WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate: Minutes, January 28, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT

Wichita State University Faculty Senate
January 28, 2008
Faculty Senate: Minutes, January 28, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bolin, Brooks, Byrum, Campbell, , Carruthers, Celestin, Close,
Coufal, Craig-Moreland, Decker, deSilva, Forlaw, Hager, Hamdeh, Hemans, Hershfield,
Jarnagin, Klunder, Miller, C.Moore-Jansen, P. Moore-Jansen, Myers, Myose, Rokosz, Roussel,
Russell, Scherz, Smith-Campbell, Spurgeon, Thibeault, Uning, Vanderburgh, Yeager, Yildirim
MEMBERS ABSENT: Duncan, Gordon, Liera-Schwichtenberg, Ravi, Rillema, Riordan,
Taher, Turk
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Hathaway, Lancaster, Ross, Schneegurt
Summary of Action:
1. Accepted the proposed BS in Bioengineering
2. Accepted the proposed BS in Dental Hygiene
3. Accepted the proposal from SGA for Credit/No credit courses
I. Call of the Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Carruthers at
3:30 pm
II. Informal Statements and Proposals: None
III. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes of November 29, 2007, accepted as
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate
January 28, 2008
IV. President's Report:
1. January KBOR meeting: A. Efforts on behalf of emergency preparedness: checklist for
crisis management; see WSU Policies & Procedures 20.02 / Crisis Management Planning
and Preparedness -- http://webs.wichita.edu/inaudit/ch20_02.htm. Each institution is to
build its own plan; we are in the research stage with the crisis management and response
team of Ayers, Beggs, Miller, Herron are organizing the plan. Several senators
mentioned worries about faculty not being involved in planning.
2. Discussion about implementation of text messaging emergency service relative to the
policy banning cell phones in classes. The problem is that the university cannot have a
policy that bans cell phones being on during class given the promise we have made to
students to notify them by text message in the event of a threat to campus safety. Email
Senate President with input.
3. KBOR -- COFSP consider KBOR ruling that there should be a 150 day academic year;
how flexible?
4. IRS code 409 prohibits working in 2007 and getting paid in 2008; options include
accepting nine month (no-spread) pay out, or using an external banking organization.
WSU only KS institution not in compliance with this part of tax code.
5. NAUSALGIC template. What questions from NSSE should we present?
6. Executive Committee discussed the very large percentage of students who graduate with
honors (cum laude, etc.).
V. Committee Reports:
A. Rules Committee -- L. Spurgeon, chair, discussed possible revisions to the Senate
Election Rules and procedures. He also asked for volunteers for two committee
vacancies: General Education Committee "Basic Skills" representative, and a
member of the International Exceptions Committee.
B. Academic Affairs - Krishna, chair, reported on the following degree proposals:
1. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering degree -- Unanimously passed by
AA Committee. Campbell moved (P. Moore-Jansen - 2nd) to accept report and approve
the proposal. Motion accepted
2. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree -- Unanimously accepted
by the AA Committee. Scherz moved (Celestin- 2nd) to accept the report and approve the
proposal. Motion accepted
3. Proposed Plus/Minus Grading Concept --Unanimously approved by AA
Committee; recommend that faculty may continue to use old system but this option not
be mentioned in calendar. Discussion followed. President Carruthers said the Executive
Committee will prepare a motion for the Senate to discuss.
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate
January 28, 2008
VI. Old Business: none
VII. New Business:
A. A proposal from SGA regarding credit/non-credit courses -- Close
moved (Hershfield - 2nd) to approve on first/second reading reading.
Passed. Forlaw moved (Campbell - 2nd) to accept the proposal. Motion
VIII: As May Arise:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted:
William Vanderburgh,
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