Executive Council Minutes September 18, 2013

Executive Council Minutes
September 18, 2013
Present: Jeremy McMillen, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Lorie Lefevers, Gary
Paikowski, Regina Organ
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Computer Use & Security Plan Policy
Gary Paikowski presented an updated version of the Computer Use Policy and Security Plan for
Action/Motion: No action necessary at this time.
Emergency Management Activities
Giles Brown shared a summary of the recent tabletop exercise, including lessons learned. Items
that need to be practiced or decided include: Emergency Management Team (EMT) members
need to be reminded of his/her role in a campus emergency; important to identify who are the
succession leaders in the event that an EMT member is not available; identify potential assembly
points for students, families, and the CERT team; arrangements for the care of dorm residents
during an event that closes the campus. The key to successfully handling an event is true
delegation and personnel performing their own responsibilities.
Campus Drills: Giles described plans for a lockdown drill on September 20. During the
Professional Development Day alert notifications will be sent that will instruct employees to
follow lockdown procedures. Plans are underway to hold a campus-wide drill, possibly in
November. This drill would involve students and outside responding agencies.
Action/Motion: The Council is to review the Emergency Response Guide and the Business
Continuity Plan and should be prepared to finalize the documents next week.
Core Curriculum Proposal
Jeanie Hardin presented an overview of the general education core curriculum revision process.
The new core curriculum includes the state’s new six Core Objectives (as GC’s Institutional
Learning Outcomes) plus SACS requirements. The proposed Core is 42 hours and includes
Foundational Component Areas (Communication, Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences,
Language/Philosophy and Culture, Creative Arts, American History, Government/Political
Science, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and a component area option). The Required Core
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Objectives (critical thinking, communication, empirical/quantitative skills, teamwork, social
responsibility and personal responsibility) are embedded within the Foundational Component
Areas courses as learning outcomes.
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Jeanie Hardin, second by
Lorie Lefevers, to accept the proposed new Core Curriculum as presented to be effective in Fall
2014. The Board will consider the recommendation at its next meeting. Members will need to
discuss the transition plan for degree plans and General Catalog updates. [Proposed Core for
Implementation Fall 2014 handout is attached to the minutes.]
Web Developer Position
Dr. McMillen shared the proposed job description for the new Web Developer position that was
included in the 2013-14 budget. Members suggested increasing the years of experience.
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Jeanie Hardin, second by
Gary Paikowski, to approve the Web Developer position.
Electioneering and Free Speech Area Policies
Grayson College has been named by the County as one of the county-wide election polling sites.
Anticipating high traffic and an increased potential for electioneering, Dr. McMillen reviewed
the policies related to electioneering and free speech designated areas. The policy states that an
executive administrator is to define the free speech area, which Giles Brown said has been
identified as the grassy area between the Campus Police and the Baptist Student Ministry
Action/Motion: Dr. McMillen will meet with the election official to determine the best site to
hold elections. He asked that free speech areas, electioneering, and related policies (such as dress
code – wearing messages and/or buttons with voter messages) be checked to ensure consistency
between TASB and the Student Handbook.
Dr. McMillen announced that each Board member will be receiving a copy of the book
recommended by Dr. John Cooper, “Making Good on the Promise of the Open Door: Effective
Governance and Leadership to Improve Student Equity, Success, and Completion.” He has
ordered a few extra copies for administrators and interested others to borrow.
Dr. McMillen provided a brief demonstration on Apple TV.
Jeanie Hardin announced that the college’s Hispanic Initiative has received national recognition
after being awarded Honorable Mention.
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