www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10276-10281
Performance Analysis of Fault Tolerance using Clustering Scheme
for Wireless Sensor Network
Ms. Swati P. Wankhede 1, Prof. A. N. Thakare 2
Dept. of Computers Engineering
Bapurao Deshmukh College of
Engineering, Sevagram, India
swati.wankhede24@gmail.com ,amu_thak@rediffmail.com
Abstract- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These
applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of personnel in
a building. Fault Tolerance is therefore important in WSNs. The reliability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is affected by faults that may
occur due to various reasons such as malfunctioning hardware, software glitches, dislocation, or environmental hazards. A WSN that is not
prepared to deal with such situations may suffer a reduction in overall lifetime, or lead to hazardous consequences in critical application
contexts. One of the major fault recovery techniques is the exploitation of redundancy, which is often a default condition in WSNs. Another
major approach is the involvement of base stations or other resourceful nodes to maintain operations after failures. We present a selforganizing, singlehop clustering scheme, which is based on partitioning sensor networks into several disjoint cliques. Clustering sensor
nodes into small groups is an effective method to achieve fault tolerance, scalability, load balancing, routing etc. Here, each node obtains a
list of its neighbour’s connectivity as well as their degree of connection at first. Then, the node with highest degree of connection initiates
clique formation process and makes the cluster. Among all the members of the cluster, the node with maximum energy is selected as cluster
head (CH).Simulations results obtain so far recovers the faults occurred in the WSN and also provide energy efficient network.
Keywords- Cluster-based, Energy Efficiency, Fault Tolerance,
Secure Routing, Wireless Sensor Network.
Advances in embedded systems technology have made
it possible to build wireless sensor nodes, which are small
devices with limited memory, processing power, and energy
resources. Due to the low cost associated to these devices, it
is possible to conceive the deployment of large-scale
wireless sensor networks (WSN) with potentially thousands
of nodes. Those sensor nodes are designed to collect data,
monitor and control the physical environment efficiently.
Each of these devices is equipped with a small processor
and wireless communication antenna and is powered by a
battery making it very resource constrained. These sensors
are typically scattered around a sensing field to collect
information about their surroundings. Sensor network
periodically gather data from a remote terrain where each
node continually senses the environment and sends back the
data to the Base Station (BS) for further analysis, which is
usually located considerably far from the target area.
In these WSN deployments, it is common to have a
node providing functionality to its neighbours. Multi-hop
routing is a simple example of such a service, where nodes
forward messages on behalf of each other. Often, nodes
assume dedicated roles such as cluster head, which implies
the responsibility for certain tasks. For example, a cluster
head could aggregate sensor data before it is forwarded to a
base station, thereby saving energy. Nodes with stronger
hardware capabilities can perform operations for other nodes
that would either have to spend a significant amount of
energy or would not be capable of performing these
operations. These services, however, may fail due to various
reasons, including radio interference, desynchronization,
battery exhaustion, or dislocation. Such failures are caused
by software and hardware faults, environmental conditions,
malicious behaviour, or bad timing of a legitimate action. In
general, the consequence of such an event is that a node
becomes unreachable or violates certain conditions that are
essential for providing a service, for example by moving to a
different location, the node can no further provide sensor
data about its former location.
To comprehend fault tolerance mechanisms, it is
important to point out the difference between faults, errors,
and failures. A fault is any kind of defect that leads to an
error. An error corresponds to an incorrect (undefined)
system state. Such a state may lead to a failure. A failure is
the (observable) manifestation of an error, which occurs
when the system deviates from its specification and cannot
deliver its intended functionality.Figure1 illustrates the
difference between fault, error, and failure. A sensor service
running on node A is expected to periodically send the
measurements of its sensors to an aggregation service
running on node B. However, node A suffers an impact
causing a loose connection with one of its sensors. Since the
code implementing node as service is not designed to detect
and overcome such situations, an erroneous state is reached
when the sensor service tries to acquire data from the sensor.
Due to this state, the service does not send sensor data to the
aggregation service within the specified time interval. This
results in a crash or omission failure of node A observed by
node B.
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Page 10276
In the scenario explained above, the fault is the
loose connection of the sensor. The error is the state of the
service after trying to read the sensor data and the failure
occurs when the application does not send the sensor data
within the specified time interval, node does not need a
route to a destination until that destination is to be the sink
of data packets sent by the node. Reactive protocols often
consume much less bandwidth than proactive protocols, but
the delay to determine a route can be significantly high and
they will typically experience a long delay for discovering a
route to a destination prior to the actual communication.
Node B
Node A
Fig 1. Failure cause by loosely connected sensor
2.1. To design the fault tolerance scheme using
clustering for WSN
A fault tolerant network is one that can recover various
faults occurred in the wireless sensor network .Clustering
scheme is used which should be robust for topological
change caused by node failure, node mobility, CH change
and even for node insertion or removal.
Fig 2 Block Diagram for Proposed System
Firstly in the cluster formation process, clusters are
formed based on high degree of connections. The node
which is having high degree of connection is selected as
clusterhead. The basic idea of the proposed algorithm is to
use a path having the cluster head with minimum energy and
high degree of connectivity. When a sensor i send data to
the base station, it can transmit data to the base station
directly or route the data to one of its neighbors (Ni). In
other words, the sensor determines which sensor is the best
candidate for direct communication with the base station
among its neighbors and itself. Whenever the fault is
occurred while routing the data, the proposed algorithm
detects the faults and recovered it in order to route the data
to one of its neighbors or base station successfully.
3.2. Proposed Algorithm for Fault Detection
and Recovery
Construct a WSN of node N
Compute a distance between two neighbouring nodes
2.2. To analyze the fault tolerance and energy
consumption parameters for WSN using
simulation tools
There are different numbers of parameters like energy,
throughput, delay, packet lost, cluster size, variance of
cluster size, energy consumption, communication overhead,
etc need to be analyzed.
Construct Connectivity matrix of node N
For each node
If distance > 0 and distance <= transmission
Set ConnMat[i][j]=1
Set ConnMat[i][j]=0
End for
Classify the WSN into the clusters
If ConnMat[i][j]>0
Degree of node is incremented
Compute the cluster head
If Node degree > node degree of its neighbour
node in same cluster
Set a node is cluster head
For each sensor do
If more than one cluster head with same degree
Set cluster head having maximum remaining
End for.
In our proposed design we present a selforganizing, single hop clustering scheme, which is based on
partitioning sensor networks into several disjoint clusters.
Here, each node obtains a list of its neighbor’s connectivity
as well as their degree of connection at first. Then, the node
with highest degree of connection initiates cluster formation
process and makes the cluster. Among all the members of
the cluster, the node with maximum energy is selected as
cluster head (CH).
3.1 Proposed Design View
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Page 10277
Compute occurrence of fault in the network
If distance>transmission range
Set disconnect node to 1
If disconnect node to 1
Reconstruct link between the nodes.
Fig 3.Sensor Network with six nodes
Reconstructing links between the nodes
For each sensor do
Adjust transmission range to meet the longest
distance in WSN
End for.
The Proposed Algorithm is used to find out the
faults that may occur at network communication layer. Link
faults occurred at communication layer is detected and
recovered using the proposed algorithm.
Fault Detection: In WSN faults that can occur at
network communication layer is detected by considering the
transmission range of nodes. When node a is communicating
with node b, link faults occur as node a is not in the
transmission range of node b. The basic idea of detecting the
faults in network communication layer is by considering the
transmission range of the node and the node which is not in
the transmission range of another node will not be able to
send the data within that path thus fault is detected at that
Fault Recovery: The proposed algorithm detected
the faults by reconstructing the link between the nodes. The
node which is out of transmission range of another node
results in the communication link failure which results into
the faults in the network. This can be recovered by
considering the maximum distance between two nodes. The
final transmission range of the node is the transmission
range to meet maximum distance between two nodes.
4.1. The MCC Protocol
In MCC Protocol, the first five phases describe the
cluster formation process while the rest two specifies CH
rotation, addition and deletion of node respectively.
Constructing Connectivity Matrix Phase: Each
node receives the connectivity list from its all one-hop
neighbors and computes the degree of connectivity from that
list. This can be provided by a physical layer for mutual
location and identification of radio nodes.
Cluster Formation Phase: This phase is continued
until all nodes join in a cluster. Each node checks its
connectivity matrix and finds out whether it holds highest
degree of connection or not. If it does not, then it waits until
it is added to a cluster by neighbor nodes or it becomes the
highest degree node after some iteration. Otherwise, it waits
for random time t, and starts clique formation phase.
Fig 4.Cluster Formation
Clique Formation Phase: It is well known that
finding out maximum clique in a random graph is an
NP-complete problem.
Fig 5.Cluster with maximum clique size 2.
Cluster head selection Phase: After finishing clique
formation process, the node which initiated clustering
process will select the cluster head. It will check the
received signal strength of all other nodes in the cluster
and choose the best node as CH. In case of tie, the
lowest node ID will be selected as CH.
Cluster Announcement Phase: The nodes which
have joined in the cluster, will inform neighbors
regarding its membership. Hence, the non-clustered
nodes will able to update their connectivity matrix list by
removing the clustered nodes.
Cluster Head Rotation Phase: The cluster heads of
all clusters will periodically check the energy level of its
neighbor nodes. If it finds a node with more energy level
then the current CH will request the node to become CH
and will convey the information to all other nodes in the
Node Insertion and Deletion Phase: Node insertion
phase is executed by the cluster head if it receives an add
request containing neighbor list from a new node. On
receiving such request, the CH checks whether this node
is connected to all other members in the clique or not. If
the CH gets positive confirmation from all its neighbors
then the new node is added to the cluster and every node
would update their clique information immediately. A
node will announce itself as CH if it fails to join in any
Every CH periodically checks connectivity links to
find out the status of clique agreement. Inconsistency
may occur if the sensor network contains mobile nodes
or due to node failures. In such case, the inconsistent
node will be removed from the cluster. The node which
is removed from the cluster will initiate insertion phase
to join in another cluster after discovering its neighbors
in new location. If a cluster head becomes unavailable
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Page 10278
due to mobility or failure, the other nodes of the cluster
select the new CH on the basis of energy level and
remove the information of the previous CH from their
neighbor lists.
sending and receiving data within its own transmission
range and gives the result by identifying the faults and
recovered those faults by using proposed algorithm.
4.2. Topology control (Link faults) Algorithm
The algorithm is based on the reduced graph from
the first step. It applies existing optimal solution for the
Min-Weight k-OutConnectivity problem in the reduced
graph. The final transmission range of each node is the
transmission range used to meet longest edge in final
Fig 6. Broadcast the data from one node to other
5.1. Simulation Parameter.
A grid of 1000 x1500 is considered number of
nodes: 50.The scenario of communication from one node to
other node. The speed for communication as 20m/s with a
pause time of 10s. Packet count 10000, transmission time is
greater than equal to zero and its statistics shown from
node zero to node 19 i. e 20 nodes.
In our proposed algorithm we have considered 20
nodes which are densely deployed over the wireless sensor
network. Each node is communicating with each other by
Fig.7 Nodes and their respective packet details
Fig.10. Clusterhead list and clusterhead rotation list after every time
Fig 8 Connectivity matrix of each node at 1.5sec time interval
Fig.11. Detection of faults and recovery after every time interval
Fig 9. Cluster formation after time interval 1.5sec
Since wireless sensor network transmit the
information in wireless environment, the error probability is
more. Faults occur during such transmissions leads to
degradation of network. We proposed an energy efficient
fault tolerant routing method for detecting faults occurred in
wireless sensor networks.
The goal is to investigate current research work on
Fault tolerance and to detect the faults in WSN. Proposed
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Page 10279
method perfectly detects faults and recovers that faults by
reconstructing the links between the nodes. Currently we
implement the algorithm that detects the faults during data
transmission and also recovered it so that communication is
done without failure between the nodes. The Energy of each
node is considered in order to get energy efficient path to
send the data between the nodes.
The proposed technique has a number of
advantages. For example, it requires only the knowledge of
one-hop neighbours to form clusters. Furthermore, the
clustering algorithm is robust for topological change caused
by node failure, node mobility, CH change and even for
node insertion or removal. Simulation results show that our
proposed clustering scheme gives better performance in
terms of cluster size, variance of cluster size, and number of
single node clusters
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