Business Operations Pre-Award Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA)/ Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) Two Types • One Way • A company may want to send a protocol to the Principle Investigator (PI) so that he/she can decide whether to participate in the trial • The protocol will have confidential information that the company needs to safeguard • The sponsor may wish to support a Principal Investigator by supporting travel to a conference which may have confidential information • Two Way (Mutual) or One Way Out • A Principal Investigator may want to request a sponsor to support their own research How does this work? • Principal Investigator contacts University administration looking for assistance • Sponsor contacts PI/Coordinator • Sponsor contacts University administration • In order to protect the University and the PI, all CDA’s require University signature • Each must be reviewed, negotiated and executed by the PI, University Official and the Company. Negotiation • CDA’s are usually straightforward and require little negotiation • Point of contact: Roseann Talarico – 3-4743 • Most are negotiated within 5-10 business days • Include the name, address, telephone number and the Sponsor/CRO email/phone • If needed, include a note with any concerns about the CDA or what confidential information University may wish to protect • Once completed PI will receive executable copy – return to complete the execution process • Fully executed copy sent to PI for recordkeeping What is required to begin the business process? • Possible indicators • CDA executed • Cancer Center • MDG/PRC approvals • Department contacts business office • Electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (ePTF) • What is it/what is it for? • It is an electronic mechanism for Jefferson to manage, maintain, and approve research • Used for all research at Jefferson Electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (ePTF) What is needed? • Materials required to complete (ePTF) for approval • • • • • Protocol Investigator Brochure (IB) Draft Informed Consent (ICF) Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) Sponsor Budget Electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (ePTF) What is the approval process? • Clinical trials • First Round approval • Contract/MCA/Budget • Process may begin • Second round approval • MCA/Contract/Budget negotiated • IRB approval letter and informed consent JCRI Business Operations Coverage Analysis & Budget Coverage Analysis Materials needed to conduct a Coverage Analysis From Study Team: • Same as (ePTF) process • • • • • Protocol Investigator Brochure (IB) Draft Informed Consent (ICF) Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) Sponsor Budget • Approved electronic proposal transmittal form (ePTF) • First round only What is a Coverage Analysis? • Document that determines the appropriate payor (i.e. Sponsor, Medicare or third party payor) for each item and service required by a clinical research trial Why is a Coverage Analysis important? • Reduces risk for submitting false claims • Billing for services not part of a qualifying clinical trial • Billing for items and services promised/paid for by Sponsor • Billing for research only items and services • Assists in budget negotiations with Sponsor/CRO • Identifies costs that need to be accounted for in the sponsor budget • Basis of billing compliance/audits • Provides evidence of due diligence and a mechanism for compliance with billing rules Coverage Analysis Process • Receive all materials from the study team • Create a grid that reflects all clinical events and time points in the protocol • Review clinical guidelines along with CMS national and local coverage determinations to identify the appropriate payor for each event • Send the CA to PI/SC for review and approval • Approve or revise the CA as necessary Items and Services CPT/HCPCS Codes Time & Effort Informed Consent N/A Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria N/A Medical History N/A Concomitant Medications N/A Adverse Event Assessment N/A Evaluation & Management Services Complete Physical Exam 99201 - 99205; 99211 - 99215 G0463 Cycle 1 Month 1 Day Day 1 Day 8 15 Q1/Q0 Mod Screening1 No No No No No S S S S S S S Q1 M M S S S S Cycle 2 Month 2 Day Day Day Day 43 Day 64 22 50 57 S S S S S S S S S S This This This This This is is is is is not not not not not a billable item a billable item a billable item a billable item a billable item or service. or service. or service. or service. or service. Vital Signs N/A No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA According to the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology Multiple Myeloma Version 2.2014 "NCCN Guidelines" a physical exam is considered conventional care at workup (NCCN Guidelines, p. 6). Patients in this trial have a confirmed diagnosis of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma after treatment with at least two different previous regimens. Prior treatment must include at least two standard antimyeloma therapies or induction therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplant (Protocol, p. 23). The study drug given in this trial has unknown side effects. A physical exam at screening, once per cycle and at response assessments appear reasonable and necessary for the clinical management of the patient in order to monitor disease progression and potential side effects. Coverage supported by NCD 310.1. This is a bundled service, and is not billable. Weight N/A No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA This is a bundled service, and is not billable. N/A No NA 85025 or 85027 and 85007 Q1 M M M M M M M M M 80053 Q1 M M M M M M M M M 93000 - 93010 No S S J9999 Q0 NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB 96365-96368 Q1 M M M M M M M M Height Labs CBC with Differential Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Scans/Procedures Electrocardiogram (EKG) Study Medications ALT-803 (IV) IV Infusion (ALT-803) Coverage Code Key M: Medicare or Other Heath Plan S: Charged to Study Fund or Sponsor NA: Bundled With Another Payment From Third Party NB: Not Billed to Anyone, Not a Billed Event, No CPT Code M Comments This is a bundled service, and is not billable. S A CBC with differential is considered conventional care at initial workup (NCCN Guidelines, p. 6). The study drug, ALT-803, caused an increase in white blood cell counts in animal studies (Protocol, p. 18-19). Patients in this trial have multiple myeloma which also affects blood counts. CBC testing throughout treatment appears to be done both for the clinical management of the patient and to monitor, assess and treat for potential complications associated with the study drug. Coverage supported by NCD 310.1 and NCD 190.15. The study drug, ALT-803, caused a decrease in total protein and albumin levels in the blood, as well as decreased blood calcium levels in animal studies (Protocol, p. 18-19). CMP testing throughout treatment appears to be done both for the clinical management of the patient and to monitor, assess and treat for potential complications associated with the study drug. Coverage supported by NCD 310.1. The study drug does not appear to have cardiac side effects, and states that "no dose related abnormalities based on ECG or ophthalmic evaluations were The study drug will be provided by the sponsor. The protocol states: "ALT-803 is an investigational drug supplied to investigators by the Altor Bioscience Corporation at Miramar, Florida. Sufficient study drug will be available for this protocol to treat all of IV administration of the study drug is supported by NCD 310.1. Clinical Trial Budget Develop a financial plan that encompasses all phases of the study: • • • • Start-up costs Institutional costs Other costs incurred throughout the study Subject costs Develop a financial plan that encompasses all phases of the study: • Start-up costs • training, meetings, IRB/regulatory work, source document creation • Institutional costs • Other costs incurred throughout the study • Subject costs Start-Up Costs Activity Study Feasibility Assessment (database review, medical records, recruiting/advertising preparation) Site Qualification Visit preparation and attendance Regulatory Documents Preparation, Submission, Collecting Signatures (FDA 1572, CVs, W9, etc) IRB Documents Preparation, Submission, Collecting Signatures, Queries (Proposal Transmittal, Informed Consent, etc) Source Document Creation Site Initiation Visit preparation and attendance PI Staff Meetings, Training, Hiring, Communications Total admin start up Hourly Rate + 26.3% fringe PI (weekly salary / 40 hours) Research Coordinator (weekly salary / 40 hours) Charge Hours PI hours RC hours $ $ 525.41 247.23 8.00 4.50 1.6 0.45 6.4 4.05 $ 933.99 17.00 1.7 15.3 $ $ $ $ $ 836.11 1,326.15 604.35 520.51 4,993.74 16.00 30.00 11.00 10.50 97.00 1.2 0 1.1 0.525 6.575 Hourly w/ Fringe $ 120.00 151.56 $ 35.00 44.205 14.8 30.00 9.9 9.975 90.425 Develop a financial plan that encompasses all phases of the study: • Start-up costs • training, meetings, IRB/regulatory work, source document creation • Institutional costs • F&A, IRB fees, billing compliance fees • Other costs incurred throughout the study • Subject costs Develop a financial plan that encompasses all phases of the study: • Start-up costs • training, meetings, IRB/regulatory work, source document creation • Institutional costs • F&A, IRB fees, billing compliance fee • WIRB/Quorum – One time fee $2,500 • Other costs incurred throughout the study • site monitor fees, IRB work on continuing reviews or amendments, dry ice, close-out costs, etc. • Subject costs Other Costs Recruitment Pharmacy Start Up Pharmacy Monthly Maintenance Pharmacy Close Out IRB Submission Work on Continuing and Ammendments UAE Submission to IRB (FDA required 24-48 hours) IND Safety Reports (Per Report) Advertising Reconsent Fee Amendment Administrative Fee Study Close-Out Document Storage Site Monitor Visit Fee Sponsor/FDA audit Dry Ice Equiptment/Supplies Develop a financial plan that encompasses all phases of the study: • Start-up costs • training, meetings, IRB/regulatory work, source document creation • Institutional costs • F&A, IRB fees, billing compliance fee • WIRB/Quorum – One time fee $2,500 • Other costs incurred throughout the study • site monitor fees, IRB work on continuing reviews or amendments, dry ice, close-out costs, etc. • Subject costs • Any items that are not billable to insurance or provided by the sponsor CPT/HCPCS Codes Cycle 1 Month 1 Day Day 1 Day 8 15 Cycle 2 Month 2 Day Day Day Day 43 Day 64 22 50 57 Cost Screening1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 99201 - 99205; 99211 - 99215 G0463 N/A $150 $100 $75 $50 $50 Q1 $150 $100 $75 $50 $50 M $50 $50 M $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 M $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA N/A No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA N/A 85025 or 85027 and 85007 No Q1 NA M M M M M M M M M M 80053 Q1 M M M M M M M M M M 36415 or 36592 93000 - 93010 J9999 Q1 $130 No M $130 IV Infusion (ALT-803) PI 96365-96368 N/A Q1 $150 Study Coordinator Total Direct Costs Indirect Rate 30% Total Costs N/A $150 Items and Services Time & Effort Informed Consent Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Medical History Concomitant Medications Adverse Event Assessment Complete Physical Exam Vital Signs Weight Height CBC with Differential Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Venipuncture Electrocardiogram (EKG) ALT-803 (IV) $130 NB NB NB NB $130 NB Total $150 $100 $75 $450 $450 M NA M $390 NB NB NB $150 M M M M M M M M $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1,350 $150 $855 $257 $1,112 $150 $530 $159 $689 $1,350 $4,315 $1,295 $5,610 $150 $400 $120 $520 $150 $400 $120 $520 $150 $400 $120 $520 $150 $530 $159 $689 $150 $400 $120 $520 $150 $400 $120 $520 $150 $400 $120 $520 Accomplished by considering all stakeholders input: • • • • • • • • PI and Study Coordinator Radiology Pathology Pharmacy Hospital Billing Professional Services Billing Other departments Sponsor Clinical Trial Agreement What is required to complete a contract? • Who wrote the protocol? • Sponsor • Clinical Trial Agreement • PI/Jefferson • Investigator Initiated Agreement • Is the sponsor contract new or previously negotiated? • If new – review/red line changes • Forward to legal • If previously negotiated – similar protocol • Review/red line changes • Forward to sponsor What is required to complete a contract? • Negotiate terms • Ensure budget, billing and payment terms are acceptable • Is the IRB approved? • Approval letter and informed consent reviewed • Sponsor and protocol must match contract • Subject injury and indemnification language • Different terms in each but intent must be the same • (ePTF) secondary approvals What is required to complete a contract? • Execute • Forward to PI • Return to sponsor • PDF or mail • Account set up • Establishment letter to staff and accounting • MCA includes account number sent to staff and billing Post Account Establishment • Modifications/Amendments • No cost extension • Change in PI • Modification to protocol • No budget modification • Modification to protocol • Budget modification • $5,000 or greater • (ePTF) supplement • Approvals, etc. • Follow same SOPs as a new clinical trial How to initiate the process Please, please, and please reach out to your clinical research administrator for more information. • • • • • • • Ronald Polizzi, Director, Business Operations JCRI, 3-2127 Michael Caggiano, Team Lead, 3-4746 Jennifer Lott, Team Lead, 5-2546 Jenny Campbell, Clinical Research Administrator, 3-4282 LouEllen Daniel, Clinical Research Administrator, 3-5390 Ryan Massimilla, Clinical Research Administrator, 3-2890 Mary Rose Taft, Clinical Research Administrator, 3-4265