www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 3 March 2015, Page No. 11088-11094 An High Eqipped SC FDMA Communication Model Based On Advanced Wavelet Mechanism For Wireless Systems A.Navya Lakshmi#1 V.Vamsi Sudheera#2 PG scholar, Dept of ECE, Sir CRR College of Engineering, Eluru, AP, India. navyaalluri9@gmail.com Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Sir CRR College of Engineering, Eluru, AP, India. sudheera.vadlamudi95@gmail.com Abstract— Recently, varied development work has been carried out on mobile robots due to their high level performance and accuracy. The autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in an unknown environment has always been a very challenging task. In order to achieve safe and collision free navigation, distance to target is very important and is often estimated by using ultrasound. Ultrasonic measurements are mostly based on determination of TOF. A factor of great importance when assessing the accuracy of ultrasonic range finders is the knowledge of speed of sound, necessary to convert temporal into spatial information. A digital signal-processing technique using Discrete Extended Kalman filter for making an ultrasonic transducer capable of automatically compensating for variations in the speed of sound due to temperature and to reduce the distortion effects of cross correlation estimation is proposed and discussed in this paper. SC-FDMA has become most prominent in broadband uplink wireless systems. Since it offers low distortion and free from PAPR problem which often arises in OFDMA (Orthogonal frequency division multiple access) systems. In this paper wavelets are substituted instead of FFT for this Orthogonality achievement. The discrete wavelets of orthogonal and bi-orthogonal type proves to be best when substituted instead of FFT analysis .The proposed approach shows outstanding performance in terms of BER ,PAPR when compared against the conventional system. Keywords— Wavelets, FDMA, FFT, SC-FDMA INTRODUCTION Ultrasonic based measurements are extensively used both in research and production field, spanning in endless applications: environment sensing of autonomous mobile robots, high definition imaging of biomedical devices, precise location of micro-flaws in materials, accurate estimation of the level of flammable fluids or dangerous rivers, and so on [11]. The reason of this success mainly relies upon the opportunity offered by ultrasonic’s of conceiving rather simple methods or building I. up relatively cheap meters, characterized by satisfactory accuracy, reduced measurement time, and, above all, high level of intrinsic safety. OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) has become more popular and been used in most of the latest wireless technologies like Bluetooth, zigbee, Wireless LAN ,Wi-Fi, Wi-max and protocols like DVB,DAB and many .This due to the main reason that it supports wider data with high data rates. It is robust against ICI and ISI. OFDM suffers from a major drawback which is high PAPR due to this it not much preferable to be used in uplink A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Page 11088 broadband wireless systems. Whereas this can be overcome by using SC-FDMA where a low PAPR with simple amplifiers are been utilized. On the other hand, with its high signaling rate, the frequency domain equalizer of an SC-FDMA link is far more complicated than an OFDM equalizer. With SC-FDMA transmission confined to the Long Term Evolution (LTE) uplink, complicated equalizers are required only at base stations and not at mobile terminals. There are several techniques for equalization such as Zero forcing (ZF) equalization, MMSE, DFE. II.SC-FDMA The block diagram of SC-FDMA is shown in figure 1. The input and the output of the block diagram are complex modulated symbols. The type of the modulation is dependent on the type of the channel for instance for weak channel BPSK is adapted while for the strong channels QAM is adapted. The data block consists of M complex modulation symbols generated at a rate Rsource (symbols/second). The M point FFT produces M frequency-domain symbols that modulate M out of N orthogonal subcarriers spread over a bandwidth. W N. fo 1 Where fo is the sub carrier frequency spacing Rchannel ( N ) Rsource M (2) The bandwidth spreading factor can be given as Q ( Rsource ) Rchannel Xk M 1 xme j 2 mk M ( 4) m0 Where M is the FFT length and after applying the IFFT it can be expressed as follows yn 1 N N 1 xne j 2 nl N (5) l 0 The transmitter in Fig.1 performs two other signal processing operations prior to transmission. It inserts a set of symbols referred to as Cyclic Prefix (CP) in order to provide a guard time to prevent Inter-Block Interference (IBI) due to multipath propagation. The transmitter also performs a linear filtering operation referred to as pulse shaping in order to reduce out-of band signal energy. The CP is a copy of the last part of the block [3], inserted at the start of each block for two reasons. First, the CP acts as a guard time between successive blocks. If the length of the CP is longer than the maximum delay spread of the channel, or roughly, the length of the channel impulse response, then, there is no IBI.Second, since the CP is a copy of the last part of the block, it converts a discrete-time linear convolution into a discrete- time circular convolution. Thus, transmitted data propagating through the channel can be modeled as a circular convolution between the channel impulse response and the transmitted data block, which in the frequency domain is a pointwise multiplication of the FFT samples. Then, to remove the channel distortion, the FFT of the received signal can simply be (3) The SC-FDMA system can handle up to Q orthogonal source signals with each source signals with each source occupying a different set of M orthogonal sub- carriers. The signal after FFT can be expressed as A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Page 11089 Demodulatio n Parallel to serial DWT M-point N-point DWT Subcarriers Demapping Npoint IFFT A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Radio Frequency/ An analog to Digital Remove Cyclic Prefix Digital-to-an analog/ Radio Frequency Add Cyclic prefix/ Pulse Mapping Parallelto- Serial NPoint IFFT Serial-toparallel N-Point FFT Sub-carrier mapping MPoint FFT equalization Serial-toparallel Radio Frequency/ An analog to Digital Remove Cyclic Prefix Serial-toparallel N-Point FFT equalization Sub-Carrier De mapping/ IFFT M-point serial Parallel-to- Detect Channel Fig 1: Transmitter and Receiver block of the SC-FDMA and OFDMA Channel Fig 1: Transmitter and Receiver block of the SC-FDMA and OFDMA Page 11090 Digital-to-an analog/ Radio Frequency Add Cyclic prefix/ Pulse Mapping Parallel-toSerial N- Point IFFT Sub-carrier mapping M- Point FFT Serial-toparallel be divided by the FFT of the channel impulse response point-wise. The FFT at the receiver of Fig. 1 transforms the received signal to the frequency domain in order to recover N subcarriers. The de-mapping operation isolates the M frequency-domain samples of each source signal. Because SC-FDMA uses single-carrier modulation, it encounters substantial linear distortion manifested as Inter- Symbol-Interference (ISI). Figure 2 Sub-carriers mapping modes; distributed and localized. III. WAVELETS FOR SC-FDMA Below figure 3 shows the proposed algorithm block diagram where the modulation process is applied on the user data, the resulting signal is transformed by the wavelet transform via the DWT. The output of the single-level Haar wavelet transform consists of two signals, which represent the approximation coefficients and the detail coefficients. It can be expressed as in Equations. (6) and (7). For two-level Haar wavelet transform, the approximation coefficients of the first level are the input to the second level. The output on this case consists of three signals, which represent the approximation coefficients and the detail coefficients signals of the second level and the detail coefficients signal of the first level a1 (m) d (m) Fig 3(a): Distributed Mode Fig 3(b): Localized Mode x(k ) H k o ( 2m k ) (6) x(k )G (2m k ) k o (7) The resulting signal from the sub-carriers mapping is inserted from into the IDWT to produce the signal the approximation coefficients signal and the detail coefficients signal. After that, we add the CP in order to prevent the IBI. Finally, the resulting signal is transmitted through the wireless channel. At the receiver, the CP is removed from the received signal, and the signal is transformed into the frequency domain via an N-point FFT to apply the equalization process on the signal. The signal is transformed from the frequency domain into the time domain via an N Point IFFT and then it is passed through an N-point DWT to produce the approximation coefficients signal and the detail coefficients signal. Finally, the IDWT A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Page 11091 IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Performance of SC-FDMA using DWT for different Channels 0 10 In this section experimental results are shown with the following parameters taken as input No. of symbols =512; Size of block size=128 Channel= AWGN, SUI (Stanford university -1 --BEr 10 Interim) Rayleigh-IFDMA SUI-3-IFDMA AWGN-IFDMA Rayleigh-LFDMA SUI-3-LFDMA AWGN-lFDMA -2 10 Equalization =MMSE, ZF Performance of OFDM using FFT for different Channels 0 -3 10 10 Rayleigh SUI-3 AWGN -4 10 -1 ---BER 10 0 5 10 15 ---EbN0 20 25 30 Fig 6: Performance of SC-FDMA using DWT for Different Channels -2 10 Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for AWGN Channel 0 10 IFDMA-FFT-AWGN LFDMA-FFT-AWGN IFDMA-DWT-AWGN LFDMA-DWT-AWGN -3 10 0 5 10 15 ---Eb/N0 20 25 30 -1 10 ---BER Fig 4: Performance of OFDM using FFT for Different Channels Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT for different Channels 0 10 Rayleigh-IFDMA SUI-3-IFDMA AWGN-IFDMA Rayleigh-LFDMA SUI-3-LFDMA AWGN-lFDMA -1 ---BER 10 -2 10 -2 -3 10 10 -3 0 5 10 15 ---EbN0 20 25 30 Fig 7: Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for AWGN Channel 10 -4 10 0 5 10 15 --EbN0 20 25 30 Fig 5: Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT for Different Channels A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Page 11092 Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for SUI-3 Channel 0 Performance analysis of equalizers under different channels 0 10 10 IFDMA-FFT-AWGN LFDMA-FFT-AWGN IFDMA-DWT-AWGN LFDMA-DWT-AWGN -1 Rayleigh-MMSE SUI-3-MMSE AWGN-MMSE Rayleigh-ZF SUI-3-ZF AWGN-ZF -1 10 ---BER --BER 10 -2 10 -2 10 -3 10 0 5 10 15 ---Eb/N0 20 25 -3 30 10 Fig 8: Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for SUI-3 Channel 5 10 15 ---Eb/N0 20 25 30 Fig 11: Performance of Equalizers under different channels Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for Rayleigh Channel 0 0 BER analysis with DWT OFDM 0 10 10 Rayleigh SUI-3 AWGN -1 10 -1 --BER ------BER 10 -2 10 -2 10 -3 10 IFDMA-FFT-Rayleigh LFDMA-FFT-Rayleigh IFDMA-DWT-Rayleigh LFDMA-DWT-Rayleigh -3 10 0 -4 10 5 10 0 5 10 15 15 -----Ebno 20 25 30 ---Eb/N0 Fig 12 : BER analysis with DWT OFDM Fig 9: Performance of SC-FDMA using FFT and DWT for Rayleigh Channel Magnitude Response (dB) 0 With -FFT -10 Propsed -DWT -20 Magnitude (dB) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Normalized Frequency ( rad/sample) 0.4 0.6 0.8 Fig 10: Magnitude Response in db A.Navya Lakshmi, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 3 March, 2015 Page No.11088-11094 Page 11093 equalization. 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