Executive Council Minutes December 14, 2011

Executive Council Minutes
December 14, 2011
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Rick Lynn, and
Marc Payne.
Absent: Gary Paikowski, Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Superintendent Meeting Prep
Dr. Scheibmeir reminded Council members of the noon luncheon with area
superintendents. Jeanie Hardin reported that she would provide a calendar and important
UIL dates to help with the discussion on the best time to schedule Spring Break in 2013.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
West Campus Facilities
Giles Brown and Marc Payne explained that a businessman from the metroplex was
interested in collaborating with GCC to offer students from Korea intensive English
classes followed by technical training or academic studies. He is interested in utilizing
Jensen Residence Hall and Silver Wings to create a desired learning environment for
these students. Members discussed several scenarios including leasing the facilities (the
business would be responsible for maintenance and repairs) or selling the facilities to the
business (using a bid or auction process). Jeanie Hardin cautioned that we did not want to
set the stage for the business to use GCC in the process of creating his own school. Rick
Lynn pointed out that the college already realizes it must address the future of Jensen
Hall. Giles reported that an appraisal has been conducted on Jensen, but not Silver Wings,
and that a survey may need to be completed.
Action/Motion: Giles Brown will conduct due diligence on the potential buyer. Giles
and Marc Payne will work to determine a proposed price for Jensen Residence Hall and
Silver Wings.
AES – New Accreditation Organization for Business & Technology
Jeanie Hardin and Dr. Scheibmeir briefly discussed AES (American Education System), a
new organization that offers accreditation for programs in business and technology.
Jeanie shared the evaluation process used to determine which accreditation agencies offer
the most benefit to students and the college. For example, she said they gather data on
what certifications/accreditations business and industry need workers to have, the value
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of the certification or accreditation on the student’s future, and if the organization
addresses the expected standards in the workplace.
Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin will look into the benefits of AES.
SSBTN On-Campus Visit
Jeanie Hardin announced that the Student Success By The Numbers consultant would be
on campus February 6-7, 2012 for the orientation session. She will be submitting to him
the names of the campus committee.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Enrollment Update
Marc Payne reported that we are up 558 students (16%) over this time last year, but
applications are down. There was a brief discussion about the computer glitch related to
students enrolling after science grades were posted. Jeanie Hardin reported that efforts
were being made to address the problem.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
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