns with
the provision that the selected member shall be of the proper area.
Section 4.
The SeDate shall detennfne its own rules of procedure,including time and place of
meetings, aDd the foz:m of reports.
AutbJrity of the SeDate
Sectioo 1.
The President of the SeDate will coosult with the President of the University as to
need for faculty meetiDgs aDd as to appropriate times for su::h meetings.
Sectioo 2.
The SeDate may deliberate and recamend on all matters camrl. tted to the faculty,
sny matter of ccn:em to the faculty.
Sectioo 3.
Sectioo 4.
and oo
The Standing Caimittees shall report in the marmer specified by the Faculty Senate Rules.
The Senate shall create and delete faculty standing camrl.ttees aDd shall
select their
chosen from among 8 feculty divisions end Academic Services.
VIce President of the Senate
President Elect of the Senate <Chair>
13 •
The Senate Rules Co!Mllttee:
Recommends changes to the Senate rules and constitution to the Senate
end updates the rules and constitution to reflect changes passed by
the Senate.
Recommends changes to the bylaws of the University Faculty end updates
the bylaws to reflect any changes made.
Recommends to the Senate procedures and policies for the Senate
elections, and conducts the elections <VIce President of the Senate).
Recommends to the Senate changes to the Senate committee structure and
changes In the procedure for appointing faculty, administrators, and
staff to these committees, and nominates candidates for the committees
to the Senate for Its approval.
In making nominations the committee
Is not restricted to nominations from Senate categories or committee
preference forms, but should strive to create the strongest and most
effective committees. <VIce President of the Senate>
Reviews ~nd suggests changes In the faculty grievance procedure and
coordinates the Implementation of the University Grievance Procedure.
the Senate.
chosen from the 8 faculty divisions and Academic Services,
Director of Financial Aids (non-voting)
Selection: Standard
Charge: The Scholarship and Student Aid Committee Is concerned with
policies and related procedures for the awarding of Institutional financial
It reviews the actioos of the FiDmcial Aids Office.
It establishes proc.edures for the selectioo and ter:nrlmtioo of major
It acts as an appeals board for students wtose sclx>larships have been
Reports to the SeDate (lohich are required UDder the StaDdard <lJarge to all
Policy Ccmnittees) shall i-ocltlde recmmendatioos and actioos taken by
appJ:."'PP'iate administrative
(AH.UL 22, 1974, WL. X,
Calp?sitial (12 members)
O:lairpersoDs of Termre a:OO Ptaootioo Calmittees in the degree-granting
Cllairpersal of the Termre aod Prcm:>tion Calmittee for Faculty
l.IIEfflliated with a degree-granting college
Student (1XIl""V'ting)
Ex officio: Elcec:utive Vice President for Academic Affairs (IXDvoting) ; Dean of the Graduate Sclxx>l (JlOO""YYting).
Selection: ChairpersaJs of Termre and Prcm:>tial carmittees in the degreegranting colleges aod for mafflliated faculty are choseD accordiDg to
procedures established in their respective college or area. 1hey are
elected to two-year staggered terms.
Faculty-at-large are selected
accordi.Dg to staodard procedures for naming members to SeDate carmittees,
except that they shall be fran different degree-granting colleges.
Faculty-at-Large serve tlu:ee year terms.
Cl!arge: 'lhe ftmc:tioos of the Termre a:cd Prcm:>tioo Calmittee shall be:
To illplement Ulliversit:}""' policies and procedures for awarding
teoure 8Dd pmoot1a1. 'lbis shall iochJde 8\X:h iteus as:
Temn:e a:OO Prcm:>tioo Cala:Jdar.
'lhe for:mat for docunentatioo in support of Te:tlure aDd Prcm:>tion
Review with a view to developi.Dg OOiprable staodards t:ht"oug\Dut
the t:iliversity while recognizf.Dg essential college differeoces.
Transmittal, reportiDg, a:OO appeals procedures.
Qmsideratioo of info:r::matioo to be provided by
Administtatioo, wben the carmittee requests it, about pattems of
proootioos related to time in grade; pmootioo projectiODS based
oo current faculty rank mtios aod historical precedent; patterns
of pmootioo across canpaz:able Ulliversities; study of changing
temzre aDd pmootioo guidelines of orgar:dzatioos 8\X:h as MIJP,
N::ATE, Regents, 8Dd the like; 8Dd budgetary restrlctioos.
To ensure thct there er.e University procedures for notifying the
relevent administrators end those faculty members for whom tenure
decisions must be mede before reeppolntment.
To review tenure end promotion cases In eccordence with procedures
defined In Tenure, Promotion end Appears Procedure end approved by the
University faculty on Nov. 29, 1962.
To review each yeer the University guidelines In light of the verlous
colleges' guidelines.
To Identify to the Faculty Afhlrs Committee problems
policies end Tenure and Promotion guidelines.
In Tenure
chosen from 10 Senate categories.
Classified Staff
Selection: Standard procedures; Classified Steff member Is appointed by the
Personnel Relations Committee.
Charge: The Traffic
procedures regarding
recommendations about
and appeals procedures
Committee Is concerned with policies end related
trefflc flow and park log for the University's
end visitors.
It reviews and makes
trefflc regulations, violations and fee schedules,
for those cited for violations.
TRAFFIC APPEALS COMMITIEE (University Traffic Court>
Compos ltlon: 6
Ex officio: Chair of Traffic Committee
Alter.netes chosen from among the 8 hculty divisions.
Committee may use former members If necessary.
Faculty members shall be chosen from among the 8 faculty
divisions with the stipulation that no two members from the same college
may serve concurrently.
They shell be nomlneted by the Rules Committee,
subJect to ratification by the Senate. Staff members ere appointed by the
Personnel Relations Committee.
O::!rge: 1be Traffic Appeals Calmittee IIBkes decisiCIJS on cases appealed to
8 DeDbers
Faculty SeDate Ptesident
Faculty SeDate President-Elect
Members elected fran the Faculty Senate (three-year-tel:m)
Standard for the six IIISDhers elected fran the Faculty Senate, two to be elected
a t:hree-yeai:-te. Each of the elected members DnJSt be
by t:be SeDate each year to serve
fran a diffetent Seoate division.
Cl!arge: 'lhe ftmCtiODS of the Faculty SeDate Planning and Budget Calmittee shall be to:
identify and define the JOOSt appropriate
university planning and budget processes;
advise the fa::ulty representatives to a university budget camdttee (Ptesident and
President-Elect) on faculty carerns and priorities related to bOOget policies;
review all matters relating to university planning, budgets and expecditures, m:luding
for fa::ulty participation in the
l:u:Jget policies and 8SSUDptialS;
provide iiJput fron the faculty point of v:i.e.l into the strategic planning process of the
University, t:hrough dil:ect participatioo. in appropriate university-level pl arming
groups or discussioos;
pi.'OVide advice to the university budget camdttee in the deveJ.ot:ment of the legislative
request budget;
meet and confer with representatives of the brd of Regents and state ageocies as they
may request;
tev::1.ew t:be J:ellisioo./z:eallocation which occurs after the legislature detennines the
actual l:u:Jget allocatial to the University, itx:lndfng the allocatioos of salal:y
iD::rease fullds held by the P.r::ovost;
provide t:be Faculty SeDate with regular reports oo. the activities of the camdttee,
ftx:luding reports resarding deYelopnents in t:be planning and Wdget prepatatiCll
make 1"ElCCO"'Bldatioos to the Faculty Seoate sod to the administration in matters related
to university planning and bOOgets.
Staff: 1he work of this camd ttee w1l1 be supported by a half-time graduate assistant
position in the Faculty SeDate bOOget.
2. 'Ihe department chairperson will sa:¥i copies of the list resulti.Dg fran Step 1 to all full-time
departmental faculty sod specify a sElcaJd date by which any additicnal mninatioos must be provided in
wrl tiDg to the chairpersal.
3. 'Ihe department chairperson will c.oofer iDdividually with all nan:l.nated faculty members an:!
provide infoiDBtioo about departmental, college, aod University criteria for t.emJre or praootioo.
4. Except for those wb:lse review for temu:e is DBDdatory, faculty wro have been naninated DUSt
infODil the department chairperson :In writiDg by a date specified by the department chairperson (which
will be no SOCiler than tw days after their coofereo:e) of the faculty member's decisioo to remain in
nan:lnatioo or to withdraw.
5. 'Ihe final, typed list of t:bose nan:lnated will be sent to ~ dean an:! to all members of the
department electorate. Each person oo the list will be notified in wrlti.Dg by the dam tlat he or she
is officially a candidate for praootioo or temu:e. In additioo, the dean will :lnfOI'III the candidate of
the criteria for temu:e or praootioo and will inst:ru:t the caodidate to give his or her supporti.Dg
I!Bterials to the department cba.irperson by a specified date.
candidate will prepare a dossier ccnt:ain:1Dg llBterial.s he or she wishes to subni t and su::h
additicnal materials as required by the departnelt, college, or University.
The lBsic dOCUIIeilt will follaJ the standard foiDBt recaiiileDded by the Tenure and Prtm>tioo
Ccmnittee an:! appz:oved by the SeDate, i.Iclud:lng the requiJ:ed cover sheet which records each step in
the review process. The basic doct.m:nt llBY be no mre than 25 pages. The department chairperson will
make copies of the basic docrwnt available to all voti.Dg faculty.
The department cba.irperson will
add copies of the aDDLJal. evaluatioo to the basic dOCU!Blt.
A secoodary dossier may be sulmitted to the cba.irperson by the candidate.
It will not be
duplicated rut will be available to ccmnittee members.
As the review proceeds t:hiOugh the various levels, the basic docti!H!t sod the secoodary dossier
will be in the custody of the administrator at each level.
Itsns my be added to the dossier by the
adn1nistrator, but the actn1nistrator IJIUSt give the caodidate a copy of the additioos and provide the
candidate an opportunity to write a rebuttal that will also be i.Icluded in the prilmry dossier.
The cauplete files of all faculty members Ullder review in the department must be available for a
masooable time (at least five woi'kiDg days) to all votiDg faculty.
Terwre cases will be reviewed at a meeti.Dg of the temD:ed faculty of the department or a
carmittee of tenured faculty c:OOsen by these faculty members. In departments haviiJg fewer than three
voti.Dg t:emJred faculty members, the college faculty will develop appropriate procedures for the review
subject to the approval of the college dean. Each eligible persoo, except the department chairperscn,
will vote oo each case UDder cmsideratioo and will sign the tally sheet.
'Ihe tally sheet will not
identify :l.Ddividual voters with their votes but must account for all eligible voters. If a ccmnittee
wishes, sttaw ballots may precede the f:lnal ballot. Qlly the votes oo the final ballot are bindiDg
8lld recorded. Abstent:l.oos will oot be registered except toileD a faculty member oo a camd.ttee declares
he/she has a cooflict of interest aD:erniDg a case. A positive reccmre!datioo by the ccmnittee
resu1ts when mre than 50 percent of those casti.Dg ballots other than abstentioo have voted to
recannend teoure. A copy of the tally sheet will be kept in the departmental office for three years.
actioo of the college faculty an:! as incorporated in the college handbook, a group of departments
may decide to act as a divisioo rather than as a single department. Std1 a decisioo must be approved
by the dean of the UDit and by the Provost and Vice President for Acadenic Affairs.
Pmnotion cases will be reviewed at a meeting of the departmental faculty wtx> oold :cmk equal to
or higher than that for which the caodidate is beiDg cmsidei'ed or of a camd.ttee of t:OOse with
appropriate :amk chosen by these faculty members. 'Ihe limitation of voting to persoos of equal or
h1gber ram need DOt apply to votes at the college or University level. In departments having fewer
than three faculty members with appropriate tadt, the college faculty will develop appropriate review
procedw:es subject to app:roval. of the college Dean.
Each eligible person, excluding the department
chairperson, will vote on each case UDder cmsidetation sod will sign the tally.
'Ihe tally will DOt
identify :f.ndividual voters with their votes but must SCCOUilt for all eligible votes.
Sttaw ballots
IIBY precede the final ballot. Abstentions uay occur Cllly in cases involving decl.arec1 cooflict of
interest. A positive I'E'(XIIIllf'lltion w1ll result when ua:e than 50 percent of t:OOse casting ballots
(i.e., other than abstentioos) have voted to :r:ecamex'l praootioo. Copies of the tally sheets w1ll be
kept in the departmental office for three years.
'Ihe results of the departmental deliberations sod the cha1rperscn' s separate recl'I'IIIIE'fV'atioo will
be sent to the ram by the department cha.1rpersoo..
In cases where the cha1rperscn's recC1!1IS)(iaticn
differs fmn that of the votiDg faculty, the case will go for:wa.rd to the next higher level witrout
prejudice, sod that tracsm:lttal w1ll not cmstitute an appeal. A positive I'e('J'JII!lflltioo requires the
aff:l.zmative vote of mre than 50 percent of tbJse voting. 'Ihe chairperson will also sem forward the
basic docmmt acd the secmdary dossier.
'Ihe ram will infom ea::h cacdidate in writing of the department's recC1!1IS)(iations, the
cbairpersoo's recxJIIDE'I'ldatioo, the right to appeal, sod the procedures for appeal. The Dean w1ll also
notify the candidate that he or she IIBY request a meetiDg with the department chairperson to discuss
the decision.
'Ihe Dean w1ll give a copy of the basic doolllf!1t of each faculty member favorably reccmoended for
praootioo aal/or teoure aal of all appealed cases to each member of the college ccmn:l.ttee acd w1ll
indicate the l.ocaticn of the secocdary dossiers.
'Ihese uaterials must be available to the ccmnittee
for at least five woiid.Dg days prior to dellberaticn.
'Ihe ccmn:l.ttee will meet with the ram to receive infoi.liBticn about the schedule of meetings aod
about administrative IIBtters related to the cases to be reviewed. The ram IIBY also request other
meetings with the ccmn:l.ttee. If the camdttee discovers that infODIBtion is lack1ng in a dossier, it
can ask the dean to acquire the inf01'11Btioo. Coosistent with the department procedures, the ram must
provide the cacdidate a copy of the uaterial and allow the candidate to write a rebuttal.
'Ihe ccmn:l.ttee w1ll then coosider the cases before it, whether regular or appealed. Sttaw ballots
my be taken, but these are oe:l.ther bind:I.Dg uor recorded. Abstentions w1ll DOt be registered except
wtBl a faculty member Cll a camd.ttee declares he/she bas a cooflict of interest cax:erniDg the case.
At a meeting withoot the Dean each case w1ll be discussed acd the camd.ttee will cocduct its f:lnal
vote. A positive I.'8YJIIIIefldat:l.cll by the c.amd.ttee w1ll result wtBl IOOre than 50 percent of t:OOse
cast:I.Dg ballots other than abstention vote to recarmf" rl teoure or praooticn.
'Ihe camd.ttee must DOtify the Dean in writiDg of its f:lnal ballot oo each case, acd the positicn
of each case in an order of priority. 'Ihe camlittee will list teoure aod praooticn cases separately
sod praoot:l.m cases w1ll be subdivided by raiit sod then listed in order of priority.
(Note: 'Ihe
college camd.ttee may meet with the Dean as it sees fit but it must rold a discussioo oo each case aod
take its f:lnal vote in the absence of the Dean.)
'Ihe results of the college deliberatiODS acd the Dean's separate recrmnendatioos w1ll be sent by
the dean to the EXecutive Vice President for Academic Affairs. In cases wilere the college ccmn:l.ttee's
1'ECfXIII¥'I'ldtioo differs fmn that of the Dean, the case w1ll go for:wa.rd to the next higher level
w:l.t:hoot prejudice sod that transmittal w1ll DOt coostitute an appeal.
A positive recoomendatioo
requires the aff:l.zmative vote of ume than 50 percent of tbJse votiDg.
The Dean w1ll also seed
forward the basic dcx;:llllf!1t aod the supplementary dossier.
'Ihe Dean will ootify each candidate in writl.Dg of the college camd.ttee's recammdation, the
Dean's recam¥"1'iation, the right to appeal, if any, and the procedures for appeal. The Dean w1ll also
DOtify the caodidate that he or she IIBY request in wri tiDg a meeting with the Dean and the cbai.rperson
of the college ccmn:l.ttee to discuss the recrmnendaticn.
O.lfiXhr: 'Ibe tenure cal.eodar is established by the Faculty Semte for that acadEmic year and approved
by the President of the University.
11andatmy ledal Year: 'Ibe next to the last year of the al.laebl.e probatiooa:ry period is the modatory
review year.
St:l5 1!allot: A IXn-binding vote taken for the purpose of umitorlng progress toward a final decisicn
is a sttaw ballot.
AracJewlc Senices Paculty: Persons holding utclassified appointnl!nts carryiDg faculty IaDk who serve
in units other than degtee-gtantiDg colleges are acaderrfc services faculty.
PIXJIBtlCQII'y Awofntwnt: A probatia:lary appointnl!nt is an appointment that nay, on the basis of
contimdng satisfactory perfOJ:!IISTrP, lead to review for the award of tenure.
However, probationary
appointnl!nts carry DO expectation or premise that review for the award of tenure will be Ulldertakeo or
that tenure will be awarded. Probationary appointnl!nts are reviewed en an amwa1 basis sed nay or oey
DOt be reDSNed. Protatiooary appointnl!nts nay not be continued for mre than seven years.
~"'"'1 Appof"'*"'S; A
rights to the considel:ation
temporary appoint:D:elt is for a f:I.Jced tei:m.
for the award of tenure.
Such appointnl!nts carry DO
lblwad.ty Qddel fJW! - SabJwtical 'l.tllleB
'Dle Wichita State University's policy-on sabbatical leaves is based on the Board of Regents' Policy on
Leaves as adapted 12/16/61, and last amended m 6-23-88, aod states, in part, that sabbatical leave
may be gamted lJlder the following car:li tions:
In strictly meritorious cases, a full-time faculty IISIIber on regular appointment at SDJ of the
Regents :institutions of higher ecb:ation who has served ca1tinuously for a period of six years or
1ooger at ooe or mre of these iDstitutioos, may, at the cooveniaJce of the institution and upon
the reccrmel!dation of the president or charxx-llot' of the :institution with which camected, be
gamted oot to exceed ooe such leave of abseoce for each period of regular eoployment for the
purpose of pursuiDg advaDced study, cooducting research studies, or securiDg appropriate
:iDdustrial or professicml experieo=e; such leave sball oot be gamted for a period of less than
ooe seuester oor for a period of mre than ooe year, with re:imbursement being made according to
the fol.lowiDg schedule: for faculty members, up to half pay for an academic year, or
up to full pay for ooe sanester; for tlrlelve-11100ths faculty members, up to half pay for eleven
IIDlths, or up to full pay for five umths.
A faculty member applyiDg for sabbatical leave is requi.rec1 to file an official Application for
Sabbatical Leave and sign a Sabbatical Leave AgreeDec.t by which he or she agrees to retum to WSU for
a period of at least oo years imnediately following expiration of the period of leave.
In the event
of failure to retum, the faculty member agrees to refund all sabbatical pay, or, oo failure to ranain
for at least oo years, to refmxl that portion of sabbatical pay which is in proportion to the aiQID.t
of t:lme oot served as requil:ed by the agreement.
Sabbatical leave requests should be prepared on official foz:ms Wich are obtainable in a packet
fran the Office of AcadEmic Affail:s. Leave requests are due in the Imls' offices by Cktober 3 aod in
the .AcadEmic Affairs Office oo later than Cktober 17 of the acadEmic year preceding the proposed
leave. Leave requests are then referred to the Faculty Support Qmnittee (FSC), a camd.ttee whose
charge is to revia.~ leave proposals in tez:ms of merit, solicit additicml. infoll!Btion where needed,
and IIBke ranked recannendations to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs who perfoiiDS the
final evaluation. Each applicant is infotmed of University action oo his/her sabtratical leave request
by November 24.
Requests approved by the University are sub:nitted to the April meeting of the Board
of Regents for Board action.
Procedures and policies established for sabbatical leaves are as follCM>:
1. The applicant requests and teeeives fran the Office of Academic Affairs a packet which
includes the WSU Application for Sabbatical Leave, the Board of Regents' Sabbatical Leave Agreaoont
facn, and the WSU SlJIIDal'Y of Revia.~ facn.
2. Each leave application fcmn is caupleted in sufficient detail to petmit review by the FSC and
evaluation by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The application is fil:st sulmltted
to the applicant's cbairperson, who ttansndts the facn t:bJ:ough his/tE dean to the Executive Vice
President for Acadanic Affairs for delivery to the FSC.
3. ReruDneudatioos fran the chairperson and the dean, detailed on the Swmary of Revia.~ fcmn,
accanpany the application when it is transmitted to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The recCJII!'IAldatioo llllJSt include a stataDent fran the applicant's chairperson or dean coocerning
provisioo to be made for the woli< load of the applicant during his/her absea:e.
The statement sOOuld
cover the direction of tbJse graduate students for wb:m the applicant is the thesis or dissertation
It slxru1.d also indicate whether any additicml. eq>ense to the University, apart fran
sabbatical salary, 'loDJ1d occur if the leave were granted. Applications involv1ng stcll additional
costs are oot ordinarily approved wit:b:Jut special justificatioo.
4. If the proposed piOgrlml of wrlc is ccnt:l.Dgent upcn the applicant's receiving add!ticml
financial aid fmn the University, ~ fran sabbatical salal:y, or fran extema1 sources, details
carerning such ccnt.ingeo::y should be included Cll the Summy of Review fOim. 'Ihe sources fran which
extemal support is being sought should be identified and the natm:e of any services required in
camecticn with the receipt of m:h sUpport slxlu1d be related to the purpose of the leave.
5. No later than 60 days fran the first day of classes in the seuester of the faculty member's
retum fran sabbatical leave, be or she is required to sul:mit a Final Report en the sabbatical
projects. A fOim for filiDg this report will be sect to the faculty member early in the seuester of
bis/ber return to campus. '1he canpleted Final Report is to be sul:mitted, through the chairpersCil acd
dean, to the Executive Vice President for AcadEmic Affairs.
It will be referred to the FSC and the
President, then transnd.tted to the Faculty Records c::::l.ei'k in the Office of Academic Affairs for filitlg
in the permanent records of the University. If appropriate, the Final Report sOOuld include a
descrlpticn of spe:ific plans for sharing the results of the sabbatical leave with the recipient's
depart:Dmtal. colleagues or other groups en canpus.
'lhe Sabbatical Leave policy of the Regents' systsn, and 'Ihe Wichita State University in
particular, is based Cll the asSllllpticn that m:h leaves do not occur autaDatically at stated
intervals, but are awarded Cll merit and are clearly designed to E!llCOUI'age scl:xllarly and professiooal
achievei!Blt for the IIDJtual benefit of the faculty n:suber and the University.
'lhe scope of activities tmt my be uOOertakeD by WI faculty en sabbatical leaves is quite
bl'Oad, ~ing not Cllly the traditicml purpose of scholarly research, but the rore xmtraditicml purposes of professiCI181 devel.opnent or redevel.op!Slt. At WSU, leaves have been granted
for advaD::ed study,
for spe:ific research projects,
for creative
cm:riculun/iostructiooal. developnent, for residen:ies to observe the prograns and metlxxls of other
institutioos, for travel related to acadenic and professicml devel.op~mt, for occupatiooal experlea::e
desigDed to enhance professicml qualificatiODS, and IIEIIlY other similar purposes.
\oloik tavard a
graduate degree does not notmally qualify as an acceptable progran for a sabbatical leave.
Sabbatical leave programs properly serve the interests of the faculty member and the University
as a whole. Faculty wro have acom1lated service with the University benefit fran havillg a period
8J118Y fran natJIB1 canpus oblig:atiCilS in order to pursue spe:ial interests or projects related to their
professicml lives. 'lbe period of reoewal. offered by su:h leave also benefits the University, which
'Welcaoes back at the cco:lusiCil of a successful leave a faculty member with new ideas, enthusiasm, and
'Ihe sabbatical leave applicaticn process ccntains SCJDe features desigoed to eDhance the
probability of successful sabbatical leaves.
In the applicatiCilmter:f.als, faculty are asked to
dslalstrate special aptitude for their proposed projects, :lmicating previous professiCI181 or
sclDlarl.y wik related to the area of activity proposed for the leave.
Sufficient dooi!J'fltaticn IIDJSt
be presented to enable the thiversity to ca:clude that the goals of the leave probably will be
accauplisbed and that the project cannot be canpleted without su:h a leave.
A particular~ of the University is the difficulty of granting leaves to faculty in so:al.l
departments. A disproporticmte negative effect my be felt by students and colleagues when a faculty
member who is the only perscn with progr:aumatic expertise needed Cll a regular basis by the department
takes a sabbatical or other type of leave. Faculty members in SIIBll departments, therefore, need to
plan their leaves in advaoce, and obtain assurance fmn their c:lep!rtment and college that arranganents
can be Dade to cover their respoosibillties while absent. As previously indicated, Regents' policy
limits the 1llJI1ber of sabbatical leaves in 8Crf fiscal year to not more than 4 percent of the equivalent
full-time faculty with rm::K of instructor or higber.
'Ihe University further stipulates that the
Dl.lliber of leaves in SII'j fiscal year IIBY not be so great in SII'j department, divisiCil, or college, or en
t:ba caDpUS as a whole, as to disrupt the ccntimled and regular course offerings, or to affect tre
quality of educaticn offered to the students.
Final approval of the sabbatical leave for a faculty
uenber beiDg revieoe:i for ccntimlous tecure is ccntingent upon the awarding of tecure.
~tials regarding the sabbatical leave policies and procedures of the University my be
addressed to the Ex:ecutive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
A faculty member who has a grievance DllSt make a bala fide effort to resolve the matter
In IIKJSt instacces this should occur within the faculty member's
department or office and should involve the Cllairpersoo or imred:fate Supetvisor, and if appropriate,
the Dean.
through University chaDDel.s.
2. If the dispute is not settled, the faculty member lllllSt cootact the Cllairpersoo of the Rules
If a grievance involves disc.rlminatioo, the faculty member slxruld notify the Assistant
Dean of Faculties* before ccntactiDg the Cllairpersoo of the Rules Ccmnittee.
In discriminatioo
gri~, if ccntacted first, the Rules Ccmnittee Cllairpersoo will direct the faculty member to the
Assistant Dean of Fl:Dllties.
3. The faculty member must file a foz:mal canplaint with the 01airperson of the Rules Ccmnittee
a:od request that a CaiveDer and a Review CbmJittee be appointed.
If the faculty member elects to waive a heariDg, the Review Ccmnittee will evaluate the
evidecce a:od base its f:fm:fngs and recmmendatioos oo soch material.
5. If the faculty member elects a heariDg before the Review Ccmnittee, the specific procedures
for the hear:lng are provided in the statenent of Policies am PIOcedures for Processiog Grievmxes at
'lbe 'Wich:i.ta State University (attached hereto and located in the IIAirbJck fer Paculty, Appelldf.x F).
6. After the hearing, the Review Camd.ttee will delibe!:ate and subnit its f:lnd:fngs aod
n>CQI]I!f>fYiatioos to the Vice President of the University having jurisdictioo over the respoodeot.
7. FollQllng evaluatioo of the Review Calmittee's re::'OI'II'S'ldtioos,
decide the case.
Either l8rtY to the grievance my appeal this decisial to the President.
~Assistant Dean
the Vice President will
of Faculties is the Affil:mative Acticn Officer for uoclassified persomel.
'1he University shall recover the aDIJUDt of its subventioo., when recovery is possible.
If the University provides the entire subventioo., it shall recover the
before the autbor(s) receives royalties.
If the University and the author(s) share in the subventioo., the University shall receive a
share of the royalties proportiooal to its share, until the aDIJUDt of the University's
coo.trlbuticn to the subventicn has been re:overed.
of the subventioo.
lY. 'Dmttlm
'1he author(s) acl.axlrlledges aod agrees that s/'re. will be solely respoosible for any and all tax
coo.sequences which may result or arise as a result of the payn:e:1t of subventicn support.
'1he author(s) shall acknowledge the University's subverlticn in the preface,
introdu::ticn, or
March, 1991
Faculty eligible to vote at Geoeral. Faculty Meetings (hereinafter designated as
Faculty Meet:lDgs) referred to in these by-laws are tb:>se holding half-time or ume appointments at the
amk of instructor or higher in which the primary duties are fifty pez:cent or more teaching, research,
or libr:ary services.
1he Presiding Officer at all Faculty Meetings shall be the Vice President of the
Faculty SeDate.
In the absecce of the Vice President, the Ageoda Calmittee shall designate a
'IBDpo:rary PresidiDg Officer.
The Faculty shall elect a Secretary at the first Faculty Meeting of the
academfc year.
1he Presiding Officer u:ay appoint a ParliaDentarian for the Faculty Meeting. 'Ihe
Presiding Officer shall not participate in substantive debates of the Faculty Meeting.
'Ihe AgfDia
Ccmnittee for the Faculty Meeting is the bscutive Ccmnittee of the Faculty SeDate.
There shall be two (2) Faculty Meetings during an academic year.
This does not
preclude the calling of additiooal~~Eet:iDgs, if the necessity arises, nor the carre11atioo of a
~~Eeting if no topics are available for the ageoda.
The Ageoda Ccmnittee shall call all Faculty
MeetiDgs by its own authority and shall control the ageoda, except as noted bela.r.
l'VI'ICE. At least ten (10) cal.EDiar days before a Faculty Meeting, each member of the
faculty shall be furnished with the agenda of topics to be CalSidered at the meeting.
In the case of
the categories listed bela.r, there shall be included with the agecda a detailed statement of any
proposals to be subuitted.
Fnndauental Prlnciples of Acadanic Policy, su=h as addi ticos, changes or deleticos of
degrees; changes in university wide requirements for graduation; changes in regulaticos
relative tD grading, probation, e:xaninatioo, attendance, etc.
Items associated with Faculty Welfare, su=h as ret:irement,
p:taDOtion, DBtters involving contributicos to funds.
Chmges in University M:f.ssioo.
Changes in the Organizatioo of the Faculty.
In the case of an item on the ageoda not included in the categories listed above, any
Faculty Member shall, upon written request made to the Ageoda Ccmnittee, be furnished
with the details of that ageoda item.
An :i.Ddividual. Faculty Member DBY request the Agema Ccmnittee to place a topic oo the
ageoda for the next Faculty Meeting.
Upon written request of twelve (12) or mre
Faculty Members, an itsn shall appear oo the ageoda for the next Faculty Meeting. Slrll
requests shall be filed with the Ageoda Ca:onittee at least 21 days in advair::e of the
next Faculty Meeting.
IV. ~ A qoorun is the tlllllber of faculty presEilt at the Faculty Meeting. For discussim or a1 itaDS presEilted at a meeting as o::n-ageods itaDS, a qoorun of Clle"1:hird of the eligible
Faculty Members is required.
I.!lClH OF MEEJ.'lN;.
It> Regular or Specl.s1 Faculty Meeti.Dgs shall last looger thaD. ninety
minutes, mless su::h shall be extes::xied by a two-tb.1rds vote of tl:x>se presEilt.
VI. RIB...ES CR CliDER. Robert's Bllles of Order shall apply; if, I:Diever, a cooflict exists betweeo. this
docunent SDd Robert's Rules of Order, this docullent shall supersede.
VII. MINl11lS. Fach Faculty Member shall be fumished a copy of the official M:iDutes of Meeti.Dgs.