Executive Council Minutes September 4, 2013


Executive Council Minutes

September 4, 2013

Present: Jeremy McMillen, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Lorie Lefevers, Regina

Organ, Gary Paikowski

Guests: Mike Mirachi & Lora Villarreal, Human Resources Group, Inc.; Marilyn

Power; Debbie Smarr; Tina Dodson; Danny Hyatt

Recorder: Shelle Cassell

Agenda Items

Reset the Clock – HR Training

Giles Brown introduced Mike Mirachi and Lora Villarreal and asked them to provide an overview of the services that Human Resources Group could provide the college. They would conduct an informal audit of the college’s forms, processes, and policies to make recommendations and/or assist with implementation of comprehensive Human Resources services.

Action/Motion: The Council agreed to let Giles Brown and Marilyn Power work with Human

Resources Group, Inc. to define deliverables, pricing, and a timeline.

Dell Computers Opportunity for Students

Tina Dodson and Danny Hyatt shared information on an opportunity for students to be able to purchase a Dell computer using excess scholarship funds and/or financial aid. The discounted computers would be available to anyone associated with the college, and most of the transactions would be between the buyer and Dell. Five computers would be the maximum for any buyer. A process through the college Bookstore could be developed for students who wish to “charge” the computer purchase to their scholarship and/or financial aid account. Members discussed the logistics of handling and timing the transaction, as well as the risk that the college would be responsible for charges made by students who then withdraw and have to return a portion of the aid. Members were curious if other computer companies would be interested in participating. It was suggested that the voucher model being used by current welding students and AirGas might be considered. General thought was to let the student purchase the computer with their Pell disbursement rather than charge it. If approved, guidelines governing the use of institutional scholarships may need to be updated.

Action/Motion: The Council asked Tina Dodson and Danny Hyatt to work through some of the questions and concerns expressed and bring back a proposal to next week’s meeting.

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Report Feedback and Processes to Prepare for Substantive Change

Debbie Smarr reminded members that feedback on the Response Report is due immediately so that she can meet the Sept. 15 deadline. She also presented several changes to various college processes that will help ensure compliance with SACS:

To prevent curriculum problems and to create reporting awareness, she proposed: o Add the IE Director as an ex-officio member of the Curriculum Committee o Update the curriculum approval flow chart to include an approval by the IE


To prevent delinquent Sub-C reporting on the percent of courses taught in a specific format or location, she proposed: o Requiring Department Chairs to calculate the percent of courses and submit those findings to the IE Director prior to the class listings being published each semester o Any proposed changes/adjustments in course offerings must be submitted to IE prior to making the change. o Improving the Dual Credit request form and process

Action/Motion: Members are to provide feedback on the proposed changes to Debbie Smarr by

Friday so that Dr. McMillen and Debbie can finalize the report for timely submission. Any policies that will need to be revised should be shared with Dr. McMillen so that he can properly prepare the Board meeting agenda. Jeanie Hardin will update the appropriate job descriptions to ensure the approval processes and new forms/flow charts are included.

IE Positions and Titles

A new IE position was approved in the 2013-14 budget. Debbie Smarr proposed a new design and titles for the Institutional Effectiveness Department. She proposed the department name be changed to Planning, Research, Assessment and Accreditation. She would remain Director. The current Institutional Research Analyst position (Brent Archer’s current position) would be changed to Coordinator, and the newly created position would be Assistant Director.

Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by

Jeanie Hardin, to accept the department name change and to start the hiring process for the new position, pending Giles’ review of the budget and a market study of titles .

Admissions Office Replacements

Regina Organ announced two potential openings in the Registrar’s Office: The Graduation

Specialist position will become vacant with the January 2014 retirement of Jan Pfeifer, and the

Access and Equity/Recruiter is vacant with the resignation of Sandra Sibrian.

Action/Motion: The Council agreed to consider these position announcements after Regina

Organ has an opportunity to look at the duties of the new Assistant Registrar.

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Title IX and II Coordinator – FFD (Local)

Members discussed naming Regina Organ as the college person responsible for handling issues related to students and Title IX and Title II. Regina has extensive training for this and is willing to serve the college in this role.

Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by

Jeanie Hardin, to name Regina Organ as the Title IX Coordinator and the Title II Coordinator for issues related to students. Dr. McMillen will update the appropriate policies and present them to the Board for consideration. (Marilyn Power will remain the contact person for employee issues.)

Grounds Worker Replacement

Giles Brown requested approval to replace the Grounds Worker opening created by a resignation.

Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by

Lorie Lefevers, to replace the Grounds Worker position.

Human Resources Director

Giles Brown requested approval to move forward with the job description and announcement for the new Human Resources Director position.

Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by

Jeanie Hardin, to approve the position as presented. Giles will email the job description to

Executive Council members for review.

Counseling Services Reorganization and Replacements

Members reviewed the personnel changes that have recently occurred in Counseling Services:

The Job Placement Specialist (Gretchen Huff) office has moved into the Counseling

Center and will have some Advisor responsibilities.

The Receptionist position is open with the promotion of Melissa Millsap-Young to Dana

Kermanian’s former Advisor position. There is an interest in having one receptionist for all of Student Services (admissions and counseling) that would have supplemental staffing through work-study positions.

There is still one position opening that could be filled with an Advisor or Counselor, dependent upon Regina Organ’s insight as she become familiar with that department.

Action/Motion: No action necessary at this time.

Assistant Registrar

Regina Organ requested approval to begin the search for the new Assistant Registrar position that was established in the 2013-14 budget.

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Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Regina Organ, second by

Jeanie Hardin, to begin the hiring process. Regina will consider organizational options for the

Admissions Office and will incorporate the needed skills into the position announcement.

NOTE ON POSITION APPROVAL/REPLACEMENTS: Members discussed the practice of bringing forward for approval new positions that are funded within the budgeting process, and agreed that it would help clarify the approval process if they were presented. As an added value, the presentation/request would help Council members understand the position’s responsibilities and duties.

Emergency Management Events Planned

Giles Brown outlined plans for emergency management training exercises to be held this semester. Administrators and the Campus Preparedness Team (CPT) will participate in a tabletop exercise lead by Sherman Fire Chief Jeff Jones on Thursday, Sept. 12, at noon. A second exercise is planned as part of the Professional Development Day, Sept. 20. The second exercise is designed to test appropriate campus alert systems and to practice activities related to the “Run

Hide Fight” response to an active shooter scenario. A full campus drill is also being planned for late fall or early spring.

Action/Motion: No action necessary.

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