On the computational basis of the confirmation bias Richard D. Lange Ankani Chattoraj Ralf M. Haefner University of Rochester evidence integ. (weighted sum) In evidence integration tasks, subjects report one of two categories of a stimulus after observing a sequence e1 ...en of evidence. Each ei is independent and slightly predictive of the correct choice (Gold and Shadlen 2007) 1 )P (et |C) T ime The probabilistic inference model is empirically distinguishable from the bounded integration model by changing the variance of the evidence sequence e2 Time 0.5 1 0.5 Time Internal variables context, beliefs (prior) pposterior(x|E,I) Kiani, Hanks, and Shadlen 2008 External observations -1 p(C) p(C) High evidence variance Wyatt et al. 2012 C +1 e e t t C is discrete, x and e are continuous. The neural sampling hypothesis states that the variability of neural responses reflects the dynamics of MCMC sampling over an internal model of the world (Fiser et al. 2010) (s) (s 1) ⇠ P (x|C )P (et |x) C (s) ⇠ P (x(s) |C)Pt 1 (C) Sampling Race Model samples of C are counted by a downstream area (e.g. LIP). We assume a single brain area both counts samples and represents the posterior ns Pt (C = +1) / + #C1+ + #C2+ + ... + #Ct+ 2 Buffer-less marginalization the posterior over C is updated by approximate marginalization over x, yielding: 1 (C)P (C|x + const Z P (C, xt |et )dxt = P (C|xt )p(xt |et )dxt with (s) xt ⇠ p(xt |et ) (s) ) log Pt 0 1 (C) low variance unbiased Low σe2 High σe2 Ideal Obs. 0.9 1 1 2 σ 2 e 3 4 5 The standard Bounded Integration model accounts for a decreasing PK by analogy to reaction time tasks (we ignore further information once reasonably certain) Our Probabilistic Inference models account for a decreasing PK as the influence of priors (we see what we expect to see, we expect to see what we’ve seen) These models are distinguishable from the standard bounded integration model by changing the variance of evidence Results of existing studies could be interpreted as low- or high-variance evidence (Reported Evidence Weighting table, lower left), consistent with the PI model Future psychophysics studies needed that directly manipulate evidence variance within a single paradigm The deviations from optimality in our models come from the assumptions that there are no synchronized internal “buffers” and that neural responses represent posteriors 1 ns Higher variance of evidence Sharper likelihood Overcomes priors P (C|et ) P (et |C) / Pt 1 (C) S X 1 (s) log P (et |C) = log P (C|xt ) S s=1 0.50 We provide a new account of perceptual confirmation biases based on probabilistic inference and sampling e 0 Left: Sampling Race Model Right: Buffer-less Marginalization x Empirically, subjects appear less biased in high evidence variance tasks, consistent with PI models (see Reported Evidence Weighting table) Summary x S X 1 (s) ⇡ P (C|xt ) S s=1 Flat PK Both sampling models are less biased at high evidence variance 0.55 0.40 0 x x P (C|et ) = Brunton et al. 2013 Time The bounded integration model is less biased at low evidence variance 0.45 Pt (C) / Pt Decreasing PK Race Model Buffer-less Marg Bounded Integrator Ideal Observer 0.65 9 C sensory evidence (likelihood) Reported Evidence Weighting Low evidence variance 5 Probabilistic Inference Models model info. Results from existing studies favor the sampling-based probabilistic inference model Nienborg & Cumming 2009 The asymptotic offset of the PK indicates whether a less biased model is more ideal or more random 0.70 Time C PK(t) The decreasing PK arises in the probabilistic inference models from reusing the shifting posterior as a prior, causing early evidence to be “double counted” 0.4 Offset PK is reverse correlation of choices and evidence A decreasing PK represents a confirmation bias; it Ideal Forgetful means the subject tends to weight evidence early in the Random Conf. bias 0.64 trial more than evidence later in the trial. We contrast the standard Bounded Integration model with a sampling based probabilistic inference model (Fiser et al. 2010) 0.2 0.60 Chose A Chose B Models 0.1 0.3 0.8 PK The psychophysical kernel (PK) quantifies how much weight a subject gives to evidence as a function of time. It is computed as reverse correlation between the subject’s choice and how much signal was present at each point in time. Low σe2 High σe2 Ideal Obs. The initial slope of the PK measures the models’ biases 0.0 Each trial evidence weighted with a step function. Sum over trials is a ramp 1 (C)P (et |C) Log odds of evidence Pt (C) / Pt 0.8 PK P (C|e1 , ..., et ) / P (C|e1 , ..., et P (ei |C) Weight or sequentially (“online”): i=1 e p(RT ) P (C|e1 , ..., en ) / P (C) n Q neural response low σ2e high σ2e 0.1 PK C log post. ratio The confirmation bias is one of the most well-studied and ubiquitous irrational human behaviors. It is found both cognitively and in low-level perception Stronger Bias Standard Model Differentiating Models Higher variance of evidence Reaches bound faster More evidence ignored Stronger bias Slope Introduction 0.7 Bufferless Marg. Race Model 0.6 0.5 1 5 Time 9 References Brunton, B. W., Botvinick, M. M., & Brody, C. D. (2013). 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