CRIMSON AND FRIDAY. NOV. 29, 1940 THE V O L U M E XI \ ./V \ \ N r' 1 1 ALBANY. N. Y MILNE SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS \ r— Vv. J r-^ r ' "^^OY^ "couirciL' IIA.S Mn;L]Tll!G r' S^CUCMJLT Alii:OTJlICJS The Annu?.l Thcta-lTu Adolphui foriiir.l affair, this year to bo a "Candlelight D'f-r.^-o" v/ill talic _plaoo cia'iu/cvay c-\rc:ii:ie, Deccnbcr 7, from 9^00 to 12;00 in Pa^^c H'lll ^^m, it uas annorinc-vid "by 33on iFoucault, Gr£>neral Olir.irnan. Ticket;? are on sale at Ol»50 per GO'dijle, Foi\Ccault ha.s chosen the foil(iv7ing corinittees to c?oSsi3t hin; Or ch 0 s t r a: J olni D^.'" o r, Oiiiiirmn, Ed\/ard Langwi^, I%rtin Edv/ards^ In the regular monthly Intersociety Council meeting last Monday, the discussion of the payment of the scholarship v;as the chief business,, In a previous meeting the council set up rules for the formation of new societies« Representatives to the council from the three societies are: Adelphoi—Lav/rence Mapes and Robert Shamborger. Theta Ifa—Donald Del'luro and M w a r d Meghreblian. Phi Sigma—Savid and David Puld. Donlin r IJ MILlLil R3D RIIDURS TR^iVSL TO HILLSDALE FOR OFJITIITG GAME The Milne basketball squad v/ill travel to Hillsdale tonight to play Roeliff-Janscn in the first game of the season. As yet Coach Dp.nii^itz has not picked the first team for the varsity. The varsity includes Char1OS Locke, cap tain, John Dj'cr, Donald DeiTure, Robert Saunders, Kirk Loaning, John Poole, John Jansing, Robert Clarke, Albert V/ilson, and Joseph Hunting. Some of the J.V. boys who will proba.bly see action tonight are George Edick, Harold Game, V/altor Griggs, Robert Eckel, Albert Ely, Fred Detwillcr and possibly others, Pjecorations: Stanley S v;i x t, ch/d r nian, lav/r e n c e The members of the faMapes, Hobert Shanbcrger, Fred cscutz. culty v/lio are on this council are Mr, V/arren I. Ticket.^i Jcrone Lcvitz, Doiinmore, Mr, Harlan V/, cha X .rmn, V/i H i an 1/i 1 ey, P^aymond, and Dr. Carlton Roboict harden, Arthur A„ Moose, v/ho acts as The bus for the stuPhinney, and Donald De secrjtarj'-, dent supporters who will Nure, cheer for the team toMILlTil PARTICIPATES night will leave at 6:00, III FILM LIBRARY Publicity; Hobert AuB-tin, chairnan, David Davids ono Milne high school is ME1©ERS OF HI-Y nov a member of the State VISIT FEW YORK College Film Loan Library v/hioh is an organizption Eleven members of Hi-Y MILllE V/ILL G-IVE of fourteen school. co- left Albany at 6:00 A,M, BASKjjiTS 20 POOH operatively using motion last Saturday in order to picture films. arrive in Nov/ York City This year the Christby 10;00 AoM. They were mas baskets arc under the In order to belong to sho'^rn through the buildauspices of the Junior this organization, schools ings and around the cammust far.uish the library Red Cross, and this orpus of Columbia Universiwith a minimum of educaganization will oxit ty and v/itnessed the Cotional film„ a list deserving poor lumbia-Colgate football families in A Ibany v/hich game on Saturday afterDr, Oarleton A, Moo-^e, noon, need help. Most of the boys Di:'ector of the org'ur„'>.spent their leisure time i.ixOM; hcvs stated chat Each homeroor.i uill sethat night sight-seeing " ' MIL...''5 J-^as two thousc.r.ul lect one family from this in the ^'big city" to d 0 L la r s v/or th 0 f x i i::i list and \7ill fit out a v/hich tjiey said "goodby" lie Ml lice student e7er sav: Christmas brisket of food en .'ovn0.ay when they a fjot of it because Milne started and clothing to suit thaot their homeward has no sound projector," family's need. journey. (yo\om CRii-iso:: AiiD FOR CIOLVGRRT BY LIOI:' S CLUB In the nniii officc, a :.argc "barrol lir.s 1)0 011 placcd in uMcli the stuaonts arc r.slrcd to put their old shoes. Those choos uill "bo /^Ivcu to the wr^r ovr.c'accs in Britain rtnd, Thry v/iil DO distrilDuted tb.roiifjh tho Branch of th.c Maple Loa„f fcid, 'It it: sponsored "b;^'- The AllD^ny Lion^s OIUTD. ' Barsaiu, Horic Econonios oiipcrvisor, is the li'aou.].'"^^ Advisor v;ho hr.s "been instr-ir-iunt.-l in •briniS;:.ns this "branch to Mi Inc., SIG-LIA. I I W I T J QJUTI] TO A BOWLIIIG PARTY At the invitation of Signa, Q?-iin and Sigi'.ia will have a bov/ling party. The girls vrill meet at tv/o 0^ clock at the Palatiun, Saturday afternoon. Ruth Martin,, Sigria. President, has appointed Helen Cooper to arrange tcans conpctc for their society. This is to "be the first in a series of activities "between Quiii and Sigrna, THETA MJ ALTD ADELPHOI TO HAVE BOVNFJLTG TROFIIY Mr s „ IU.IC i n:; 0 ].d, 3 0 < iThe Theta ITu and A d d rotar;7 to ."3r. Frcdc'i CJ-C^ phoi Societies ha.vo dewill g-ivo tr.^c to all vho cided to have a trcpliy doposa.t shoes in the for the v/inner of 3 out Ivarrcl.o 'I'ho harrel 1 of 5 "bowling miitches, be in the officc at least Theta Uu has vron the another vreel:^ first match. CLIB iiEi;s The nenhers of the Arts and Craft Club under tho direction of k'r, Raynond arc r.ia!:injS nany interesting articles. The trophy will "be a "boirling pin on a "black "base vdth a metal "band around it. There has been a proposal to have a joint banquet and the tropliy to bo given to tho win.Sone girls arc i.r.king ning society. The tr01 )hy loatxior vja.llets and "belts, V7i-.A 'bo k'jpt in the ofv/hilo several arc c oa- fico on display. st ting a.lui'.iinui:i plciceca^rd holders, and "bracelets of nickel or silver. •PKJ SIGI-IA SOCIETR Others are nolding vas^L', GO}I;S BOVFLILTG ash tra^'-s, tiles and liov/ls. MI.Li:3 TO IlAVH tEP ASS:]iD3LY 0''herc uill "be a pop . assem'oly tVcdncsdayy Deccm"bor 4, in the auditoriun, Tho cheerleaders v/ill lead tirio students in some cheers. Phi Sigma Society went bowling Wednesday, Noverab )r 20, The event book plav?o at Rico's bowling alloys. The boys bov/ling wore as followsg Joseph Hunting, J'rod Dotv/ilcr, 0-orald PJ.unkett, Alan El.y^ lark Leaning, John Poeloy i'tij lip Snare, and Dr vid inld., iBVed Detwilor was Li^!;h BLoror. S:ilLi]CT JUAmBi; SELKIRIC FOR ESSAY COITTEST Jeanne Selkirk v/a.s chosen as the representavtivc from Milne to compote in the D.A.R. essay con« test. One girl from each state will v/in a trip to Washington with all expenses pa^d by v/riting an essay on What Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Mean to Me»" This is to be entered before January 15, v;ith a, picture of the representative and her name, A new policy of giving one girl from each judicial district some sort of recognition was started this year. AFLKM^CE CAST PGR COMEDY The tryouts for Columbine Mc-donna v;ere held Tuesday, Ivicvember 26, The play is about a. group of ballot dancors v;ho decide to give a. Christma.s play. The plot centers around these characters and their search for the right play, "Columbine Madonna'' is a comedy, • x3ic following have the parts. Tliis comedy will be presented on iDucember 20, ---P^ 1' I! • ^ '-0 ' i • -icv 7 • '1.! b i-wl a ng toa..i of challeng^.s J.I people Columbine: Jean Hevenor^. Pierrots Sanford Goldono G-erald Htirlequins Plunkett, Robert Pantoloons iCohri., £ ir.ramouche J Blanche Pai-.ker, " Dr. Fredcricl: \:111 "bj tho speaker a.t this ..tSoenuly alop.g vdth liar J. a Edv/ards and Charles Lci.ko, ; Ho -7 02 ilOVIUliB^il 29, 10^0 PAOE 2 r \ \ ' ' \\i\ • - J--—.. v.- : • — - J.. • \ • ' ' /Vo/^W EDITORIAL PAG-1£ oRiMsoN AiTD inn'i^s XljNOvYjp^ iTOVi^Iffil^R 29, 1S40 AiKlNG Oi- TALK Its Tire CRIiiSOlI A H D vailTE XI Nuin'ber 7 Published v/eelcly "by the Crimson and /dte staff at the Milne School, Albany, i York. Member: Coliunbia Scholastic Press Ass'n. Capitol District Scholastic Press Ass'n, HDlTORIAIi BOARD Robert Barden Mary Baker Elaine Becker Robert Kohn tiarjorie Cade llarilyn Tincher David Conlin Donald Siirnraers Valley Paradis Edna, Oorvrin Phyllis Reed Josephine "V/ilson Rita Figarslqy Marilyn Potter Alice Van Gr.asbeolr Elaine Drooz Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors J-nwrence Key to Ratings: Poor Go od Very Good *** Excellent **** Extraordinary * ** * * * "J^he Long Voyage Home Sports V/riters The Long Vo7/age Home, a nevr TJalter V/anger production, is a compilation of four of the plays of Eugene 0*i:eil, The picture, directed by John Ford, with Thomas Mitchell^ Ian Hunter, and Jolm V/ayne in the leading roles, has an excellent supporting cast^ Activities \7riters Art Staff 3jibrarian Bi;.ainess Manager Mineographers ^^apcs Robin Wendell i'red Detweiler Rob'fert Austin Bernard Golding Feature Editors BUSIlPjilSS BOaRD Donald Scanners :3anford Golden The Film of the V/eek Printer Ci rculation ADVISORY BOARD The entire storj'" takes place on the S, S. Glencorin, a ship which is carrj'-ing munitions to the British, During the voyage German bombers and bad stormr. help to keep the stovy gor'ngc The ide<^ behind the picture is the fact that once the sea is your home, it alv/ays remains so. ZlP^C "^oyg-ge Eon^ is an excellent film and iriay easily be oilc.soifled an v/orthv/hiJ.e novie-fare. It will play a: the Strand theatre quite soon Mr. Warren I, Densnore Miss Beatrice A, Douer TIIlI CmiSTliAS PLAYS As you all Imoi/, the Annual Christmas Plays v/ill be presented in Page Ilall on December 6« Ma.nj'' people are working diligently tov/ard the sudcess of these presentations, Let^s give them our support by having an extra large attendance in front of the curtain that evening. It vjould be a good thing if this year, there v/as no saving of G^ats and running up and doxffi the aislesr ™his looks very bad, especUilXy betv/e^^n acts, 'This year let's help everything run smoothly and successfully by doing our parts to make this yearns plays the most successful ever, GUT VffiLL SOOlU LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Reader 3^xpresses Hope For Assemblies To Increase Editor, Crimson and Vi/liite How about more enter'^ainment? Eve— ryone loves assemb" bub no one seems to have the init iative to put on any, There are so many ambitious people in Milne and we have even a vei'itable Sarah Bennhardt in o'cir mi cist. There is so much talent in Milne t hat it is a sham.e to Jant look at alJ. have it go to the expor.i.ence st-ar^e i J - e :c e s t ed s tud outs may obttiin. The Editors and Staff of th;j Crjjiison and l^/hitp extend heartfelt a-r^r.n get-well v/ishes to Mrs, Jayne t . son and Miss Grace Ifertii-. or tb^ :fc>.cul wy^ A', you gc through the halls on 'Jedv;ho are reported to be con'/ale^c-"i-v-• nesday, you alway. •'Are vre h-aving orably from their recieno in '.'•oIssanVjIj; tcdayr On Gso'i HO'V'7 we liave to mobile accident, go to homeroom', Let'y go"; ''nisy and end-all cf thene VoduiLday a:"^;?oon iBluos^! Hope to see you back soon, ML.SR, Garrisson, and Hiss Martin'/ Ard BASICSTBALL TJATDAY FOR GIRLS BASK2TBALL TAKES THE SPOTLIGHT iJot to TDC out(5:one "by the "boys bov;ard mald.n£ our "basketliall season jigger and "better, Milne S ^ i o r girls .ifive been arranj^ing for a Ba^sketljall •./l.fiyday„ Helen Cooper and laura Lyon, •I'^tin^' co~cii£iirrnen, have set the da,te as •J'.itnrday, Deceiahcr 6, from 9 AH to 5 PM. I rrom Bethlehem Central and St, Agnes High Schools 48 girls are to take part as our guests, The tournament starts at 9^30, :co].loued "by lunch, Ve provide the •Irink {.cocoa). During the afternoon entertaimiont in the forra of a movie on basket' teclmiquc; dancing and various ganes, etc. is scheduled. The Milne team has "been sharping up pretty well for the past week. The team is already to play "ball tonight. Looking around the spotlight on the "baskethall floor our Captain Charles Locke looks even "better than last year. The nevr varsity prospects seem to have the spark of life left behind by the departed senior members of the club. Business Mary Baker, Martin,, and Sally Levi ne. Our first game will be v/ith Roeliff-Jansen High School of Hillsdale. The game will be played on the RoeliffJansen court on November 29. This game may prove a breeze for the Daniuitz coached men, just a,s Berlin was one year previous. Or on the other hand, v/e may find a fight on our hands such as the Keveny school handed us last year, Keveny had a sina.ll gym and kept popping from the middle of the floor, much to the surprise of the Red Raiders, Anyway, our boys are coached to contend v/ith real competition this year. This year Coach Daniwitz ha..s specifica.lly drilled on offensive subjects. The boys are very anxious to get in action a.gain. Hame Cards Jean Selldrl:, Shirley Smith, dtuart, Joan Ihnv/eiler, Nancy stresser, and Ruth Peterson, And not forgetting our J,V,, we have quite an ine:^crienced squad but v/e loiow they v/ill be out there fighting all the way. The co—clTc.irnen have selected the following cominittees to assist them: Food Phyllis Reed, Catherine Morrison, Josephine V/ilson, and Edna G or win. Jane Hoch- Invitations Marion Soule, Vanes'- Paradis, and Beatrice Eaah, Entertainment Doris Woga^tske, Jessie Doran,. Betty Miller, Ann Loucks, Joan Hunting, Leah Einstein, Ihrilyn Tincher, and I-tirjorie Weinberg, We (the sports department^ liad many inquiries regarding a pep bonfire this year, Ve think this a good idea for many reasons. First, it v/ill create more school spirit, and secondly, it v/ill help to start our eagers on the right foot for a good season. Hi-Y has sponsored a bus to take all rooters from Milne to RoeliffJansen for the small expense of one dollar^ which v/ill cover the trip a,nd the admission. This ns a good ch§.nce to see the tea-a begin the seast>n. The more people vr>iC turn out to oneer the team.on will C6L"ta/iiiiy help UiS to bef^'in on the Win column, ^ [VoJom rURUt-Y T R O T o R 1'Jo, "7. p f Pj I K D G E T S A R O u n ) D If all the applications go through, and you do your Christmas shopping in the right places, you can m n a g e to Milnites wait on you wherever you go. Aren't you the luclcy onel JlilE ITow thr.t Thr.nkGgiving is over, wo again have to catch our "breath, (after havin;2.' ga.incd ton pounds). The bird soons to "be nearly'' finished this week in the forn of sandwiches, turkey hash, turkey piCy turkey slopover, and turkey goblei I Phy.llis Reed journoyed up to G-lens Palls for a. Prom and a busy v/eekend, Lon'^t forget all tho hoinc town l)oys, Hiylll Saturday night Bthelee Gould had a birthday party^ The usual Juniors v;cre thore, and now Sthelee is '^Siv/eet Si::toen„"" If you walked in Horoerts any night over vacation! you undoubtedly saw many Ivlilnitcs, and p3:'tisent, stag and coup'.Los p normal and othurwisoo Stove»^ Alv Art, and csiiitty could easily bo foundc. and Joe, Bo^bf John, Duncan, rave, Mfirtin, etc, couidnH be missed. It seemed good to see former I-iil'-nitos back in tov/n again, Betty Ilann, home from Skidmore, looked blooming, H'Tie ViV^^er, Jackie To'wr.send, Doris Holmos and A1 Metz all looked as though Cornell was agreeing v;ith them, Bruce Oloments and John Sclmmberger tra.veled all the way dovm from Union College, Schenectady, Shirley Baldv/in d i d n H got home from Alfred as bhe spent Tha.nksgiving with a friend in Pennsylvania, And several others d i d n H got home, so thoy a r o n H tliankful until this weekend. Several Seniors appeared to be very ambitious a fov/ weojlc.' ago in trying to get a Job during Christmas vacation^ Puriug I'hanksgiving, tho Juniors go" the same ifuoa, G-lonna. (Smith wari oao of. iho nult-.utudo that was successful ir. ^ts'-ting this job over Thanksgiving vacat'ioiio The Delmar roller skating rinks v/ero crowded with Milne celebrities—espGOjal'.y Saturday nighty Johnny Dyer had £v 3W3il tine v/ith a little brunette in rod,J (we don't kuov/ }xor name^ but you can watch for her at the ^fheat ITu-Adelphoi,) Ela.ino Gallup, Ki'].drod ^'poctor, and their inon jjoonod to Vir- ha\-ing qui bo a tine at Linty's one ni^^it too. I, F I All you to do is write a prizewinning letter on the suujoct„„^„ V."iat Good Grooming'; Means To Me These letters to deal with any phase of the general subject ''Vtiat Good Grooming Moans To lie'' c rf c'-.c upon poiso and personality and hoy ..t CIXL help mo in my future buslnc:-:; 3 • r.o.vial and homo life. They 'Vi J.l "b-: 0.1 the basis of the thoug.V. cs £u';d ; tained in them, not tn. " . cf presentation or oxprossi .RC The length of these lotb.,r..3 ^ango from 100 to 500 wordsc V/rite them before they will be enteiedo December 4, and There will bo six prizes av.fardod, three to college wimiers, and three to high scnool winners a First ^ r i ^ o — P . e t a i l Value cecoad Prizo—lC-iJ::i5 Hetail Value i-'j.'xZb i vlO F.etail Va.lue I ddr 0 s 3 t-he 1 e t b ^t s 0: i b 0r, Boan.ty 3 hi on 101 'vh^i ;31rjt Gtreet ITcw Tork Cit-all tr/ thi-; ao of Ivv.;.! 'f c'V^^i^e tion, Go.uS'Jilt the feature ct, and bOv^jt . ir..r orrTx"'.-