www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10286-10290 Big-O Test of RSA Algorithm Complexity in Civil DataBase ( SIN / eID ) Jutono Gondohanindijo1, Eko Sediyono2 1 AKI University, School of Technology and Business, Imam Bonjol Road, Semarang50139, Indonesia yohanganda60@gmail.com 2 UKSW University, Department of IT, Diponegoro Street, Salatiga50711, Indonesia ekosed1@yahoo.com Abstract:Analysis of Algorithms is the area of computer science that provides tools to analyze the efficiency of different methods of solutions. The time efficiency of the algorithms can be characterized by growth rate functions ( Big-O ). Big-O represents how fast does an algorithm grow with respect to N number of steps. The algorithm that will be discussed are taken from computer programs that implemented the RSA Encryption in a Single Identification Number (SIN) or the e-ID CARDS in Indonesia which is a unique identification number that is integrated with the combined data from a variety of government agencies and private sector. RSA Encryption program used to maintain the security and confidentiality of messages, data, or information in a computer network, so that can not be read or understood by just anyone. In this paper, the authors analyze the proper cryptographic system application applied to the integrated data base in SIN (e-ID). Scoring algorithm is based on: execution time (from the most dominant functions), memory usage/resources, the simplicity and clarity of the algorithm. The steps of analysis algorithms developed by specifying a type/nature of the input data, measuring the execution time (Running Time) of each function, analyze mathematically with the data test Big-O with graphs and tables of Polynomial to determine its average case. Keywords:Algorithm, Encryption, Big-O, Complexity, Running-Time. 1. Introduction Many encryption algorithms used for data security. Those Algorithms was already well established and become standard, examples are: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rivert-Shamir-Adelman (RSA), Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), the Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) [3]. Analysis of Algorithms needed to measure the program's performance through the validation program and test execution time (Running Time). An efficient algorithm is the algorithm that keeps the needs of time and space. The needs of the time and space of an algorithm depends on the size of the input (input), stating the amount of data that is processed along with the process. Programmers often experience obstacles to develop model tools for testing the efficiency of a program that is already made. Programmers are also required to optimize the program of this aspect of the program structure and the data structures that are used so that the acquired program that efficiently. This study will analyze the encryption program RSA algorithm against the execution time (running time) function and its complexity test to know its performance. The data used to test efficiency encryption algorithms is the encryption Key that is used in the Civil ID Numbers as SIN (Single Identification Number) or e-ID. The type of a file which will be encrypted is text typed. The importance of protecting the SIN was the SIN associated with data on civil, employment, taxation, immigration, banking and law enforcement efforts as well as facilitate cooperation among government agencies in the execution of his duty. 2. Algorithm analysis An algorithm is a procedure is limited to solve a problem with finite steps in a limited time. The term algorithm is first written by arab mathematician al-Khowarizmi 19th century, in his book al-jabr w'al muquabala Bible. Some general properties of the algorithm are: Input, Output, Finiteness, Definiteness, Effectiveness. 2.1 The Growth Function Given a computer program with n an integer. The most important consideration with regard to the usefulness of the program is how long a computer resolves the problem. To analyse the usefulness of the program, it takes understanding how to speed growth by value function of n that is growing. The notation is often used to analyze the functions of growth called the Big-O notation. This quantity is used to indicate the running time of a program. Given functions f and g of the set number of integers or the set number of real numbers in a subset of the real numbers. Said to be f(x) is O(g(x)) if there exists a constant C and k such that [6]: Read is “Big-O” in To show the f (x) is O(g(x)), only needed to find one pair of constants C and k such that | f (x) | ≤ C | g(x) | If x > k. Partner C, k which satisfy the definition is never single. Furthermore, if one partner is there, then there is unlimited other couples. The simple way to look at it is, if C, k is a pair, the other pair of C', k ' where C < C' and k < k' also satisfies the definition, if Jutono Gondohanindijo1, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10286-10290 Page 10286 Big-O notation is used in mathematics, especially in computer sciences to the analysis of algorithms. Given Where is the real numbers. Then f(x) is O(xn) Proof : By using the triangle inequality, if x 1, acquired : v., phpMyAdmin Database Manager v. 2.10 .2, Google Chrome NuSphere PHP Editor 2.1, v. 7, Javascript lib. V. 4.2, Visustin v 7.03. 3.3 The Research Step The RSA encryption algorithm is implemented on the server computer to process encryption of query civil data and algorithm RSA decryptionis implemented on the client computer to process decryption of query civil data. Data analysis on the RSA Algorithm uses the polynomial regression analysis. 4. Results and Discussion Seen that | f (x) | ≤ C xn where Therefore, If found several different algorithms for solving the same, then one must be selected in accordance with his request. The most important tool for the purpose is the analysis of algorithms. 2.2 The Complexity of Algorithms One of the tools used to determine the efficiency of an algorithm is the time used by a computer to solve a problem by using the algorithm, when an input value has been specified size [2].Considerations of time and space complexity of an algorithm is important when an algorithm will be implemented.The terminology used for the complexity of the algorithm is O(1) : Constant Complexity, O(log n) : Logarithm Complexity, O(n) = the linear complexity, O(n log n) Complexity of n log n, O(nb) = complexity of Polynomial [6]. 3. Research methods 3.1 The Object of Research The object examined was the Demography Database with its field are the IDN ( ID number), NAME (name of the population or person), DISTRICT (inhabitants of the village Code), ADDR (Address), BDATE ( Birth Date) using the format text each of 20 bytes, 30 bytes, 15 bytes, 50 bytes and 10 bytes, the total is 125 bytes with length of 1024 bit encryption key. This data will then be in encryption and decryption in the form of byte/character/text or bit. The encryption method used is the RSA. 3.2 Research Tool A research tool used in this research is as follows: 1.Hardware in the form of a computer with specs Intel Pentium (R) CPU Core i3-3120M @ 2.50 GHz, 2 MB of RAM. 2.The software is Microsoft Windows 7, Apache Web Server V. 2.2.4, PHP Script Language V.5.2.3, My SQL Data Base Analysis Algorithms was done by measuring the complexity of RSA program through the Big-O Test with a series of test input data character (byte) with range/range from 1 up to 233 characters (bytes). This value is taken from the range of total data/field from which data will be encrypted ( IDN, NAME, DISTRICT, ADDRESS, BDATE ). Test results can be seen in Table 1, this table describes test results of encrypt and decrypt time needed for a series of data input in the form of characters. Table 1 : Encrypt and Decriypt with time variations of the character length 1 1 k 256 Time Encrypt (Se cond) 0.02748013 2 9 ltk8RQkiS 256 0.02782989 0.53003788 3 17 G2gLF3Vhy955ujDFl 256 0.02929997 0.527915001 4 25 ZIWK8EgwAYZpkbXN0fkhY9HQB 256 0.02659106 0.525926113 5 33 Dv5qwq2gPojze7qCFO6mbrhQAf43Q92gH 256 0.02729201 0.538053989 6 41 HFkCuQSbEVCvYTAhV04bUUmlxAWeVugKiYKRzbpJ8 256 0.02564812 0.523198843 7 49 PEhwbZl04VegYhebGUKYXOa4BGsqs6Fox7RiK9cXK9bwBUJsY 256 0.02654099 0.531112194 8 57 8r2UM4k9NzLTgJM2b6vPIoK28jIVStFAfeEEWCLqSQc3XFsvupdpsl7Ui 256 0.02545309 0.526175022 9 65 ljGcdOYro5jDxdl7C9A5RStyyfGCzR500NHFevQOqZFUj9blXkT2gZ0iZ5L4lQ 256 0.02699685 0.520372868 10 73 xnSGfHmHXlg9FkAyfg1ZqEff6WhSIVOoYJspLxTC9bn1jHehuW0Q6xebok3E 256 0.02526808 0.535166979 11 81 TQMxKNPKJa0HA3AoDGZXzDGWaxl4QXdwYiVmg2GwCHoyZOaMvSVM 256 0.025038 0.521542072 12 89 sz6hhz76fDnsqbB9eZVr09bsc8jWZpfvFkP7KOREyAFUSg2HzMuTnVHZ612 256 0.02436113 0.530475855 13 97 R2HisoisObjNiJAphHtxGPXcmLUGZLlg49FrdspMRJByb3sYbiCzvflvhnQT4vH 256 0.02425504 0.520390034 14 105 lYoQJDk5e8C6iwP9wTvLR7HsJCV1QF1uFQCMGvejtuCBZb7rGc7IV33dwX 256 0.02368379 0.532225847 15 113 ZmXoyaGRgGSALht9Yn7M8mJs5uYRrblZdbJeOdrg7isxkJ0yWnQTW38VIEk 256 0.02314496 0.529389858 16 121 dgUXzUD0AYkk8GVweamFZNY87fdL7thGaFGAR7FiPZ9zYM14pqfjoNQZB 512 0.05306196 1.053316832 17 129 1WeNkUrmf9qY86ZGXghBSfF4MMVIbaGKGFM7Ct8uJpcbr1ThcysLJceiiRl1 512 0.05040479 1.053947926 18 137 ckTrs0C0W6bFtD8GPHmkJQaU0D489IqIROgNltERF3zOYKBrObjJbRhiGuM 512 0.0522089 1.068647146 19 145 EX93yj2zVyIXxJy0J9AJdhBqlWsFM5dpR8kAnYK6nB75teHgWxZbE0fM2tHc 512 0.05245304 1.076715231 20 153 4dwoem9T6i3zPRNlFiBfiJERdtZ27WiMquxt4ns3e1F2VhQC5QJhRZNlnFW2w 512 0.04931402 1.06183815 21 161 KUiFKLJE1afSBPQvHyFFtfacUH1XluMZNLt6HuX0mIBusWSRWc1HPkU9 512 0.04913497 1.069363117 22 169 clWE3RhoeXfyT8076CyVDTfL1PHmIS4mRzxzvH684QiECSVLjnKXwm1yeg 512 0.04880595 1.068812847 23 177 PGcFKzwBpcnzz3yoF79OitTOma0soW1ewzUEpl2QMNJSX0BDbqjlcHHt5oE 512 0.05106306 1.059587002 24 185 McgsBsnGYgv2hRMgbqTS9LtOaaU6FwYoggGeQD0Yr1FtIat90NH7PtxENT 512 0.05070806 1.063682079 25 193 Lf0QNjyhAFHA02slC4FLq7GdOJTAYkCaB6krk4NCNHAdEF9tOijvUUsBqt0 512 0.05026913 1.078094959 26 201 6to2dcrVlEpm1kIXaDEPrjJ6uTWducTZGsLqjPQMEFdfeJmQMYM2J6Japi9aW 512 0.05051994 1.062964916 27 209 B6fsuoGng7ph0TnOErM5Lgj8ZLAmLCVjYGYHzQ1iuCYWZPvVUi0Fote2qm 512 0.05043793 1.087435961 28 217 AqNeynyWkReSVQa8c0Cs8PmdEjVYpAZYkdraK3dczBg2xxCeNCTKdXNY 512 0.05605412 1.061059952 29 225 yE67wSnwDHej8CaiLTSnpHqmUXBjRuea4z59K1Hs47fF3Pc6FImGpX74wvg 512 0.04711294 1.050594091 30 233 YCe1WDkT9lAwBE7u3w0CFm2YPdKUTxzCDcSXyrhsnLcZOZPLXhC6cPf 512 0.04729795 1.063901901 Trial # Byte Characte r Byte Encrypt Time De crypt (Se cond) 0.526859999 Of the two variables or values of x (long/lots of data) and y (time) then the correlation regression graph created its polynomial graph to see the value of the correlation (R 2), see Figure 1 graph of polynomial regression correlation. Jutono Gondohanindijo1, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10286-10290 Page 10287 www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10286-10290 Figure 1 : Polynomial regression correlation chart It appears from the results of a correlation of R 2, for the encryption is 0.8469 and decryption is f 0,9082. Both of these values are approaching the number 1 indicating the presence of a strong correlation relationship between x and y [1]. The next test of size (the size of many of its data) will proceed with its the test data R2 to determine the order of f(n) or the Big-O or O(n) by performing a series of advanced data test by substituting value of X with the reach of a number of data into the encryption process from few field. For example of sample data taken length data field will be encrypted-decrypted is 225 byte. ( longer than whole field will be encrypteddecrypted, that is 125 byte ), see Table 2 (test the degree of X for The Big-O encryption) and Table 3 (test the degree of X for The Big-O Decryption). Table 2 : Test the degree of X for the Big-O Encryption y = -1E-14 X6 + 1E-11 X5 - 4E-09 X4 + 6E-07 X3 - 4E-05 X2 + 0.0008 X + 0.0245 X R2 = 0.8469 Derajat X 1 33 65 97 129 161 193 225 6 Koef. X -1E-14 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0008 -0.0083 -0.0461 -0.1742 -0.5168 -1.2975 5 1E-11 0.0000 0.0004 0.0116 0.0859 0.3572 1.0818 2.6779 5.7665 4 -4.E-09 0.0000 -0.0047 -0.0714 -0.3541 -1.1077 -2.6876 -5.5500 -10.2516 3 6.E-07 0.0000 0.0216 0.1648 0.5476 1.2880 2.5040 4.3134 6.8344 2 4.E-05 0.0000 0.0436 0.1690 0.3764 0.6656 1.0368 1.4900 2.0250 1 0.0008 0.0008 0.0264 0.0520 0.0776 0.1032 0.1288 0.1544 0.1800 0 0.0245 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 Table 3 : Test the degree of X for the Big-O Decryption Jutono Gondohanindijo1, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10286-10290 Page 10288 y = -1E-15 X6 + 6E-11 X5 - 4E-08 X4 + 7E-06 X3 - 0.0005 X2 + 0.0127 X + 0.4743 X R2 = 0.9082 Derajat X 1 33 65 97 129 161 193 225 6 Koef. X -1.E-15 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0008 -0.0046 -0.0174 -0.0517 -0.1297 5 6.E-11 0.0000 0.0023 0.0696 0.5152 2.1434 6.4905 16.0671 34.5990 4 -4.E-08 0.0000 -0.0474 -0.7140 -3.5412 -11.0769 -26.8759 -55.4995 -102.5156 3 7.E-06 0.0000 0.2516 1.9224 6.3887 15.0268 29.2130 50.3234 79.7344 2 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.5445 -2.1125 -4.7045 -8.3205 -12.9605 -18.6245 -25.3125 1 0.0127 0.0127 0.4191 0.8255 1.2319 1.6383 2.0447 2.4511 2.8575 0 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 0.4743 It appears from the results of the calculations, the value of X will always appear with the highest value in the range degreess of X = 3, at both the X degree test for Big-O Encryption and Decryption. Based on Equation 3, we set a parameter X as the largest significant value as its complexity degree [7]. Big-O notation in test Complexity degree of X (the X value substitution) is O(n3) namely with Cubic Growth Function ( based on Polynomial graph previously ). From Big-O notation, the complexity of a low degree of drafted up high, ranging from the complexity of Big-O degree = 1 (constant) or the big O(1) up to the Big-O(2n). The complexity of the algorithm is moving from Big-O degrees constant (1) until the exponential (2n). So with the lowest degree of complexity requires a bit of processing time compared to a lot of its data, whereas the exponential cmplexity is level or the highest degrees, which means that increasingly complex program algorithm with a comparison of that with relatively little data requires a lot of processing time. The next activity was measuring the running time of the RSA. This RSA programs perform some function inside. The result of the measurements appear in table 4 (Running Time RSA functions). Table 4 : Running Time RSA Functions Nomor Fungsi Running Time (detik) 1 _generateMinMax 0.000006199 2 createKey 1.655412912 3 _convertPrivateKey 0.002645969 4 _encodeLength 0.000000954 5 _convertPublicKey 0.000717878 6 _parseKey 0.000014067 7 loadKey 0.000710011 8 _random 0.001905203 9 _exponentiate 0.000002861 10 _i2osp 0.000686884 11 _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt 0.008409023 12 encrypt 0.008425951 13 _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt 0.077547073 14 decrypt 0.077579021 By knowing the long process all functions are carried out we can scrutinise the dominant function with the longest to process as a way of taking action validation programs by coding or reformulating the program back so obtained the best algorithm solutions. No special programming techniques to improve the coding/program, we could do the approach of the program structure or its data structure. Reformulation is carried out by a series of trial error to get the best algorithm solutions. After that the program could be tested based on analysis of algorithms return Performance by measuring the execution time (the Big-O) to measure their complexes and identification of largest running time of function to be able to reformulate program. This process is repeated until the value obtained a better program performance, both in terms of its complexity and efficiency (with respect to time and memory use). 5. CONCLUSION With the analysis of Algorithm through the the Big-O test, we can measure the performance of a program which is Complex or not. Complex here is not relate directly to the efficiency of a program. The complexity is deal with the magnitude of data entered or processed. The greater the more it takes a long process. By looking at the complexity of the programs we make, we can assess the performance of a program. Later, by measuring the Running Time of each function, we are giving greater attention to finding the best solution from a program we created to make it more efficient in the use of time and memory through the formulation of the programme structure and the structure of the data. References [1] Agus Setiawan, Pengantar Metode Numerik, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta, 2006. [2] Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., & Stein, R. L., Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. NewYork: MIT Press, 2001. [3] Luc, Bouganim, Yanli, Guo, Database Encryption, France, 2009. [4] Lusmiarwan, Driana, Perancangan Prototype Single Identity Number(SIN) Untuk Menunjang E- Government, Bandung, 2006. [5] Munir, R., Kriptografi, Informatika, Bandung, 2006. [6] P. Danziger, “Big-O Notation”, Available:http://web.mit.edu/big_o.pdf, Accessed: August 16, 2014. Jutono Gondohanindijo1, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10286-10290 Page 10289 [7] R. K. Sembiring, Analisis Regresi, ITB, Bandung, 2005. [8] Suharno, Menuju Terciptanya Single Identification Number di Indonesia, Jakarta, 2005. Author Profile Jutono Gondohanindijo received the B.Comp. degrees from Budi Luhur University and M.Comp. degrees in Technology of Information from Ben-Arif Indonesia Institute of Technology in 1997 and 2001, respectively. During 1997-2014, he is now working in AKI University School of Technology and Business as lecturer. Jutono Gondohanindijo1, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10286-10290 Page 10290