To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird
Active Reading Log
Mrs. Kirk: 9(1) Language Arts
One major objective of our course is to create active, critical readers who
engage with the text they are reading rather than passively receiving it or simply
reading the words on the page. To help you “actively” read Harper Lee’s To
Kill a Mockingbird, you will complete the following tasks as you read the book.
To be kept in the book
Post-it notes: Post a minimum of three sticky notes per nightly reading assignment
Some ideas for posting:
Character change or development
Developing theme, symbol, or motif
Pivotal event
Personal connection
Question you have/clarification you need
Inference (your ability to read between the lines—“this really means…”)
On your sticky note, you should record your thoughts—keep it specific but brief:
“Why does Jem tell Scout to hush when she asks Dill about his dad?”
“Example of self vs. society theme”
“I think Atticus knows what the children are up to”
To be kept in the literature section of your binder (organized sequentially)
Chapter title: Harper Lee does not title her chapters. I’d like for you to create a title for
each chapter. Chapter names are sometimes as simple as an object or event or a phrase in
the chapter. I’d like you, for the most part, to try to steer away from the more literal
chapter titles, and try to create titles that creatively capture the essence of the chapter.
Briefly explain your choice.
Key quote: For each chapter, I’d like you to record a quote (anything word for word
from the book, whether it be narration or dialogue) that you think is most important or
best represents the essence of the chapter. Include the quote with its speaker and
correctly cited page number. Briefly explain your choice.
These tasks will be checked periodically and the chapter title and key quote
assignments will be collected at the conclusion of the unit and will count as a
test grade. To earn full credit
o Complete tasks before class and bring them to class on the day the reading is
due (point deductions if unprepared)
o Keep entries neat and organized (point deductions if illegible or unorganized
or incorrectly cited)
o Use your own creativity and insightful response as a reader to complete the
tasks (no credit if ideas are not your own)
Example set-up:
Jane Doe
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter 1
Sentence or two explaining choice
Key Quote: “-----------------------” ( # ).
Sentence or two explaining quote’s meaning and why you chose it
Chapter 2
Sentence or two explaining choice
Key Quote: “-----------------------” ( # ).
Sentence or two explaining quote’s meaning and why you chose it
***Note the punctuation of the cited quote. If your selected quote includes narration and
dialogue, follow this model:
“Scout said aloud, ‘Now I know why Boo doesn’t come outside. He doesn’t want to’” (34).