Executive Council Minutes July 31, 2013


Executive Council Minutes

July 31, 2013

Present: Jeremy McMillen, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Lorie Lefevers, Gary

Paikowski, Roy Renfro

Recorder: Shelle Cassell

Agenda Items

Title Changes (DLC Local)

Jeanie Hardin presented proposed updates to DLC (Local) that will address title changes. The intent of the update is to provide a formal process to be followed when a change in position title is requested.

Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by Roy

Renfro, to accept the proposed policy changes as edited. Jeanie Hardin will make the edits, and the policy will be presented to the Board for final consideration.

Soccer Field Use

Requests have been received from local recreational soccer teams to use the college’s intramural soccer field. One requestor is offering to make the necessary investment to enlarge the field to minimum standards. Dr. McMillen has visited with Gregg Miles, who says the enlarged field is not needed for the Intramural teams that play flag football and soccer. The issues of letting teams use the field for practice has come up several times over the years. If the college begins allowing the field for practice, it will be stressed that the college has first priority, that we will manage the field use, and storage would not be available (for nets, equipment, etc.)

Action/Motion: Giles Brown will follow up with Danny Cazzelle and Gregg Miles, and will make a recommendation to Dr. McMillen.

Strategic Planning Goal Teams

Debbie Smarr and Dr. McMillen presented a draft of the Strategic Goals 2016 and recommended goal team membership. “Grayson 2016” focuses on four strategic goals: 1) Access (formerly enrollment and outreach), 2) Success (student success), 3) Engagement (mixture of student learning and community outreach), and 4) Stewardship (accountability). It was noted that the actual name of each goal may change if needed for clarity. Each goal has specific and measurable actions. Members discussed the plan, and suggested the addition a community connection component to Engagement goal, that would encourage broader involvement of employees within the community. Discussion on a fifth goal “Learning” ensued, but it was

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determined that this, much like “Technology” would be embedded and measured in the other goals, and was not needed as a separate focus. Membership for each of the goal teams was reviewed, with new names suggested. Student representation would be ideal.

Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin will seek faculty volunteers to serve on the goal teams. Debbie

Smarr will update the membership lists (including the faculty volunteers), select Goal Team

Chairs, and bring back a final roster for approval.

Articulation with University of Phoenix

Dr. McMillen shared a request for an articulation agreement with University of Phoenix. They have offered discount tuition for our students and employees as part of the agreement.

Action/Motion: Consensus among the Executive Council members was that a partnership would benefit our students and employees, and the college should move ahead with the agreement as long as the university maintains accreditation. The agreement is to be revised annually.

Budget Presentation to the Board

Giles Brown reviewed the last few edits that have been made to the 2013-14 budget. He will send it out for final review and comment before preparing the presentation to the Board. Giles pointed out the step by step plans for relocating offices to accommodate new personnel.

Action/Motion: No action necessary.

Probation Periods on Employment Contracts

Giles Brown discussed revised wording on new employment contracts that eliminates the probationary terminology. The college has the right to terminate an employee who is in their first year under contract without cause, but with notice. Members discussed the appropriate length for the notice to terminate.

Action/Motion: The Council approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by Gary Paikowski, to offer contract employees a 60-day notice of intent to terminate. Giles Brown will ask legal counsel to review this change.

Adjuncts and TRS

Recent changes in the TRS calculation for awarding benefits is still being clarified by the agency. They have recently announced that their definition for benefits was at 9 credit hours, but have redefined that to be 19 clock hours. Members questioned how clinical and practicum assignments were to be calculated.

Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin will have instructional leaders review load calculations to include the new concept of clock hours for all adjunct and pro-rated professor assignments. Giles

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will seek clarification on when the college becomes responsible for paying a portion of the TRS benefits.

Computer Use Rules

Gary Paikowski reviewed proposed changes to the current Computer Use Policy (adopted in

2008). Conversation was held about defining ‘computer’ to include things like tablets, smartphones, etc. that are commonly used in the classroom and on campus.

Action/Motion: Gary Paikowski will merge the Information Security Plan that he recently introduced with this plan and will bring it back in two weeks for final consideration.

Instant Messaging Service Update

Gary Paikowski announced that training on the new Instant Messaging system is continuing, and that the service would go ‘live’ on Monday, Aug. 5. He reported that they were fine-tuning some of the features, such as how long an inquiry would sit in queue and how offices should manage the walk-in customer while on a live chat. The goal of the software is to increase efficiency and improve customer service.

Action/Motion: No action necessary.

College Completion Discussion

Dr. McMillen shared an article “College-completion experiment gets degrees to ‘empty handed’ ex-students” to re-introduce a discussion on automatically awarding degrees. Most of the conversation focused on whether the earned degrees/certificates would be automatically posted and awarded, or if the student would be notified and asked if they wanted the credential posted and awarded. Information needs to be gathered on the effect of the credential on a students’ eligibility for future funding (from WIA, Pell, GI Bill, etc.)

Action/Motion: Student services personnel are currently contacting approx. 600 students to inform them of their completion or near completion of a credential. Members agreed to ask this identified group if they would like to opt in. An effort will be made to survey this group to receive feedback on whether to continue the Opt In philosophy or switch to Opt Out. Dr.

McMillen recommended that the college initiate a process to notify all students who are eligible for graduation (rather than waiting for them to apply). Jeanie Hardin will confirm the state’s intent (and timeline, if applicable) to include an ‘opt in or opt out’ question on the Apply Texas application for students who may be eligible for an award.

New Employee Orientation

Jeanie Hardin announced that New Employee Orientation will be half a day August 14, ending with lunch. She is looking for an activity that will help new employees feel welcome to the college and allow them to meet their colleagues. The evening reception that was held in

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conjunction with orientation day has been poorly attended the last few years. She proposed hosting a reception on a separate day, possibly at Vinita House.

Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin and Roy Renfro will meet to work out plans for a reception at

Vinita House.

Developmental Math Summit Summary

Dr. McMillen reported that a group met to look at data collected over the last few semesters to look for improvements in our Developmental Math program. The group identified changes in advising patterns and developmental course sequences, and will be making recommendations.

Action/Motion: No action at this time.

SSBTN Campus Visit in September

Jeanie Hardin confirmed that Dr. Cooper will be on campus September 16-17. She encouraged members to be available during his visit, and will send a more detailed schedule soon.

Action/Motion: No action necessary.


Dr. McMillen and Executive Council members expressed their sincere appreciation to

Roy Renfro for his long time contributions to the College, and wished him well in his upcoming retirement. After a brief break, he will work part-time. Transition plans for his responsibilities are being finalized.

Dr. McMillen reminded members that the Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on

Thursday, August 8, at 8:30 a.m. This is the meeting where the Board discusses the proposed tax rate and sets the dates for public hearings related to the budget and the tax rate.

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