Throughput Management System (TMS) Nominations and Scheduling Reference Guide Revised: 1/27/2016 Nomination Nomination Maintenance FUNCTION Copy Function Add Button (Creates a new line item) Change Button (Replaces an existing nomination) DESCRIPTION When selecting Nomination Maintenance, the Open/Copy box will appear, enter the contract number and gas date. The Copy Nomination function appears on the top right of the screen. To copy an existing nomination, check the box and enter dates (nominations can be copied for one day or a date-range) click ok. This will take you into the Nomination Maintenance screen and display the copied data. The customer can either save as is or edit before selecting the Submit button. When entering a new nomination/path under the selected contract, enter the data in the Receipt and Delivery fields; click Add (create) located at the top right hand side of the nomination screen; Submit to save. To enter a Northern upstream/downstream contract number associated with that path, highlight the path, click Open Up or Open Down to begin nominating on the up/down contract; or choose the Open button located on the top left to take you back to the Open/Copy box. Scenario 1 – Prior to start of gas day – Highlight the existing path in Nomination Maintenance. The data windows are in the gray colored area on the upper part of the nomination screen; edit as needed. When the entries have been made, click the Change button. A new path will display replacing the existing data. Submit to save. Scenario 2 – After Timely cycle – Highlight the path, make the change as directed on Scenario 1. Note: At this time the nomination changes will need to be entered for the same Begin and End Dates or a prompt will read “Nomination END date must be the same as Nomination BEGIN date.” FEATURES Submit Delete View All DESCRIPTION Saves information to the TMS database. Deletes a line item that has not scheduled on or before the nomination deadline. To View All allows the customer to view all pooling activity on MPS agreements. Nomination Reconciliation The Nomination Reconciliation screen is designed to help identify nomination/confirmation mismatches. This allows the customer to adjust nominations or contact upstream/downstream parties as needed. It is a view only screen that provides the following information: Nomination quantities Confirmed quantities at locations Scheduled quantities by cycle Comparison of the upstream / downstream contracts at physical and logical points The View field will encompass all of the activity in TMS based on nominations. The following information can be retrieved and viewed as follows: nominated/confirmed volumes and exceptions (if applicable), the upstream or downstream party contracts and exceptions (if applicable) and the scheduled volumes on completed cycles. The Scheduled Quantities can be retrieved from the Nomination Reconciliation screen. Highlight a line and select the “Schd View” located at the top right hand side of the screen. Page 2 of 10 Revised: 1/27/2016 Scheduling FUNCTION Scheduled Quantities Scheduled Quantities by Contract Scheduled Quantities by Contract and Location Scheduled Quantities by Location Scheduled Quantities by Contract and/or Location and Up/Down Contract Batch Schedule Status DESCRIPTION Enter the contract number and click ok. The date in TMS will default to the last completed cycle. To view a different day or cycle enter date and use the drop down arrow to select cycle accordingly. A Reduction Reason will appear in the (RR) column identifying all nominations that have been reduced. An asterisk (*) indicates that a path has multiple reduction reasons. A forward slash (/) indicates the path was split. When the Summary View is unchecked the first split path displays the reduction reason code and subsequent split paths will not display a reduction reason code. Highlight the nomination line showing the reduction and select Detect. The Path Detective provides a breakdown of quantities reduced, along with the associated reason codes, the upstream or downstream direction in which the reduction originated. The Path Detective is available for all completed cycles. Enter the contract number and date range, click on retrieve, then select detail on the tool bar to display locations. (Displays the total nominated and scheduled quantities) Enter the contract and location number. Enter Begin/End date, retrieve to view.(Displays the total nominated and scheduled quantities for a specific contract and a specific location for date range specified) Enter the location number and date range, retrieve to view. This view is only available to operators. (Displays the total nominated and scheduled quantities by contract nominated at a specific location) Enter the contract and/or location number, the up/down contract number and date range. Retrieve to view. (Displays the total nominated and scheduled quantities for a specific contract and/or location and a specific up/down contract number). Display the status of each cycle for three consecutive gas days. Retrieve to view. EDI Quick Response This reporting tool displays the same information sent to the EDI customer in the Quick Response. Below is the list of the various quick response messages. To view detail on the messages, highlight the line showing the tracking number, warning or error code and a detail warning/error message will appear at the bottom of the Quick Response screen. ERROR CODE WQ EZ RZ Page 3 of 10 DESCRIPTION The entire transition and all nominations were accepted. Error(s) or warning(s) occurred in the transaction. Transaction has been acknowledged. Error(s) and warning(s) follow. The entire transaction was rejected due to header level errors. Revised: 1/27/2016 Confirmation Confirmation Maintenance Screen This screen is designed for Operators to confirm the nominated volumes at specific locations. The Confirmation screen can be retrieved by the individual Location number, the Operators Legal Entity or the OBA contract number. The Confirmation Maintenance screen allows the operator to confirm a single nomination or to confirm all nominated volume(s) at a location. FUNCTION Confirm DESCRIPTION The Operator can confirm each individual nomination or select the All Submit button located on the toolbar. Note: If the Operator selects the All Submit button the volumes may be edited as needed. Click the enter key on your keyboard or Submit button to save. Preliminary The Preliminary Scheduled Quantity will display after the allocation process. The volume displayed in the Prelim Sched Qty column indicates the amount Northern has available. Scheduled The volumes are displayed under the Sched Qty column when the cycle has completed. Active Confirmation The operator or agent for a location actively confirms all nominations at all locations during all Cycles. If a confirmation is not received for the current gas timely cycle, the timely cycle scheduled quantity from the previous gas day will be used. If a confirmation is not received for the current gas day intraday cycles, the previous cycles scheduled quantity will be used. Passive The operator or agent for a location actively confirms nominations at all Confirmations locations in the Timely Cycle. The operator will not be required to confirm during the Intraday cycles. The confirmation quantity from the previous cycle will be copied to the next cycle. If a confirmation is not received for the current gas day timely cycle, the timely cycle scheduled quantity from the previous gas day will be used. Confirmation by Northern will automatically confirm ALL NOMINATIONS for the operator’s or Exception the agent’s specified location(s). All confirmed quantities will equal nominated quantities for all cycles. Operators will be able to change any confirmation that is automatically confirmed by Northern during any cycle. Any manual change made by the operator will remain in place for the entire gas day. Note: When a new location is set up and no operator choice is selected TMS will automatically default to Passive. The Operator Choice forms are located on the Northern’s Support website under “Agreements/Forms”. (See heading, “Contracts/Nominations / Scheduling Forms” then select “Operator Choice Form”). Confirmation Summary Screen The Confirmation Summary screen displays the nominated, scheduled and physical volumes. The operators can retrieve by location number, legal entity number or by the OBA contract. The physical volumes are displaced under the Actual column and will be two days in arrears. Page 4 of 10 Revised: 1/27/2016 Reporting FUNCTION Scheduled Quantities Report Service Requestor Scheduled Quantity Report Contract Storage balance By Day Report DESCRIPTION Select Reports, Scheduled Quantities Report. Customer can retrieve the report by contract or all contracts by selecting ID. Operator can retrieve report by location or all locations by selecting the ID. (Displays nom vs. scheduled quantities for an individual date along with month to date totals) Select Reports, Service Requestor Scheduled Quantity Report. Select either Scheduled Quantity For Svc Req – Daily or Scheduled Quantity For Svc Req – Date Range option. Enter by contract number or ID. (Displays Ranking, Zone/Area, Up/Down contract) Select Storage, Contract Storage Balance by Day Report. Enter the contract number then click preview. (Displays the Nom/Sched quantities per storage contract and balances per location) Storage FUNCTION FDD Contract Balance IDD/PDD Contract Balance Storage Netting at a Location Page 5 of 10 DESCRIPTION Select Storage, FDD Contract Balance. Enter contract number and date range, click retrieve. (Displays real-time, nomination and scheduling activity by contract and how such activity has affected the service requester’s firm storage balance) Select Storage, IDD\PDD Contract Balance. Enter contract number and date range, click retrieve. (Displays the nominated and scheduled volumes on the selected contract and how such activity has affected the service requester’s interruptible / preferred deferred storage balance) Select Storage, Storage Netting. The customer is required to specify contracts, locations, group, and rank their entries prior to the Final AM deadline. (This process minimizes the amount of daily withdrawals or injections) Note: Storage cannot be netted across locations. Revised: 1/27/2016 TMS Screens FUNCTION Open screen Nomination and Scheduling Quantities Screens only Tool Bar Selections Nominations, Confirmations, Reporting and Scheduling Screens Tool Bar Features Available in Nomination and Scheduled Quantities Screens Available in most TMS Screens Right Click Available where there is a Location or Contract Input Field Group/Sort Function Available in most TMS Screens Page 6 of 10 DESCRIPTION After selecting Nomination or Scheduling the open command is located on the top left side of the tool bar. You can enter a specific contract or search all active contracts. For Search features − Right click on the Svc Req K field. From there, select one of the following options. Name Begins With − Type in the company name. TMS will list all active contracts associated to customers ID / Legal Entity. Name Contains − Enter part of your company name. TMS will list all active contracts associated to customers ID / Legal Entity Svc Req K Lists the all active contracts within the range entered for ID. The “options” key on the tool bar gives the customer the ability to view information by location name or location number. Receipt and Delivery Totals can be viewed by highlighting a line in the Nomination or Scheduling screen, click on R totals or D totals. Rates − Commodity rate information can be viewed by highlighting a path in the data display area click on Rate. Sort feature by selecting from a table. Other sort features throughout TMS are accomplished by clicking on the column heading or a right click on matrix area. Export feature gives the customer the ability to export data to excel, access or lotus spreadsheet. Search Option − This option is available in most TMS screens by right click on the location and the Up/Dn contract field in the form area. Dates − right click on the Next Day or Prev Day (Previous) to toggle from one day to another on the date fields of TMS screens. Right mouse click on the matrix area of the screen, select either Sort or Group. Choose any of the categories to view the detail in various order or groups. To add more items click on the forward arrow >> after your selections are in the right column, click on the Sort or Group box below. The selections should be sorted or grouped in the order chosen. To remove a specific selection, re-open and click on the backward arrow. Revised: 1/27/2016 TMS Hot Keys ICON Delete Delv Dtotal EPSQ Cancel Export Open Path Hot Keys Notes Alt+D Deletes selected information at a line item level. Only paths for future gas days that have not been scheduled can be deleted. Identifies only the delivery side of the data fields. Used for delivery transactions on a contract, such as pooling, storage, make-up, or P-N-R. When you click Delv the system removes the receipt input data fields and defaults the transaction type to code 04, which is imbalance payback from the pipe. Delivery Total. Sums the delivery location totals in POI number order. Displays location number, location name and total location quantity. Elapsed Pro-rata Scheduled Quantity (EPSQ). Displays the EPSQ calculation for the highlighted path, this allows the user to see the reason why the nominated quantity is less than the actual scheduled quantity. None Alt+L None Alt+X Alt+B Alt+O None None Detect Closes the active screen and returns the user to the main menu. Exports data on the active screen to a tab delimited file. The user may then customize the data into an individual file as needed. Opens the Open screen where the user may enter and select the company, contract number, and gas day necessary to retrieve in the Nomination and Scheduled Quantities screens. The Open/Copy Nomination screen also provides a copy function that allows the user to copy the entire nomination from one gas date to a new gas date range. Identifies the type of transaction the user is going to enter in the data fields. For transportation contracts, the system defaults to a path transaction that requires both receipt and delivery information to be entered in the data field. Enables service requesters to view scheduled quantity cuts made by the pipeline for each cycle. Alt+V Preview Print Rates Rcpt Alt+P Alt+T None Previews the entire nomination detail for the contract the user has open. Prints the entire nomination detail for the contract the user has open regardless if all paths have been saved. Commodity Path rate information can be viewed for the contract nomination path detail line that is highlighted in the data display area. This rate is based on the information available at the time of nomination and is subject to change. Identifies only the receipt side of the data fields. Used for receipt transactions on a contract, such as pooling, storage, makeup, or P-N-R. When you select the Rec Icon, the system removes the delivery input data fields and defaults the Transaction Type to code 03, imbalance payback to the pipe. Alt+R Retrieve Total Retrieves data for the gas day selected. Alt+E Alt+S Submit Sort Page 7 of 10 Alt+Z Receipt Total. Sums the receipt location totals in POI number order. Displays location number, location name, and total location quantity. Saves transactions to the TMS database if all validation criteria are met. If an error message appears, the data will not be saved until the transaction is corrected. Sorts all applied data fields available in the Sort Criteria View screen based on the user’s sort criteria. Revised: 1/27/2016 BMP TMS Reduction Codes Reduction Reason Description NAESB Definition Storage Balancing Adjustment Quantity reduced due to service requester’s choice to utilize their storage account to keep their supplies or markets whole. Quantity reduced due to bumping BOP Reduction due to balancing of path CAP CBF Confirming Party Capacity Constraint Contract Balancing - Supply CBL Contract Balancing CBM Contract Balancing - Market CCD Pipeline Capacity Constraint at Delivery Location Pipeline Capacity Constraint at Group Location RR ADJ CCG CCR CQC Pipeline Capacity Constraint at Receipt Location MDQ Change - Contract CRD Confirmation not Conducted by Downstream Confirming Party CRE Capacity Recalled CRI Credit Issues CRN Confirmation Response Not Received Confirmation not Conducted by Upstream Confirming Party CRR DLI Location No Longer Valid - Delivery DQC MDQ Change - Delivery Point ECM Exceeded Contract MDQ EFC Exceeded Family of Contracts MDQ EPS Elapsed Prorated Scheduled Quantity FCC Pipeline Capacity Constraint Supply FMJ Force Majeure Page 8 of 10 A constraint on the confirming party’s system. Reduction due to mismatched requested quantities within a contract in the supply area. Reduction due to mismatched requested quantities within a contract. Reduction due to mismatched requested quantities within a contract in the market area. A constraint on the transportation service provider’s system at the delivery location. A constraint on the transportation service provider’s system that impacts a pre-defined group of points. A constraint on the transportation service provider’s system at the receipt location. The Service Requester is told by its Transportation Service Provider that the downstream Confirming Party did not conduct the confirmation. Reduction due to capacity recall by releasing shipper The Service Requester is told by its Transportation Service Provider that the upstream Confirming Party did not conduct the confirmation. Nominations on the original contract and all related capacity released contracts have exceeded the contractual rights of the original contract. An adjustment to the nominated quantity as a result of an elapsed-prorated-scheduled quantity calculation. Quantity reduced due to a constraint on the Transportation Service Provider's system resulting in an allocation in the supply area. Revised: 1/27/2016 FPC Fuel Percentage Change GQS Gas Quality Specification not met IBQ Insufficient Backhaul Quantity INV Invalid True-Up Nomination Quantities IQC LFD Max Daily Injection Quantity Change Limited Firm Day delivery LFR Limited Firm Day receipt LFT Limited Firm Day Transportation Exceeded Pipeline Capacity Constraint − Market MCC PBD Pipeline Balancing of Deliveries at a Location PBR Pipeline Balancing of Receipts at a Location PCC Pipeline Capacity Constraint PCD Confirming Party Capacity Constraint at Delivery Location PCR Confirming Party Capacity Constraint at Receipt Location PLC Pipeline Curtailment PLM Pipeline Maintenance PMD Pipeline Maintenance at Delivery Location Pipeline Maintenance at Receipt Location Confirmation Party Reduction at Delivery Location Confirmation Party Reduction at Receipt Location Total Nomination Quantity Exceeds Elected Quantity PMR PRD PRR QEE RLI Location No Longer Valid − Receipt RQC MDQ Change − Receipt Point SBC Storage Balance Change Page 9 of 10 Adjusted fuel percent not reflected in original nomination. Reduction due to insufficient backhaul quantities scheduled to offset the related forward haul nomination. The sum of true-up nominations does not equal the sum of the previously scheduled quantities Reduction due to a limited firm day being called at the delivery location that does not allow the nomination to be scheduled. Reduction due to a limited firm day being called at the receipt location that does not allow the nomination to be scheduled. Quantity reduced due to limited firm day quantities exceeded. Quantity reduced due to a constraint on the Transportation Service Provider's system resulting in an allocation in the market area. Reduction of deliveries due to balancing of mismatched nominated quantities across contracts at an on-system location. Reduction of receipts due to balancing of mismatched nominated quantities across contracts at an on-system location. A constraint on the Transportation Service Provider's system. A reduction of the nominated delivery quantity due to a constraint on the Confirming Party's system. A reduction of the nominated receipt quantity due to a constraint on the Confirming Party's system. Reduction due to the total nominated quantity exceeding the quantity previously elected for imbalance makeup. Revised: 1/27/2016 SCC Storage Capacity Constraint A decrease in quantity due to storage physical inventory level. SCT Service Requester Contract Terminated Exceeded Storage Maximum Capacity Storage Netting Reduction Reduction due to contract not being active not as a result of the contract being terminated. UIP Underperformance by Interconnecting Party Reductions are applied at a location due to an interconnecting party not meeting performance requirements WQC Max Daily Withdrawal Quantity Change SMQ SNR Quantity reduced to maintain net sum of storage injections and withdrawals. Where to Find Us Website Address: E-mail Address: Fax: (402) 548-5281 Solution Center E-mail Address: Phone – Out of Area: (866) 810-5268 Local: (402) 398-7664 Website Maintenance Window Sunday through Saturday *10:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Please note: During normal system maintenance TMS will be unavailable. EDI transactions such as nominations, quick response, and capacity release will be processed after the system returns to normal operations at 3:00 a.m. *All times are Central Clock Time (CCT). Page 10 of 10