Date of meeting:
26 February 2016
Title of Paper:
Minutes of meeting held on 13 November 2015
Presented by:
Board Chair for approval
Is a decision required? Yes
The Open session of the RCN Welsh Board was held on Friday 13 November
2015 in the Holiday Inn, A55 Chester West, Gateway Services, Westbound
A55, Northop Hall, Clwyd CH7 6HB, which commenced at 13:50.
Gaynor Jones
Gordon Lees
Ann Griffiths
Billy Nichols
Christine EdwardsJones
Christine Thomas
Gareth Phillips
Jane Carroll
Kate Parry
Pamela Parsons
Stewart Attridge
Tamara Morgan
Elizabeth Rees
RCN Welsh Board Chair
RCN Council member for item WB.15.96.1
Mid & West Wales seat
Board member seat
Glamorgan seat
Council Member for Wales
Cangen Gogledd Cymru seat
Gwent seat
Vice Chair
Cwm Taf seat
Cardiff seat
Cwm Taf seat
Cangen Gogledd Cymru seat
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Prof Donna Mead,
Jacquelin Davies
Owain Jones
Nicola Davis-Job
Jayne Taylor
Tina Donnelly, CBE,
Peter Meredith-Smith
Alison Davies
JP Nolan
Helen Carlyon
Katie Branch
Lisa Turnbull
Rachel Richards
Cwm Taf seat
Glamorgan seat
Glamorgan seat
Acute Care & Leadership Adviser/Acting
Associate Director (Professional Practice)
EA to Director, RCN Wales/Board
Director, RCN Wales/Board Secretary
Associate Director (Employment
Relations)/Deputy Board Secretary
Associate Director (Professional Practice)
Head of Nursing Practice via teleconference
for item WB.15.96.2 only
Finance & Business Continuity Manager
Complaints, Quality & Admin Services
Policy & Public Affairs Adviser
PA/Office Administrator
The Board Chair welcomed everyone to the Open Session and
gave a special welcome to Gordon Lees, Council member, who
had attended to give a presentation on the Council Review
The Chair asked members to declare any possible interests they
may have had with any items on the agenda and none were
WB.15.94.1 MINUTES
Minutes of the Board meeting held on Friday 7 August 2015 had
been circulated and were confirmed as accurate with the
following exception:
It was noted that Liz Rees had attended the meeting but was not
listed as an attendee.
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Review of Action Sheet
The actions that had been completed were noted and the
progress on the other actions recorded on the action sheet
Jane Carroll noted that Owain Jones had been asked to give a
presentation regarding his MSc study at the November meeting
but that he had given his apologies for that meeting. It was
agreed that Owain would be invited to give this presentation at
the next Board meeting.
Action: Owain Jones to be invited to give a presentation at
the next Board meeting regarding his MSc study.
There were no matters arising.
A report had been received and was noted.
96.1 Council Review Consultation
A report had been received and was noted.
The Board Chair extended a warm welcome to Gordon Lees,
Council member, who was in attendance to update the Board on
the work of the Council Review Group. The Group, chaired by
Michael Brown, is considering the ways in which Council relates
internally and externally and how it meets the terms of reference
of each of its Committees. The key findings of the Group were
presented and Board Members were invited to respond to seven
key questions designed to facilitate member engagement and
obtain views on the pertinent issues.
Board members considered each question in turn:
Q1. We currently require Council Members to give 44 days
of their time each year to Council work. Do you agree that
in today’s world we need to be more realistic about the time
commitment we ask of our Council Members? And should
we involve more members in our standards, practice and
policy work?
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The Board felt the question to be somewhat leading and
suggested 44 days would be the minimum requirement to
maintain a balanced governance structure and allow Council
Members sufficient time to fully engage with the membership
and ensure two-way dialogue.
The Board felt it important that prospective Council Members
have full awareness in advance of the time commitment involved
in the role, including travel, reading and preparation time.
The Board suggested the role of Council Member could be
incorporated into facilities agreements.
It was also felt that the Forums can be perceived as rather
‘niche’ and some work would be welcomed on improved
engagement between Forums and the wider membership.
Q2. Our evidence has demonstrated that members do not
understand what being a Council Member involves when
they first stand for election. Would you agree that Members
standing for Council should demonstrate in their election
statement how they meet the role description?
There was a concern that the question implies error or lack of
understanding on the part of the prospective candidate and the
Board wished to emphasise joint responsibility and a need for
the RCN to be clear about expectations.
It was suggested that a full and clear role descriptor and a video
clip or ‘day in the life’ story about the realities of being a Council
Member would enhance prospective candidates’ knowledge,
make the role more attractive and improve members’
preparedness to take on the role.
Board members reiterated the need for prospective candidates
to communicate openly with employers regarding the
commitment required.
The Board maintained that the process should be one of election
rather than appointment.
Q3. Our evidence has highlighted the need for greater
priority to be given to learning and development for Council
and Committee Members. Would you agree that Council
and Committee Members should commit to undertaking a
development programme in the same way that we ask our
accredited representatives to?
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The Board noted that Representatives’ progression to full
accreditation is dependent upon satisfactory completion of the
relevant Learning & Development Programme and suggested
this approach could be replicated for Council Members.
Board members who had served as Council Members noted that
training programmes related to specific Committees had proved
invaluable, and Board members endorsed the Welsh Board
Development Day model as exceptionally useful in moulding and
guiding them to become fully engaged with their responsibilities.
What changes could we introduce which make it
possible for more of our members with full-time jobs and
busy personal lives to be able to put themselves forward to
stand for Council?
A key factor which Board members felt deters members from
standing for Council is the requirement to travel the day prior/day
after meetings and recovery time.
Board members suggested the following measures which may
help support and engage members:
Improved IT facilities
Virtual meetings
Childcare support
Fewer London-centric meetings
Weekend meetings
Q5. The two surveys we conducted confirm that the RCN is
seen as being too NHS focussed still. Members do not feel
our decision making takes account of the needs of the
growing number of members working in other employment
sectors and in different political contexts across the UK.
Do you agree that we need to ensure that our governance
structure includes representatives from all fields of nursing,
working in all employment sectors across the four
The Board broadly agreed that it is important to address some
traditionally under-represented areas of nursing.
It was suggested that the RCN is poor at recognising the
complexity of some members’ circumstances, e.g. those with
multiple employers.
Q6. Our surveys have also shown that the RCN is not
perceived as inclusive. Our governance structures do not
reflect the great breadth of our membership and our desk
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top analysis has shown that our decision making does not
take account sufficiently of equality and accessibility
issues. Would you support taking positive action to ensure
that the demographics of our governance structures look
more like our membership at large?
The Board was opposed to an appointment (rather than an
election) process to RCN Council and would prefer to see
positive discrimination and greater emphasis on improved
connection and membership engagement to demonstrate the
reality of the role, as suggested in relation to Q2 above.
It was also suggested that the RCN has a short-sighted
approach to some issues which may appear to be unrelated but
contribute to the sense that the organisation is insufficiently
visible to potential Council Members, such as the way in which
diaries are distributed. This affects connection with members
and impacts members’ awareness of RCN governance
The Board agreed the key challenge is to close the gap between
those individuals whom members wish to see as Council
Members and those who are willing to put themselves forward
for election.
Q7. From our evidence we have seen that Council rightly
spends a large percentage of its time at meetings on its
financial and organisational responsibilities. Do you agree
that we need to strengthen our trade union executive
function and our Royal College agenda by involving more
members in this work? If so how do you think we could
best achieve this?
The Board acknowledged that this is a governance role and that
there is a need for Council to be able to hold the organisation to
account on finance.
Notwithstanding, members need to
perceive RCN as a trade union with ‘teeth’.
The Board felt that generally the RCN enjoys prolific networks
but fails to make full use of these to facilitate two way dialogue.
It was noted that the Chair of the Council Review Group is
conducting a review of balloting methods utilised by the RCN. It
was felt that there are still many members who prefer paper
methods of voting. The practice of inserting ballot papers into
publications was felt to bypass many members; the Board
suggested it is short-sighted to focus on saving postage costs in
this way when weighed against the potential reputational risk of
failing to engage fully with the membership.
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Finally, it was suggested that the RCN app requires updating.
Gordon Lees thanked the Board for its contributions. He
indicated that all feedback will be considered by Council at its
December meeting and then brought back to Boards for further
The Board Chair extended thanks to Gordon Lees for attending
and presenting the report.
Action: Board’s comments regarding the Consultation to be
submitted to the Head of Governance.
96.2 Member Access to Information
The Board Chair welcomed JP Nolan, Head of Nursing Practice
to the meeting via teleconference.
The Director gave a presentation outlining this work.
In response to Board Members’ questions, the Head of Nursing
Practice provided further information regarding the nature of this
work, the timescales for the various workstreams and the
arrangements to consult as widely as possible with the
membership regarding the proposed model with a current
deadline of April 2016.
He also confirmed that training would be tailored in order to meet
local needs as closely as possible and was likely to be a mix of
face-to-face and e-learning.
The Board Chair thanked the Head of Nursing Practice for
participating and providing an update with regard to this work.
A report had been received and was noted. No questions were
raised by Board members.
A report had been received and was noted.
The Director further updated that:
Peter Meredith-Smith would revert to his Associate Director
(Employment Relations) post at RCN Wales with effect from
1 January 2016.
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Donna Aldridge would retire as part-time Receptionist at Ty
Maeth in December and details of a function to mark the
occasion would be circulated to the Board in due course.
A report had been circulated and was noted.
100.1 Associate Director (Professional Practice) Report
A report had been circulated and was noted.
100.2 Emergency Care Update
The Director provided the following update:
The Director had met with Raj Chana, Interim Director of
Workforce and Organisational Development for Cardiff and Vale
University Health Board and indicated that this workstream now
appeared to be progressing. Investigation results are now
available and the Director will discuss further with the Steward
who raised the issue outside of the meeting. There are
acknowledged workforce issues in relation to the impending
winter pressures.
101.1 Policy & Public Affairs Report
A report had been circulated and was noted.
The Policy & Public Affairs Adviser gave a verbal update as
A recent poll had demonstrated strong public support with
regard to the Safe Staffing Bill. The Bill is currently at Stage 2
and was due to receive cross-party consideration on 25
November 2015. If successful, it would then proceed to the
amendment stage and there is likely to be discussion about the
potential to extend the Bill to other sectors, including how safe
levels would be calculated.
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The next stage will be passing of the Bill in Plenary and, finally,
Royal assent.
RCN Wales intends to continue strongly campaigning ahead of
the 25 November hearing via social media, particularly Twitter
and the Policy and Public Affairs Adviser thanked all for their
efforts in publicising the campaign.
It was noted that the Committee meeting can be viewed online in
real time via the Senedd website.
Ann Griffiths referenced the mid-Wales healthcare collaborative
(item 2.4) and the urgent need to ‘grow our own’ staff in rural
areas. The Policy and Public Affairs Adviser agreed to raise this
in relevant political briefings.
101.2 Time to Care Campaign
A report had been circulated and was noted.
The Policy and Public Affairs Adviser noted that mental health
would be a key theme at a cross-party Senedd event on 2
December 2015.
She also advised of the intention to hold 3 or 4 hustings events
in 2016 (North and South Wales) in the run up to the elections
and asked the Board to assist in publicising these, particularly in
key seats. The Director noted that funding for these events is
yet to be finalised. These can be joint Branch events or shared
with other organisations such as the BMA. The Policy and Public
Affairs Adviser will keep the Board updated.
101.3 Children’s Commissioner for Wales
A report had been circulated and was noted.
The Associate Director (Professional Practice) noted the
progress in developing a productive working relationship with the
Children’s Commissioner for Wales.
The Board Chair welcomed this work and particularly that the
need to increase the number of children’s nurses had been
101.4 RCN Congress 18 – 22 June 2016
The Board spent some time considering possible topics for
submission including:
Nurse registration fees
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HPV vaccine for boys
Occupational Health reports provided to managers; what
should these constitute; the need to tackle sickness levels
amongst nurses – particularly musculo-skeletal problems and
stress – and measures to address this e.g. fast-track
treatment/preferential consultant appointments. Christine
Edwards-Jones agreed to be the Board representative to
liaise with the Policy & Public Affairs Adviser in working up
this proposal.
Physicians’ Associates – concerns about increasing numbers
and whether there has been a skills mapping exercise
against regulated professions. Stewart Attridge agreed to be
the Board representative to liaise with the Policy & Public
Affairs Adviser in working up this proposal.
The Director noted that, if the Safe Staffing Bill progresses
on 25 November, there is potential to call on Congress to
support the progressive agenda with regard to staffing levels
and challenge the UK Government to roll this out across the
All Board members agreed to email any further ideas to the
Policy & Public Affairs Adviser.
It was noted that the deadline for submission was 22 January
Board members Christine Edwards-Jones and Stewart
Attridge to develop submissions for Congress.
Board members to email any additional proposals for
submissions to the Policy Public Affairs Adviser.
102.1 Council Member for Wales Standing Down
The Board Chair noted that this would be the last Board meeting
for Christine Thomas before her term of office ends in December
2016 and extended special thanks to Christine for all her
contributions to the work of the Board. A presentation of gifts
took place to mark the occasion.
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The Board Chair thanked RCN Wales staff for the arrangements
for today’s meeting.
102.2 50th Anniversary of Ty Maeth Celebrations
The Director drew attention to a celebratory short film to be
launched at the RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards on 19
November, to coincide with the re-dedication of Ty Maeth on 1
March 2016. There is also to be a book launched and Board
Members were asked to discuss with their branches whether
they wish to purchase a copy of the book.
Action: Board Members to consider with their respective
branches if they wish to purchase a copy of a
commemorative book.
The Board noted the dates of the next seminar and Board meeting as follows:
Board Closed Session
Board Development Session
19 May 2016 13:30 – 17:00
19 May 2016 17:30 – 19:00
RCN Welsh Board headquarters, Ty Maeth,
Board Open Session:
20 May 2016 09:00 – 14:00
RCN Welsh Board headquarters, Ty Maeth,
ET: Tina Donnelly, CBE, Director, RCN Wales
Email: tina.donnelly@rcn.org.uk
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Update on Actions
25 Feb 16
and on the
16 Nov 15
Council Review
Board’s comments regarding
the Consultation to be
submitted to the Head of
Owain Jones to be invited to
give a presentation at the next
Board meeting regarding his
MSc study.
RCN Congress 2016
Board members Christine CEJ/SA
Edwards-Jones and Stewart
submissions for Congress.
22 Jan 16
SA submitted a resolution that was
Board members to email any Board
for members
submissions to the Policy
Public Affairs Adviser.
22 Jan 16
No further submissions were
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25 Feb 16
Update on Actions
RCN Wales 50th Celebration
Board Members to consider
with their respective branches
if they wish to purchase a copy
of a commemorative book.
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