| Seniors Silver Threads: A Week with a Peek into What Makes BG a Nationally Recognized “Great Place to Retire” by Barbara Johnston Bowling Green has received nationwide attention as a wonderful location for retirement. One of the primary reasons our community has been recognized is the programs and the people who keep our city going and growing. If you are over 50 and would enjoy going “behind the scenes” to explore those programs and meet with many of the people who work to make them successful, you should complete an application to attend the 4th Annual Over 50 Citizens Academy! Dr. Kevin Kelly AAP, IM, Pediatrics Board Certified Dr. Todd Douglas FAAFP, Family Medicine Board Certified Dr. Jack Glasser FAAFP, Family Medicine Board Certified Lisa Grimes APRN Schedule your flu shot today! Flu Vaccines Available: •Flu Shot •Flu Mist •Pediatric Flu Shot •High Dose for age 65 and older Schedule your well-woman exam with Lisa Grimes, APRN 26 There is no cost for attending the Academy which will meet daily from March 3 to March 9, 2016 (weekdays only). A light breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided as participants meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Visits to city offices ranging from the Police Department to City Hall and the Office of the City Manager will offer participants the opportunity meet and talk with the folks who “make things happen” here in BGKY. Presentations for the Academy participants will range from an explanation of Bowling Green’s form of government and how we pay for that government to ways in which individuals can become and remain active and engaged in Bowling Green’s community and civic life. The Academy is sponsored by AARP Kentucky and the City of Bowling Green’s Neighborhood Services Division and is part of the Age-Friendly Bowling Green initiative in partnership with the WKU Center on Aging. On “graduation day,” an “Ask Bowling Green” community conversation will give participants the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas for making BGKY an even more livable and age-friendly community and of course, a “class photo” will be taken of the proud graduates of the 4th Annual Over 50 Citizen’s Academy. The application deadline for the Academy is February 15, 2016. Space is limited so visit the website at http://www.wku.edu/aging/agefriendlycitiesindex.php to complete your application. If you would prefer a paper application for the program or if you have any questions about the program, please contact Ms. Karen Foley, BGKY Neighborhood Services, at 270-393-3674 or Karen.foley@bgky.org. 1325 Andrea Street For the most up-to-date Golden Moments calendar visit http://www.wku.edu/aging/seniorSuite 100 Bowling Green, KY 42104 events/. To request a printed copy or for more information, please call WKU Aging at 270-7453177. 270-901-3454 happenings.com January 2016