www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10282-10285
“Design and Implementation of Multiple LED Notice Boards by Using ZIGBEE
Vishal S. Deshmukh, Saurabh M. Titre, Salim A. Chavhan, Shyam D. Bawankar
Department of Electronics
Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering Technology and Research, Wardha, India
E-mail: vishaldeshmukhv@gmail.com, saurabhtitre007@gmail.com, salimchavhan@gmail.com
Abstract – Now days the world becomes so fast that it is important to be with its speed hence we can achieve our aim. It is
done by the use of correct, speedy, highly pronounced, reliable system. LED created notice board is maintained at high
classified and usable place mainly in big organization where the crowd is first attraction. Due to the manual process of
advertisement of notice on notice board there is enough wastage of time, so by use of LED notice board the previous
problem is overcome also increases the little bit of profession. The proposed system consist of bunch of LED which is
arranged in rectangular box and hence connected with various IC’s by using required technology, also ZigBee is high
paramount and imperative prototype which is used at transmitter and receiver. Frame up and package deal of LED must
be befitting as it creates ‘VIVIDITY TO VISION’. The whole notice board is connected to ‘master computer’ where slave
computers are follower of master computer; both are responsible for directing the message on notice board. Two
assortment of microcontroller is arranged at trance-receiver side. So in this paper we build the system in such way only
author prized people can run it with the help of software and total system is running under the wireless technology.
Keywords- wireless technology, ZigBee, LED
required for the system. It also increases neatness of regions
and standard of organization.
I. Introduction
Time required running the system is within a few seconds. So
As the wireless technology is introduced in the world it
wireless technology also reduces time consumption and
makes the huge flowering and impetus over the past few
makes the system more efficient.
years’ importunity of wireless technology is increased in
Jin shyan lee et al, have explained about various short range
industrial and domestic functioning. The whole system is
technology viz. Bluetooth (over IEEE 802.15.1), UWB (over
built in a following way so that we get output as:
IEEE 802.15.3), ZIGBEE (over IEEE 802.15.4) and WIFI
1) Implement the system under the trademark of wireless
(over IEEE802.11a/b/g), main features and behaviors in term
2) The system is
of metric including capacity, network topology, quality of
handled by numerous transmissions and the message feeds on
service support and power consumption are studied under the
only one receiver.
3) Microcontroller controls multiple LEDs to enhance the
message pattern.
Working of transmitter and receiver :The proposed system is capable of working with one
II. STUDY OF COMPARISON:transmitter and one receiver, one transmitter and number of
 Comparison of various protocols:receiver, number of transmitter and number and of receiver.
But from all the above we are recommending only number of
Transmitter and single receiver system due to lack of
availability of displays and even cost matters.
Signals are omnipresent
Of course the system is working under wireless technology.
So there is no need of cables and wires. In case, the system
will become cost efficient also there will be less handling
Comparison of LEDs:-
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The notice board is made by using RGB technology where
there is use of red, green and blue LEDs which is more
efficient and costlier. But in given system only red LED is
useful, as it is compatible to eyes and cost efficient.
III. ZIGBEE PROTOTYPE:Zigbee prototype is only responsible for high speed
communication based on IEEE 802 standard. Zigbee device
is working under the mesh network technology just to
transmit the signal. Here in the zigbee module, in the
industrial organizations to make the transmission of data
more convenient in the traffic management system.
Sorting of zigbee:1) Zigbee coordinator (Zc):More comfort thing which is able to make way to
transmission tree which connect other transmission network.
It stores data about network consisting acts as a trust centre.
1) Zigbee home automation.
2) Building automation.
3) Energy system.
IV. VB. NET:We have used VB .NET to create the basic graphical
interface. VB. NET is designed and developed by Microsoft
incorporation. Here in this project LED MAGIC is only one
software which is import to run given system. LED MAGIC
consists of all operation with library to notice board
wirelessly. All the status is gathered inside this software
present in master computer. This software is used to access
various tons of relays and to adjust delays.
V. SYSTEM DESIGN:The proposed system consists of transmission section and
receiver section. The circuit diagram is given below.
2) Zigbee router (Zr):As well as running an application function, a router can act as
an intermediate router passing a data for other device which
transform data from one device to other.
3) Zigbee end device (zed):In this kind of zigbee communication can be done with the
help of the router. If it cannot relay the signal from other
Fig 1:- Zigbee devices
Specification of zigbee module:-
 400 meter to 500 meter range.
Extended temperature range (-50 to 125 degree Celsius.
Wide supply range (1.8 v to 3.8 v).
Programmable output up to 10+5 dbm.
The cc3530 supports for frame handling, data transmission,
bus transmission and data authentication.
Fig 2:- schematic
4.1 Transmitter side:Master
Fig 3:- block diagram of transmitter
The block diagram of transmitter is shown above. At mega
328 is used because the data storing capacity is very large as
compared to at mega 16. The capacity is 32 byte. Zigbee is
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used to transmit the data from microcontroller to display
board. Pin 2 and 3 is transmitter and receiver pin. Again some
data is coming from pc to microcontroller. Port d is an8 bit
bidirectional I/O port with internal pull up resistor port d
output buffer have symmetrical drive characteristics with
both high risk and source capability. As input port d which is
externally pulled low source current if pull up resistors are
activated. The port d pin are tri stated when a reset condition
become active, even if the clock is not running, pc data is in
image form which is directly fed on display board due to that
the capacity requirement of microcontroller is very high. +5v
power supply is used to drive the microcontroller circuit.
4.2 Receiver side:Zigbee
LED notice
Fig 4:- block diagram of receiver
Now the signal will enter into the receiving portion after
transmitting from the transmitter, receiver side consist of
zigbee module at the starting of the notice board as it is
indicated already in block diagram. After that zigbee will
sends signal to microcontroller. Microcontroller will gives
respond to the signal which is transmitted by zigbee to
microcontroller, now microcontroller decode the commands
and send it reliably to the next step. Our next step is display
board where the commands are display after the whole
process. After passed commands from microcontroller to
notice board the components inside the notice board gate
accessed to performed task glow the LEDs. Hence in such
way system starts running. Zigbee is used to receive the data
from microcontroller and send to display board pin 2 and 3 is
transmitter and receiver pin. Display board is in matrix form
which displays the data in image form using row and column.
Pc data is in image form which is directly fed on display
board due to that the capacity requirement of microcontroller
is very high. + 5v power supply is used to drive the
microcontroller circuit and 3.2 v supply for zigbee module.
Data transmission capacity of zigbee is 2.4 GHz and display
board requires 12v, 3A current.
VI. FUTURE SCOPE:Scope of this project is very wide. Some future modifications
are provided below:
 Changing sources the message from various
At present the project is receiving the message from GUI
based software on pc through RF connectivity.
 If Bluetooth module is interfaced with the
microcontroller of this project and one application is written
for Bluetooth enabled Smartphone, then any such phone
having that app installed will be able to change the message
on the display.
 If wifi module is interfaced with the microcontroller
of this project and one application is written for wifi enabled
PC/laptop, then any such PC having that app installed will be
able to change the message on the display.
 GUI based software is already provided with the
project, that is need to be run on PC/laptop. The message
sending through email can be added to it. One just has to
modify the software so that it can receive the emails. Once it
receives the email that software will send the received email
on the display with the RF connectivity which is already
 Making the display double sided
Right now the project is having only one LED matrix, which
is able to show messages in only one direction, but the casing
of the display is made wider so that it can accommodate two
LED matrixes. So anyone interested can make another matrix
that can be placed in the casing of display on the opposite
direction, which will enable the display to show messages on
both the sides.
 Increasing the wireless range
In this project pair of cc2500 module is interfaced with micro
controller and pc for wireless connectivity. In the future these
modules can be replaced with xbee modules or some other
which will increase the wireless range of this project.
 Making information audible to the student
At certain condition, students may not be able to acquire the
prescribed information from the display board due to lack of
time or due to their hectic schedule. In this case, that
particular information will be made available to them through
the speakers available at each and every class so that each
and every student will come to know about the important
notification within no time. This type of system will again be
beneficial for the students in case of time and more reliable.
VII. CONCLUSION:The proposed design of LED notice board is integrated with
zigbee module and moving LED display this whole
procedure is achieved with the help of wireless technology.
Wireless technology allows the long distance communication
in between transmitter and receiver without any use of wires.
As wireless technology provides great accuracy, flexibility,
proper displaying of text messages in the efficient way. Also
in this system it user passwords or authentication is required
so that there is no possibility to make the misuse of proposed
system. Wireless communication exhibit long range
communications efficiently than that through wires.
VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:We are thankful to our esteemed guide Prof. Shyam D.
Bawankar for his constant encouragement and noble
guidance without which this project would never be
completed. It was his personal motivation and support during
the period of doubts and uncertainties that has helped us to
carry on with this project. We also express our sincere
gratitude to our HOD Mrs. R A. Pandhare, for her valuable
suggestion and encouragement and support to shape this
work in a systematic way. We also want to thank our
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principal Dr. S P.Untawale for permitting us to make use of
laboratories during off time. Lastly, also our institute
D.M.I.E.T.R for providing us all the facilities needed for our
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