Discovery Education New Cold War Unit End of Cold War

Discovery Education
New Cold War Unit
End of Cold War
Name___________________________ Date____________ Period_________
Video: American History: Marching into the Future
Segment: Reagan and the End of the Cold War
1. When did Ronald Reagan become President of the U.S.?
2. What was a major legacy of Reagan’s presidency?
3. Would you describe Reagan’s comments on foreign policy as hawkish or dovish?
4. What did Reagan believe about communism? What did he call the Soviet Union?
5. Why did Reagan feel threatened by the USSR?
6. What was Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars program?
7. What had the U.S.S.R. deployed?
8. How did NATO respond?
9. What was Reagan’s “zero option” plan?
10. Who was the new leader in the Soviet Union? What did he promote?
11. What were his reforms for?
12. Three years after the idea of SDI, and billions of dollars later, where scientist able
to create a working system?
13. Why did the Soviets still fear the SDI system?
14. Where did Gorbachev and Reagan meet?
15. What agreement was made between the two leaders?
16. What did Reagan suggest about intercontinental ballistic missiles? How did
Gorbachev respond? (Include deal about all eliminating all nuclear weapons)
17. Did Reagan and Gorbachev agree to eliminate Soviet nuclear weapons in
exchange for limitation of SDI system?
18. Why did Gorbachev need to cut military spending in his country?
19. Six years later, after Gorbachev would not agree to Zero Option, what did Reagan
and Gorbachev agree to final do?
20. How many times did the two leaders visit each other counties?
21. When did Soviet forces leave Afghanistan?
22. What did the Berlin Wall symbolically divide?
23. What did Reagan encourage Gorbachev to do?
24. When was the Berlin wall finally torn down?