Climate Climate = Sum of weather over time + nature of seasons + possible range & extremes describes its T, humidity, precip., wind, storm types Controls on Climate: Latitude = amount solar energy Altitude Proximity to water influence of ocean currents proximity to orographic barrier proximity to high- and low-pressure zones composition of atmosphere: greenhouse gases, particulates, con-trails city-heat island & albedo How does plate tectonics control climate? Koeppen's climate classification: based on ave. monthly & annual T; total monthly & yearly precip., etc distibution of vegetation indicates climate Glaciations: geologists have reconstructed an approximate record of global climate for geologic time. Cooling starts in Oligocene. Mesozoic, esp K, called “wall-to-wall” Bahamas Global glaciations in Ptz Global climate history: icehouse & greenhouse Formation of Earth’s Atm *meteors, comet impacts + Volcanic outgassing & recycling Hadean & Archean atm: CO2, H2O, N2, CH4, NH3 CO2 deposited in carbonates --- as continents form Then add O2 via bacteria --- cyanobacteria O2 first combined with Fe dissolved in oceans to make BIFs Then accumulated in air Changes in Atmosphere Composition Global Ice Climate “snowball” Drop in CO2 --- spread of photosynthesizing cyanobactera & appearance of lichens --- increased continents --- more weathering Drop in methane --- bacteria Additional H sulfide --- volcanic activity Ptz tillite, Utah; Ptz dropstone, California No glaciations for a couple 100 million years Ordovician ice age; Gondwana moves over pole No glaciations for a couple 100 million years Late Paleozoic: Mississippian to Permian, glaciers grow in Gondwana, global sea level drops Glaciation related to development of seeds & spread of plants; lots of coal No glaciations for about 300 million years @endK: @south pole, but warmed by ocean current -Australia rifts away, moves North st -cold current encircles Antarctica – 1 sea ice – cold water sinks, moves N as deep sea current - then: Antarctica starts to grow glaciers India hits Asia, c60Ma, Himalayas; lots of rock exposed to weathering reduces CO2 Also rifting in north – opens Arctic ocean to Atlantic Glaciation in northern continents starts Pliocene, ends c10000 yrs ago; max ice reaches over 3000m thick, lots evidence of extent etc. Caribbean: the isthmus that changed the world Pliocene: formation isthmus of Panama by subduction; shifts Gulf Stream, more moisture to north, glaciers The Natural Carbon Cycle & Climate In the carbon cycle, carbon transfers between several near-surface reservoirs including the ocean, the atmosphere, organisms (living and dead), and rocks. Volcanic eruptions expel greenhouse gases, esp CO2 Abundant volcanism associated with the rifting of Pangea may have contributed to the Cretaceous greenhouse. Volcanic CO2 rescued Earth from the global glaciations. (Volcanoes also put out ash & Soxides; so cool climate in short term.) An increase in volcanic emissions can reduce sunlight penetration into the atmosphere by increasing the atmospheric reflectivity (albedo). Tambora put so much aerosol in the atmosphere that 1815 became known as the “year without a summer” Carbon is removed from the cycle for long periods of time when stored in limestones, fossil fuels (coal and oil), organic shales, and methane hydrates Formation of sedimentary organic deposits like coal, oil, and natural gas removes CO2 from the atm by placing C in deep, long-term storage reservoirs. The removal of large amounts of organic C during coal-forming era in the Late Pz (Carboniferous), coincided with pronounced global cooling. C is removed for short periods of time when stored in organic matter (trees, animals). The appearance of lichens in the Late Ptz may have decreased atm CO2 leading to icehouse conditions C is returned to the atm by biotic respiration, burning organic matter, metamorphism of carbonate rocks, and degassing from the oceans The role of greenhouse gases: Most of incoming visible light from the Sun penetrates the atm and warms Earth’s surface. This absorbed energy is released from the surface as infrared (thermal) energy. Certain gases (H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O, and ozone, CFCs) in Earth’s atm absorb thermal energy and reradiate it, warming the lower atm. This is called the greenhouse effect because it traps heat like glass in a horticultural greenhouse. Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be frozen. Water is the most important natural greenhouse gas, followed by CO2. Any process that increases the amount of greenhouse gases warms the atm. Any process that removes greenhouse gases cools the atm. Studying past climates, paleoclimatology Certain sedimentary strata are deposited in climate-sensitive settings. Glacial till (tillite) indicates a cold, continental setting Coral reefs indicate tropical marine conditions Paleontological evidence: Example – spruce pollen vs grass pollen Spruce: colder; grass: warmer Spruce forests grew much farther south 12,000 yrs ago 16 18 Oxygen isotope ratios indicate temperature of past environments. Use O and O. 16 18 16 O water evaporates faster than O water. During ice ages, the O water was trapped on land as glacial ice. 16 18 18 16 Seas then become O depleted and O enriched (the O/ O ratio increased). Shells grown in this sea water 18 16 preserve the O/ O ratio. The oxygen isotope record is read from glacial ice (left) and fossil shells in sediment (right). Ice-cores Bubbles trapped in ice cores = atmosphere at the time the ice formed. Ice cores contain annual layers that can be readily dated. Tree growth rings can be easily dated. The ring thickness reflects climatic changes. Wetter and warmer conditions generate thicker rings. Drier and colder conditions produce thinner rings. In temperate zones. The sequence of alternating thick and thin rings forms a time sequence that can be matched with other tree data. Overlapping sequences yield a time scale. Historical archives contain records of floods & droughts that can help assemble a climate history, a tiny way back. Human Impact on the Earth System Prehistoric humans had a very small impact. Today, however, humans are a powerful force of planetary change, rivaling or exceeding some natural processes. We are now the major force that alters the landscape. Humans have exponential population growth. They have changed & continue to change land, sea, air. Human changes occur faster than organisms can adapt, destabilizing established ecological balances, causing extinctions & changes. Human-induced ecosystem destruction = deforestation, overgrazing, agriculture, and urbanization. Rainforest decline is largely the result of human agency. Dramatic conversion of landscape use Human sources of greenhouse gases = fossil fuels, industry, cement Can’t see CO2 Natural sinks that remove CO2 have been overwhelmed by anthropogenic additions since ~1900. Computer models do not predict equal warming everywhere. The greatest impact is predicted to be in the Arctic. Both northern & southern hemispheres show warming. Human greenhouse gas emissions have steadily increased since the start of the industrial revolution. The current value of 390ppm is beyond the range of natural variation for the last 800,000 years. In 1958, CO2 was ~315ppm; in 2010, it had risen to ~390ppm. Measuring CO2 in glacial ice, was only 280ppm in 1750. Accords: 550ppm CO2 The annual oscillation reflects CO2 removal by plants in the northern hemisphere summer. Know CO2 is from burning fossil fuels. Consequences: disappearing arctic sea-ice Atm CO2 increase causes warming, but has warming taken place over the last 200 years? Thousands of published observations suggest that, yes, it has. AAPG says, yes. Large ice shelves, like the Larson B along the Antarctic Peninsula, are breaking up. The snowline indicates that melting of the Greenland ice sheet is accelerating. Valley glaciers worldwide have been retreating rapidly. The Muir Glacier, Alaska, retreated 12km between 1941 and 2004. Melt, sublimate, less snowfall. On a global basis, about 100 cubic miles (400 km3) of glacial ice melts every year. The cumulative decrease is highly visible. Measured values of near-surface ocean water temperatures are rising. Warming & more acidic oceans. The predicted effects of global warming include a shift in climate belts and vegetation zones. Models predict that the amount of precipitation across North America will be different a hundred years from now. More forest fires Modify the climate latitude of states. Albuquerque will hit 130-140F by 2100. More health-threatening heat waves (days above 32C or 90F). #of days above 32C (90F) compared to the recent past. Rise in sea level due to water from disappearing glaciers. Additionally, warming causes water to expand. Sea level has risen by about 120m (400ft) since the last glaciations. Tide gauges document a steady rise in sea level over the last 130 yrs Many people live within a meter of sea level. A sea level rise of 1 or 2m could inundate portions of the world where 20% of the human population lives. Global warming may generate stronger storms. Higher sea surface temperatures lead to greater evaporation, greater differential pressures, and a more vigorous hydrologic cycle. Warming might lead to interruption of the oceanic circulation system. Warm water moves poleward to replace polar deep water. Disrupting the fall of polar water may idle warm return flow. Salinity in N.Atlantic declining since mid1960s. Melting of permafrost: already happening, bubbles of methane in Siberian lakes (from methane hydrates). A lot of ecological effects Remember: climate change too fast for adaptation. How fight global warming? Create less CO2 Renewable Energy, nuclear energy, replace coal with natural gas Plant trees; reforestation – unsuccessful, & not enough, even if worked Can’t burn more biomass: produces less CO2 than coal but more black carbon particles Conservation: high gas mileage cars, build green, green renovation “Distinct lack of urgency in gov’t approaches” (Nature, 2006) Double coal-fired capacity by 2030, but doubt any CCS by 2030 Scrub CO2 from flue, use amine solution, then release CO2 with heat, requires $$ & is very large Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), “clean coal”, fewer S oxides & some other pollutants too, costs more only 2 in US (+2 in Europe) Both drop efficiency for 40% to 30% Use CO2 (Use to mine CO2 still do…) Enhanced oil recovery, refrigeration, carbonation, etc Storage experimental only a few places must have: cap rock & will need to be monitored, forever Probably will need all: oil & gas reservoirs, deep formations with salt water, deep coal beds, organic shale Cap & Trade: “won’t make much of a dent” (Technology Review, 2009) In Europe, Emission trading system, prices so low, companies just stay with coal Put SO2 in clouds or particulates to reduce sunshine & make the earth cooler CO2 capture from atm: right now – very costly; CO2 diffuse – need to move a lot of air! Energy Sources: USA energy use: mostly fossil fuels, much wasted Each source has advantages and disadvantages FOSSIL FUELS: oil - forms from bacteria; coal - forms from plants DISADVANTAGES OF FOSSIL FUELS 1) limited resource, unevenly distributed 2) buried 3) refining necessary 4) energy via combustion - releases >125 kinds of combustion products (air pollution) for electricity - burn ----- heat -------- steam (uses water) ------------- spin turbine SOx = colorless, odorless, damages lungs combines w/water --- acid rain CO - colorless, odorless, potentially lethal CO2 - colorless, odorless, greenhouse gas HF - from coal NOx - brownish, irritates eye-nose-throat, damages plants *** decreases visibility + combines w/Oxy to form ozone: kills plants, damages eyes & respiration particulates - lots different kinds, incl. heavy metals: Pb, Arsenic worst = v. fine <2.5 um enter lungs and deposit the radioactivity & toxins there ***decreases visibility associated w/health risks - lung diseases - need these resources for other uses Advantages? available - but not cheap! known technology BIOMASS BURNING: renewable supply but air pollution HYDROELECTRIC POWER = power from falling water requires a Dam Advantages: No combustion so no air pollution and no greenhouse gases no mining except to make dam Disadvantages: Damage to river system & ecology limited lifetime hazard: earthquakes loss of beauty/history of canyon NUCLEAR POWER U occurs naturally in some igneous & sedimentary rocks Fission Nuclear Power = power from splitting the atom if & only if close together n + U235 Fission products + 3n + HEAT ----- Electricity Advantages: NO BURNING so no air pollution, and no greenhouse gases Very efficient -- less mining, less transport... Disadvantages: storage of radioactive waste requires some mining of fissionable material For your reference: PERSONAL RADIATION DOSE NATIONAL AVERAGE: 362 millirems/year + for altitude: +35mr from our rocks: +90mr from radon in our area: +200 (ave.) from our food/water: +40mr so rough estimate for El Paso: 727 mr/year Is higher, if: you fly if: you smoke +870 mr/year for 1 pack/day if: live in adobe house if live near nuclear power plant: +0.01 mr/year if live near coal fired power plant: +0.03 mr/year Fusion Nuclear Power = power from combining atoms if close together & very hot (millions ºC) HT + HD He + n + HEAT Disadvantages.: confinement - expts w/lasers, magnetic field GEOTHERMAL POWER = power from earth's internal heat --- steam occurs naturally in volcanic areas Hot Dry Rock project potential danger to water supply SOLAR POWER photovoltaic cells ----- electricity solar panels/tanks ------ hot water passive solar ---home heat/cooling WIND POWER ------ electricity Disadvantage: (some mining) Cost borne by homeowner for industrial use: needs lots of land wind power generation is noisy Insolation = amount of sunshine received FUEL CELLS =power from chemical reaction that creates current Disadvantage: presently costs more some pollution Meanwhile: CONSERVATION for more information - see interesting websites listed on this website MINERAL RESOURCES Resources = non-renewable, U.S. imports much of it, will run out of Al, Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb in your lifetime see Mineral Information Institute for estimates of how many resources we use ORE = desirable metal source, concentrated, recoverable ore grade = F(concentration, current price, available technology) How do ores become concentrated? Igneous Processes - magmatic differentiation Metamorphic Processes- hydrothermal alteration Sedimentary Processes - chemical precipitation, erosion, sorting by density Igneous Processes - magmatic differentitation via fractional crystallization last crystals to form, associated w/felsic [figure] chromite, associated with ultramafic pegmatites, large crystals sources of Li, tourmaline, + sulfides, Metamorphic Processes - hydrothermal alteration also from deep circulation of groundwater = Mississippi Valley Type (MVT): Pb-Zn black smoker, sulfides Sedimentary Processes - chemical precipitation: BIF = dissolved Fe in oceans + newly produced oxygen; Mn nodules: precipitation on deep seafloor -weathering & erosion: removes more soluble minerals, concentrates bauxite, hematite -secondary enrichment Santa Rita district sorting by density: placer deposits Diamonds: high T & high P minerals, made in igneous rocks (mainly), often in placers Gold - often in igneous rocks & placers Ore exploration Knowledge of area's geologic history, look for ORES @ modern & ancient tectonic boundaries & hot spots + find associated minerals/chemicals + evidence of high density --- gravity surveys+evidence of high magnetism --magnetic surveys Other Resources: non-metallic Dimension or Building stone: granite & other igneous; marble & limestone; flagstone (sandstone) "Artificial stone" - cement, concrete, bricks, glass, drywall, plaster... Environmental costs Rock don't want = tailings, landslide risk huge holes = weathering releases sulfuric acid, toxic chemicals smelting = air, water, soil pollution, toxins, Heavy metals, slag piles Geologic Hazards: Floods Causes: rain (snowmelt), dam failures, channel switch, ice-jams El Paso, 2006 Est. $450 million damage: $286 million to repair flood gates, floodplains, channels… A year’s worth of rain in 2 days in many places Dr DiGiovanni tries to go home Mesa Hills Drive becomes a river, car becomes a clast Further up the Franklin mts – look at the size clasts! River flows down and over road, undercuts bank & erodes road edge Shadow Mtn becomes a braided stream – notice the gravel bars & multiple channels Pavement: changes infiltration, increases flooding Infiltration rate: sands >0.8 in/hr; silt-loam 0.2-0.4in/hr; clays 0.04-.2 in/hr st Colorado 2013: CO warm & dry begin Sept; then rain; 1 saturate soil; heavy rains begin, 8” in Boulder+ 1000 year event meaning 1 in 1000 chance Boulder esp vulnerable: river in town, has had 8 floods in town over last 100+ yrs, in Spring Sept usually gets 1.61” River Discharge (Q) peak on S.Platte: 50,000cfs; 25,000% of average, heavy rains in mtns at same time as in th lower elevations, On Sept 12: 6000cfs in Boulder Creek, 10,000% of average; “normal” on Sept 9 What happened to all that water? Did it end the drought? Can floods be controlled? Most common: artificial levees, but can lead to increased flooding elsewhere Flood control Dams: also used for irrigation, power, recreation, water supply, $$ Channelization: advantages: control floods, settle boundaries; disadvantages: increase floods downstream. Also straighten meanders: increase erosion (water faster), more erosion downstream Don’t build in flood zones: some areas in 1993 floods not resettled Groundwater Hazards Subsidence, overuse, pollution Groundwater Hazard: Subsidence Water pumped out, water pressure decreases, overburden weight transferred to sediments, compaction **thick unconsolidated sediment; ex., Houston-Galveston 1.5-3m subside, 78km2 flooded Here underlying rock is carbonate Groundwater Hazard: Overuse High Plains or Ogallala Aquifer, helped end the Dustbowl; tapped by >170,000 wells, feeds the breadbasket Evap + transpiration > natural recharge “groundwater mining” NE NM, can’t use Ogallala anymore, must go deeper; use Entrada, when that is used up? Groundwater Hazard: Pollution many sources; often not recognized until damage occurs sewage is most common: septic tanks, leaking pipes, animal containment IF just the right flow rate & grain size In 1940s, sewage treatment plant used this fact, needs well-sorted, porous sand & gravel to work But creates sewage plume Grain size? Gravel to muds, poorly sorted Saltwater contamination Saltwater heavier than fresh, if pump fresh too fast, get saltwater, problem on coasts & in EP & in Chicago Cambrian age marine depos --- salt, pump in water from Lake Mich Pollution cleanup is possible, but expensive Cheapest: stop using that well Most remedial strategies include removing the source. Pump & treat, volatilize & vaporize, steam clean, inject below drinking water level Bioremediation utilizes bacteria to clean groundwater Rocky Flats, largest quake M4.3 Contaminant characterization is needed for cleanup Monitoring wells are installed to assess flow behavior, chemical testing for amt contaminants Remedial strategies are designed to reduce health risks Best prevented by managing land uses Landfill with clay & plastic liners, double-lined undergrd storage tanks, best management practices reduce contamination esp important in wellhead protection areas Mass Wasting Lecture: (Return to Index) MASS WASTING = movement of material downhill w/o a transporting agent due to gravity Why study landslides? Slope stability: driving force vs resisting forces slope's shear strength = ? Factor Stable Unstable Slope Gradient horizontal or gentle steep Local Relief low high Load light great Planes of weakness perpendicular parallel Rock Type unfractured granite, gneiss, ... more shear strength •sedimentary esp., w/clay, slippery •lots of fractures •weathered less shear strength dry lots of water increases load, which increases driving force and decreases shear strength Climate warm vegetation lots vegetation, increases shear strength cold frost wedging and frost heaving decrease shear strength little Trigger Short, sharp shock = earthquake or impact undercutting Slope modification: decreases slope's resisting force Increase Load: increases driving force esp. by adding water (also decreases shear strength) volcanic eruptions, building Classification of Mass Wasting split into 2 groups based on how moves: Slope Failure & Flows SLOPE FAILURES: slump, slide, fall (talus) FLOWS, split into 2 groups based on whether requires water or not: esp. example: Slurry Flows: supported by: water pressure Granular Flows: supported by: grain impacts = solifluction: a few cm/yr = creep, also a few cm/yr debris flows incl. mudflows (lahars) earth flows 1 m/day to 360 m/hr incl. Liquefaction DEBRIS AVALANCHE DEBRIS AVALANCHE: • travel long distance • sudden stop (jigsaw puzzle blocks) • fast • huge • rock layers in order, not turbulent ex., Blackhawk, CA theories: • lubricate the base • air-cushion hypothesis • concentrated grain impacts Hazard Assessment • evidence of movement: disrupted ground, bent trees, etc. • slope analysis of risk • happened before? breccia layers? Hazard Mitigation decrease water --- decrease Load increase Resisting Forces Catchment Dam Warning System Review all done as exercise Volcanic Hazards Buried by Vesuvius eruptions, most of Pompeii not excavated the ash layer here is about 25m thick, excavation exposes Roman columns Shield volcano: long-lived --- large; low silica lava, fluid lava --- low slope <10 Hazards: volatiles, to structures, landslides Volatiles and aerosols (vog) respiratory problems volatiles: some poisonous (H2S) or suffocating (CO2) Lake Nyos, Cameron, 1986 – overturned & released CO2 moved down valleys as underflow; suffocated 1742 people, 6000 cattle Lava flows – mostly from basalt may completely destroy immovable objects: trees, towns, roads etc rare for lava flows to kill people: usually warning & lava rarely fast sometimes, people watching lava flows are killed Landslides: Cape Verde Gases readily escape hot fluid basaltic flows, producing lava fountains. Although often spectacular, these features do not cause great loss of life or property. (Tarbuck and Lutgens, 2014) Cinder Cone: short-lived --- small; layers of pyroclastic materials --- symmetrical, steep slope, 25-35 angle of repose Paricutin, Mexico Hazards: volatiles, pyroclasts, lava, local only Composite cones or stratovolcanoes: long-lived – large; symmetrical; steep slopes – pyroclastic flows + lava flows made from high silica (60-70%) magma = intermediate to felsic, forms andesite & rhyolite (granite), very viscous Most dangerous pyroclastic flows (nuee ardante or fiery ash clouds) high speed, toxic, suffocating landslides: steep slopes + moisture + unstable rock + earthquakes Pyroclastic flows extremely fast (100 – 300km/hr) on a carpet of air hot (500-1000C) kill all they touch flatten buildings & forests Falling ash & lapilli (ash <2mm; lapilli = pea- to marble-sized; tephra = unconsolidated, any size bury landscapes, killing plants & crops; tephra is heavy, it cuases roof collapses tephra is gritty; it abrades car & airplane engines; floodwaters easily move tephra as deadly lahars Lahars = debris flows = water + ash; water-supported slurry flow Nevada del Ruiz, Colombia, buried Armero w/over 25,000 people (see No Apparent Danger) Tsunami Krakatoa – between Java & Sumatra; large eruptions in Summer, 1883 On August 27, 1883, at 10AM the island gone; magma chamber breached by ocean; island blown up; tsunami killed 36,000 people Mass extinction Flood basalts: associated with 2 large mass extinctions (2 of the Big 5) end Paleozoic: largest ever, 95% death rate; & end Mesozoic: asso w/large impact, wiped out dinos & more Mitigating volcanic hazards Prediction of volcanic eruptions: volatile composition, earthquakes (volcanic tremors), changes in shape (tiltmeters or GPS), geologic history only ~10% of 1300 active volcanoes monitored Fumaroles – volatiles, clues to future eruptions Galeraus erupts Planning: danger assessment maps; areas of pyroclastic flows, lahars, landslides Evacuation: Mt St Helens: saved hundreds (were out for >2 mnths); Mt Pinatubo, thousands; sometimes eruptions don’t occur, large expenses Diverting Lava: explosives, heavy equipment, seawater for weeks Volcanoes & Civilization Humans and volcanoes have coexisted for millennia; both bad & good facets volcanic soils highly fertile; civilizations have prospered & been erased: Minoans – Santorini Volcanoes & Plate Tectonics data: most volcanoes (& quakes) at plate tectonics; different magma at different boundaries @divergent boundaries partial melting of upper mantle (lower crust) [type of magma differentiation]; due to release of pressure + rising mantle formation of ocean crust; *shield volcanoes, fissure eruptions Convergent margins w/subduction pressure increases + amt water increases + small T increase – partial melting of crust & upper mantle – intermediate to felsic composition magmas – andesite & granite --- composite volcanoes continent crust made; ocean crust destroyed Hot spot volcanics: ex., Hawaii (intraplate volcanism) rising mantle plume: T increase – mafic volcanic – shield volcanoes & fissure eruptions under continents: felsic volcanic (plume melts part crust) – super-volcanoes & hot springs, ex, Yellowstone Earthquakes Plate boundaries: locations on Earth where tectonic plates meet; ID = concentrations of earthquakes, associated with many other dynamic phenomena Most earthquake damage = ground shaking, primary damage Secondary damage: fire. Easy to start, hard to put out; fire triggered when a gas line ruptured during the 1994 Northridge quake in southern California Secondary damage: mass wasting. Shaking is a common trigger. Secondary damage: liquefaction. This tilted building rested on unconsolidated sediment that behaved like quicksand during the 1985 Mexican earthquake. Secondary damage: tsunami. Next week Hazard. Mapped to assess risk and develop building codes, implement land-use planning, and disaster response amount of damage depends on: Determine from paleoseismology – magnitude, distance from focus, length of shaking; fundamental period of building (resonance = collapse); building strength (flexible frame, bolted to foundation); Map: local geology (rock type, basin geometry) also study faults – how much energy do they store? Map – find the fault, fault active? how often does it go? How strong? Prediction: study geologic record, determine average frequency & strength of past quakes Turkey just starting to build for quakes (one bldg, a tunnel, etc) Map rock type: landfill behaves like soft mud, water-saturated is worst Determine basin geometry Paleoseismology: extend record back Trench – offset soil or peat layers, sand flow layers (liquefaction) Trees – severe damage, growth slows for years after Use archeologic evidence: Susita, sea of Galilee, columns toppled by 749AD earthquake, columns parallel Crusader fortress of Metzad Ateret, damaged in 2 quakes develop risk maps Landers in 1992, Northridge in 1994, has increased stress on San Andreas Use for long-term predictions Study active faults. Colors = electrical resistivity; warm – more pore fluids, creep; white dots = minor quakes, blacksamples, incl talc aseismic slip found by comparing 2 scans Immediate prediction Study precursor events: foreshocks, radon gas release (Kobe), microwaves (Loma Prieta), drop in well levels problem: pattern erratic/unreliable, fault may be buried/unknown, each segment needs to be instrumented cluster analysis: promising Construction design: building floors “pancake”, bridges and roadways topple, building supports crush, masonry walls break apart TAP: took 2002 quake with 4.3m of displacement, no damage reduce amount of shaking: base isolation, counterweights Earthquake preparedness (kits) & drills. Educate individuals on safe behavior & responses to earthquakes Individual – look around for risks, bolt large objects down, if smell gas, turn it off Kits: for home, car, work; also incl: tarps, walking shoes, evacuation clothes, radio; store in safe locations During the quake: won’t pay for natural hazards, experts don’t recommend running outside Warning system: P wave arrival – radio waves are faster, used in Japan to stop high speed trains, in CA – to move emergency vehicles Tsunami Earthquakes, landslides, caldera fm, or impacts can spawn devastating tsunamis; December 26, 2004 – Indian ocean tsunami; March 11, 2011 – eastern coast of Japan Landslides Tenerife has had 6 in last several m.y. Could send tsunami to our E coast many slumps surround the Hawaiian islands. The steep cliffs (above) are the head scarps of huge slumps. Largest active ~10cm/yr, becomes fast every 100,000yrs+ massive debris flows = can cause tsunamis Caldera fm: recall Krakatau & Santorini Impact deposits The 2011 Tohoku-Ohi tsunami destroyed the northeast coast of Japan. Magnitude 9.0 earthquake was 130km offshore Tsunami waves began to arrive in 10min, in some cases erasing entire villages Wave heights reached >20 feet along coast of Japan & tsunami warnings were issued as far away as the west coasts of the US & South America The Fukushima nuclear power plant was inundated when 14m of water breached the seawall protect the plant. Hydrogen explosions destroyed the reactor buildings NATIONAL AVERAGE: 362 millirems/year + for altitude: +35mr from our rocks: +90mr from radon in our area: +200 (ave.) from our food/water: +40mr so rough estimate for El Paso: 727 mr/year Is higher, if: you fly if: you smoke +870 mr/year for 1 pack/day if: live in adobe house if live near nuclear power plant: +0.01 mr/year if live near coal fired power plant: +0.03 mr/year Surviving a tsunami (interviews with survivors): many will survive the quake, heed natural warnings, heed official warnings, expect many waves, head for high ground & stay there, abandon belongings, don’t count on the roads, go to an upper floor or roof of a building, climb a tree, climb onto something that floats, expect the waves to leave debris, expect quakes to lower coastal land, expect company Trees = tsunami protection or Tsunami walls Tsunami warning network: a tsunami warning center in Hawaii tracks Pacific quakes and issues alerts if a tsunami is possible; tsunami detectors on the deep sea floor sense pressure increases from changes in sea thickness Hazards from Space Impacts: velocity = 12-72 km/s, compare to rifle bullet ~1.5km/s Impact on Moon: crater ray, discontinuous ejecta, central peak, secondary crater chain, continuous ejecta On Earth have <200 impact craters – most subducted, weathered, buried, ….Meteor Crater, Manicouagan, Chicxulub, Vredefort Manicouagan: Quebec, Canada, 100km dia, 215mya, end Triassic may have contributed to a mass extinction Vredefort: oldest one known on Earth, 2298 my; now only about 40km, was probably 300km (based on shock meta effects) largest, related to preservation of Au in Witwatersrand Meteor Crater, AZ, 49,000 yrs old; small, but recent (& cute) comet nucleus (?) impact producing Chicxulub ~65mya + flood basalts (Deccan Traps) = mass extinction impactor about 10km across; gravity map shows extent, buried beneath later LS Most large (>1km) asteroids known {near Earth asteroids}; asteroids are usually too small to see; 75% are dark Analysis of Meteorites: 3 broad categories: Iron, Stony, Stony-Iron. Irons: dense, have irregular surface; Stony: often fusion crust from melting in Earth’s Atm; Stony-Iron: polished view, mix of Fe & rock Iron: polished & etched, shows xls; Carbonacous chondrite w/chondrules & volatiles, make it very dark Orbits of some near-Earth objects (NEO) are shown in blue; Earth is hit by a 1km object every few 100,000 years, by an object >6km every 100 my Earth’s little buddy – 200km wide; asteroid same general path as Earth, not a threat – is ahead of us & closest approach is 20 million miles Track of asteroid Apophis, near miss in 2029 Chelyabinsk 2013. Tunguska 1908 Origins of Meteorites: planetesimals cool & differentiate (why we have 3 kinds); collisions eject material from different depths with different compositions & temperatures --- asteroids Comets – tail of ionized gases (CH4, NH3, CO2, water), tail composed of dust Meteoroids contributing to meteor shower are debris particles, orbiting in the path of a comet; spread out all along the orbit of the comet; comet may still exist or have been destroyed The big 5 mass extinctions (Chicxulub, Manicouagan) Hazards from Supernovae the Shocks of supernova remnants accelerate protons & electrons to extremely high, relativistic energies protection: solar wind + magnetosphere + atmosphere Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs): short (~a few s), bright bursts of gamma-rays; probably related to the deaths of very massive (>25 Msun) stars; could destroy ½ ozone layer Solar Flares intense radiation – mag field suddenly rearranges, lines open up over magnetic poles = sunspots problem for high frequency radio communications Large solar flare in 2003: preceded by Coronal mass ejection – send electrically charged gas to Earth Can: cause satellites to lose altitude by increasing their drag; induce currents in power grid; degrade accuracy of satellite navigation (GPS etc) Solar Flare, Jan 2005 = most intense burst of radiation in 50 yrs, “proton shower” The Extreme UV imaging telescope on SOHO shows the flare erupting, then the camera getting peppered by solar particles soon after SOHOs instrument blocks out the corona to watch the coronal mass ejection streaming out into space the solar flare tripped radiation monitors all over the planet & scambled detectors on spacecraft within minutes. It was an extreme example of a flare with radiation storms that arrive too quickly to war future interplanetary astronauts. After flare, a storm of energetic protons (makes gamma rays) impacted Earth just 15 minutes later as opposed to the usual timeline of a few hours. DSCOVR satellite, launched 2015 Deep Space Climate observer connected to NOAAs Space Weather prediction center MASS WASTING = movement of material downhill w/o a transporting agent due to gravity Why study landslides? Slope stability: driving force vs resisting forces slope's shear strength = ? Factor Stable Unstable Slope Gradient horizontal or gentle steep Local Relief low high Load light great Planes of weakness perpendicular parallel Rock Type unfractured granite, gneiss, ... more shear strength •sedimentary esp., w/clay, slippery •lots of fractures •weathered less shear strength lots of water increases load, which increases driving force and decreases shear strength dry Climate cold frost wedging and frost heaving decrease shear strength warm vegetation lots vegetation, increases shear strength little Trigger Short, sharp shock = earthquake or impact Slope modification: decreases slope's resisting force esp. undercutting Increase Load: increases driving force esp. by adding water (also decreases shear strength) building example: volcanic eruptions, Classification of Mass Wasting split into 2 groups based on how moves: Slope Failure & Flows SLOPE FAILURES: slump, slide, fall Hazard Assessment • evidence of movement: disrupted ground, bent trees, etc. • slope analysis of risk • happened before? breccia layers? Hazard Mitigation decrease water: drains, wells, etc --- decrease Load: grade back, cut & fill, benching increase Resisting Forces: gabions, walls, fences, tie-backs, rock bolts