CRIMSON AND WHITE ALBANY. N. Y. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1939 THE SENIOR VOLUME X r MILNE SCHOOL NEWS MS i SOOIS^Y NUMBER 3 SPOl'SORS FOR IlSSTIJG Till AVIATIOIT SHC'.f PIiA.Tll>JlS III FIRST PRODUCT I Oil 07 MOUTHERS Il-T ST'A^S C0LLEG3 LOlTJaS "To meet our mothers," fs the invitations read, the Qu.intillian Literary ("iociet^r is sponsoring a x-ea .n the State College loiinge next Monday, Octo"ber 30, from three-thirty to five o'clock. Members of the society and their mothers vdll attend, Mrs, t*. lilarl Ledden and • Mrs. Jesse Eoran, •others of president Jean Ledden and vice-president J'jssie Doran, v/ill pour au the tea tahle. Miss Loran v.dll v/elcome the mothers for::ially. Jacrueline Tovmsend, mistress of ceremonies, is genera.l chairman cJ the tea. Chairmen of cozimittees assisting Miss Tov.Tisend are Catheriiie Morrison, food oommitt^;e; Estelle Dilg, invitation committee; Shirley Baldv;in, identification committee; Florence Eerher and Valley Paradis, decoration committee. MI.TlipJSD laiTlCE ATTEITDB STATE qfiSlSS Great honor came to Mildred l!al?tice, a member of last 3^ear''s Senior class, and a member of this yearns i'reshman class at State College, ;h-',nt v/eel:, for the Student Coimcil of State chose her as a member of fie court of the campus queen, Saturday evening the secrecy of the camj^us queen and her attendants ended, ^rhen the queer, her t\70 attendants, and her train of eight movod up the aisles of Pa^e Vjxll for the croimin,';^ ceremonya (Cont^d in co2iumn three) The fall anl winter social season gamboling merrily along its vra^y, the Children's Theater is preparing to present an The nev/ly oi'ganized exciting nev/ series of Junior .Red Cross in Milne varied entertainm3;.\ts, has collected thirty planned in accordance with doll-ars in its drive for young people's varied infunds, Elaine Drooz, pros-' terests. The new locaident of the Milne chaption of the theater is ter, recently announced. Albany High School, will take place Homeroom 233 has conevery o^her Saturday aftributed the largest ternoon at tvjo o^cxocic, amount, $3,95, homeroom beginning ITovember 4, and 135 being next in line continuing until Llarch 30, with $3,40. The Council will use this mcney for An aviation shov; v.dll Red Cross activities in feature on Hovember 4, Milne, v;ith models, pictures, axid stories. One of the MIRIAM PR3U1ID E3CEI\rES main features during the SCHOLARSHIP AT C0R1.13LL season will be a G-ilbert and Sullivan operetta, Miriam Preund, a memvjhich the boys of the Alber of last yearns Senior bany Academy v/ill present class, lias recently reat the Academy ceived an additional scholarship at Cornell Admission is oy single University, This scholtickets purchased at the arship, v;hich is open to door for $,15, or a seaall freslimen enrolled at son ticket for all ten the University, is enprograms for $1,00. titled "the University Scholarship". Candidates (Cont'd from column one) take competitive examinaMiss Mattice and one tions, frcra which the other Pr'^p^'TTian .•girl facvilty chooses fifteen attended the queen v/ith students as recipients of two girls, a blond and a two hundred dollars a brunette, from each of year for two years. the other three classes Upon entrance to Cornell this fall. Miss Freund held two scholarships, the Cornell Scholarship of two hundred dollars for each of four years, and a Ragents Schoi-. 'arshi.p of or.3 ii'i^mrad dollars for the s^ma period of tirr.eo This University Scholarship is her third onev at State College, I. The student body of State College a few vreeks ago nominated five Senior girls to run for the title of "campus queen," Eai/CiT .iihs^.G't'jidcntt;.' nscrowed the five dovm to one girl. She was Jane I'/ilson, teacher of eighth grade English, The tv/o receiving next highest votes, Rita Sullivan and Miss Preund v/as a memMary " or, student ber of the 2c ta oi.gma teachers in Milne, were Literary tJociety in Milne, Mies ^'^ilson's attendants. NolumeXi N u m b e r Page 2 OOMI.:J/OTJR.II;s p u : : R-JSHSS of Qain and Martha Freytpg, president of Sigma have appointed various committees for tne forth-coraing rusnes, 000?aflni.i. WE£SOCIETY'~COUITCIL An inter-society council to decide on the numlDcr of new mem"bera to be admitted to each society, to sat dates for inter-?.ccitjty dances and other rxoivitias has T3een organizedo Committees are j ent ertainroent, Shirley Bald-v/in, Leah Einstein and Members of this co^Jincil •Jacquelyn x owns end; ri"b"bcns, v;ill "be the president and Jacquelyn .^oiiryond aad two other represer.tatlY-os ^ ^istelle Dilg; invit£..ticKB, I from each of the "boys' | Botte Farnan, Estolle Dilg ! societies® ' and Betty Schreiner, June i G-lauhitz and Jane Stuart ; Those elected Ijo the ' refrcshemtns, Betty Miller, ; co-Jincil from Adelphoi ares I Ilarianne Adams and ii^n-i •Alfred Metz® Stanley Loucks, .Bddison and Robert V/lieelero ;The members from Theta ITu Sigma Committees ares j-are: John link, Gifford decorations, Jean Bushe iLantz and David Davidson©^ AL.ia 3rovm, I%ry Sexton'and FjjcOh Van Gags "beck:, f'jOd, Llvelyn '/ilher, Helen Norris JTJIIIOHS DISCUSS RLLIA Jane J'liillips and Mary Baker; invi t at i ons,Shi rley At-a Junior class meet« itii-lDinj Joan Manweiller and ingj a member rf. the class ilancj^ Hochs t ras s er; ent er^ suggested that Milne adopt tainHicti», Margaret Chase, a standard class ring to Virginia Jordan, Adele be used each yefsr. This Lazarus and Anita Hyman. plan was furthered by the .-of • • "•J^rcse Levitz as chairman® Memb\ i V ! ers of the student body are submitting designso ;.'^etty Barden, Mildred At sometime in the future Mattice, Esther Stulmaker, the Entire student and Una Underwood all of will vote upon this issue. the class of and Patricia G-ihson, ^38 are freshmen at State college DAVIDSON HEADS COILITTEE this year. These five former Milnites were active Elaine Drooz has apd-irin:: their years here, pointed David Davidson, chairman of a ccirOTilibeo Joe Ililnite says, "It to draw up a cca-tl-iv^ v/o-.i't l3G iong "befccre we^11 for the Milne Junior Red "be raising our hands to Crosso His committee ask questions such as includes Jean Bi^sb^,Willt;-eso of our alumnae j iam Long, and Betty Ifenne Miss *attice, what does t," PliLra'bus Unuin mean ? Davidson has also relliss Underv/ood, did cently been elected treasinvent the typewriter? or urer. I-ii s s Ba rd en, why a i n' t it korect to use ain't? Edi>jor^s notes This is the f.:.rst of a series of arton on Milne alumni who .-V';, in collet^e C -1 sar. KvTl jj; li v^ishetJ a any "book 5.ri. '/'.e aj.ould t;.r' CIg .ii-^thor tc Theiiivi. ijatuJx, li'oraricin, I-Iiss i'ViGon vrill do her utmost to secure M Q SIC-MA FORk-S B0'-:LI1'G ^E.\M Msmb^rs of the Zota 31 f - n . t ^ rary S o n a ty c^ti^rtiLg a bowi;'^^::: tt-c ir team w'lt p::actica the 'Bc/^ilinr Alloyt on Central AvsnaOf M^sf3 DuEoiSg v/o:Tiai.i cliampion of Albany, is to coach the girluj,, va Waggoner is in r^l-.n'^jearrangementSo 3 1939 JOHN MOSHER ACTS AS GUIDE AT r:ORID»S FAIR John Mosher of 329 v/as one of the 36 Boy Scouts chosen to be a Scout guide at the Nev/ York Iforld^ s Faar, The position was for last week. Mosher is ir. Troop 10. The Scouts slept in tents which i:ere set up^-^Thing the Federal building, and ate in a specially constructed mess-hall. They had specific duties to perform siich as chaecking the nujrfoer of people who passed tlirof^h certain gates. Boys from all over the United States were there. "Among the notables vfe waw are Admiral Woodring of the ITaTi", retired Admiral Yeast and Grover VJhalen. !'Mle there,"continued Mosher, "v/e had a thunder storm, and the Trylon v/as struck by lightning. Due to a lightning rod on top, no liarm v/as done to the co-symbol of the Fair." ew 1 1/ rV J r r Edvrard I^angwig ha.s climbed the ladder of success in the musical field as far as the State college orchestra v/here, as drummer, "Dark Ej'-es" is still his spiBcialty,'. Trinity Methodist Church honored Milne v/ith a Milne Fight in the :-Iigh School League. I-Iilne members of the group did the leading. Society bannejrs decorated the v/alls or club room, and Milne songs and cheers were given. Over the course of the y^ar, other schools vrill be honored in thivS way, The laine Band and orchestra vr.ich have combined this year as an orchestra, have res-JiTied practise under the direction of Dr. Carleton E, Moose, head of the science department and his assistants. The orchestra plans to play in future assemblies. Nolumf 27, 2DII0RIAL PAGE CHIIISCIT AID I^HITS JKE THEM Editorial Staff 3 C^ 1939 ? Fred Regan FlorejAce Kerter Co-editors Managi-ag Sditor Araociate Editor iiklitor A-l Teature Bditors Sports Societies and Clu"b3 ?Jxchan^es ^Thiurani l^evrs Xatrarian Journalism Olas Ca^-L }'':r ^ O.OJT Doria Ko'jijefS Bot John Vari Acker 3ett7/- Koyt FraT}.k Mnves Sally De'/ereux Estelle Dilg Ro^bert VTneeler Margaret C'lase Martha Freytag Doris Mochrie Harriet Gordon Anita I^yTuan Jane Phillips How many of you studeiits have noticed a,r_i np-i).-: ecf n,tcd ^he new r.TiTrl "The ;tf er Ilr.i'ailiion end iu the This pai'ut;,!..^^ ilc wie pie?a of wc?k wo reoeiv^.d :.'rcm Mr. Litix^cv/ t/he labt ycnr.. ICho is the Port-ait of Dr. which is novr in the- :nain office as the gift of the Class of '39. ^ The set of murals that ig row in the library and tho^e tha.t will b3 put ^ on in future yer all par^ of a seri-os to v/Lich i'l;Miie has an exclusive right., Last year i hot ©graphs of these alreadj- famous murals appeared in the Allans TimoE-ITnioii for a tii-.e 'be^::ause they illustrate the history of Albt-iiy Business Staff Business Manager Armon livermore CUi ef-I lime ographer Bruce Clements Printer Circrulation Martin Edwards Jack Br ought on Faculty: 2-Iiss Katherine Wheeling Miss Grace ^!artin M^ss Sally B. Young Let us as students of Ililne Fhow our appreciation for having such vrj^nderful paintings by assisting in avery vray an^' efforts to raise money for next year's mural* r-.'k Published weekly by the Crimson and White staff at the Milne School, Albany, tTev; York, ^ dj MiLNF MERRY-GO-ROUND PIIEVI2W "So fairl" it*s heigh-ho, come to the Milne's annual Book Fair, with its theme of a county fair is only two weeks away - the v/eek of November 13. And it^s i::oing to be Milne's best book bar^aar, for the senior class is bubbling over with Bnthusiasra for race tracks, ferris whee3 3, and barkers• This next week the committees collecting bookd and curios from Milnites will be chasing you through the h%ais, begging for contributions, ^he seniors are depending on you to help mn^ke the books exhibits a success, up in the attic, hidd^.n behSjod thj old trunks we're sure ;/ou*il find an on t.fc.3 '-'.rrazy horselesr. bugf^y" or t/^o silver coins t'lat Irlueb3£trd wore on his ears. Or perlifips you have an interesting hobby, or one or two best sellers the seniors might borrow. A special committee exists for the sole ptirpose of seeing that articles loaned to the Fair are returned in good cor:.dit;ion. The seniors solicit tion. Don't fail them! your coopera- Mrs, Anna K. Barsam has tossed aside her sewing to take up the d\ities of a producer and will prove to the public "She Imows her stuff" when her homeroom 329 takes the stage Monday afternoon. If the dress rehearsal theorj'- holds true, she mighu well bring her troupe to the senior assembly, CALL OUT TE3 GUARD A complete and well prepared traffic squad, backed up by a mighty stag line of junior high bruisers, with a Taylor in reserve, s'iood guard over the entrance of Pajre Hall gym duriag the junior high jitterbug jamboree last '-/eek. As a fi?-s"& line of '^he upper doors wtre Icrjiovl c jid sroroi-v-; ,;'Er.itors v/ere thore enti'en^hede Inxt no "One Coiroc 'I'ho ooya just stood aioruid di c C . u c g ^ o l s . * * >|« * * * )(« * * * * * * sic * >!<>l<>i< ^ 5;o;< »;< • * 1TE2D fOR !TCRD}:3LL Fcllov/ing the suggestion of Qnirley Baldwin, the advanced dramatics club has sent out a 3all for Jolja ITordell to direct a three act play v/hich would be staf^d soni^^time in tht; spring. They are the firct draimtic club to attompt this in over six rea'Cb, ORIilSClT AllD WHITE .MST2 SPOBSIS PAGS bCrJi: J AMjNOUMCr^S \ \\ i 1939 r" lianager of the baslietball team, A1 Met2, announces one of the best bask>etball schediUes Milne has had in many years. This year we vrill have five or six more games than we have beon allowed in the past, and have two schools on our sched-'jile which have not had athletic relations with Milne before. They are Berlin Central High School, and Eeveny Academy, A bad bl6w for the team was the loss of Russell Jones, a letter man last year, Hovrever, there are a number of ' " / i younger fellows on the Junior W.^^iiy squad last year with the experience to HOCKEY PRACTICE BEGINS try out for a varsity assignment *hls year. Led "by Captain' John Fink, and Beginning with the marvelous weeks with Chi Id 3 • Stevenson, and Locke from "before school started and continuing to last year, our quintet should have a the present date the Milne girls have very good season. "been practising hockey» Although pract-The schedule for this year is as ising is rouisine work, they have used it follows: to the "best advantage T3y learning and exercising the use of many new strokes and Berlin triclts vrhich will help the girls in their Dec, 2 (Sat.) Home 8 ( C M . ) Keveney Acadenx^r Dec, future games. Home Sch^rler Dec, 15 (Fri.) Rensselaer Away Dec, ?0 (!''ed.) Ililne girls interested in hockeyt Away (Fri.) Dec, Albany Pligh. and especially those who signed up to Home Delmar Jan. 6 (Sat.) take hockey on Tuesdays and Fridays must Away 12 (Fri.) Keveney Acadernjr turn out for practice^ It is essential Jan, Home Cathedral Jan. 1? (Sat.) that llilne High School "be represented "by Home 20 (Sat.) Albany High Jan, a superior team in order that we may Home 27 (Sat.) Cobleskill Jan, carry on our tradition set "by previous Rensselaer Home 9 (Fri.) Feb. teams, especially last yearU team, acAi^jay Schyler 16 (Fri.) Feb. cording to Miss Hitchcock, Away Cathedral Feb. 10 (Sat.) Home 23 (Fri.) Berlin The following as well as all girls Away Mar. 1 (Fri.) Delmar interested in hockey have "been asked to attend varsity practice: B.Mann, M. Freytag, D. Mochrie, S, Roberts, S* Ruhin, A^Snyder, B. Thompson,J, Veeder, B, Parsons» Vo Jordon, B, Schreiner, V, Brown, and A« Beik, M, Baker,H, Cooper, J.Doran, ir. Eociistrasser, J,Hunting, S, Smith, R. Martin^ R« Peterson, Selldrk, M.Soule, I). Wagotski, J. Wilson and M,Tinch«r. L. Amhler, E. Bal'bwin, M.Boyce, P«Smith, . Horton, , Clyne and .Simmons• FOOTBALL ACTIVIIIBS PROVE SUCCESSFUL The Senior Circuit,of the I-Iilne six man football league, now is proving etc be successful. This league was started in Milne for two reasons this fall. One was to offer some consolation to the student body for the fact that our at^ tempt at interscholastic football in the six man division failed. The other is l-imt3 JOINS I M I O M L HOCKEY rEAG-UB that through these games interest in the sport is kept alive among the students Although the larger majority of and the athletes themselves receive val-» Capitol Disttict schools are already uable training for a fu.ture year, when mem'bers of the National Hockey League, interscholastic football may become a llilne, up to this ^ime, has never "been a realityo Though the game is "touch",it ii'prabero ^lie benefit a school derives irom "belonging to the Hockey organization, is plenty fast. Passing attacks are accentuated, which odds to the excitement 3.S a reduction in price of all tickets • of the game, and calls for alert ball i'he Girls Athletic Club has voted to behandlingo come a member and so all Milne girls will obtain a reduction when purchasing The team standings axe as follows! tickets to games connected with the lost Team Won National League, Southern California Washington Colorado 4 3 4 2 ¥f.i :r x-X 1 I. 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 •f f o jT L L/X li. SIIA.LL I'T B3 AOAII^? .^lost of the seniors and juniors have onl;'" a dim, but pleasant recoliec'&ion of a certain dpy vrhich used to "be one among the rr.ost outstanding 'lates on llilne^s social calendar, XJnaoubtedljr nearly everv Ililnite has heard some mention of it^ "but av^ay "back in ^37, when the upperclassmen were mere oighth and ninth graders, the last S o c i e t y " a y took place, i'ollov.dng the last afternoon class, everyone trooped to Page Hall (it was surprising hov; many could stay after school th?.t afternoon) to await the fun^ participants in the shov/ v/er© the u....;bers of the four societies—thus the •i:-vme "Society Day," As may "be remambcK'3d, coiipetltion for recognition as the bvjst "shov^"^•ivers" v/as not lacking, A long-lavighed over incident vras a. 3on^' and dance number presented "by some of the ^big boys'; five of the tallest, garbed in cheesecloth, arjpeared as the vras quintuplets. A.nother "musical" off erred by a bargo trio, ^hese three used old times and their own words; the result \jQ,3 most amusing, There is nothing to prevent the groups froiu presenting r. similiar entertainment this year; all that's laclring is "ye olde steam". MILllE'S EARLY H'lYS The follov;ing articles in this column form the first in s. nev; vreekly scries of reminincences. Since this is Mjlno's 50th anni^i^i-^ary, is it not logical to ptiblish incidents of interest which, have occureed in schooldays previous to ours. Should wG gnirable becaiise vre have to take gym? " U ^ y back vrhen,.," the sched-alQ ce.llf^d for at least ten minutes of daily exercise. All classes performed setting up exercises for two minutes before proceeding vith the regular class work. The boys v:ere also given military training, 6 £ H -—CL. The first Soys' Athletic Association wfiR formed in 1913; they h-ad their first meeting as an organised group on Sept^ ember 17th and discussed the meets of the Cross Country team. HOPES berlin High School Day (that^s in Ohio) neant a days*s vacation for one of our Senior gals. That is, a vacation if one conoiders taking exams all day "an inter:.iission of employment^'„ Florence Herber went to this event to compete for a scholarship to Oberlin M/LNE .^TI^-^A College, Ou.t of the sixteen different scholarships offered, Miss Herber chose ^^en the Hilne classes ::oved from Latin as her subject. the old site on Willet Street to a part of the building occupied by the Sbate On Saturday morning she and twenty Normal, their social intentions were other "brain-storms" laboi'cjd ov^^r ''eroj well outlined, Daring the first year e^'as, erat" - plusi After the papers iif-'d under tho new roof, three parti cjs were b3en corrected, it vras annomiced tliat grven, but aftur that, the sti^dentg had '.•ass Flo v/as among those in the "cop quar- b-Lt^ one a yee.r, (And to think that histter. ory may repeat itself this year, if cur bottle-bufjters don't reform^) At present a boy is to be avrarded the scholarship, but if he decides to go to Havo you pver wondered whenther our Yale or somev/here, (and ic> seems "Oliat a school co''.ors havv3 ' an^" meaning^ The fevj Albany people hope ho will) Florence cla3t3 who choice .cm decided u]pon crimHerber v/ill get the award. son ."lUd v/hi\»e,—red for their zeal, and for their youth and purity, and Sit tibi plus potefjtptidl in'>egrity^ (^Vliich, you rjti;.dents5 is just a new way of saying, ''more powe-r oo you!" CRIMSOII AlTD V/HITE IS PAGE 6 IT oMujf^ OCTOBSH 27.1939 yet ? F E : . • P A DAWN PATROL Something nev; under the sun is the group of ninth graders Tvhich calls itself the "DAVn^T PATROL". This exclusive men's CIUTD has "been the subject of much discussion. The group functions as follows: if one member of the club decides to take a girl to a dance, everyone in the club must go. Therefore, each one chooses the lady he v/ishes to escort, and the entire group goes aroung and asks the girls to accept their individual i nvi t ati ons!\ There's soraething you senior boys never tho-aght of!i!! This coming generation! i i 1 IT T Kr-\p P E:N ! ! IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE OR CAN IT??? "Slugger" Stevenson writing poetry like his famous namesake. G T U R e LATE TO BED AND LATE TO RISE »*by a Milnight Owl Even though the j-jjiior high did have a big "shin-dig" last Friday night they didn't quite put it over all of us senior highers. I hear tliat several of the seniors found a nice party v.dth all the best orchestras (Artie Shaw, Glen Miller etc.) on record, I also hear from reliable sources tha.t among those present were three senior coupibes: "Angel" Ledden with "Skinny" Childs, "Dilgy" with Metz and "Holmesie" with "Bing", The sensation of the soiree, however, was created when all our little "Chorus Boys": VJheeler, Clements, Livermore and Smith tramped in . THRILLi1 thrillII for the galslll Dancy evidently figures it's fashionable to be late, but I think it's more fun to come to a dance before it's over? By the wajr Gil^ v/ho was that gal we saw you v/ith? Gad, but Stockholm is a lucky gviy. Just think, v;ouldn't it be wonderful to coast up and down Washington Avenue in your o\m little "coffee pot", \-jheii the girls, returning from hockey, could throw you admiring glances!!! Bob Gale riding a bicycle. Speaking of cars, if yoii see a long That I-Iapes man looking up to anyone, "air-conditioned job" around to\fn,it belongs to the "gone but not forgotten" "Cutie" Eddison"cutting the rugs", alumnus Ed Harding, He probably calls it "breezy". Margy not wearing that C,B,A, battalion F pin, First it's knotting, then it's clothes!! Now the seniors are reviving Bobby Thompson not "cooking somethe fashion of black (or navy blue) and thing up" with someone. white one day a week, I'Jho started it? The same two that started the other fad. Bryna Ball being indifferent as to vrhat goes on about her. We hear that two of OUT senior men are in their second childliood. Those The seniors singing "Height Ho Come junior dances must be a grc?at temptation To The Fair" with every ticket they sell to Johnny and Gig, for the Book-Pair, Vfilson and Regan not wearing those (attractive or vmattractive—take your choice) checked shirts, "Iloisie" Mochrie saying "I'm a oneman girl", and meaning it, THE DIPFEREiTCE "You're just my little bug", Said he and astonished her vrith a hug. "Your're just a great big lug", Said she and "conked" him v.dth a g^ug. 1 ^ X C N A M O e S ^ f ^ . This is the imique way one farmer proposed to his girl; "I-fe' darling sv/eet potato, "Do "ou carrot for me? I-t'' heart beets for you along. You are a peach, with your radish hair and your turnip nose. You are the apple of my eye, but if v;e cantaloupe now, then lettuce be married soon, for I Imow v:e vdll make a happy pear," from the Periscope I eat my peas vdth honey. I've doiie it all my life,, It naKcs the pea.s taste fmiiij'' r.vj. iz kof^p'o thorn en my Imige from the Sider Press