


HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus – A pathogen that destroys infection-fighting T cells in the body.

AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome –

A condition that results after a person becomes infected with HIV .

 You can’t catch AIDS, AIDS develops after HIV has inflicted enough destruction of the body cells.

Words to Know:

Lymphocytes – White blood cells that help the body fight pathogens. They multiply in lymph tissues in order to fight infections

B Cells – A white blood cell that produces antibodies

Helper T Cells – A white blood cell that signals B cells to produce antibodies

Antibody – A special protein that helps fight infection

How HIV Works



When HIV enters the body it attaches to the helper T cells

HIV takes control of the helper T cells and produces more HIV


As HIV reproduces, it takes control of the other helper T cells

Helper T cells are now unable to attach and kill other pathogens that enter the body

Signs and Symptoms of HIV

 Flu-like symptoms

 Fever


Sore Throat

Skin Rash

Swollen Glands

Loss of Appetite

Night Sweats

More about Signs and Symptoms

 Symptoms may come and go as the helper T cell count fluctuates

Many people will not develop severe symptoms for years

As the helper T cell count drops, the person becomes more susceptible to many opportunistic infections

 Opportunistic Infections – An infection that develops in a person with a weak immune system.

Opportunistic Infections from HIV





Thrush – Is a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth. Causes white spots and ulcers.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma – Is a type of cancer that causes purplish lesions and tumors on the skin and linings of internal organs.

AIDS Dementia Complex – Loss of brain function

HIV Wasting Syndrome –

Substantial loss of body weight that is accompanied by high fevers, sweating and diarrhea

Facts About HIV

 Roughly 40,000 people in the US become infected with

HIV each year

¼ to 1/3 do not know they are infected 

 People with or without symptoms can pass the virus to others

 Many people do not show symptoms for many years after infection

When HIV becomes AIDS

 According to the Centers for

Disease Control (CDC) a person infected with HIV who has 200 or fewer helper T cells per microliter of blood or an opportunistic infection is diagnosed with AIDS

How is HIV Spread?

Through contact with certain bodily fluids which include:

 Blood


Vaginal Secretions

Few cases through breast milk

**To date no documented cases are from transmission through saliva and tears

Risk Behaviors that May Lead to HIV









Sexual Contact

Open Mouth Kissing – Although risk of transmission this way is low

Sharing Needles/Syringes for injectable drugs

Sharing Needles for Tattoos or


Contact with the blood, other bodily fluid or mucous membranes

Blood Transfusion w/ infected person

Tissue Transplant (organ donation)

Being born to a mother infected

How to Avoid HIV






Abstain from sex until you are married

Get tested for HIV if you have been sexually active

Have your partner get tested for HIV

Choose a drug-free lifestyle

Avoid sharing needles used for tattoos and/or piercings

HIV/AIDS Treatments

 ** There is no cure for HIV or


 Treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the virus

 Early treatment is critical in slowing the rate at which HIV multiplies

 Typically 8-10 years until AIDS occurs

 Drugs are used to slow the progression although there are serious side effects from some of the drugs

HIV Tests




Antibody test – Detects HIV antibodies in the blood

Usually show up in the blood after 3 months of having the infection but can take up to 6 months

If a test is confirmed as positive it is repeated to confirm the results

Western Blot – Used once an antibody test has come back positive

Home Testing – The FDA has approved home testing for antibodies that gets mailed to a lab for testing
