International Relations 2009-Terrorism Unit Name _____________________ Date________ Period_____ PBS: Meeting Osama Bin Laden Segment: Who is Osama Bin Laden? 1. What type of work was Muhammad Bin Laden involved in? 2. What is Muhammad Bin Laden’s proudest achievement? 3. How many children did Muhammad Bin Laden have? 4. What happened to Muhammad Bin Laden? 5. What type of lifestyle did most of his brothers and sisters embrace? 6. How was Osama different than his siblings? Segment: From Financer to Fighter 7. Where did Osama Bin Laden meet the radical extremist that preached the need for Jihad? 8. How old was Osama when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan? 9. What did Osama Bin Laden do in Afghanistan? 1 10. Financially what did Osama do for Pakistan and Afghanistan? 11. Why did the people of Afghanistan admire Bin Laden? 12. Did Osama actually fight in the Afghan battles? Segment: Al Queda- the base for Jihad 13. With the Soviet defeat, what did Osama begin to consider? 14. When did the Soviets leave Afghanistan? What was it proof of? Segment: Taste of Power and Influence 15. How was Osama viewed after his return from Afghanistan? 16. What did Osama offer the Saudi intelligence chief? 17. Describe the images of Saudi Arabia? 18. What was the Saudi government worried about? How did they respond? Segment: After the 1991 Gulf War 19. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, what did Osama offer to the Saudi government? 20. The Saudi government rejected Osama offer and turned to what country for help? 2 21. What did Osama Bin Laden believe about the Saudi Regime (government)? 22. How did Osama see the arrival of U.S. troops? 23. What does Osama begin to preach? 24. When did Bin Laden leave Saudi Arabia? Segment: Re-surfacing in Sudan 25. What happened in Sudan two years earlier? 26. How had Bin Laden use his fortune in Sudan? Segment: Involvement in Somalia 27. Was it believed that Osama was involved in the crisis in Somalia? 28. In 1993, which country sent in an elite group to provide protection for the U.N. food program? 29. When the American raid in Mogadishu, Somalia failed, how many Americans were killed? Segment: Calling for an uprising 30. What did Osama write to the King of Saudi Arabia about in 1985? 31. How did the Saudi government respond to Bin Laden’s complaints? 3 Segment: Attacks in Saudi Arabia 32. Who was attacked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia? 33. Although Bin Laden presented himself as a business, how did the American’s now view Osama? 34. What did the American’s ask Sudan to do? 35. Where did Bin laden go? 36. What did he declare against America? Segment: Tora Bora & the Taliban takeover 37. What happened in 1997 in Afghanistan? Segment: Declaring war on the United States 38. What was Osama’s first target against Americans in 1998? 39. How did American’s retaliate? Segment: USS Cole 40. How many were killed when the ship the USS Cole was bombed? 4 Segment: Sept 11 and hunting for bin laden 41. Why is it believed that Bin Laden chose 15 Saudi citizens for the Sept. 11 attacks? 5