Place 3: John Caldwell Plano ISD Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire


Plano ISD Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire










What   are   the   top   three   reasons   you   want   to   serve   as   a   Plano   ISD   School   Board   Trustee?


1)   I   am   inspired   by   the   PISD   administrative   team.

  I   started   meeting   with   them   in   2011   about   running   for   the   School   Board.

  We   discussed   PISD   victories   and   opportunities.

  I   was   impressed   with   their   knowledge,   wisdom,   and   enthusiasm   for   Plano   schools.

  I   enjoy   working   with   well ‐ run   organizations.

  2)   I   believe   in   giving   back   to   the   community.

  My   wife,   Robin,   and   I   have   lived   in   Plano   for   25   years   and   appreciate   the   learning   and   volunteering   opportunities   that   PISD   and   Plano   have   given   our   family.

  3)   Our   son,   Robert,   started   at   Mathews   and   graduated   from   Plano   East’s   International   Baccalaureate   program.

  He’s   now   a   freshman   at   UT   Austin   in   their   McCombs   School   of   Business.

  We   know   the   value   of   a   PISD   education  

What   do   you   feel   are   the   most   important   responsibilities   of   a   trustee?


A   trustee   should   ask:   “What   does   PISD   need   to   do   now   to   prepare   our   students   for   the   world   in   2018   and   2023?

  The   three   four ‐ year   academies:   International   Baccalaureate,   Health   Sciences,   and   STEAM  

(Science,   Technology,   Engineering,   digital   Art,   and   Math)   are   good   examples   of   thinking   for   the   future.


They   are   also   examples   of   PISD   working   with   other   organizations.

  The   STEAM   Academy   is   getting   $5   million   from   Texas   Instruments.

  Graduates   of   the   Health   Sciences   Academy   will   be   able   to   get   technical   certificates   in   five   specialized   areas   from   Collin   College.

  The   Board   should   work   with   PISD   administrators   to   ensure   that   our   schools   are   fully   funded   and   our   student’s   needs   and   goals   are   being   addressed.

  We   should   be   planning   our   actions   now   in   case   PISD   loses   the   school   financing   lawsuit.

  We   should   also   be   planning   our   actions   now   in   case   PISD   wins   the   school   financing   lawsuit.

  Boards   should   not   micro ‐ manage.

  PISD   administrators   and   their   staff   are   responsible   for   attracting,   retaining,   and   evaluating   teachers   and   principals   because   they   have   the   specialized   training   and   experience   required.


What   do   you   see   as   the   top   opportunities   and   challenges   in   Plano   ISD?


1)   Austin   has   greatly   reduced   our   funding.

  The   2010 ‐ 2011   PISD   Proposed   Budget   had   State   Sources   of  

$101M;   the   2012 ‐ 2013   Budget   has   only   $58   million.

  The   funding   lawsuit   will   probably   not   be   resolved   until   2014,   but   we   did   win   Round   1.

  2)   The   number   of   low   income   families   is   increasing.

  12%   of   students   received   subsidized   lunches   in   2002,   compared   with   28%   in   2012.

  We   must   make   sure   that   all   students   achieve   their   potential   by   expanding   existing   programs   and   leveraging   community   resources,   such   as:  

 AVID   (Advancement   via   Individual   Determination)   is   designed   for   students   whose   parents   did   not   go   to   college;   AVID   teaches   that   college   is   possible.

  It   also   teaches:   study   skills,   time   management   and   leadership.

  (Supported   by   United   Way)    The   Mobile   Learning   Lab   travels   to   lower   income   schools   and   their   neighborhoods.

  A   bilingual   instructor   shows   the   parents   how   to   use   PISD   on ‐ line   programs   such   as  


Parent   Portal,   ESL,   and   budgeting.

  (Supported   by   Federal   funds   and   Ericsson)  


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Plano ISD Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire










Why   are   you   qualified   to   hold   the   position   of   trustee?


I   have   education,   experience   and   creativity:   Graduated   from   Duke   University  ‐  BA   in   Economics   MBA   in  

Finance   CPA   My   34   years   of   financial   management   at   JCPenney   Corporate   have   given   me   experience   with   large   organizations   as   they   go   through   good   times   and   challenging   times.

  PISD   is   challenged   by   reduced   funding   from   Austin   and   by   changing   demographics.

  In   2011,   I   began   meeting   individually   with   the   PISD   administration,   former   Board   members,   and   current   members.

  I   also   attended   many   board   meetings   and   work   sessions.

  I   know   the   issues.

  My   volunteer   work   with   PISD   includes:   >Guest   speaker   on   Creative   Design   to   PISD   engineering   students;   I   have   two   US   patents   >PISD   Key   Communicator   at   both   Mathews   Elementary   and   Plano   East   >Member   of   the   Career   and   Technical   Education   Committee  

>Member   of   the   STEAM   Academy   advisory   committee   My   volunteer   work   with   Plano   includes:  

>Chairman   of   the   Keep   Plano   Beautiful   Commission   >Leadership   Plano   >Graduate   of   the   3   Plano  

Citizen's   Academies:   Government,   Fire   and   Police   >Treasurer   of   Rover   Dramawerks   Theater   >Being   active   in   my   church   for   24   years,   including   two   terms   on   the   Vestry   I’m   also   creative   and   active.

  I   have   two   US   patents   on   an   outdoor   exercise   machine   and   have   completed   nine   marathons   over   the   past   30+   years.



  What   is   the   most   important   thing   you   want   to   accomplish   if   elected?


I   believe   you   can   do   three   things   in   life:   1)   watch   2)   do   3)   create   or   teach.

  If   you’re   really   good   at   creating   or   teaching,   you   can   inspire;   you   can   share   your   passion.

  I   have   a   passion   for   education   and   want   all   PISD   students   and   employees   to   be   inspired   and   motivated.

  As   Horace   Mann   said:   ‘Education   is  

  the   great   equalizer.’  

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