Challenge Chart Challenge Name: __________________________ TRAILS : You must attempt each apparatus at least . once Section:________ Objective: Create and asses strategies for successful navigation of obstacles. Adaption: List adjustments if initial attempt is not successful. Reflection: How did you feel, during/after? *use the back if necessary to provide a detailed reflection Don’t bring me your paper until AFTER you have written a reflection. EXAMPLE Goal To climb the left wall in less than two minutes. Adapt -use legs more, steady pace, less aggressive when going on bump out Reflect Left Section (wall) Goal Adapt Middle Section Goal Adapt (wall) Reflect Reflect Right Section (wall) Goal Adapt Reflect 1 Goal Adapt Reflect 2 Goal Adapt Reflect 3 Goal Adapt Reflect 4 Goal Adapt Reflect 5 Goal Adapt Reflect 6 Goal Adapt Reflect I should have set a more reasonable time frame for myself to complete the task. I am not experienced enough to climb the hardest wall in under two minutes 7 Goal Adapt Reflect 8 Goal Adapt Reflect 9 Goal Adapt Reflect CARGO NET Goal Adapt Reflect CATERPILLAR Goal Adapt Reflect HIGH ROPES (PRUSIK ) MUST GO AT LEAST ½ WAY Goal Adapt Reflect RAPPEL (LADDER) Goal Adapt Reflect