Bennett Capers, On Justitia, Race, Gender, and
THE LAW 203 (2006)
Bennett Capers, The Trial of Bigger Thomas:
Race, Gender and Trespass, 31 NYU REVIEW OF
Nora V. Demleitner, Does a Conviction Under
California's Car Theft Statute Automatically Count
as a Deportable Felony?, 34(3) PREVIEW OF
(Nov. 27, 2006)
Nora V. Demleitner, Offenses Involving
Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports: Model
Sentencing Guidelines 2I1, 2I2, 2I3, and 2I4,
J. Herbie DiFonzo The Family Law Education
Reform Project: Final Report, 44 FAMILY COURT
REVIEW 524 (2006) (with Mary E. O’Connell)
Monroe Freedman, Henry Lord Brougham and
Zeal, 34 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1319 (2006)
Monroe Freedman, Erroneous Disclosure of
Damaging Information, 14 GEORGE MASON LAW
REVIEW 179 (2006)
Mitchell Gans, A New Model for Identifying
Basis in Life Insurance Policies: Implementation
and Deference, 7 FLORIDA TAX REVIEW 569
Mitchell Gans, What Estate Planners Need to
Know about the New Pension Protection Act, 105
Joanna Grossman, columns in FINDLAW ’S WRIT:
Vol. 6, no. 2
February 15, 2007
New Department of Education Regulations Pave
the Way for Public Single-Sex Schools and
Classes, January 23; All But the Name of
Marriage: New Jersey Adopts “Civil Unions” for
Same-Sex Couples, December 26; How One
Contested Case Illustrates the Perils of NonUniform State Marriage and Parentage Laws,
December 12; The Supreme Court Considers
Procedural Technicalities That Perpetuate the
Gender Wage Gap (Part II), November 27; The
Supreme Court Considers Procedural
Technicalities That Perpetuate the Gender Wage
Gap (Part I), November 14; The New Jersey
Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Decision,
October 31; The Relationship of Biology to Legal
Fatherhood, October 17; Rhode Island Same-Sex
Couples Now Can Marry In Massachusetts -- But
Will Rhode Island Recognize Their Unions?,
October 3
(2006) (Chinese translation) (with Professor
Julian G. Ku, Ali v. Rumsfeld: Challenging the
President's Authority to Interpret Customary
International Law, 37 CASE WESTERN RESERVE
Theo Liebmann, What’s Missing From Foster
Care Reform? The Need for Comprehensive,
Realistic, and Compassionate Removal Standards,
141 (Fall 2006) (symposium)
Linda McClain Family Constitutions and the
(New) Constitutional Order, 75 FORDHAM LAW
REVIEW 833 (2006) (symposium)
Mark Movsesian, Formalism in American
Contract Law: Classical and Contemporary, 12
IUS GENTIUM 115 (2006) (symposium)
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 2
Richard Neumann, GOP Has the Power, but not
the People, NEWSDAY , October 29 (editorial)
Andrew Schepard, Law and Children:
Professionalizing Child Custody Evaluations, NEW
YORK LAW JOURNAL, Nov. 17, 2006, at 3.
Andrew Schepard, Law and Children: On
Constitutional Rights, Divorce, Best-Interests
Test, NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, Jan. 22, 2007, at
Norm Silber, From the Jungle to the Matrix: The
Future of Consumer Protection in Light of it's
STATUTES AND STANDARDS (18th ed. 2007) (with
Stephen Gillers)
Roy Simon: Columns in New York Professional
Reponsibility Report: Advance Conflict Waivers in
New Yo rk, October 2006; Dodging
Trigger-Happy Legal Malpractice Plaintiffs,
November 2006; All in the Family? Corporate
Family Conflicts & Letters of Engagement (Part
I), December 2006; All in the Family? Corporate
Family Conflicts & Letters of Engagement (Part
II), January 2007
Lillian Spiess, Paying What Was Promised: The
Guarantee of Benefits Under the Coal Industry
Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992, 25
Barbara Stark, When Globalization Hits Home:
International Family Law Comes of Age, 39
1551 (2006)
Barbara Stark, “International Civil Rights,” in
LIBERTIES (Otis Stephens et al., eds., 2006)
Amy R. Stein, Helping Students Understand that
Effective Organization is a Prerequisite to
Effective Legal Writing, 15 PERSPECTIVES 36
Vern Walker, A Default-Logic Framework for
Legal Reasoning in Multiagent Systems, in
Technical Report FS-06-05, INTERACTION AND
(American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Vern Walker, It’s Time to Cross the T’s and
Dot the I’s: A Call for More Work on the
Crossword Analogy, in SUSAN HAACK: A LADY
TO HER CRITICS (Cornelis De Waal, ed., 2006).
Michelle Wu, DMCA, CTEA, UCITA...Oh My!
An Overview of Copyright Law and Its Impact
on Library Acquisitions and the Collection
Development of Electronic Resources, 19
ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN 83 (2007) (with Leslie
Alafair Burke presented “Neutralizing Cognitive
Bias: An Invitation to Prosecutors,” at a
Symposium on “Behavioral Law & Economics’
Challenge to the Classic Liberal Program,” held
at New York University Law School on October
13. She also served as a commentator on a panel
entitled “Brady's Brainteaser: The Accidental
Prosecutor and Cognitive Bias” at a symposium
on “Prosecutorial Ethics and the Right to a Fair
Trial: The Role of the Brady Rule in the Modern
Criminal Justice System,” held at Case Western
Law School on January 26.
Baruch Bush was a plenary panelist at the
Association for Conflict Resolution's 2006
Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 3
on October 26. Also in October, he made a
presentation to the Staff of the United States
Institute of Peace, in Washington, D.C., on the
potential use of transformative mediation in
ethnopolitical conflict situations.
Bennett Capers presented a faculty workshop on
“Crime, Legitimacy, and Testilying” at Villanova
Law School on January 12.
J. Herbie DiFonzo presented “Questioning
Forensic Evidence: The CSI Effect in Context” at
the New England Law Review 2006 Symposium,
“The CSI Effect: The True Effect of Crime Scene
Television on the Justice System,” held in Boston
in October. The same month, he presented “The
Critical Edge in Family Law Education Reform” at
the Association for Conflict Resolution’s Annual
Conference in Philadelphia. Finally, in December,
he presented “Family Law Education Reform and
the Matrimonial Commission” at the Annual
Conference of the Association of Family and
Conciliation Courts – New York Chapter.
Janet Dolgin presented “Debating Conflicts:
Industry, Medicine, and the Links Between
Them,” at a Conference on Biomedical Research
and the Law, held at Hofstra Law School on
October 4.
She also gave a lecture on
jurisprudence at the Nassau University Medical
Center in November, and on “Legal Requirements
for Informed Consent in Surgery” at Mount Sinai
School of Medicine in December. At the AALS
Annual Meeting, Professor Dolgin gave a talk on
reproductive technology as part of a panel on
“Emerging Issues in Assisted Conception,” in
Eric Freedman participated on a panel about
empirical research and habeas corpus at the
University of Albany on October 6.
Monroe Freedman presented “Ethics for Public
Defenders” to Delaware Public Defenders on
October 27. He also made presentations on “Trial
Ethics” at Harvard Law School on January 17,
and on “Ethics and Morality” at Brigham Young
University Law School on January 27.
Leon Friedman made a presentation on Section
1983 challenges to unjust convictions at a PLI
program on civil rights litigation on October 27.
He also spoke at “Reclaiming the First
Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional
Theories of Media Reform,” held at Hofstra Law
School on January 19.
Mitchell Gans made a presentation on October
28 to the American College of Trust and Estate
Counsel on exemption portability. On January
11, he made a presentation at the University of
Miami Institute on Estate Planning on
supercharged credit shelter trusts.
Joanna Grossman moderated a panel on “Social
Citizenship and Gender” at the Conference on
Dimensions of Women’s Equal Citizenship, held
at Hofstra Law School on November 3-4.
Bernie Jacob presented a paper on “Aristotle's
Central Theme for Justice,” as part of a panel on
Ancient Theories o f Law, at t he
SAGP/SSIPS/Fordham University International
Conference on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy,
Ocober 20 - 22, 2006. At the same conference,
he chaired a second panel as well.
Stefan Krieger participated in the “Plenary
Session: Essential Topics in Teaching
Interviewing and Counseling,” at UCLA’s
October 20 Conference on “The Pedagogy of
Interviewing and Counseling: Models,
Techniques, and Technology.”
Julian Ku made an appearance on November 11
at an event held in Virginia Beach, Virginia
co-sponsored by the American Civil Liberties
Union of Virginia and the League of Women
Voters to discuss legal aspects of the Bush
Administration’s conduct of the war on terrorism.
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 4
Theo Liebmann served as a group facilitator at
an October conference sponsored by Columbia
University and the New York State Bar
Association, entitled “Family Court in New York
City in the 21st Century: What Are Its Roles and
Linda McClain presented “Love, Marriage, and
the Baby Carriage: Revisiting the Channeling
Function of Family Law” for the Gloria and
Stanley Plesent Annual Lecture in Family Law, at
Cardozo Law School on October 19. She also
moderated a panel on “Constitutional Citizenship
and Gender,” at the Conference on “Dimensions
of Women’s Equal Citizenship,” held at Hofstra
Law School on November 3-4. Finally, she
presented “Social Cooperation Between Women
and Men: A Universal? On What Terms?” at “An
Uncomfortable Conversation: Sociobiology,
Evolutionary Psychology, and Feminist Legal
Theory,” sponsored by the Feminism and Legal
Theory Project at Emory University School of
Law on December 1-2.
Mark Movsesian served as a moderator for a
panel on “International Arbitration and Domestic
Judiciaries,” held in November at St John's
University School of Law. He also gave a
presentation, “‘Respectful Consideration’:
Understanding Sanchez-Llamas,” at the Annual
Workshop of the American Society of
International Law’s Interest Group on
International Law in Domestic Courts in
December. Finally, at the AALS Annual Meeting
in January, Professor Movsesian gave a talk on
Samuel Williston as part of a panel entitled “Did
the First Restatements Implement a Reform
Alan Resnick made a presentation on “The
Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of
Bankruptcy Procedure” to the National
Bankruptcy Conference in Washington, D.C. on
October 19. On November 4, he presented “The
Enforceability of Contractual Arbitration Clauses
When a Party is in Bankruptcy” at the National
Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in San
Francisco. Finally, on December 2, he presented
“Interim Rules Governing Consumer Bankruptcy
Cases Under the 2005 Reform Act” at the
American Bankruptcy Institute Leadership
Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Andrew Schepard presented “Kramer v. Kramer
Revisited: Why Divorce Lawyers for Parents
Should Be Required to Discuss ADR With
Clients” at the Annual Conference of the
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts,
New York Chapter, Association of the Bar of the
City of New York on December 1.
Norman Silber presented “Anti-Consultative
Trends in Nonprofit Governance” at the Annual
Conference of the Association for Research about
Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary
Associations in November. He also presented
“Introduction to Institutional Oral History” to the
New York City Bar Association’s Committee on
Legal History in December. Finally, he presented
“Roundtable on Teaching Nonprofit Law,” at the
AALS Annual Meeting in January.
Barbara Stark moderated a panel on “Industry’s
Relationship with Consumers: Products Liability
Law” at the Conference on Biomedical Research
and the Law, held at Hofstra in October. She
also organized and moderated a panel on “When
Globalization Hits Home: Hot Topics in
International Family Law” at a conference of the
International Law Association, American Branch,
on “The Evolving World of International Law in
New York.” At the same conference, she
presented “Enrique’s Journey: Human Rights and
Globalization.” In November, Professor Stark
co-organized and co-moderated a Roundtable on
Global Citizenship at the Hofstra Conference on
Women’s Equal Citizenship. In December, she
gave a paper “Theorizing Poverty” at Tulane Law
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 5
Vern Walker gave a presentation, entitled “A
Default-Logic Framework for Legal Reasoning in
Multiagent Systems,” at the 2006 Fall Symposium
of the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence, held in Arlington, Virginia. He also
presented “Information Quality, OMB, and the
Courts,” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for
Risk Analysis, held in Baltimore, Maryland in
December. Finally, he presented “Visualizing the
Dynamics around the Rule/Evidence Interface in
Legal Reasoning” at a conference on Graphic and
Visual Representations of Evidence and Inference
in Legal Settings, sponsored by Cardozo Law
School on January 28-29.
Robin Charlow was interviewed on News 55 on
January 3 about possible juror misconduct in the
Long Island limousine drunk driving homicide
case. She also was interviewed on News 12 the
same day about the three strikes law and capital
punishment in New York.
J. Herbie DiFonzo was interviewed in connection
with the Long Island limousine drunk driving
homicide case on Channel 12 on September 22, on
WNBC on October 18, and on WCBS on October
19. He was also interviewed by Fox Radio News
about the New Jersey Supreme Court’s same-sex
marriage decision on October 25.
Eric Freedman was interviewed on WGCL-AM
radio (Bloomington, Indiana) on October 19 about
new legislation regulating Guantanamo detainees.
Monroe Freedman appeared on FOX’s Hannity
and Colmes on January 30 to discuss allegations
that former President Jimmy Carter is anti-semitic.
Alafair Burke: Trash Law is Meant to Deter
Identity Theft, The New York Times, December 3;
Court Trash is Not Private, Newsday, November
11; Hands Off Garbage, Newsday, November 11
Robin Charlow: Legal Doubts on Sex Offender
Limits, Newsday, December 21
J. Herbie DiFonzo, Delinquency Petition is
Upheld in Absence of Sworn Statement, New
York Law Journal, January 16; Legal Experts Say
It’s Not Over Yet: Jury Sequestration Tops List
of Appeal Issues for Heidgen, Valley Stream
Herald, November 2
Leon Friedman: Columnist Accuses Crichton of
'Literary Hit-and-Run', The New York Times,
December 14; Charge of Treason Difficult to
Prove, The Washington Post, October 13; New
Trial for Woman in 1981 Brink’s Case is
Reopening Old Wounds, The New York Times,
October 1
Eric Freedman: Habeas Corpus and an Era of
Limits, Los Angeles Times, January 30; MurderCase Appeal Centers on Coroner Judge,
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January 21;
Supreme Court May Be Headed Toward Rising
Standards, Austin American Statesman, October
29; Justices Signal Dismay at Texas, The Dallas
Morning News, October 26; West Virginia U.
Experts Weigh in on Habeas Corpus Decision,
The Daily Athenaeum, October 23; Law’s Reach
Extends to Jails in U.S., Los Angeles Times,
October 18; Defendant’s Disadvantage, Newsday,
October 17; Letting the President Say, Time,
October 9
Monroe Freedman: The Carter Controversy: A
Guide to the Perplexed,, January
30; Carter: Too Many Jews on Holocaust
Council, ISRAEL FAXX , January 29; Professor:
Public Defenders Need Help, The News Journal
(Wilmington, Delaware), October 28
Joanna Grossman: Feelings Mixed on Gay
Ruling, Newsday, October 26
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 6
Bernard Jacob: Padilla Lawyers Scolded for
Leak, Sun-Sentinel (Florida), January 25
Stefan Krieger: Housing Bias Case Settlement,
Newsday, November 3; Suit Puts Hofstra Donor
on the Fence, Newsday, October 8; A Pledge to
Hofstra Caught in Controversy, The New York
Times, October 7
Julian Ku: Case Stirs a Dispute on Torture, The
Kansas City Star, November 15
Linda McClain: N.J. Ruling Boosts Gay
Couples’ Marriage Rights, Lawyers USA,
November 20
Roy Simon: New York Weighs Tough New
Lawyer Advertising Rules, Journal Record
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), November 2
Alafair Burke: 106 Colum. L. Rev. 1955; 31
Man. L.J. 403; 92 Va. L. Rev. 1899
Baruch Bush: 56 DePaul L. Rev. 55; 37
McGeorge L. Rev. 787; 2006 Disp. Resol. 165;
2006 B.Y.U.L. Rev. 1033
Bennett Capers: 12 Mich. J. Race & L. 203; 31
N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 1
Robin Charlow: 85 Tex. L. Rev. 333
Nora Demleitner: 56 Am. U.L. Rev. 367; 92
Iowa L. Rev. 1; 13 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 290; 84
N.C.L. Rev. 1935; 12 Mich. J. Race & L. 161; 91
Iowa L. Rev. 1449; 18 Fed. Sent. R. 351; 18 Fed.
Sent. R. 301; 96 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 1293;
115 Yale L.J. 2380; 13 Asian L.J. 57; 33 Fordham
Urb. L.J. 1421; 106 Colum. L. Rev. 1330; 59
SMU L. Rev. 1841; 55 Duke L.J. 1217; 56 Emory
L.J. 229
David A. Diamond: 77 U. Colo. L. Rev. 907; 100
Nw. U.L. Rev. 1775; 85 Or. L. Rev. 183
Herbie DiFonzo: 24 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d
515; 18 Am. Jur. Trials 341; 34 Am. Jur. Trials 1;
2006 WL 1887185 (Brief of the National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers as
Amicus Curiae, U.S. Supreme Court); 2006 WL
1463593 (Appellate Brief, Supreme Court of
Florida); 2 Substantive Criminal Law s 13.4, s
13.4.; 4B Wash. Prac. Series JUCR 7.1, JuCR
7.1.; 21 Wash. Prac. Series CH. 52 INTRO; 20
Wash. Prac. Series CH. 29 INTRO; 1 Equit.
Distrib. of Property, 3d § 5:71; 45 Fam. Ct. Rev.
149; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 612; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev.
590; 44 Fam. Ct. 524; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 584; 44
Fam. Ct. Rev. 577; 9 Green Bag 2d 403; 31 Iowa
J. Corp. L. 1035; 4 Ave Maria L. Rev. 497; 32
Am. J. L. and Med. 503; 2006 J. Disp. Resol.
213; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 640; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 595
Janet Dolgin: 40 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 57; 38
Ariz. St. L.J. 809; 16 Health Matrix 631; 34
Hofstra L. Rev. 1461; 28 Hamline J. Pub. L. &
Pol’y 177; 51 Vill. L. Rev. 921; 51 Vill. L. Rev.
891; 6 House J. Health L. & Pol’y 275; 6 House
J. Health L. & Pol’y 249; 6 House J. Health L. &
Pol’y 245; 81 Wash. U. L. Rev. 787; 75 U. Cin.
L. Rev. 275; 16 Health Matrix 797
Eric Freedman:59 Stan. L. Rev. 333; 82 Notre
Dame L. Rev. 59; 48 Wm and Mary L. Rev. 1; 40
U. Mich. J.L. Reform 149
Monroe Freedman: 54 Buffalo L. Rev. 1067; 82
Notre Dame L. Rev. 635; 75 Fordham L. Rev.
1339; 91 Minn. L. Rev. 265; 14 Geo. Mason L.
Rev. 185; 14 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 179; 30
Melbourne U. L.R. 495; 67 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 693;
34 Hofstra L. Rev. 1337; 34 Hofstra L. Rev.
1319; 30 Rutgers L. Rec. 1; 2006 J. Disp. Resol.
213; 40 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 1; 32 Am. J. L. &
Med. 503; 42 Williamette L. Rev. 709; 30 Seattle
Univ. L. R. 245
Leon Friedman: 14 Cardozo J. Int’l & Comp. L.
429; 37 Case W. Res. J. Int’l L. 349; 81 Chi.Kent. L. Rev. 967
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 7
Mitchell M. Gans: 29 Seattle Univ L. R. 843
Wash. L. Rev. 1; 38 N.Y.U.J. Int’l L. & Poly.
707; 23 Const. Commentary 179; 100 Nw. U.L.
Rev. 1479; 74 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1144; 37
Rutgers L. J. 807; 37 Rutgers L. J. 715; 37
Rutgers L. J. 635; 38 Geo, Wash, Int’l L. Rev.
831; 37 Case W. Res. J. Int’l L. 371; 37 Case W.
Res. J. Int’l L. 145; 115 Yale L.J. 2611; 115 Yale
L.J. 2512; 115 Yale L.J. 2380; 63 Wash. & Lee
L. Rev. 1219
Elizabeth Glazer: 34 Crime & Just. 377
Eric Lane: 75 Fordham L. Rev. 165
John Gregory: 28 Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol’y
177; 52 Loy. L. Rev. 759; 20 BYU J. Pub. L. 195
Linda McClain: 116 Yale L.J. 226; 75 Fordham
L. Rev. 833; 75 Fordham L. Rev. 815; 75
Fordham L. Rev. 709; 75 Fordham L. Rev. 31;
2006 Mich. St. L. Rev. 667; 13 Cardozo J.L. &
Gender 19967 Ohio St. L.J. 721; 20 BYU J. Pub.
L. 313; 20 BYU J. Pub. L. 195; 34 Hofstra L.
Rev. 1461; 51 Vill. L. Rev. 891; 31 Law & Soc.
Inquiry 509
Scott Fruehwald: 2006 U.S. App. Lexis 31639;
351 B.R. 209; 106 Colum. L. Rev. 1839; 86
B.U.L. Rev. 881; 85 Or. L. Rev. 59; 2006 Mich.
St. L. Rev. 555; 55 Cath. U.L. Rev. 867
Linda Galler: 75 Fordham L. Rev. 1397; 39
Seattle Univ. L. Rev. 843; 2006 Utah L. Rev. 317
Daniel Greenwood: 32 Iowa J. Corp. L. 103; 31
Iowa J. Corp. L. 975; 100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1637;
57 Syracuse L. Rev. 63; 67 Ohio St. L.J. 721; 37
Seton Hall L. Rev. 127; 25 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 251
Joanna Grossman: 75 Fordham L. Rev. 31; 15
Tex. J. Women & L. 183; 27 Berkeley J. Emp. &
Lab. L. 530; 15 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L.
43; 20 BYU J. Pub. L. 313; 20 BYU J. Pub. L.
275; 33 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1369; 116 Yale L.J.
170; 15 Am. U.J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 111; 36
Cumb. L. Rev. 581
Grant Hayden: 98 Law Libr. J. 663; 43 Hous. L.
Rev. 621; 49 How. L.J. 785; 22 Wash. U. J.L. &
Pol’y 71
James E. Hickey: 19 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus.
& Dev. L.J. 61;
Bernard Jacob: 31 Iowa J. Corp. L. 675
Stefan H. Krieger: CenterPoint Energy Entex v.
R.R. Comm’n, 208 S.W.3d 608 (Tex. Ct. App.
2006); 13 Clinical L. Rev. 633; 13 Clinical L. Rev.
573; 13 Clinical L. Rev. 541; 13 Clinical L. Rev.
505; 7 Fl. Coastal L. Rev. 631; 29 Seattle Univ. L.
R. 767
Julian Ku: NRDC v. EPA, 464 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir.
2006); 82 Notre Dame L. Rev. 755; 75 Geo.
Mark Movsesian: 41 U. Rich. L. Rev. 425; 37
Rutgers L. J. 847; 33 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 683; 107
Colum. L. Rev. 131
Richard K. Neumann, Jr.: 13 Clinical L. Rev
633; 13 Clinical L. Rev 541; 13 Clinical L. Rev
505; 13 Clinical L. Rev. 279; 13 Clinical L. Rev.
143; 38 Ariz. St. L.J. 661; 109 W. Va. L. Rev.
67; 29 Seattle Univ. L.R. 767; 2006 Mich. St. L.
Rev. 411; 18 St. Thomas L. Rev. 711; 15 Tex. J.
Women & L. 229; 82 N. Dak. L. Rev. 465
Alan Resnick: 25-10 ABIJ 10; 85 Or. L. Rev.
59; 82 N. Dak. L. Rev. 297; 72 Brooklyn L. Rev.
317; 35 Sw. U. L. Rev. 479
Andrew Schepard: 44 Fam Ct. Rev. 612; 28
Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol’y 141; 40 Fam. L. Q.
237; 34 Hofstra L. Rev. 1461; 30 Rutgers L. Rec.
1; 13 Mich. J. Gender & L. 1; 44 Fam. Ct. Rev.
Norman Silber:100 A.J.I.L. 551; 36 Envtl. L.
603; 2006 Mich. St. L. Rev. 385; 37 Ottawa L.
Rev. 101
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 8
Blindness,” on October 25, 2006.
Ronald Silverman: 38 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 81; 28
Cardozo L. Rev. 1483
Roy Simon: 75 Fordham L. Rev. 1429; 75
Fordham L. Rev. 1339; 75 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1; 94
Geo. L.J. 1957; 34 Hofstra L. Rev. 1337
Barbara Stark: 44 Fam. Ct. Rev. 524; 15 UCLA
Women’s L.J. 71; 91 Iowa L. Rev. 1509; 82 N.
Dak. L. Rev. 413; 13 Cardozo J.L. & Gender 199
Marshall Tract: 41 Real Prop. Prob. & Tr. J. 357
Aaron Twerski: 40 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 511; 91
Minn. L. Rev. 184; 58 S.C. L. Rev. 115; 90
Marq. L. Rev. 7; 29 Campbell L. Rev. 47; 58 S. C.
L. Rev. 317; 48 Ariz. L. Rev. 1061; 48 Ariz. L.
Rev. 1027; 48 Ariz. L. Rev. 693; 59 Ark. L. Rev.
Vern Walker: 48 S. Tex. L. Rev. 157; 19 Pac.
McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L.J. 61
Michelle M. Wu: 98 Law Libr. J. 691; 32 Rutgers
Computer & Tech. L.J. 367
Burton Agata, Professor Emeritus, published a
co-authored volume, The History of the New York
Court of Appeals, 1932-2003, with Columbia
University Press.
Baruch Bush submitted final reports to the
Hewlett Foundation on two research projects he
co-directed. The first project studied barriers to
the participation of minorities in the ADR field,
while the second studied the discourse markers of
transformative shifts in mediated conflict.
Bennett Capers delivered the Fall 2006 Hofstra
University Distinguished Faculty Lecture, based on
his paper “On Justitia, Race, Gender, and
J. Herbie DiFonzo and Mary E. O’Connell’s
“The Family Law Education Reform Project:
Final Report” was the centerpiece in October of
a Special Issue of the Family Court Review,
dedicated to The Family Law Education Reform
Eric Freedman directed “Reclaiming the First
Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional
Theories of Media Reform,” which was held at
Hofstra Law School on January 19. He was
selected by the Law School Alumni Association
to receive the Stuart Rabinowitz Teaching
Award. He was also named to the Board of
Advisors of Capital Punishment Research
Initiative at SUNY-Albany. Professor Freedman
was interviewed about Guantanamo detainee
issues on the Talking Dog Blog on November 6,
and his book Habeas Corpus was the subject of
extended discussion in a FindLaw column by John
Dean on January 26. Finally, the December issue
of Champion, journal of the National Association
of Criminal Defense Lawyers, reviews Professor
Freedman’s “brilliant article” (published in the
July issue of the Cornell Law Review) about the
right to counsel in capital post-conviction
Monroe Freedman testified as an expert witness,
pro bono, in Archuleta v. Galetka, a death
penalty case pending in Utah.
Scott Fruehwald has been reappointed to the
Awards Committee of the AALS Section on
Legal Writing, Reasoning, and Research and the
Elections Committee of the Association of Legal
Writing Directors.
Stef Krieger earned a favorable ruling for the
plaintiff in N.Y.S. Tenants & Neighbors Coalition
Inc. v. Nassau County Rent Guidelines Bd., 2006
N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 3289, reprinted in 236
N.Y.L.J. 91 (Nassau County Supreme Ct. 2006).
Linda McClain and Joanna Grossman co-
FACULTY NEWS — 02.15.07 — PAGE 9
directed the Conference on Dimensions of
Women’s Equal Citizenship, the inaugural event of
the Institute for the Study of Gender, Law &
Policy, at Hofstra Law School on November 3-4.
Andrew Schepard was appointed as an attorney
member of the Judicial Conference of the State of
New York by the Administrative Board of the
Courts for a two year term. He was also
appointed Reporter for the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Law’s Uniform
Collaborative Law Act. The Child and Family
Advocacy Fellowship Program, spearheaded by
Professor Schepard, was described as “a model for
developing new advocates for children” by
American Bar Association President Karen Mathis
in the New York Law Journal, Oct. 1, 2006. In
addition, the work of the fellows on a pro bono
case was described in an article in the New York
Law Journal.
Norman Silber co-founded a new AALS Section
on Nonprofit Law and Philanthropy and launched
t he section’s Discussion Fo rum and
Announcement Listserv.
Barbara Stark was appointed to the Advisory
Board of “Human Rights and the Global
Economy,” a new SSRN electronic journal and to
the Program Committee of the International Law
Association, American Branch. She was also
appointed Chair of the International Family Law
Committee, International Law Association, located
in London.
Aaron Twerski was appointed by Federal Judge
Alvin Hellerstein as one of two Special Masters to
handle cases filed by workers who suffered
respiratory illnesses as a result of cleaning up the
World Trade Center site after the September 11,
2001 terror attacks.
For publications and activities, October 1, 2006 - January 31, 2007
Edited by Joanna Grossman -
Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, N.Y. 11549 -