Executive Council Meeting Wednesday, July 2, 2014 Members Present: 1. Dr. Jeremy McMillen 2. Dr. Jeanie Hardin 3. Dr. Regina Organ 4. Mr. Giles Brown 5. Mr. Gary Paikowski Members Absent: Shelle Cassell Guests: Mr. Randy Truxal Dava Washburn A. Dr. Barbara Brown 1. She is a consultant with East Texas ERP Consortium. She has consulted in higher education since 1988. Some of her Texas community college clients include Lone Star College District, Galveston College, College of the Mainland, Northeast Texas Community College, Kilgore College, Texarkana College, and Frank Phillips. a. Leadership and Technical Consulting b. Texas Community College Consortium (TC3) 2. TC3 Consortium Services a. Hosting for Jenzabar EX solution b. Maintenance of the software including: i. Applying patches and upgrades ii. Full backup iii. Disaster Recovery c. Implementation Project Management These services are currently provided to Kilgore College and Northeast Texas Community College 3. Consortium Design and Studio a. Discussions are underway – probably establish as a not-for-profit organization b. Have acquired some outside funding for startup costs c. Would like your input about what would make it attractive d. Likely have a movement by the fall 2014 (can’t join the consortium until then) 4. Brown and Hendrix and Associates a. CIO leadership and management services b. ERP ongoing support (Colleague, Jenzabar) c. Hardware/infrastructure management d. Remote 24/7 help desk support e. Infrastructure Design and Support f. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery g. Email management h. Security 5. What are GC’s goals? a. What do you want to do accomplish? b. What is your timeline? c. Do you have a migration plan? d. How will this impact the way faculty/staff work? e. What new technologies do you intend to employ? f. Is mobile application important? g. Do you have any staff limitations? i. IT ii. Project Management iii. Power Users iv. Other? 6. If GC can get consortium prices, what are the selling points of B&H with one of the most important pieces being price point? a. GC needs to think through the process b. Will GC have a core of services? Will GC have a core team of specialists? c. GC has concerns about the consortium (costs associated with colleges leaving the consortium) d. How does the consortium see Jenzabar EX assisting with state reports? Jenzabar is writing the Texas State Reporting programs now, and because the consortium colleges are paying maintenance fees, then Dr.Brown feels confident that this state reporting assistance will be long term. 7. Dr. Brown suggests that GC devise a list of pointed questions for the three vendors to demonstrate when they return to campus. For example, please demonstrate to us how many screens does it take to register a student? Suggestions for GC to visit to view ERP in action: Three Rivers: Frank Phillips, Clarendon Jenzabar: Mary Hardin Baylor, Hendrix (Arkansas) Ellucian: DCCC, College of the Mainland, Galveston Reasons why TC3 chose the hosted option: 1. Option to be able to get economies of scale because use of virtual machines (more reasonable in setting everything up) 2. Disaster recovery (duplicated in 2 or 3 different places (Utah is one)) 3. Main hosted location is in Austin (currently) B. Fall 2014 Graduation Speaker For the next meeting, please bring a list of prospective speakers for fall graduation. C. Marketing Online Degrees Recommendation from Goal Team to market online degrees. Are there any services that GC is not providing to distance learning students that we should be? Dr. Hardin suggested that a sub-committee look into the needs. Dr. Organ made note that any student services that we have at the main campus are all available online (ex. Advising, submit financial aid, etc). Motion/Action: Dr. Hardin suggested that a sub-committee meet to check/review the services (learning/student) available for distance learning students. Dr. McMillen will ask Shelle to help develop marketing for GC’s online degrees. D. CLARA Nominations Dr. McMillen has received nominations from across the campus. Nominations will be sent into CLARA by July 9th (due date) E. Adjunct teaching and full time employees Currently, faculty are being allowed to teach more than 5 classes during the regular work day. According to Board policy, a 40 hour work week pertains to faculty and staff (15 hours of classroom instruction, 15 hours of office hours, and 10 hours of interaction with students outside of the classroom). In years past, the policy was that no full time employee (faculty/staff) could not teach during the regular 40 work week. Motion/Action: Current Policy: Per Board Policy, full time faculty are 40 hour work week employees. At the beginning of the semester for documentation purposes, full time faculty need to submit a break down of the 40 hour work week (what hours are devoted to instruction, what hours are devoted to office/committees, and what hours are devoted to other school functions/interaction with students). Current Policy: For full time staff, the individual is required to have the immediate supervisor sign off on teaching a class as adjunct. Dr. Hardin suggested that GC (in sub-committee) look at the current policy, determine what GC would like to see happen, research Virtual Office Hours, and review the reporting procedures. F. Adjunct Faculty Leasing Facilities Mr. Brown reported that since the approval of the revised GF (Local), it is noted that “For-profit organizations may enter into lease agreement for the use of College owned facilities if the College President determines the lease to be in the interest of the College.” Dr. Fair has questioned whether the music adjunct faculty is allowed to lease GC property to provide private lessons. Motion/Action: The faculty needs to work through CWL because GC does not lease directly to faculty, and the Executive Council needs to be aware of the request. G. Calendar: Dr. Hardin will email the ‘welcome back’ dates to Dava Washburn. Dava will get the dates on the College website. H. Bookstore Mr.Brown reported about Paris Junior College bookstore visit. In addition, GC is also working on providing its top 25 titles to Neebo, Follett, and Barnes and Noble, so they can price compare. Mr.Brown is hopeful of deciding on a bookstore and having contracts available for Dr.McMillen’s review by July 14th. EXC will not meet on July 9, 2014 due to ERP Presentations. Next meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2014.