HOFSTRA LAW FACULTY NEWS Vol. 12, no. 2 May 1, 2013 PUBLICATIONS PRESENTATIONS Allison Cafferone, co-authored the chapter, Defending Individuals in Government Organizations, in THE SECOND EDITION OF THE WHITE COLLAR TREATISE, published in December 2012. Miriam R. Albert and Jennifer A. Gundlach participated in a panel entitled “Broadening the Scope of Learning Objectives and Assessment in the First-Year Curriculum” at the Center for Excellence in Law Teaching’s Inaugural Conference “Setting and Assessing Learning Objectives from Day One.” Linda Galler, Special Rules for the Professionals: Return Preparer Penalties and Ethical Standards, in THE NUTS AND BOLTS IF TAX PENALTIES (2013): A PRIMER ON THE STANDARDS, PROCEDURES AND DEFENSES RELATING TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL TAX PENALTIES (Practicing Law Institute 2013). Barbara Barron directs two programs from the Professional Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland (PPSNI). She was a program director for two trial advocacy programs and designed the curriculum and created special teaching materials for the program. The programs ran from March 11-14 2012 in Belfast. Katrina Fischer Kuh, published a short review of the book she co-edited with Michael Gerrard, THE LAW OF ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE: U.S AND INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS, in THE AVA’S CLIMATE CHANGE, SUBSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, AND ECOSYSTEMS COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER. Professor Barron was part of the teaching faculty for the NITA Teacher Training Program held in San Francisco, California. She lectured on teaching the art of impeachment on crossexamination. The program was held from November 8-10, 2012. COMMENTARY Norman Silber, blog post on “Undocumented Consumers: Include Consumer Protection in Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” Huffington Post. In addition, she was part of a two person teaching team that conducted a deposition program for the Finnegan law firm, an international intellectual property law firm, at its main location in Washington, D.C. The program was held on November 5-6, 2012. Eric Freedman, in a Letter to the Editor of The New York Times, published on January 26, 2013, criticized a proposal that would allow persons who have completed two years of law school to sit for the New York State Bar Examination, regardless of whetheror not they finish their Juris Doctor degree. Furthermore, Professor Barron also served as a team leader at NITA New England’s Deposition Program and lectured on the topic of “Corporate People’s Statements and FRE 502.” 1 Akilah Folami presented her paper, “Reconsidering Affirmative Action in Broadcast in light of Fisher and Obama, Jay-Z and Trayvon” at the Northeast People of Color Conference held at Suffolk University Law School, on October 26, 2012. Alafair S. Burke performed a book reading to benefit the woman’s bar association of New York, and is also the author of eight bestselling crime novels. Professor Burke also delivered the keynote lecture to the Texas Elected District Attorney Conference on the role that prosecutors can and should play in the prevention of wrongful convictions, and spoke at Duke Law School at the “Accuracy and Error in Decisions Making in the Criminal Process” Conference. Professor Folami also commented on a paper written by Prof. Cynthia Lee of George Washington University Law School titled Making Race Salient: Trayvon Martin, Implicit Racial Bias, and Self-Defense in a Not Yet PostRacial Society. Juli Campagna has been asked to join the Steering Group of the ABA’s International Legal Education and Specialist Certification Committee. She was named the Publications Editor for the committee and was one of the organizers for the panel presentation entitled Partnering with Practice. The presentation was held in Miami at the Fall Meeting of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association, on Friday, October 19, 2012. Susan Fortney, the Howard Lichtenstein Distinguished Professor of Legal Ethics, Participated as Part of a Panel Discussing the "Ethics of a Solo Practice" at Hofstra Law School on February 22, 2013. Professor Fortney also spoke at the midyear meeting of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers. The program is called, Changing Law Firm Structures - US & International Trends where she will discuss the new regulatory regime for incorporated law firms in Australia and risk management lessons for law firms regardless of their structure. Ronald J. Colombo presented his latest project, “The Corporation as a Tocquevillian Association,” to the faculty of Suffolk Law School (Boston, MA) on February 23, 2013. This project endeavors to find a middle ground between those who object to corporate participation in the political process, and those who welcome such participation without restriction. In addition, Professor Fortney also conducted a workshop at the Australian National University (ANU). Attending the session were law professors and lecturers from the law school and the ANU Legal Workshop. Linda Galler was a featured speaker at a Tax Executives Institute (“TEI”) program, “IRS Audits & Appeals Seminar: Managing Tax Controversies at Home and Abroad,” which was held in Rosemont, Illinois, on April 17, 2013. 2 New York Law School, “Teaching Legal Research and Writing for a ‘Practiceready’ Job Market,” on December 7, 2012. Her presentation focused and included guidelines on e-mail style, tone, format, audience, confidentiality and disclaimers. Professor Galler was also a featured speaker at a program sponsored by the Practicing Law Institute on February 28, 2013. Professor Galler’s remarks focused on “Special Rules for Tax Professionals: Return Preparer Penalties and Ethical Standards.” Stefan Krieger and Jacob Stevens presented to the Society of American Law Teachers on Friday October 5, 2012. Their presentation on the panel, Occupy Wall Street: Legal Rights and Clinical Representations, described and reflected upon their work with three Hofstra students in the Hofstra Clinic. In addition, Professor Galler was a featured speaker on January 26, 2013 at the American Bar Association Section of taxation Midyear Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Professor Galler spoke and moderated a panel on “Practical and Ethical Strategies in Representing Couples.” In addition, Professor Krieger spoke at UCLA’s conference on Clinical Education on October 26, 2012, and discussed recent cognitive science research on teaching approaches, which facilitate student transfer of learning into practice. Mitchell Gans moderated the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTRC), which was a conference hosted by Hofstra Law School. Topics included defined—value clauses, estate planning for non-traditional couples, and the future of law practice and estate planning. Julian Ku participated in a panel on international law v. National Security at the Federalist Society in Washington D.C on November 16, 2012. The panel on which Professor Ku spoke was entitled “International Law v. National Security.” Daniel Greenwood participated in a panel discussion as part of a symposium entitled "Citizens United: Examining the Necessity of Corporate Political Speech and its Governance" held by the University of Pennsylvania's Journal of Business Law. Alan Resnick spoke at the annual meeting of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in San Diego, California. He discussed the impact the Supreme Court's decision in Stern v. Marshall, which limited the power of non-Article III judges to adjudicate certain disputes, would have on the bankruptcy system. Frank Gulino was a featured speaker at the Fall Symposium of the George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal. The symposium, “Legal issues in the Marriage Debate,” included a panel discussion on the nature of marriage, its purpose, and its legal implications. In addition, Professor Alan Resnick was a speaker at the 38th Annual Lawrence P. King and Charles Seligson Workshop Susan Joffe presented at the Legal Writing Institute One-Day Workshop at 3 on Bankruptcy & Business Reorganization at NYU School of Law. will appear in a special symposium issue of the Iowa Journal of Race & Gender. James Sample participated in a panel discussion with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professor Richard Hasen on the impact of the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United on judicial elections. This panel will be published in an upcoming issue of the Drake Law Review, under the title "Citizens United Impact on Judicial Elections". Professor Stark also presented her article, "Anti-stereotyping and The End of Men", at the Feminist Legal Theory Conference at the University of Baltimore on October 5, 2012. Her article is being published in the first issue of the online Boston University Law Review The Annex. In addition Professor Stark presented a paper, "Making Babies, Making Law: International Surrogacy and the ILA", at the American Society of Law Research Forum at the University of Georgia. She also presented a paper, "International Babies and International Law", at the International Law Weekend at Fordham Law School, on October 26, 2012. Andrew Schepard participated in a Roundtable meeting of national experts on Domestic Violence, Child Support Program and Parenting Time Orders, on March 28, 2013 in Washington, D.C. In addition, Professor Schepard as a consultant to the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System which is sponsoring an Honoring Families Initiative, and consulting about a plan for an interdisciplinary center to support separating and divorcing parents which will be created on campus at Denver University. Amy Stein was invited to participate in a panel entitled "The Scholarly Way" on November 30, 2012, at George Washington Law School. Professor Stein's talk involved approaches to scholarship for Legal Writing faculty. Vern Walker co-authored an article, which was accepted for publication in the Chicago-Kent Law review. The title of the article is “the Law School as Knowledge Center in the Digital Age.” Gregory Shill presented an article, "Ending Judgment Arbitrage: Jurisdictional Competition and the Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments in the United States," at the Biennial Conference of the International Economic Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law, on November 30, 2012. Lauris Wren and Theo Liebmann cohosted a Symposium that brought academics, attorneys, judges, and sociologists from around the country to examine the vital and frequently complex interplay of immigration issues and family court matters. Barbara Stark presented a paper, "State Responsibility for Gender Stereotypes", at the meeting of the Association of American Law Schools in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 7, 2013. The paper HONORS, APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4 Barbara Barron served as a team leader at NITA New England’s Deposition Program held in Boston from September 20-22, 2012. At the program Professor Barron not only administered the program and taught, but also lectured on the topic of “Corporate People’s Statements and FRE 502.” Katrina Fischer Kuh, co—editor, of the book “The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change” was praised by J.B. Ruhl on the Law 2050 blog. Ashira Ostrow has been named one of two winners of Hofstra University’s 2012-2013 Lawrence A. Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication for her article “Land Law Federalism,” Susan Fortney, the Howard Lichtenstein Distinguished Professor of Legal Ethics, has been appointed to serve on the ABA Business Law Section Committee on Professional Responsibility. James Sample posts Supreme Court Recusal: From Marbury to the Modern Day (Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, Vol. 26, p. 95, Winter 2013). The piece has been mentioned on legal blogs, including Legal Theory Blog, Legal Ethics Forum, Election Law Blog and How Appealing. Frank Gulino has served as a Brief Grader in the 36th ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition (NAAC). Professor Gulino will also judge oral arguments in the final round of the NAAC’s New York regional rounds. In addition, James Sample will be honored as a “Wild Goose” at the 3rd Annual Thomas Jefferson Memorial Wine Geese Wine Tasting and Wild Goose Event sponsored by the Irish American Bar Association of New York. The even honors attorneys “who have not let the world of law crush their independent and zany spirit.” In addition, Professor Gulino will serve for the fourth year in a row as a Brief Judge in the National Moot Court Competition in Child and Welfare & Adoption Law, and for the third straight year, he has been invited to judge oral arguments in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Mott Court Competition. Andrew Schepard is now a consultant to the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, which is sponsoring an Honoring Families Initiative. Professor Schepard is consulting about a plan for an interdisciplinary center to support separating and divorcing parents which will be created on campus at Denver University. Irina Manta’s article “The High Cost of Low Sanctions” has been accepted for publication in the Florida Law Review. Stefan Krieger was invited by UCLA School of Law to join other national leaders in the field of clinical legal education at a conference, on October 26, 2012. Honoring the Pioneers, honoring the founding faculty members of UCLA’s influential clinical program. Amy R. Stein serves as brief Judge in National Moot Court Competition in Child Welfare and Adoption Law for the sixth time. 5 BROADCAST APPEARANCES “Next SEC Enforcement Chief Likely To Follow Similar Path,” Law360, December 21, 2012; "SEC Suit Over Netflix Facebook Post Faces Long Odds in Court," Law360, December 7, 2012; "Schapiro is Credited With Reversing Course at Beleaguered SEC,” New York Law Journal, November 29, 2012; "$1B BofA Mortgage Suit May Usher Broad Crackdown on Banks," Law360, October 24, 2012; "SEC's Pricey Swaps Rules Sets Up Wall Street Showdown,” Law360, October 17, 2012; "DoddFrank Foes View SEC Strife As Courtroom Ammo,” Law360, October 11, 2012; "CFTC Quiets Critics With Record Breaking Enforcement Year,” Law360, October 5, 2012. J. Herbie DiFonzo, interviewed by two different News 12 programs discussing the Supreme Court's argument over the Defense of Marriage Act, on March 27, 2013. Eric Freedman, was interviewed for the December 18, 2012 article "After US School Shooting, What Can the President Do?" written by Maria Young for RIA Novosti, the Russian International News Agency. Linda Galler was a featured panelist at the 41st Annual Conference of the USA Branch of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) in New York, on February 28, 2013. The panel focused on Ethical Issues in a Global tax Practice. Eric M. Freedman, “Boston Marathon bombing suspect not read Miranda rights; Justice Department's decision spurs debate,” Newsday, April 26, 2013; "Ruling Limits Warrants; Supreme Court: LI Cops Shouldn't Have Held Man; Wyandanch Case Sent Back Down to Lower Court,” Newsday, February 20, 2013; "Contractor's Torture Settlement a Milestone,” The Wall Street Journal, January 10, 2013; "Court Throws Out Conviction of Bin Laden's Driver," Associated Press, October 16, 2012. Daniel Greenwood and Jim Sleeper cowriters of The Atlantic on January 23, 2013 entitled “To Stop Gun Violence, We Need to Remember We Can Regulate Corporate Speech and Advertising” was discussed on The Brian Lehrer Show on public radio station WKCR, on February 15, 2013. QUOTED IN Robin Charlow,"Ex LI Man's New Bid to Vacate Murder Charge,” Newsday, September 15, 2012. Monroe Freedman, "Judge Threatens to 'Strangle' Attorney in 'Ridiculous' Case," Courier Journal, October 3, 2012. Ronald J. Colombo, "NY Judge May Have Gone Too Far In MBS Settlement Push," Law360, March 28, 2013; "Record $688M Merk Settlement May Not Be Contagious,” Law360, February 14, 2013; "SEC's New Power Couple May Sidestep Major Conflicts,” Law360, January 28, 2013; "BATS Error Not Enough To Spark SEC Trading Reform,” Law360, January 11, 2013; Daniel Greenwood, "Essential Speech: Why Corporate Speech Is Not Free,” The Huffington Post, October 4, 2012. Andrew Schepard, "After Divorce, a Degree is Costly," The Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2012; "After Divorce, a Degree is Costly," Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2012. 6 Katrina Fischer Kuh, 43 ENVTL. L. REP. NEWS & ANALYSIS 10342; 44 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 865; 66 VAND. L. REV. 399 CITATIONS Miriam R. Albert, 50 AM. BUS. L.J. 43 Alafair S. Burke, 99 VA. L. REV. 207; 99 VA. L. REV. 271; 48 GONZ. L. REV. 219 Linda Galler, 44 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 813; 32 VA. TAX REV. 269 Elizabeth M. Glazer, 37 AM. INDIAN L. REV. 203; 37 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 71; 37 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 275; 22 BERKELEY LA RAZA L.J. 155 Baruch Bush, 19 CLINICAL L. REV. 429 Yishai Boyarin, 19 CLINICAL L. REV. 429 J. Herbie DiFonzo, 11 NW. J. TECH. & INTELL. PROP. 173; 61 DRAKE L. REV. 423; 16 J. GENDER RACE & JUST. 1; 37 J. LEGAL PROF. 89 Daniel J.H. Greenwood, 12 CONN. PUB. INT. L.J. 1 John DeWitt Gregory, 2012 J. DISP. RESOL. 101; 104 AM. SOC'Y INT'L L. PROC. 3 Janet L. Dolgin, 161 U. PA. L. REV. 1081 Joanna L. Grossman, 111 MICH. L. REV. 1001; 22 B.U. PUB. INT. L.J. 201; 36 HARV. J. L. & GENDER 123; 16 J. GENDER RACE & JUST. 1; 35 U. ARK. LITTLE ROCK L. REV. 89; 4 WM. & MARY POL'Y REV. 170; 48 TULSA L. REV. 313; 48 GONZ. L. REV. 279 Akilah N. Folami, 55 ARIZ. L. REV. 151 Eric M. Freedman, 2 BRIT. J. AM. LEGAL STUD. 59; 76 ALB. L. REV. 467; 22 BERKELEY LA RAZA L.J. 155 Monroe H. Freedman, 44 LOY. U. CHI. L.J. 813; 21 CARDOZO J. INT'L & COMP. L. 409; 48 HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 1; 6 DEPAUL J. FOR SOC. JUST. 1 Grant M. Hayden, 36 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 695; 58 LOY. L. REV. 897 Leon Friedman, 4 CAL. L. REV. CIRCUIT 23; 107 AM. J. INT'L L. 279; 19 CARDOZO J.L. & GENDER 393; 22 S. CAL. REV. L. & SOC. JUST. 91 Eric Lane, 161 U. PA. L. REV. 897; 56 HOW. L.J. 595; 86 S. CAL. L. REV. 321 Irina Manta, 16 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 257 (2013); 20 UCLA ENT. L. REV. 83; 65 FLA. L. REV. F. 1 Mitchell M. Gans, 40 FLA. ST. U. L. REV. 349; 47 REAL PROP. TR. & EST. L.J. 529 Alan Resnick, 68 Bus. Law. 507; 87 AM. BANKR. L.J. 27; 87 AM. BANKR. L.J. 51; 43 CUMB. L. REV. 311; 9 N.Y.U. J. L. & BUS. 269 Julian Ku, 107 AM. J. INT'L L. 1; 9 STAN. J. INT'L L. 1; 10 N.Z. J. PUB. & INT'L L. 227; 105 AM. SOC'Y INT'L L. PROC. 529 Andrew Schepard, 2013 WL 1737177; 7 161 U. PA. L. REV. 1081; 27 CAN. J. FAM. L. 297 Norman I. Silber, 7 BROOK. J. CORP. FIN. & COM. L. 87 Judd F. Sneirson, 2 AM. U. BUS. L. REV. 1 Barbara Stark, 27 BYU J. PUB. L. 229; 104 AM. SOC'Y INT'L L. PROC. 3 Richard K. Neumann, 19 CLINICAL L. REV. 429; 33 B.C. J.L. & SOC. JUST. 45; 2013 WIS. L. REV. 145; 58 LOY. L. REV. 897; 42 STETSON L. REV. 139; 12 CONN. PUB. INT. L.J. 49 8