MIRIAM ALBERT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF LAW AND VICE DEAN FOR PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION Common Sense for Common Stock Options: Inconsistent Interpretation of Anti-Dilution Provisions in Options and Warrants, 34 RUTGERS LAW JOURNAL 321 (2003) (selected for inclusion in Bowne Digest For Corporate and Securities Lawyers B Abstracts of Insightful Current Articles from Legal Periodicals (July 2004)) Because We Said So: The SEC’s Overreaching Attempts to Regulate Mini-Tender Offers, 45 ARIZONA LAW REVIEW 897 (2003) E-Buyer Beware: Why Online Auctions Should be Regulated, 39 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL 575 (2002) Company Registration in its Historical Context: Evolution Not Revolution, 9 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 67 (2000-1) ALAFAIR S. BURKE PROFESSOR OF LAW & ASSOCIATE DEAN OF FACULTY RESEARCH Domestic Violence Misdemeanor Prosecutions and the New Policing, IN CRIMINAL LAW CONVERSATIONS (Robinson, Ferzan, and Garvey eds.) (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2009). Revisiting Prosecutorial Disclosure, 84 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 1 (2009) ANGEL’S TIP (Harper Collins 2008) Prosecutorial Passion and Plea Bargaining, 91 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW 183 (2007) (symposium) Neutralizing Cognitive Bias: An Invitation to Prosecutors, 2 N.Y.U. JOURNAL OF LAW & LIBERTY 512 (2007) (symposium) Comment, Brady’s Brainteaser: The Accidental Prosecutor and Cognitive Bias, 57 CASE W ESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 575 (2007) (symposium) Lawless Neptune, in NEPTUNE NOIR (Rob Thomas ed., 2007) Domestic Violence as a Crime of Pattern and Intent: An Alternative Reconceptualization, 75 GEORGE W ASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 552 (2007) DEAD CONNECTION (Henry Holt & Co. 2007) Improving Prosecutorial Decision Making: Some Lessons of Cognitive Science, W ILLIAM & MARY LAW REVIEW 1587 (2006) CLOSE CASE (Henry Holt & Co. 2005) “Administrative Searches,” “Arrest Without Warrant,” and “Board of Education v. Earls,” in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES (Routledge 2006) Equality, Objectivity, and Neutrality, 103 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 1043 (2005) (book review) MISSING JUSTICE (Henry Holt & Co. 2004) Unpacking New Policing: Confessions of a Former Neighborhood District Attorney, 78 UNIVERSITY OF W ASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 985 (2003) JUDGMENT CALLS (Henry Holt & Co. 2003) Rational Actors, Self-Defense, and Duress: Making Sense, Not Syndromes, Out of the Battered Woman, 81 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 211 (2002) ROBERT A. BARUCH BUSH HARRY H. RAINS DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Barriers to Participation: Challenges Faced by Members of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Groups in Entering, Remaining, and Advancing the ADR Field, 35 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 119 (2008) (with Maria R. Volpe, Gene A. Johnson, Jr., Christopher M. Kwok, Janice Tudy-Jackson, and Roberto Velez) Signposts and Crossroads: A Model for Live Action Mediator Assessment, 23 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 197 (with Dorothy J. Della Noce, James R. Antes, and Judith A. Saul) THE PROMISE OF MEDIATION: THE TRANSFORMATIVE APPROACH TO CONFLICT (2d ed., Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2005) (with Joseph P. Folger) First if Not Foremost: The Centrality of Empowerment in Conflict Transformation Theory and Practice, in J. P. FOLGER AND D. J. DELLA NOCE (EDS.), THE HANDBOOK OF TRANSFORMATIVE PRACTICE: RELATIONAL APPROACHES TO CONFLICT INTERVENTION (forthcoming 2008) Signposts and Crossroads: A Model for Live Action Mediator Assessment, 23 OHIO STATE JOURNAL OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION (forthcoming 2008) (with Dorothy Della Noce and others) The ‘Gated Community’ of the ADR Profession: A Research Project on Barriers Perceived by Minorities to Entering, Remaining, and Advancing in the Field, 34 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL (forthcoming 2007) (with Maria Volpe and others) The Knowledge Gaps Study: Unfinished Work, Open Questions, 23 CONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY 99 (2005) (with Lisa Blomgren Binham) A Response to Gaynier’s ‘Transformative Mediation: In Search of a Theory of Practice,’ 23 CONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY 123 (2005) (with Joseph P. Folger) Resolving Conflicts: The Rabbi as Mediator in Y.N. LEVITZ & A. J. TWERSKI, A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RABBINIC COUNSELING (2005) Rabbinic Mediation of Intra-Congregational Conflict: Changing the Quality of Conflict Interaction Within a Congregational Community, in PRACTICAL SKILLS FOR PRACTICING RABBIS (Y. Levitz ed., forthcoming 2005) One Size Does Not Fit All: A Pluralistic Approach to Mediator Performance Testing and Quality Assurance, 19 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 965 (2004) (special series) Transformative Mediation: Changing the Quality of Family Conflict Interaction, in DIVORCE AND FAMILY MEDIATION: MODELS AND APPLICATIONS (J. Folberg et al., eds., Guilford Press 2004) (with Sally Ganong Pope) Clarifying the Theoretical Underpinnings of Mediation: Implications for Practice and Policy, 3 PEPPERDINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAW JOURNAL 39 (2002) (with Dorothy J. Della Noce and Joseph P. Folger) (symposium issue) Changing the Quality of Conflict Interaction: The Principles and Practice of Transformative Mediation, 3 PEPPERDINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAW JOURNAL 67 (2002) (with Sally Ganong Pope) (symposium issue) Substituting Mediation for Arbitration: The Growing Market for Evaluative Mediation, and What It Means for the ADR Field, 3 PEPPERDINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAW JOURNAL 111 (2002) (symposium issue) DESIGNING MEDIATION: APPROACHES TO TRAINING AND PRACTICE W ITHIN A TRANSFORMATIVE FRAMEWORK (Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation 2001) (co-editor, with Joseph P. Folger) Mediation and ADR: Insights from the Jewish Tradition, 28 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 1007 (2001) (symposium issue) Handling Workplace Conflict: Why Transformative Mediation?, 18 HOFSTRA LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW JOURNAL 367 (2001) (introduction to symposium issue) BENNETT CAPERS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Policing, Race, and Place, __ HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW __ (forthcoming 2008) Cross Dressing and the Criminal, 20 YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND THE HUMANITIES 1 (2008) Crime, Legitimacy, and Testilying, 83 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 835 (2008) Reading Back, Reading Black, and Buck v. Bell, in Justice Unveiled: African American Culture and Legal Discourse (Lovalerie King ed., 2008, forthcoming) The Crime of Loving: Loving, Lawrence, and Beyond, in THE AFTERMATH OF LOVING: INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE AND ITS IMPACT IN THE UNITED STATES (Kevin Noble Maillard ed., 2008, forthcoming) On Justitia: Race, Gender, and Blindness, 12 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND THE LAW 203 (2006) The Trial of Bigger Thomas: Race, Gender, and Trespass, 31 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY REVIEW OF LAW (2006) AND SOCIAL CHANGE 1 On Andy Warhol’s Electric Chair, 94 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 243 (2006) Reading Back, Reading Black, 35 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 9 (2006) Callie House and the Reparations Movement, MINORITY TRIAL LAWYER (2006) (book review) Flags, 48 HOWARD LAW JOURNAL 121 (2004) ROBIN CHARLOW PROFESSOR OF LAW America's Constitutional Rule of Law: Structure and Symbol, IUS GENTIUM (forthcoming 2009). The Elusive Meaning of Religious Equality, 83 W ASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 1529 (2005) Free Speech in the Sky, in A RHETORIC OF ARGUMENT (Jeanne Fahnestock & Marie Secon, eds., 3d ed., McGraw-Hill 2003) Bad Acts in Search of a Mens Rea B Anatomy of a Rape, 71 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 263 (2002) J. SCOTT COLESANTI Page 4 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LEGAL WRITING Not Dead Yet: How New York’s Finnerty Decision Salvaged the Stock Exchange Specialist, 23 SAINT JOHN'S JOURNAL OF LEGAL COMMENTARY 1 (2008) “We'll Know It When We Can't Hear It”: A Call For a Non-Pornography Test Approach to Recognizing Non-Public Information, 35 HOFSTRA L. REV. 539 (2006) RONALD J. COLOMBO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Ownership Limited: Reconciling Traditional and Progressive Corporate Law Via an Aristotelian Understanding of Ownership, 34 JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW ___ (2008) (forthcoming) Buy, Sell, or Hold? Analyst Fraud from Economic and Natural Law Perspectives, 73 BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW 91 (2007) NORA V. DEMLEITNER INTERIM DEAN & PROFESSOR OF LAW SENTENCING LAW AND POLICY: CASES, STATUTES, AND GUIDELINES (2nd ed., Aspen 2007) (with Douglas Berman, Marc Miller & Ronald Wright) Discretion in Prosecution, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW AND SOCIETY: AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES (David Clark ed., 2007) Does a Conviction Under California’s Car Theft Statute Automatically Count as a Deportable Felony?, 34(3) PREVIEW OF UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT CASES 154 (November 27, 2006) Corruption of Blood; Collateral Consequences; Civil Death; Guided Discretion Statute, ENCYCLOPEDIA (Paul Finkelman ed.) (Routledge 2006) OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES Offenses Involving Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports: Model Sentencing Guidelines §§ 2|1 , 2|2, 2|3, and 2|4, 18 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 351 (2006) Where to Go From Here? The Roberts Court at the Crossroads of Sentencing, 18 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 221 (2006) The Death Penalty in the United States: Following the European Lead?, 81 OREGON LAW REVIEW 131 (2002) reprinted in, THE DEATH PENALTY (Volume II, Austin Sarat Ed.) The International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Penology (2nd series) (Ashgate 2005) Smart Public Policy: Replacing Imprisonment with Targeted Nonprison Sentences and Collateral Sanctions, 58 STANFORD LAW REVIEW 339 (2005) Page 5 Thwarting a New Start? Foreign Convictions, Sentencing and Collateral Sanctions, 36 TOLEDO LAW REVIEW 505 (2005) Constitutional Challenges, Risk-Based Analysis, and Criminal History Databases: More Demands on the U.S. Sentencing Commission, 17 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 159 (2005) Is There a Future for Leniency in the U.S. Criminal Justice System?, 103 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 1231 (2005) (book review) A Vicious Cycle: Resanctioning Offenders, in CIVIL PENALTIES, SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES (Christopher Mele & Teresa A. Miller, eds., 2005) Misguided Prevention: The War on Terrorism as a War on Immigrant Offenders and Immigration Violators, 40 CRIMINAL LAW BULLETIN 550 (2004) Risk Assessment: Promises and Pitfalls, 16 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 161 (2004) How Much Do Western Democracies Value Family and Marriage?: Immigration Law’s Conflicted Answers, 32 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 273 (2003) Abusing State Power or Controlling Risk?: Sex Offender Commitment and Sicherungverwahrung, 30 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 1621 (2003) (symposium issue) How Many Terrorists Are There? The Escalation in So-Called Terrorism Prosecutions, 16 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 38 (2003) Immigration Threats and Rewards: Effective Law Enforcement Tools in the ‘War’ on Terrorism?, 51 EMORY LAW JOURNAL 1059 (2003) (symposium issue) Fifteen Years of Federal Guidelines Reviewed at the Yale Conference: What Would Success Mean?, 15 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 151 (2003) “Collateral Damage”: No Re-entry for Drug Offenders, 47 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW 1027 (2002) (symposium issue) First Peoples, First Principles: The Sentencing Commission’s Obligation To Reject False Images of Criminal Offenders, 87 IOWA LAW REVIEW 563 (2002) Non-Citizen Offenders and Immigration Crimes: New Challenges in the Federal System, 14 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 247 (March/April 2002) (with Jon M. Sands) The Law at Crossroads: The Construction of Migrant Women Trafficked Into Prostitution, in GLOBAL HUMAN SMUGGLING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE (Rey Koslowski & David Kyle, eds., Johns Hopkins University Press 2001) Page 6 Overlooked Areas of Federal Sentencing: Federal Enclaves, Indian Country, Transfer of U.S. Prisoners from Abroad, 13 FEDERAL SENTENCING REPORTER 67 (2001) J. HERBIE DIFONZO PROFESSOR OF LAW The Winding Road from Form to Function: A Brief History of Contemporary Marriage, 21 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MATRIMONIAL LAWYERS 1 (2008) (with Ruth C. Stern) Terminal Ambiguity: Law, Ethics and Policy in the Assisted Dying Debate, 17 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PUBLIC INTEREST LAW JOURNAL 99 (2007) (with Ruth C. Stern) Divorce, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (forthcoming 2008) Addicted to Fault: Why Divorce Reform Has Lagged in New York, PACE LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2007) (with Ruth C. Stern) Devil in a White Coat: The Temptation of Forensic Evidence in the Age of CSI, 41 NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW 503 (forthcoming 2007) (with Ruth C. Stern) The Family Law Education Reform Project: Final Report, 44 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 524 (2006) (with Mary E. O’Connell) The Crimes of Crime Labs, 34 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1 (2005) Divorce, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NEW YORK STATE (http://encyclopedianys.syr.edu) (2005) In Praise of Statutes of Limitations in Sex Offense Cases, 41 HOUSTON LAW REVIEW 1205 (2004) Juvenile Justice: Back to the Future?, 42 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 673 (book review) (2004) Unbundling Marriage, 32 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 31 (2003) Legislating in the Shadow of Nature, 11:3 THE GOOD SOCIETY 84 (2002) Parental Responsibility for Juvenile Crime, 80 OREGON LAW REVIEW 1 (2001) Toward a Unified Field Theory of the Family: The American Law Institute's Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution, 2001 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 923 JANET DOLGIN JACK AND FREDA DICKER DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF HEALTH CARE LAW BIOETHICS AND THE LAW (Aspen 2005) (with Lois Shepherd) (second edition, scheduled for publication Page 7 in 2009) The Legal Development of the Informed Consent Doctrine: Past and Present, 19 CAMBRIDGE QUARTERLY OF HEALTHCARE ETHICS ___ (forthcoming 2010) Attitudes Toward Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, Hofstra Law Review (symposium) (forthcoming) (with Catherine Fisher and Terri Shapiro) Biological Evaluations: Blood, Genes, and Family, 41 Akron Law Review 347 (2008) Forward: Biomedical Research and the Law, 35 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 2 (with Joel Weintraub) Debating Conflicts: Medicine, Commerce, and Contrasting Ethical Orders, 35 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 2 (2007) (symposium) What’s an Embryo?: The Debate About Human Embryonic Stem Cells, HOFSTRA HORIZONS (fall 2006) New Terms for an Old Debate: Embryos, Dying, and the “Culture Wars,” 6 HOUSTON JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW AND POLICY 245 (2006) (symposium) Surrounding Embryos: Biology, Ideology and Politics, 16 HEALTH MATRIX, JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAWMEDICINE 27 (2006) Method, Mediations, and the Moral Dimensions of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, 35 CUMBERLAND LAW REVIEW 291 (2005) (symposium) The Evolution of the ‘Patient’: Shifts in Attitudes About Consent, Genetic Information, and Commercialization in Health Care, 34 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 137 (2005) The Ideological Context of the Disability Rights Critique, 30 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 343 (2003) (symposium) Embryonic Discourse: Abortion, Stem Cells, and Cloning, 31 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 101 (2003) (reprinted in 19 ISSUES IN LAW AND MEDICINE (2004)) The Constitution as Family Arbiter: A Moral in the Mess?, 102 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 337 (2002) The Transformation of American Family Law, 7 HAMISHPAT 431 (2002) The Ideology of Genetic Discrimination, 21 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES 705 (2001) (symposium) Review of Finkler, Kin in the Gene, 42 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 250 (2001) (book review) Review of Kahn, The Cultural Study of Law, AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST (2001) (book review) Page 8 A Rendez-Vous in the Marketplace, in REGULATING MORALITY (University of Leiden 2001) Personhood, Discrimination, and the New Genetics, 66 BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW 755 (2001) AKILAH FOLAMI ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW From Habermas to “Get Rich or Die Tryin:” Hip Hop, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Black Public Sphere, 12 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE AND THE LAW 235 (2007) ERIC M. FREEDMAN MAURICE A. DEANE DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW HABEAS CORPUS: RETHINKING THE GREAT W RIT OF LIBERTY (NYU Press 2002) The Effects of AEDPA on Justice, in CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: THE DEFINING ISSUES FOR THE NEXT GENERATION (North Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2008) (with David R. Dow) “Leo M. Frank,” in YALE BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN LAW (Yale University Press, forthcoming 2008) “Articles of Confederation,” in OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LEGAL HISTORY (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2008) Re-stating the Standard of Practice for Death Penalty Counsel: The Supplementary Guidelines for the Mitigation Function of Defense Teams in Death Penalty Cases, 36 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 663 (2008) Reconstructing Journalists’ Privilege, 29 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 1381 (2008), reprinted in PRIVILEGES IN EVIDENCE LAW (Amicus Books, forthcoming 2008) Who’s Afraid of the Criminal Law Paradigm in the “War on Terror”?, 10 NEW YORK CITY LAW REVIEW 323 (2007) Fewer Risks, More Benefits: What Governments Gain by Acknowledging the Right to Competent Counsel on State Post-Conviction Review in Capital Cases, 4 OHIO STATE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW 183 (2006) Giarratano is a Scarecrow: The Right to Counsel in State Capital Post-conviction Proceedings, 91 CORNELL LAW REVIEW 1079 (2006) Mend It or End It?: The Revised ABA Capital Defense Representation Guidelines as an Opportunity to Reconsider the Death Penalty, 2 OHIO ST. J. CR. L. 663 (2005) Page 9 A Rational Constitutional Faith (remarks on installation as Distinguished Professor), 33 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW (2004) The Revised ABA Guidelines and The Duties of Lawyers and Judges in Capital Post-conviction Proceedings, 5 JOURNAL OF APPELLATE PRACTICE AND Process 325 (2003) Add Resources and Apply Them Systemically: Governments’ Responsibilities Under the Revised ABA Capital Defense Representation Guidelines, 31 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1097 (2003) “Federal Habeas Corpus in Capital Cases,” in AMERICA’S EXPERIMENT WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: REFLECTIONS ON THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE ULTIMATE PENAL SANCTION (North Carolina Academic Press, 2nd ed. 2003) (James Acker et al., eds.) “Habeas Corpus,” in DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003) Digitized Pornography Meets the First Amendment, 23 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 2011 (2002) (symposium) Earl Washington’s Ordeal, 29 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1089 (2001) MONROE FREEDMAN PROFESSOR OF LAW UNDERSTANDING LAWYERS’ ETHICS (Matthew Bender 2004) (with Abbe Smith) CONTRACTS: AN INTRODUCTION TO LAW AND LAWYERING (2007) (Photocopied and Online Casebook) Getting Honest About Client Perjury, 21 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICS 133 (2008) Cardozo’s Opinion in Lady Lucy’s Case: “Formative Unconscionability,” Impracticality, and Judicial Abuse, SSRN - Contracts and Commercial Law, 28 PACE LAW REVIEW 395 (2008) Judicial Impartiality in the Supreme Court: The Troubling Case of Justice Stephen Breyer, 30 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 513 (2007) Henry Lord Brougham B Advocating at the Edge of Human Rights, 36 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 311 (2007) Henry Lord Brougham: Written by Himself, 19 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICS 1213 (2006) Henry Lord Brougham and Zeal, 34 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1319 (2006) Erroneous Disclosure of Damaging Information, 14 GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW 179 (2006) Page 10 In Praise of Overzealous Representation: Lying to Judges, Deceiving Third Parties, and Other Ethical Conduct, 34 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 771 (2006) An Ethical Manifesto for Public Defenders, 39 VALPARAISO LAW REVIEW 911 (2005) Duck-Blind Justice: Justice Scalia’s Memorandum in the Cheney Case, 18 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICS 229 (2004) The Professional Obligation to Raise Frivolous Issues in Death Penalty Cases, 31 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1157 (2003) (symposium) How Lawyers Act in the Interests of Justice, 70 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1717 (2002) (symposium) Contributor, BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (2002) Professional Discipline of Prosecutors, 30 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 121 (2002) Ethics, Truth, and Justice in Criminal Litigation, 68 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1371 (2000) LEON FRIEDMAN JOSEPH KUSHNER DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW BROWN V. BOARD: THE LANDMARK ORAL ARGUMENTS BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT (New Press 2004) “The Passion of My Times” by William Taylor, 31 VERMONT LAW REVIEW 949 (2007) (book review) Challenging Unjust Convictions Under Section 1983, 23 TOURO LAW REVIEW 27 (2007) Civil Rights Decisions in the October 2005 Term, 22 TOURO LAW REVIEW 1047 (2007) Constitutional Contributions of Judge Matthew Perry, in MATTHEW J. PERRY: THE MAN, HIS TIMES, AND HIS LEGACY (South Carolina University Press 2004) Separation of Powers, in W ATERGATE AND THE RESIGNATION OF RICHARD NIXON: IMPACT OF A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS (Harry Jeffrey & Tomas Maxwell-Long, eds., 2004) The Affect of Buckhannon on the Awarding of Attorney’s Fees, 19 TOURO LAW REVIEW 97 (2003) Constitutional Limits to the Fight Against Terrorism, 19 TOURO LAW REVIEW 97 (2003) (symposium) Can American Taliban Guerrilla John Walker Be Convicted of Treason, INSIGHT MAGAZINE (January 4, 2002) Page 11 War Crimes, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CRIME & JUSTICE (Macmillan Reference 2001) SCOTT FRUEHWALD PROFESSOR OF LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING CHOICE OF LAW FOR AMERICAN COURTS: A MULTILATERALIST METHOD (Greenwood Press 2001) Reciprocal Altruism as the Basis for Contract, ___ UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE LAW REVIEW ___ (forthcoming 2009) The Supreme Court’s Confusing State Sovereign Immunity Jurisprudence, 56 DRAKE LAW REVIEW 253 (2008) The Emperor Has No Clothes: Postmodern Legal Thought and Cognitive Science, GEORGIA STATE LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2007) Behavioral Biology and Constitutional Analysis, 32 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 375 (2007) Judge Weinstein on Personal Jurisdiction in Mass Tort Cases: A Critique, 70 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 1047 (2004) The Boundary of Personal Jurisdiction: The ‘Effects Test’ and the Protection of Crazy Horse’s Name, 28 JOHN MARSHALL LAW REVIEW 101 (2004) The Rehnquist Court and Horizontal Federalism: An Evaluation and a Proposal for Moderate Constitutional Constraints on Horizontal Federalism, 81 DENVER UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 289 (2003) Judge Weinstein on Personal Jurisdiction in Mass Tort Cases: A Critique, 70 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 1047 (2003) Individual Justice in Mass Tort Litigation: Judge Jack B. Weinstein on Choice of Law in Mass Tort Cases, 31 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 323 (2002) The Principled and Unprincipled Grounds of the New Federalism: A Call for Detachment in the Constitutional Adjudication of Federalism, 53 MERCER LAW REVIEW 811 (2002) LINDA GALLER PROFESSOR OF LAW ABA Section of Taxation Report of the Task Force on Judicial Deference, 57 TAX LAWYER 717 (2004) (with Irving Salem and Ellen P. Aprill) Problems in Defining and Controlling the Unauthorized Practice of Law, 44 ARIZONA LAW REVIEW 773 (2002) Page 12 MITCHELL GANS STEVEN A. HOROWITZ DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF TAX LAW THE ESTATE AND GIFT TAX MAP: FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION FOR LAW STUDENTS (West, 2008 ed.) THE CIRCULAR 230 DESKBOOK (Practicing Law Institute 2006) (co-authored) The Estate Tax Fundamentals of Celebrity and Control, 118 YALE LAW JOURNAL POCKET PART 50 (2008) (with Bridget J. Crawford and Jonathan G. Blattmachr) Postmortem Rights of Publicity: The Federal Estate Tax Consequences of New State-Law Property Rights, 117 YALE LAW JOURNAL POCKET PART 203 (2008) (with Bridget J. Crawford and Jonathan G. Blattmachr) Proposed Tax Return Preparer Penalty Regulations: A Comparison with Existing Guidance, 34 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF TRUST AND ESTATE COUNSEL JOURNAL 77 (2008) (with Jonathan G. Blattmachr and Elisabeth O. Madden) Reforming the Gift Tax and Making it Enforceable, 87 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 759 (2007) (with Jay A. Soled) Estate Tax, What Should the IRS Do? And What Should Planners Do in the Interim?, 42 REAL PROPERTY, PROBATE AND TRUST JOURNAL 413 (2007) (with Jonathan G. Blattmachr and Austin Bramwell) Treatment of GRATs Under the Section 2036 Proposed regulations - Questions Remain, JOURNAL OF TAXATION (forthcoming 2007) (with Jonathan C. Blattmachr and Diana Zeydel) The Easiest Tax to Avoid, 115 TAX NOTES 1061 (June 11, 2007) (with Jay A. Soled) Supercharged Credit Shelter Trust, 21 PROBATE & PROPERTY 52 (July/August 2007) (with Diana Zeydel and Jonathan G. Blattmachr) Proposed Retained Interest Regs: Much Left Unanswered, 116 TAX NOTES 127 (2007) (with Jonathan G. Blattmachr and Stephanie Heilborn) New Penalties on Appraisers and Related Valuation Worries Spawned by the Pension Protection Act of 2006, ACTEC JOURNAL (Spring 2007) (with Jonathan G. Blattmachr and Diana Zeydel) Family Limited Partnership: Dueling Dicta, 35 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 1 ( 2007) (with Jonathan G. Blattmachr) The World’s Greatest Gift Tax Mysteries, Solved, 115 TAX NOTES 243 (April 16, 2007) (with Diana Zeydel and Jonathan G. Blattmachr) Page 13 What Estate Planners Need to Know About the New Pension Protection Act, 105 JOURNAL OF TAXATION 199 (2006) A New Model for Identifying Basis in Life Insurance Policies: Implementation and Deference 7 FLORIDA TAX REVIEW 569 (2006) (with Jay A. Soled) Quadpartite Will Redux: Coping With the Effects of Decoupling, 32 ESTATE PLANNING 15 (2005) Deference and Family Limited Partnerships: A Case Study, 39 HECKERLING INSTITUTE ON ESTATE PLANNING ch. 5 (2005) Circular 230 Redux: Questions of Validity and Compliance Strategies, 107 TAX NOTES 1533 (June 20, 2005) Making Spousal Estate Tax Exemptions Transferrable, 19 PROBATE AND PROPERTY10 (2005) The Final Income Regulations: Their Meaning and Importance, 103 TAX NOTES (May 17, 2004) Quadpartite Will: Decoupling and the Next Generation of Instruments, 32 ESTATE PLANNING 3 (April 2005) The Application of Circular 230 in Estate Planning, 107 TAX NOTES 61 (April 4, 2005) Gifts by Fiduciaries by Tax Options and Elections, 18 PROBATE & PROPERTY 39 (November/December 2004) Some Good News about Grantor Trusts, 31 ESTATE PLANNING 467 (October 2004) The Final Income Regulations: Their Meaning and Importance, 103 TAX NOTES 891 (2004) Strangi: A Critical Analysis and Planning Suggestions, 100 TAX NOTES 1153 (2003) Deference and the End of Tax Practice, 36 REAL PROPERTY, PROBATE AND TRUST JOURNAL 731 (2002) Income Tax Effects of Termination of Grantor Trust Status by Reason of the Grantor’s Death, 97 JOURNAL OF TAXATION 149 (2002) Deathbed Planning, in TRUSTS AND ESTATES (2002) Professor Suggests Change to Proposed Regs on Revocable Trusts and Estates, 95 TAX NOTES 50 (2002) ELIZABETH M. GLAZER Page 14 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Name-calling, 36 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW ___ (forthcoming 2009) Rule of (Out)Law: Property’s Contingent Right to Exclude, 156 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW PENNUMBRA 331 (2008) When Obscenity Discriminates, 102 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 1379 (2008) Appropriating Availability: Reconciling Purpose and Text Under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, 71 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 1637 (2004) DANIEL J. H. GREENWOOD PROFESSOR OF LAW The Puzzle of Private Equity: the Rape & Pillage Problem, BROOKLYN JOURNAL OF CORPORATE, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LAW (forthcoming 2008) (symposium) First National Bank v. Bellotti, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (Macmillan/Gale 2008) The Dividend Puzzle: Are Shares Entitled to the Residual?, in LAW AND ECONOMICS: TOWARDS SOCIAL JUSTICE, Vol. 24 of RESEARCH IN LAW AND ECONOMICS (Dana Gold, ed., Elsevier 2008) Torts in Corporate Law: Do Corporations Have a Fiduciary Duty to Commit Torts, in TORTIOUS LIABILITY IN VARIOUS SECTIONS (K. Naga Sri Valli ed., 2008) Should Corporations Have First Amendment Rights?, 30 SEATTLE LAW REVIEW 875-885 (2007) (symposium) Introduction to the Metaphors of Corporate Law, ICFAI JOURNAL FOR CORPORATE AND SECURITIES LAW (ICFAI University, Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, Hyderabad, India) (Feb. 2007) (reprint from SEATTLE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL JUSTICE). Utah's Constitution: Distinctively Undistinctive (with Chief Justice Christine Durham and Kathy Wyer), in THE CONSTITUTIONALISM OF AMERICAN STATES (George E. Connor & Christopher W. Hammons eds., University of Missouri Press, 2007) Team Spirit: Doing Bad Things in the Cause of Good, in, THE RANGES OF EVIL: MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IN HUMAN W ICKEDNESS 5-16 (William Andrew Myers ed., 2006) Free Speech in Private Corporations, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES (Routledge 2006) The Dividend Puzzle: Are Shares Entitled to the Residual?, 32 JOURNAL OF CORPORATION LAW 103-159 Page 15 (2006) Markets & Democracy: The Puzzle of Corporate Law, 74 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY LAW REVIEW 41-105 (2005) The Mysterious Race to the Top/Bottom, 23 YALE LAW & POLICY REVIEW 381-454 (2005) Introduction to the Metaphors of Corporate Law, 4 SEATTLE JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 273-295 (2005) (symposium) Discussing Corporate Misbehavior, 70 BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW 1213-37 (2005) (symposium) Book Review: Corporate Governance in Government Corporations by Michael J. Whincop, 15 LAW & POLITICS BOOK REVIEW 518-522 (2005) Enronitis: Why Good Corporations Go Bad, 2004 COLUMBIA BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 773-848 (2004) Fictional Shareholders, in THOMAS W. JOO (ed.), CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: LAW THEORY AND POLICY (Thomas W. Joo ed., Carolina Academic Press 2004) (reprinted from SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW) Gendered Workers/Market Equality, 12 TEXAS JOURNAL OF W OMEN & THE LAW 323-343 (2003) (symposium) Delaware and Democracy: The Puzzle of Corporate Law (GWU Law School Working Paper #55) (symposium) Restorative Justice & the Jewish Question, 2003 UTAH LAW REVIEW 533-562 (2002) (symposium) Book Review: Corporate Irresponsibility by Lawrence Mitchell, 12 LAW & POLITICS BOOK REVIEW 201204 (2002) Beyond the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty: Reconstructing the Law/Politics Distinction Through a Typology of Democratic Decision-making, 53 RUTGERS LAW REVIEW 781-864 (2001) Monumental Fragility, in A GIFT TO BE SIMPLE (Edwin Firmage ed., 2001) Book Review: Corporate Power in Civil Society, an Application of Societal Constitutionalism by David Sciulli, 11 LAW & POLITICS BOOK REVIEW 249-254 (2001) (translated and reprinted in JOURNAL OF LEGAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES (Beijing, China) (in Chinese) (2005)) (reply by Reviewer to Author’s Response, 11 LAW & POLITICS BOOK REVIEW 302-304 (2001)) Page 16 JOHN DEWITT GREGORY SIDNEY AND WALTER SIBEN DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF FAMILY LAW UNDERSTANDING FAMILY LAW (3d ed., Lexis-Nexis 2005) (with Peter N. Swisher & Sheryl L. Wolf) PROPERTY DIVISION IN DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS: A FIFTY STATE GUIDE (Aspen 2003 & Supp. 2005) (with Janet Leach Richards & Sheryl Wolf) The Legacy of Loving, 51 HOWARD LAW JOURNAL 15 (2007) (With Joanna L. Grossman) The Detritus of Troxel, 40 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 133 (2006) The ALI Property Division Principles: A Model of Radical Paternalism, in RECONCEIVING THE FAMILY: CRITICAL REFLECTIONS ON THE AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE’S PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF FAMILY DISSOLUTION (Robin Fretwell Wilson, ed., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2006) Redefining the Family: Undermining the Family, 2004 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 381 Defining the Family in the Millennium: The Troxel Follies, 32 UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS LAW REVIEW 687 (2002) (symposium issue) Family Privacy and the Custody and Visitation Rights of Adult Outsiders, 36 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 163 (2002) (reprinted in The Best Articles Published by the ABA, 20 GP SOLO 22 (March 2003)) Page 17 JOANNA L. GROSSMAN PROFESSOR OF LAW GENDER EQUALITY: DIMENSIONS OF W OMEN’S EQUAL CITIZENSHIP (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2009) (with Linda C. McClain, eds.) Regulating Conflicts Between Pregnancy and Work: The Problem of Light Duty, YALE JOURNAL OF LAW & FEMINISM (forthcoming 2009) (with Gillian Thomas) Pregnancy, Work, and Citizenship, in GENDER EQUALITY: DIMENSIONS OF W OMEN’S EQUAL CITIZENSHIP (Joanna Grossman & Linda McClain, eds., forthcoming 2009) First Steps First: Understanding Organizational Efforts to Prevent Harassment and Their Impact on Employees (with Vicki Magley) (submitted for publication) Book Review: Wives Without Husbands: Marriage, Desertion, & Welfare in New York, 1900-1935, LAW AND HISTORY REVIEW (forthcoming 2009) The Failure of Title VII as a Rights-Claiming System, 86 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 859 (2008) Family and Medical Leave Act, in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (forthcoming 2008) Succession Law, in OXFORD COMPANION TO AMERICAN LEGAL HISTORY (forthcoming 2008) The Legacy of Loving, 51 HOWARD LAW JOURNAL 15 (2007) (with John D. Gregory) Protection Against Pay Discrimination: Overcoming the Court’s Ledbetter Ruling, 10 REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW (Fall 2007) (with Deborah Brake) Introduction: Symposium on Third-Party Rights and Obligations With Respect to Children, 40 THE FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 3 (2006) Resurrecting Comity: Revisiting the Problem of Non-Uniform Marriage Laws, 84 OREGON LAW REVIEW 433 (2005) Fear and Loathing in Massachusetts: Same-Sex Marriage and Some Lessons from the History of Marriage and Divorce, 14 BOSTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF PUBLIC INTEREST LAW 87 (2004) Job Security Without Equality: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 15 W ASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY 17 (2004) (symposium) Feminist Law Journals and the Rankings Conundrum, 12 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER & LAW 522 (2003) Page 18 The Culture of Compliance: The Final Triumph of Form Over Substance in Sexual Harassment Law, 26 HARVARD W OMEN’S LAW JOURNAL 1 (2003) The Supreme Court’s 2003 Employment Rulings: Surprising Gains for Workers and Women, REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW (2003) Women’s Labor Rights Rulings in 2001: A Mixed Bag, 4 REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW 34 (Spring/Summer 2002) A Partial Legal Victory Against Continuing Discrimination: The New Supreme Court Ruling in Amtrak v. Morgan, 5 REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW 36 (2002) Do Employers’ Efforts Truly Prevent Harassment or Just Prevent Liability?, EPLI MONITOR 1 (2002) Harassment and Sexual Harassment, in THE OXFORD COMPANION TO AMERICAN LAW (Oxford University Press 2002) Separated Spouses, 53 STANFORD LAW REVIEW 1613 (2001) (review essay) Making a Federal Case Out of It: Section 1981 and At-Will Employment, 67 BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW 329 (2001) (symposium issue) FRANK GULINO ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LEGAL WRITING “Taft Court” and “Twenty-Third Amendment” in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (Macmillan Reference USA, 2008) (2008) Providing Effective Feedback to Legal Writing Students: Practicing What We Preach, 22 THE SECOND DRAFT 5 (2007) GRANT M. HAYDEN PROFESSOR OF LAW Arrow’s Theorem and the Exclusive Shareholder Franchise, VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2009) (with Matthew Bodie). The End of Inequality?, ELECTION LAW JOURNAL (forthcoming 2009) (book review) The False Promise of One Share, One Vote, 30 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 445 (forthcoming 2008) (with Matthew Bodie) Page 19 The Solution: Help America Vote Act and Voting Now, in VOTING IN AMERICA (Morgan E. Felchner ed., 2008) Law and Economics After Behavioral Economics, 55 KANSAS LAW REVIEW 629 (2007) (with Stephen Ellis) Refocusing on Race, 73 GEORGE W ASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 1254 (2005) (symposium) The Supreme Court and Voting Rights: An Incomplete Exit Strategy, 83 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 949 (2005) Working Together, 7 REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW 34 (2005) (book review) Resolving the Dilemma of Minority Representation, 92 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1589 (2004) (winner of honorable mention in the Association of American Law Schools’ Scholarly Paper Competition) Shaw v. Reno, Miller v. Johnson, and Disparate Treatment, in THE OXFORD COMPANION TO THE SUPREME COURT (Oxford University Press 2005) The False Promise of One Person, One Vote, 102 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW 213 (2003) Voting and Political Participation, in THE OXFORD COMPANION TO AMERICAN LAW (Oxford University Press 2002) Age Discrimination by Employers, 5 REGIONAL LABOR REVIEW 40 (2002) (book review) ‘The University Works Because We Do’: Collective Bargaining Rights for Graduate Assistants, 69 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1233 (2001) JAMES E. HICKEY, JR. PROFESSOR OF LAW Reviving the Nuclear Power Option in the United States: Using Domestic Energy Laws to Cure Two Perceptions of International Law Illegality, 35 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 425 (2006) The Environmental Implications of the Discovery and Delivery of New Energy Resources in the Canadian Context, 28 CANADA-UNITED STATES LAW JOURNAL 209 (2004) Challenges to Security Council Monopoly Power Over the Use of Force in Enforcement Actions: the Case of Regional Organizations, 10 IUS GENTIUM 75 (2004) Trends in Legal Education for the Twenty First Century, RUSSIAN JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION AND ECONOMICS, NO. 6 (2004) Page 20 The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, in MAJOR ACTS OF CONGRESS (Macmillan 2004) Localism, History, and The Articles of Confederation, 9 IUS GENTIUM 1 (2003) K. BABE HOWELL ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF LAW Broken Lives From Broken Windows: The Hidden Costs of Aggressive Misdemeanor Policing, 33 N.Y.U. REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE ___ (forthcoming 2008) BERNARD JACOB ALEXANDER M. BICKEL DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF COMMUNICATIONS LAW An Extended Presence, Interstate Style: First Notes on a Theme from Saenz, 30 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1133 (2002) SUSAN H. JOFFE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LEGAL WRITING Interference, Discrimination and Retaliation Claims, in MICHAEL J. OSSIP AND ROBERT M. HALE, (EDS), THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (BNA 2006) LAWRENCE KESSLER RICHARD J. CARDALI DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF TRIAL ADVOCACY The Unchanging Face of Legal Malpractice: How the ‘Captured’ Regulators of the Bar Protect Attorneys, 86 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW 457 (2002) Alternative Liability in Litigation Malpractice Actions: Eradicating the Last Resort of Scoundrels, 37 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 401 (2000), republished in 50 DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL (2001) STEFAN H. KRIEGER PROFESSOR OF LAW ESSENTIAL LAWYERING SKILLS: INTERVIEWING, COUNSELING, NEGOTIATION, AND PERSUASIVE FACT ANALYSIS (Aspen, 3d ed., 2007) (with Richard Neumann) The Development of Legal Reasoning Skills in Law Students: An Empirical Study, 56 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 332 (2006) Page 21 Teaching Problem-Solving Lawyering: An Exchange of Ideas, 11 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 485 (2005) (with Mark Neal Aaronson) Domain Knowledge and the Teaching of Creative Legal Problem Solving, 11 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 1 (2004) Empirical Inquiry Twenty-Five Years after The Lawyering Process, 10 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 349 (2003) (symposium issue) (with Richard Neumann) Legal Reasoning, in THE OXFORD COMPANION TO AMERICAN LAW (Oxford University Press 2002) A Time to Keep Silent and a Time to Speak: The Functions of Silence in the Lawyering Process, 80 OREGON LAW REVIEW 199 (2001) JULIAN KU PROFESSOR OF LAW & ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Do International Criminal Tribunals Deter or Exacerbate Humanitarian Atrocities?, 84 W ASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 777 (2007) The ‘Unsatisfactory Condition’ of Customary International Law in the United States, in PROGRESS IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, (Rebecca Bratspies and Russell Miller eds.) (Martinus Nijhoff Press, forthcoming 2007) The President’s Power to Interpret Customary International Law, in THE OUTSOURCING OF AMERICAN LAW, (John Yoo ed.) (AEI Press, forthcoming 2007) Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon: Stepping Back From the New World Court Order, 11 LEWIS AND CLARK LAW REVIEW 17 (2007) Is There an Exclusive Commander-in-Chief Power?, 115 YALE LAW JOURNAL POCKET PART 84 (2006) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: The Functional Case for Foreign Affairs Deference to the Executive Branch, 23 CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTARY 179 (summer 2006) Ali v. Rumsfeld: Challenging the President’s Power to Interpret Customary International Law, 38 CASE W ESTERN RESERVE INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 371 (2006) (symposium) International Delegations and the New World Court Order, 81 W ASHINGTON LAW REVIEW 1 (2006) Gubernatorial Foreign Policy, 115 YALE LAW JOURNAL 2380 (2006) (symposium) Structural Conflicts in Judicial Interpretations of Customary International Law, 45 SANTA CLARA LAW REVIEW 131 (2005) (symposium) Page 22 The Third Wave: The Alien Tort Statute and the War on Terrorism, 19 EMORY INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 205 (2005) (symposium) Treaties as Laws: A Defense of the Last in Time Rule, 80 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 319 (2005) Beyond Formalism in Foreign Affairs: A Functional Approach to the Alien Tort Statute, 2004 SUPREME COURT REVIEW 153 (2004) (with John C. Yoo) The State of New York Does Exist: How the States Control Compliance with International Law, 82 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 457 (2004) Customary International Law in State Courts, 42 VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 265 (2001) KATRINA FISHER KUH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Electronically Manufactured Law, 22 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & TECHNOLOGY ___ (forthcoming 2008) Harnessing the Treaty Power in Support of Environmental Regulation of Activities That Don’t “Substantially Affect Interstate Commerce”: Recognizing the Realities of the New Federalism, 22 VIRGINIA ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 167 (2004) ERIC LANE ERIC J. SCHMERTZ DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC LAW AND PUBLIC SERVICE THE GENIUS OF AMERICA (Bloomsbury Press 2007) (with Michael Oreskes) THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS (Aspen, 2d ed., 2002) (with Abner J. Mikva) Finally a Guidebook for New York’s Impenetrable Election System, 7 ELECTION LAW JOURNAL 271 (2008) (book review) Are We Still Americans?, 36 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 13 (2007) The Impact of Term Limits on Lawmaking in the City of New York, 3 ELECTION LAW JOURNAL 4 (2004) Some Observations on One Court’s View of Direct Democracy, 10 CITY LAW 49 (2004) Problem Solving Courts and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Dupe Process and Problem-Solving Courts, 30 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 955 (2003) (symposium issue) Page 23 Redrawing Council Lines B The Charter and the Process, CITY LAW (2002) HOLNING LAU ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Human Rights and Globalization: Putting the Race to the Top in Perspective, 102 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW COLLOQUY 319 (2008) Formalism: From Racial Integration to Same-Sex Marriage, 59 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 843 (2008) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: American Law in Light of East Asian Developments, 31 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND GENDER 67 (2008) Pluralism: A Principle for Children’s Rights, 42 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS & CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 317 (2007) Transcending the Individualist Paradigm in Sexual Orientation Antidiscrimination Law, 94 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1271 (2006) Asians and Pacific Islanders in Same-sex Couples in the United States: Data From Census 2000, 32 AMERASIA JOURNAL 15 (2006) (with Gary Gates and R. Bradley Sears) Rethinking the Persistent Objector Doctrine in International Human Rights Law, 6 CHICAGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 495 (2005) Sexual Orientation: Testing the Universality of International Human Rights Law, 71 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 1689 (2004) SERGE MARTINEZ ASSOCIATE CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF LAW Using Established Medical Criteria to Define Disability: A Proposal to Amend the Americans with Disabilities Act, 80 W ASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 243 (2002) (with Mark A. Rothstein and W. Paul McKinney) THEO LIEBMANN CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF LAW IN RE PEÑA: INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN DEPENDENCY CASES (National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 2008) Family Court and the Unique Needs of Children and Families Who Lack Immigration Status, 40 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS 583 (2007) Page 24 What’s Missing From Foster Care Reform? The Need for Comprehensive, Realistic, and Compassionate Removal Standards, 28 HAMLINE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LAW AND POLICY 141 (fall 2006) Keeping Siblings Together in Foster Care, NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, March 16 (with Andrew Schepard) Legal Concepts of Childhood, 41 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 277 (2003) (book review) Confidentiality, Consultation, and the Child Client, 75 TEMPLE LAW REVIEW 821 (2002) RICHARD K. NEUMANN, JR. PROFESSOR OF LAW LEGAL W RITING (Aspen, 2008) (with Sheila J. Simon) ESSENTIAL LAWYERING SKILLS: INTERVIEWING, COUNSELING, NEGOTIATION, AND PERSUASIVE FACT ANALYSIS (Aspen, 3d ed., 2006) (with Stefan Krieger) LEGAL REASONING AND LEGAL W RITING (5th ed. 2005) The Revival of Impeachment as a Partisan Weapon, 34 HASTINGS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW QUARTERLY161 (2007) Women in Legal Education: A Statistical Update, 73 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY LAW REVIEW 419 (2004) Conflicts of Interest in Bush v. Gore: Did Some Justices Vote Illegally?, 16 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICS 375 (2003) Empirical Inquiry twenty-Five Years after The Lawyering Process, 10 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 349 (2003) (symposium issue) (with Stefan Krieger) Comments in Reply, 51 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 151 (2001) Women in Legal Education: What the Statistics Show, 50 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 313 (2000) ASHIRA OSTROW ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LAW Rethinking Judicial Review of Local Land Use Decisions: Lessons from RLUIPA, 31 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY 717 (2008) Page 25 Note, Dual Resident Voting: Traditional Disenfranchisement and Prospects for Change, 102 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 1954 (2002) ALAN N. RESNICK BENJAMIN WEINTRAUB DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF BANKRUPTCY LAW COLLIER ON BANKRUPTCY (Resnick & Sommer, eds., 15th ed., 2003-08) BANKRUPTCY LAW MANUAL (West Group, 5th ed. 2002) Letter of Credit as a Landlord’s Protection Against a Tenant’s Bankruptcy: Assurance of Payment or False Sense of Security?, 82 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL 407 (2008) The Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Bankruptcy, 15 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY INSTITUTE LAW REVIEW 183 (2007) Enron Ruling Impacts Claims Trading Industry, NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL, March 6, 2006 (with Brad Eric Scheler) The Future of the Doctrine of Necessity and Critical-Vendor Payments in Chapter 11 Cases, 47 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 183 (2005) Subordination Agreement Provisions Shifting Chapter 11 Voting Rights: Can the Seniors Disenfranchise the Juniors?, 118 BANKING LAW JOURNAL 297 (2001) The Impact and Influence of Professor Lawrence P. King, 75 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL 341 (2001) Bibliography of Lawrence P. King, 75 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL 349 (2001) Limitations on the United States Trustee’s Power to Appoint Committees: Lessons from PG&E, 34 UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE LAW JOURNAL 215 (2001) (with Brad Scheler) Page 26 ANDREW I. SCHEPARD PROFESSOR OF LAW & DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND THE LAW CHILDREN, COURTS AND CUSTODY: INTERDISCIPLINARY MODELS FOR DIVORCING FAMILIES (Cambridge University Press 2004) Kramer vs. Kramer Revisited: A Comment on The Miller Commission Report and the Obligations of Divorce Lawyers for Parents to Discuss Alternative Dispute Resolution With Their Clients, 27 PACE LAW REVIEW 677 (2007) (symposium) Foreword to the Special Issue on the Family Law Education Reform Project, 44 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 513 (2006) (with Peter Salem) Divorce, Custody and Visitation, in ADR HANDBOOK FOR JUDGES (Donna Sienstra & Susan M. Yates, eds., 2004) The Model Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation, in DIVORCE AND FAMILY MEDIATION (Jay Folberg et al., eds., Guilford Press 2004) Efficiency, Therapeutic Justice, Mediation and Evaluation: Reflections on a Survey of Unified Family Courts, 37 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY (2003) (symposium issue) (with James W. Bozzomo) Law Schools and Family Court Reform, 40 FAMILY COURT REVIEW 460 (2002) (symposium issue) Does Your Mediator Measure Up?: Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation, 24 FAMILY ADVOCATE 22 (2002) (with Ann Milne) An Introduction to the Model Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation, 35 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 1 (2001) NORMAN I. SILBER PROFESSOR OF LAW & ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR INTELLECTUAL LIFE UNDERSTANDING NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: LAW, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT (Carolina Academic Press, 2007) (with David C. Hammack and Victor Futter) W ITH ALL DELIBERATE SPEED: THE LIFE OF PHILIP ELMAN (University of Michigan Press 2004) A CORPORATE FORM OF FREEDOM: THE EMERGENCE OF THE NONPROFIT SECTOR (Westview Press 2000) Late Charges, Regular Billing, and Reasonable Consumers: A Rationale for a Late Payment Act, 83 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 855 (2008) (symposium) Anticonsultative Trends in Nonprofit Governance, 86 OREGON LAW REVIEW 65 (2007) Page 27 From the Jungle to the Matrix: The Future of Consumer Protection in Light of its Past, in CONSUMER PROTECTION IN THE AGE OF THE ‘INFORMATION ECONOMY’ (Ashgate 2006) Nonprofit Interjurisdictionality, 80 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 613 (2005) Legal Education in the Nonprofit Studies Curriculum, in EDUCATION FOR A CIVIL SOCIETY: A SUMMARY OF C. Hammack and Dwight Burlingame, eds., 2005) THE 2004 CONFERENCE (David Brown and Shades of Gray: Ex Parte Communication in the Litigation over Racial Justice, 31 LITIGATION 6 (2004) Nonprofit Fundraising and Consumer Protection: A Donor’s Right to Privacy, 15 STANFORD LAW & POLICY REVIEW (2004) (with Ely R. Levy) Donor-Advised Funds Can Be Terrorism Tools, 14 CHRONICLE OF PHILANTHROPY 24 (2002) What Lawyers Need to Know About UCC Article 9: The Treatment of Consumers Under Revised Article 9, 14 CONSUMER PROBLEMS 309 (2002) Terrorism, Patriotism, and Consumerism, 13 ADVANCING THE CONSUMER INTEREST 1 (2001/2002) The High Cost of Invention: Patent Law and the Consumer Interest, 13 ADVANCING THE CONSUMER INTEREST 17 (2001/2002) (with Mohamed Abdel-Ghany) Using Search Firms to Fill Vacancies in Nonprofit Organizations, in NONPROFIT GOVERNANCE (2d ed., American Bar Association 2002) Consumer Law, in THE OXFORD COMPANION TO AMERICAN LAW (Oxford University Press 2002) RONALD H. SILVERMAN PETER S. KALIKOW DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF REAL ESTATE LAW Toward Curing Predatory Lending, 122 BANKING LAW JOURNAL 483 (2005) ROY D. SIMON HOWARD LICHTENSTEIN DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF LEGAL ETHICS LAWYERS AND THE LEGAL PROFESSION (LexisNexis, 4th ed., 2008) (with Burnele V. Powell and Carol A. Needham) REGULATION OF LAWYERS: STATUTES AND STANDARDS (Aspen,18th ed., 2007) (with Stephen Gillers) Page 28 SIMON'S NEW YORK CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY ANNOTATED (Thomson West, 11th ed., 2007) What Needs Fixing?, 30 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 685 (2002) Legal Ethics Advisors and the Interests of Justice: Is an Ethics Advisor a Conscience or a CoConspirator?, 70 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 1869 (2002) (symposium issue) BARBARA STARK PROFESSOR OF LAW FAMILY LAW IN THE W ORLD COMMUNITY (WITH MARIANNE BLAIR ET AL., CAROLINA, FORTHCOMING 2009) GLOBAL ISSUES IN FAMILY LAW (West 2007) (with Ann Estin) INTERNATIONAL FAMILY LAW: AN INTRODUCTION (Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2005) Jam Tomorrow: Marxist and Postmodern Critiques of International Economic Law in REDISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (Chi Carmody et al. eds., forthcoming 2009) Theories of Poverty/ The Poverty of Theory, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2009) Reproductive Rights and the Reproduction of Gender, in GENDER EQUALITY: DIMENSIONS OF W OMEN’S EQUAL CITIZENSHIP (Linda McClain & Joanna Grossman eds., forthcoming 2009) Rhetoric, Religion, and Human Rights: Save the Children!, in COMPETING PARADIGMS OF RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: CHILDREN IN THE DISCOURSES OF RELIGION AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS (Martha Fineman, ed. 2008 ) “Women’s Rights” and “The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Monitoring,” in THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN RIGHTS (David Forsythe et al. eds. 2008) Review, Jeanne Woods & Hope Lewis, Human Rights and the Global Marketplace, 28 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY 515 (spring 2007) When Globalization Hits Home: International Family Law Comes of Age, 39 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 1551 (2006) The ALI Principles on Agreements: ‘Fairness’ and International Human Rights, in THE ALI PRINCIPLES ON FAMILY DISSOLUTION (Mary Anne Glendon & Robin Wilson, eds., 2006) International Law: Impact on Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES AND RIGHTS (Otis Stephens et al., eds., 2006) Gender and Human Rights, Edited by Karen Knop, 99 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 947 (2005) (book review) Page 29 Women, Rhetoric, Divorce and International Human Rights: The Limits of Divorce Reform for the Protection of Children, 65 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW 1433 (2005) (symposium) International Family Law, in ASIL GUIDE TO CAREERS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW (2004, 2006, 2008) Women, Globalization and Law: A Change of World, 16 PACE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 333 (2004) Introduction: Practical Applications and Critical Perspectives on International Family Law, 38 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 475 (2004) The Future of the Fourteenth Amendment: International Law and the Black Heritage Trail, 13 TEMPLE POLITICAL & CIVIL RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 557 (2004) (symposium) Negotiating and Drafting a Marital Dissolution Agreement, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steve Friedland & Gerry Hess, eds. 2004) Baby Girls from China in New York: A Thrice-Told Tale, 2003 UTAH LAW REVIEW 1231-1301 Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop: Social and Political Constructions of Abortion in South Africa, China and Germany, 12 TEXAS JOURNAL OF W OMEN & LAW 287 (2003) (symposium) Lost Boys and Forgotten Girls: African Refugees, Adoption, and International Human Rights, 22 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LAW REVIEW 275-296 (2003) (symposium) Women and Globalization, in LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ESSAYS (Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2003) Sustainable Development and Postmodern International Law: Greener Globalization, 27 W ILLIAM & MARY JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY 137-92 (2002) (symposium) After/word(s): ‘Violations of Human Dignity’ and Postmodern International Law, 27 YALE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 315-362 (2002) Pomo Parenting, 80 OREGON LAW REVIEW 1035-1065 (2001) Marriage Proposals: From One-Size-Fits-All to Postmodern Marriage Law, 89 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 1479-1548 (2001) Domestic Violence and International Law: Good-Bye Earl (Hans, Pedro, Gen, Chou, etc.), 47 LOYOLA LAW REVIEW 255-82 (2001) (symposium) UN Sanctions Against the Taliban: A Feminist Perspective, 95 ASIL PROC. 24-25 (2001) Page 30 AMY STEIN PROFESSOR OF LEGAL WRITING, ASSISTANT DEAN FOR ADJUNCT INSTRUCTION & COORDINATOR OF THE LEGAL WRITING PROGRAM ILLEGAL SEX DISCRIMINATION OR PERMISSIBLE CUSTOMER PREFERENCE? REFUSAL TO HIRE AND EMPLOY MALE GYNECOLOGISTS (William S. Hein & Co. 2007) (research guide) VERN R. WALKER PROFESSOR OF LAW Emergent Reasoning Structures in Law, in AGENT-BASED SOCIETIES: SOCIETAL AND CULTURAL INTERACTIONS (Goran P. Trajkovski & Samuel G. Collins, eds., forthcoming) A Default-Logic Model of Factfinding for United States Regulation of Food Safety, in UNCERTAIN RISKS REGULATED: NATIONAL, EU, AND INTERNATIONAL REGULATORY MODELS COMPARED (Michelle Everson, Joanne Scott & Ellen Vos, eds., forthcoming) Visualizing the Dynamics Around the Rule/Evidence Interface in Legal Reasoning, 6 JOURNAL OF LAW, PROBABILITY, AND RISK 5 (2007) Trade in Food: Regulatory and Judicial Approaches in the EC and the WTO, by Alberto Alemanno, 45 COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW 274 (2008) (book review) Discovering the Logic of Legal Reasoning, 35 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 1687 (2007) A Default-Logic Paradigm for Legal Fact-finding, 47 JURIMETRICS: THE JOURNAL OF LAW, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY 193 (2007) It’s Time to Cross the T’s and Dot the I’s: A Call for More Work on the Crossword Analogy, in SUSAN HAACK: A LADY OF DISTINCTIONS - THE PHILOSOPHER RESPONDS TO HER CRITICS (Cornelis De Waal ed., 2006) A Default-Logic Framework for Legal Reasoning in Multiagent Systems, in THE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE 2006 FALL SYMPOSIUM OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON INTERACTION AND EMERGENT PHENOMENA IN SOCIETIES OF AGENTS (12-15 October 2006 Arlington, Virginia) Transforming Science into Law: Transparency and Default Reasoning in International Trade Disputes in RESCUING SCIENCE FROM POLITICS (Wendy Wagner and Rena Steinzar, eds. 2006) Epistemic and Non-Epistemic Aspects of the Factfinding Process in Law, 3:1 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER 132 (2003) (reprinted in PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, AND LAW (March 2005)) Restoring the Individual Plaintiff to Tort Law by Rejecting “Junk Logic” About Specific Causation, 56 Page 31 ALABAMA LAW REVIEW 381 (2004) Epistemic and Non-epistemic Aspects of the Factfinding Process in Law, 3:1 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER 132 (2003) The Myth of Science as a "Neutral Arbiter" for Triggering Precautions, 26 BOSTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 197 (2003) (symposium issue) Uncertainties in Tort Liability for Uncertainty, 1 LAW, PROBABILITY AND RISK 175 (2002) (book review) Consistent Levels of Protection in International Trade Disputes: Using Risk Perception Research to Justify Different Levels of Acceptable Risk, 31 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 11317 (2001) A Functional Analysis of Food Safety Regulation in the United States, 6 RISK DECISION AND POLICY 131 (2001) Theories of Uncertainty: Explaining the Sources of Possible Error in Inferences, 22 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 1523 (2001) (symposium issue) (reprinted in THE DYNAMICS OF JUDICIAL PROOF: COMPUTATION, LOGIC, AND COMMON SENSE (Marilyn MacCrimmon & Peter Tillers, eds. 2002)) Complexity, Transparency, and the Warranted Use of Formal Systems in Legal Factfinding, 9 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW 189 (2001) Defining and Identifying “Stigma,” in RISK, MEDIA AND STIGMA (James Flynn, Paul Slovic & Howard Kunreuther, eds. 2001) Some Dangers of Taking Precautions Without Adopting the Precautionary Principle: A Critique of Food Safety Regulation in the United States, 31 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 10040 (2001) MICHELLE WU ASSOCIATE DEAN OF INFORMATION SERVICES, DIRECTOR OF LAW LIBRARY & PROFESSOR OF LAW BEYOND THE BOOKS: PEOPLE, POLITICS, AND LIBRARIANSHIP (co-edited with Leslie Lee) (Hein, 2007) Evolving Expectations for Law School Librarians, in INSIDE THE MINDS: THE CHANGING ROLE OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP (Aspatore, 2008) Stalking a Law Library Directorship, 99 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 124 (with Charles Ten Brink) (2007) DMCA, CTEA, UCITA...Oh My!: An Overview of Copyright Law and its Impact on Library Acquisitions and Collection Developments of Electronic Resources, 19 ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN 83 (with Leslie Lee) (2006) reprinted in COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT ISSUES IN THE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT (Di Su, ed. 2007) Why Print and Electronic Resources are Essential to the Academic Law Library, 97 LAW LIBRARY Page 32 JOURNAL 233 (2005) Personnel Management in Access Services: A General Overview of the Literature 1990-2002 1 JOURNAL OF ACCESS SERVICES 5 (with Leslie Lee) (2003) Department of Justice: A Selective Compilation of Internet Resources 22 LEGAL REFERENCES SERVICES QUARTERLY 73 (with Leslie Lee) (2003) Do Librarians Dream of Electronic Serials? 15 BOTTOM LINE: MANAGING LIBRARY FINANCES 102 (with Leslie Lee) (2002) District of Columbia Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Biography in STATE PRACTICE MATERIALS (Frank Houdek, ed., Hein, 2002) Page 33