Executive Council Minutes January 13, 2010


Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Stanley Henderson,

Gary Paikowski, and Roy Renfro

Recorder: Shelle Cassell

Executive Council Minutes

January 13, 2010

Agenda Items

Replacement of Financial Aid Position

Members considered a request to replace the staff vacancy in Financial Aid created by the resignation of Wissam Bilal.

Action/Motion: The Council approved the replacement of the staff position in the

Financial Aid office.

In a related discussion, Dr. Scheibmeir requested that future position replacement requests be brought to the Executive Council for consideration, rather than on an individual approval basis as has been the recent practice.

Employee Evaluations

Giles Brown brought forward a discussion on a new evaluation process for personnel that would use the model shared by consultant Don James. As a trial, administrators completed the new personnel profile forms over the summer, which helped them envision the benefits of using the format college-wide. The new personnel evaluation format allows the college to document individual improvement and completion of tasks. It will take a commitment from leaders and supervisors to complete the transition. The process also enhances and complements the college’s planning process. Members expressed an interest in modifying the forms to capture additional data on performance related to items such as attendance, punctuality, cooperative attitude, etc.

Action/Motion: The Council agreed to transition to the new personnel evaluation process. Giles Brown will review the current format and make necessary modifications to include the input of the members. Dr. Scheibmeir requested a final Executive Council orientation on the process prior to initiating the formal program.

Coffee Bar Discussion

Giles Brown reported that plans on the new connector between the Library and Life

Center require a final decision on how to handle the Coffee Bar feature. A discussion on the long-term operations and cost-benefit ensued. He said that Great Western Dining

Services has verbally agreed to staff the coffee bar for one semester on a trial basis.

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Action/Motion: The Council agreed the best plan of action would be to finish out the space leaving the equipment installation options flexible, and to look at equipment options in the future after demand for services and traffic patterns are determined.

Policy Changes CD (Local)

Giles Brown asked for input on proposed policy language that includes a range of “ratios” used by the Coordinating Board and SACS that measure and compare financial strengths of institutions. There is no requirement for these ratios to be included in policy.

Action/Motion: After discussion, it was agreed that the college is committed to compliance and will report the data as necessary without adding to the current policy.

Members expressed an openness to including the ratios in policy at a future date.

Graduation Location

Anticipating construction delays that could interfere with graduation ceremonies being held in Cruce Stark Auditorium, members discussed alternatives. Kidd-Key Auditorium is not available on Saturday, May 8, but is available on Friday, May 7, and Sunday, May

9. Availability of Denison High School’s Eisenhower Auditorium and Sherman High

School’s auditorium will be explored by the President’s office.

Action/Motion: The Council agreed that Saturday, May 8, is the preferred date regardless of location. If it necessary to move to a Friday or Sunday other logistics and conflicts such as the timing for final grades and the ADN Pinning Ceremony will need to be addressed.

Resource Room for Reaccreditation, Other SACS Topics

Debbie Plyler joined the group to discuss reaccreditation issues:


2008-09 Planning Year Institutional Report – the software glitch in SPOL has been corrected and we can now document completion of the 2008-09 planning cycle. Debbie encouraged members to ensure that all programs and departments document their work for that planning year.

SPOL – There are four major components to SPOL, each needing an administrator’s oversight. Debbie will serve as the Planning Administrator and

Accreditation Administrator; Giles Brown will serve as the Budget Administrator.

The Assessment Implementation Administrator needs to be named, and should be representative of instruction.

SACS Resource Room – There is a need to begin collecting reaccreditation materials that can accessed by the goal teams and other committees. The

President’s Conference Room will serve as the Resource Room. Debbie Plyler can switch locations with the office space next door (Room 100C) if desired.

SACS Resource People – Debbie requested to reallocate portions of the salary designated for the Institutional Research position (which was never filled) to fund two temporary workers. One (recommendation is Stan Gordon) will perform

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institutional research and analytics and the other (recommendation is Debbie

Smarr) will serve as Assessment Coordinator to collect and evaluate student learning outcomes. Debbie Plyler will collaborate with Jeanie Hardin for the contracts related to these two part-time, temporary positions.

Additional action related to office moves: The Foundation Offices will be moving to the

President’s former house after renovations are complete (estimated mid-spring 2010). For now, no plans will be made for occupying the current Foundation offices after they move.

L3 Agreement Question

Jeanie Hardin is finalizing the agreement with L3 and will be soon presenting it for approval for the Board.

Action/Motion: No action at this time.

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