Executive Council Minutes June 16, 2009

Executive Council Minutes
June 16, 2009
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, David Foster, Jeanie Hardin, Gary
Paikowski, and Wendell Williams.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Work Week
Members agreed that for the purposes of defining the work week and vacation benefits
there would be exempt and non-exempt personnel. They discussed new scheduling of
exempt employees to meet the 40 hour work week requirement. Supervisors are to work
individually with exempt employees to arrange schedules. Those impacted will also have
their vacation benefits adjusted as outlined in the current Policy and Procedures Manual.
The College has previously authorized an appropriate work week for all other nonexempt employees, which will not require any changes in scheduling.
Action/Motion: Dr. Scheibmeir asked Giles Brown to make appropriate edits in policy
language to better define exempt and non-exempt classifications. Policy updates will be
presented to the Board of Trustees with a recommendation to become effective
September 1, 2009. Giles asked Council members to review the list of exempt and nonexempt personnel and share discrepancies with him.
Request Form for Artistic Design/Support
Jeanie Hardin shared an information item on a new form that is being used to organize
requests for assistance in display case, poster, and graphics support projects. Forms are
available from Rosemary Bruce.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Fall 2009 Start of Semester Schedule Draft
Jeanie Hardin shared a tentative calendar of dates and activities for the beginning of the
new semester. She announced that a few new activities have been scheduled to better
orient new teachers and facilitate communication.
Action/Motion: Council members are to review the calendar with their staff and offer
edits or additions.
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New Core Curriculum Proposal
Jeanie Hardin shared data and research to support the proposed changes in the college’s
core curriculum. A 20-member team reviewed curriculum to make recommendations.
Data from CCSSE, SENSE and retention statistics indicate that students would be more
successful if each participated in EDUC/PSYC 1300 Frameworks in Learning. The
committee recommends that this course be added as an Institutional Option. The new
course will transfer for those students who complete a GCC associate degree.
Action/Motion: Wendell Williams made the motion, second by Giles Brown, to add
EDUC/PSYC 1300 Frameworks in Learning as a pilot project during the 2009-2010
academic year and fully implement the course during the 2010-2011 academic year. The
motion passed unanimously. Further, it was requested that data be collected (by the new
institutional researcher) during the pilot year to ensure that it had positive effects on
student learning and success.
Child Development Certificate Proposal
Council members heard a proposal to add a Child Development Certificate within the
Education program. The program will benefit the community by preparing individuals to
work in a variety of environments that care for children. The following courses are
proposed to be added (course descriptions are available in ACGM):
CDEC 1313 – Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs (3-1-3)
CDEC 1323 – Observation and Assessment (3-1-3)
TECA 1318 – Wellness of the Young Child (3-1-3)
CDEC 1319 – Child Guidance (3-1-3)
CDEC 1335 – Early Childhood Development: 3-5 years (3-1-3)
CDEC 1359 – Children with Special Needs (3-1-3)
CDEC 2264 – Practicum – Child Care Provider (1-2-2)
Proposed Degree Plan – 29 credit hours
First Semester
CDEC 1313 - Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs
CDEC 1323 – Observation and Assessment
TECA 1354 – Child Growth & Development
TECA 1311 – Educating Young Children
TECA 1318 – Wellness of the Young Child
Total hours
Second Semester
CDEC 2264 - Practicum – Child Care Provider
CDEC 1319 – Child Guidance
CDEC 1335 – Early Childhood Development
CDEC 1359 – Children with Special Needs
TECA 1303 – Family and Community
Total hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
2 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
3 credit hours
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Jeanie reported that this proposal was ready too late to present to the College
Effectiveness Council first, and will be shared at the next CEC meeting. It will be
presented, as required, to the Metroplex Higher Education Council following the GCC
Board of Trustees approval.
Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin made the motion, second by Wendell Williams, to
approve the Child Development Certificate program as presented. The motion passed
unanimously. The Board of Trustees will hear a recommendation for approval at its next
IRS Gift Regulations
Dr. Scheibmeir shared information on IRS rules related to employee gifts and cell phone
use that may be taxable.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Reaccreditation Committee Meeting
Jean Sorensen and Debbie Plyler shared information from a recent conference that
reiterates the need for results to drive improvement, and the completion of multiple
planning cycles prior to the College submitting its SACS Compliance Certification in
March 2011. A lengthy discussion on Student Learning Objectives (SLO), Program
Learning Objectives (PLO) and Institutional Learning Objectives (ILO) ensued.
Action/Motion: At the next Reaccreditation Committee meeting, Council members will
review GCC’s Institutional Learning Objectives for approval. Also, members should be
considering which of the ILOs should be proposed for inclusion as one of the college’s
strategic goals.
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