To Giles Brown Jeanie Hardin Regina Organ Gary Paikowski Randy Truxal Carla Fanning Shelle Cassell Jeremy McMillen EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING Board Room 100D 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 8, 2014 Minutes Dr. Jeremy McMillen Ms. Shelle Cassell Ms. Carla Fanning Mr. Randy Truxall Mr. Giles Brown Mr. Gary Paikowski Dr. Regina Organ Absent: Dr. Jeanie Hardin Guests: Dr. Debbie Smarr Dr. Kim Teel 1. ERP Costs Mr. Gary Paikowski has been working on the 5 year cost comparisons between the three vendors (please see handout). Mr. Paikowski is currently scheduling visits with various other colleges so GC personnel can see the ERPs in use. • Every company will provide the following options: Hosting, Hosting and Database Administration, or Equipment Purchase and Personnel. Navaro visit is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 2014 (Ellucian) 2. GC Grant Approval Form Final Revisions The form was emailed out to EC. Provided today is the most recent revision asking for comments. Dr. McMillen suggested to omit the Foundation logo/name and insert GC logo name. Randy Truxal suggested that GC remove the foundation logo off all documents and use GC logo since the foundation’s existence is to support the College. Randy suggested that this be proposed to the Foundation Board. Action/Recommendation: Shelle Cassell will work on revising /updating the GC logo for Foundation documents. Giles Brown made motion and Dr. Organ seconded to approve the revised Foundation Approval. 3. SACSCOC Online Approval Process Dr. Smarr provided copies of letters from SACSCOC dated June 23, 2014 that stated “once an institution is approved to offer electronically 50% or more of the credits in a program, no notification is required when any percentage of an additional approved program is offered online.” Dr. Smarr requests that even though we are no longer required to submit letters of notification/substantive changes to SACSCOC for already approved programs to be taught online, GC should continue to follow the standard, current reporting procedures as outlined on the GC Planning website. Action/Recommendation: Dr. McMillen asks that Dr. Smarr please work on a way to communicate to the GC community what the internal processes need to be for reporting revised/new programs (since the once required reporting to SACSCOC is not required). 4. Strategic Plan (Revisions) The College Assessment Advisory Council has been revised to the Success Data Council and the College Effectiveness Council has been revised to College Success Council. Dr. Smarr submitted recommended draft changes, which includes omitting the memberships outlined. Please see handout provided by Dr. Smarr. Dr. Organ and Dr. Teel made motion and seconded the revisions to the two committees. Action/Recommendation: This revised BGC (Local) policy will go to the board. Dr. Smarr provided the Grayson 2016 Strategic Plan. The Excellence Goal will be carried out through the 2014-15 year. Dr. Smarr made the following suggested edits: 1. By 2016, achieve a 90% employer satisfaction rating on the Employer Satisfaction Survey (new) 2. By 2016, achieve an 80% graduate satisfaction rating on the Graduate Satisfaction Survey (new) 3. By 2016, lower FTE Faculty/Student Ratio (from 21:1 to the Avg of Peer Institutions 18:1) <Move from Excellence Goal to Success Goal> 4. By 2016, increase Licensure Pass Rate for All Programs (From 95%100%) <Move from Educational Excellence to Success Goal> 5. By 2016, increase Local, State, and National Recognition for Faculty/Staff/Students (From 4-10) <Move from Educational Excellence Goal to Success Goal> 6. By 2016, achieve 90% External Customer Satisfaction <Move from Service Excellence to Engagement Goal> 7. By 2016, be Recognized as a “Great College to Work For” (Internal Customer Satisfaction) <Move from Service Excellence to Engagement Goal> Action/Recommendations: Shelle Cassell will email Excellence Team about goals being absorbed into other areas. Dr. McMillen recommends that the revisions be approved by the Excellence Team. Giles Brown will attend this meeting to advise. 5. Impact of recent SACSCOC Updates Dr. Smarr reported on the updates to policies from June 2014 SACSCOC Summer Meeting. Four policies have been revised/updated: 1. “Advertising, Recruiting, and Representation” a. This one needs to be closely reviewed by Dr. Organ and Shelle Cassell. b. For any programs/classes that have not received official approval from the accrediting bodies, GC needs to include the words ‘pending approvals’. 2. “Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure” 3. Core Requirement 2.7.1 (Program length) – not applicable to GC 4. Core Requirement 2.8 (Faculty): Guidelines a. Template will not be used in future SACSCOC reporting Action/Recommendation: Need to review faculty job descriptions to ensure they include the requirements noted in revised policy. Dr. Smarr will need to research and find out where information needs to be updated in publications/website and bring back to EC. Dr. Organ will need to review the “Advertising, Student Recruitment, and Representation of Accredited Status” with her personnel. 6. Golf Course Opportunity Mr. Brown is asking for feedback for the proposal from the Boys/Girls Club. They would like to build a youth course at the GC Golf Course, where they would like to make 5-7 short holes, astro mats, etc for youth. They would do all maintenance, mowing, open to public free to charge. GC would require that they have liability insurance and a year to year agreement. Incentives would include improved curb appeal and potential attraction to new golfers. Truxal: With the youth coming out there, I believe it would increase traffic at Golf Shop. Believe these students will easily transition to the regular course. Action/Recommendations: This issue will be taken to the August 26th Board Meeting. Giles Brown will contact the group and see what investment they are looking at for this area. 7. Approval of Math Hub Position Dr. Organ made motion and Mr. Brown seconded the approval of the Math Hub Position. 8. Adult Basic Education Director Donna Byrum is retiring. We need to replace this grant funded position. Dr. Organ made motion and Mr. Brown seconded the approval of the ABE Director Action/Recommendation: Please find out the length of Donna’s tenure at GC. 9. One and Done Day Dr. Organ provided handout on yesterday’s “One and Done.” Testing is being provided on Saturdays. From here until the end of registration is a ‘one and done’ day. Phone bank calling is happening every day with different sets of lists (ex. Those who completed a FAFSA, those who registered for spring 2014 but not fall 2014, etc). A report is being run today to see what course sections are closed and what sections need to be added. Action/Recommendation: A group needs to be formed to look at the current schedule, see what is full/close to full, and see what classes need to be offered. Building on South Campus is not named. Building Name and Reporting Recommendation from Dr. Teel and Shelle Cassell to August 20th EC meeting. Please get list of all new employees since January 2014 so these people can be recognized at the “Welcome Back.” REMINDER: NAACP Banquet at AC at 7:00 pm (Wright Center)