Executive Council Minutes February 10, 2010

Executive Council Minutes
February 10, 2010
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Stanley Henderson,
and Gary Paikowski.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Curriculum Policies and Processes
Jeanie Hardin shared a revised process for addressing curriculum changes. She outlined
the purpose of the committee, the duties and responsibilities, membership, and specific
procedures for making changes. Curricular changes will now be requested and tracked
through a comprehensive form that ends with a SACS Substantive Change Checklist. She
presented Policy and Procedure Manual changes that coincide with the new process. She
recommended changes to Policy BGC (Local) that outlines the Curriculum Committee
and EE (Local) that updates language to better fit SACS standards and outlines the new
Action/Motion: Upon a motion by Giles Brown, second by Jeanie Hardin, the Council
voted unanimously to approve policy BGC (Local) as presented. A motion to approve
policy EE (Local) as presented was made by Gary Paikowski, second by Giles Brown,
and unanimously approved. Both policies will be recommended to the Board of Trustees
for approval at their March meeting.
Changing FERPA Information
Dr. Scheibmeir introduced a request from Kim Faris to update the college’s Directory
Information listing to include Email address and Photograph/visual likeness. These items,
selected from the list of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) directory
information choices, would be added to the list of items that may be released to the
general public without the consent of the student.
Action/Motion: Upon a motion by Giles Brown, second by Jeanie Hardin, the Council
voted 3 – 1 in favor of the additions. Stanley Henderson opposed the motion.
Substantive Change Notification
Jeanie Hardin presented a list of curriculum changes made over the past academic year
that require notification and approval from SACS for substantive change. Included in the
memo are new program offerings: 1) an Associate of Science degree in Economics –
100% online, 2) a Certificate and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Early
Childhood Development, and 3) the conversion of Police Academy from a non-credit
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continuing education certificate to a credit Certificate. “Notification only” or a new award
resulting from an existing program: Crime Scene Investigation Certificate I, designed
from Forensic AS and Criminal Justice Certificate. Also, for “Information Only” the
development of new offerings for Fall 2010: 1) Prior notification prior to implementation
- Air Traffic Controller Program – Certificate and AAS (contracted with external agency
to deliver technical academy), and ESL Immersion Program – Continuing Education.
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second
by Gary Paikowski, to submit the Sub-C Report for SACS Compliance as presented.
Total Enrollment Forecast
Council members learned about an enrollment projection model developed by Stan
Gordon. He shared the formula, along with the variables that can be considered, that he
used to quickly predict enrollment trends for the next few semesters. Council members
expressed an interest in his future studies and analyses.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Student ID Conversion
Gary Paikowski reported that the work on converting social security numbers into a new
student identification number will be completed soon. The conversion is scheduled to
occur during spring break. He expressed appreciation to Stanley Henderson for
encouraging faculty to communicate the change to their classes, and for Casey Ticknor’s
work in the transition. Information about the change is appearing on flyers placed across
campus; a power call will be made, and messages on the portal.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Vice President for Student Services
Dr. Scheibmeir announced that Marc Payne will be the new Vice President for Student
Services. He is expected to arrive on campus late this spring semester. In the interim, he
asked Jeanie Hardin to work with Counseling and Advising, Gary Paikowski to work
with Student Life and the Admissions Office, and Giles Brown to work with Housing and
Financial Aid.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Performance Management System
Dr. Scheibmeir asked the members to review their Performance Management System
worksheets to ensure they are complete and that the process is used to its full potential.
He also asked the each member consider adding KRAs to address three additional tasks:
1) the Fannin initiative – including actions that are required leading up to an election and
actions that will be necessary should the election pass; 2) actions related to ongoing
Emergency Preparedness; and, 3) actions related to the Reaccreditation process.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
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