CRIMSON AND WHITE Friday, January 22, 1937 THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany, N. Y. Volume VII, Number 13 SENIOR MIU^E iviEETS PHILIP SCHUYLER ON ILiOKETT JR. HIGH COURT STUDENT CC'U1\1CIL SPONSORS T:^-. a-KCE THIS ..FTEMOON This ft^.rnoon thoro will bo a toe:. ionoG sponsored by the Studont Council st-?,rti!:t:, -t 3; 30 and endine^ at 5j00 O*clocic. The d-.ncing will t ko place in thj snr.ll to the music of the Rythm R.,ngc;rs hirod by Foster Sipperly, j;xdrnis-^ sion Vv-ill be 15^. Frc.ncos Bremer is in ch:.rt,c of arrL^ngements, wGok from todc^y, Friday, January 29, :..t three thirty in the Page Hall gym, the r.iilne girls' v .rsity team v/ill play the -.lumi'iacThis is to be the first real en^^ countor th.\t the girls will have h.^d as the outside games th--.t they have played wore at ihe Bethlehem Playdayt C0L1,:ISSI0NER H-.ENETT REPORTS The last ..n- lysis of motor vehicle ^ccideiits from the Commissioner of Motor Vehioles, Charles H..rnett, shows th^t thirty-five children woro killed and one thOii sand-five hundred and sovonty-two injured as a direct result of automotive accid'jnts • Commissioner Harnett has suggeBtod that the sohool children pledt^-e the follov;ing Ten Commandments for the coming year: the streets against 2. I Vv'ill not cross the street diagonally or between intersections, 3. I will not ways • play in-streets or road- 4. I v/ill not run out from behind parked cars • -c I will not coast the street. or sleii.\h Tomorrow night the M3. Ine squad journeys to Hackett Junior High School to engage the phi H i p Schuyler quintet. The J.V# will play the Scuyler J.V*s in a preliminary game. The preliminary game will start at 7:30 and the Varsity battle after that. Coach B e c k e r m e n have a good record to their credit and the Crimson Tide ara up against some stiff competition, V.^SITY TO iviEET .xLUlVlN.^ !• I will not cross the signals. NEV^S ride in (continued in next column) Scuyler's Junior Varsity is rated second best in the city,so our juniors have a hard game in store. Of course the boys will be at a greater disadvantage with our side of the gym filled. SOCIE,:iES PI^OMOTE FEELING Upon having a meeting- of committees, Theta Nu and Adelphoi have decided to give a medal in place of the cup previously decided ujon to the winning" team of the inter-society game. The victorious society will pin the medal on tneir banner. They decided to ask George Bancroft to referee the game, Robert Taft will captain the Theta Nu team. The members of the committee discussed the possibility of having a softball game in the spring. The boys think that these competitive games will promote friendly spirit betv/een the tv;o societies • (continued from column one) 7. I will bf^ careful in getting off tro cars or busses. on or 8. I will bo jar-iful cycluo when riding a bi- 9. I will help small ing the street. children in cross- 10, I will v/alk on the left side of the road wlioro sid^wclks are not providedr PAOE ^ CRIMSOF aI^D \^HITE Editorial Staff Marion Kosbob Vlreiiriia Tripp Elizabeth Sirrjnons Edmund Has^ins Vir^'inia Soner Virginia Kelsey Jean ^ibler Margaret Charles Carolyn Hausmann Lowell G-ypson Becty Tmedraann Ken Lashor Janet Bremer Janice Crawford Ed.i.tor-in-Chief Associate Editors Manat>ing Editor Feature Editor Society Editor Humor Edlbor Exshan^e Editor Sports Editors Art Editors Reporters Bette Schultz Frances Levitz Betty Leltch Posuer Slpperley Charlotte Kornit Martha Gordon Lois Hanor Mary jVlnshurst Helen Barker Business Department Selden Knudson Billy Burgess Gordon Icobinson Earl Goodrich Gordon Carvill Business Manager Distributing Mimeographers JANUARY 22, 1937 -r-.TvT PLUS -nTTT:-. CO-OPEP^TIGN Perhaps we preach an unbearable ^imount of r.dvice to you, but sometimes ycu prove that our v/ork is not in v^in. We re--lly don't criticize incessantly. It Is a feoblo hope that you will romombor our many ccniments on the traffic system of this school. However , they must have made some effect on you ..s we sue nuny changesO AS USUC-1 a few irrosp .nsiblu pooplo disregard our traffic of floors raid regulations, but they v;lll be governed by more strict rules. As a group the students ; re suprisIngly well boh vod. You cre using the correct stairw ys c.nd lessening the commotion in the hr.lls Perh^ips our trf ffic officers v/ould oblige a little in this iTk.ttQr« We are proud of you, students. Keep up your good work > nd heod vvise ..dvice, V/e are sure Milne v\/ould be improved even m ro if the people in it would th^vrcughly gc e ver the advice th:>^t is submitted to thorn c..nd pick out the best points to follow. Printer Miss Kc^therine E. V/heeling Faculty Adviser Published weekly by the Crimson and '^hiite staff at the Milne S c h ^ T 7 ~ Al^ Deny, ilew York. Terms: $1,00 a year, payable in r-dvance. B"'ree to students priying- scudent tax. iiLiiPM- _ -PANIC X.N0THE11 i^Ea AINIOTHEP: SUCCESS This afternoon the second .. M i n e Tea will help you M U n l t e s to forgut all cares end just have a sv/ell time, If you wish these tea dancus to be c -ntinued , turn out in lar^^e enough numbers to make them v/orth while. Remember that their purp:se is to raiso mons^y as v/till as to provide lively students with another cutlet for excess energy. Lately the social events of Milne have been attended and supported in a What v/ould you do in tho case of a manner that delights these in charge, fire? Most people know the answer to EvL-ry^ne seems to bo united in the common this question but how many h-ve had to deslro to ;;^lve thu ailair the necessary put thoir knowledge into use? push to make it a big success<, This effort has certainly been iioticed and apIn many schools, they h. ve fire preciated, but of course there is alwcys drills so that the pupils will be in readroom for improvement, iness for -.ay emergency that might L.rise„ ,7hat v/o.uld you do If Milne suddenly burst A very good orchestra has been enxnto flrmes? Would you run :?nd yell and gaged ready to give ycu the latest in ,.dd to the confuslonpsl ide down the banlsany rhyt/im music ycu could ask for. You .cer or jump out of the window? You may are welc:'mG to request any favorites for ....uf:h no;/, but never havin^j had a fire tnis dance is pl-.nnod to give everyone jrlll in Milne, I am inclined to think the maximum of onjc-yment, if yf>u will •hat you might do one of th^ things menenter into the spirit of the occ;.ssicn .-ioned above. If the pupils of a school y-;u»ll be rewarded by un even better /ore ti'c.inud, it would bscorne socond natime than you expected, if possible^ ture to them to quietly and orderly of the^ in the c^se of a fire. We want as largo i. crov/d as possible, so bring- your friends i^nd let It is m^' person._l opinion that fire them share the gocd time^ Ever^'one is arills are essentio.1 to a school. While welcjme whether from Milne or not. Each lOthing is ift to liappen, there is alv/ays poi-s:n there mc.kes one more to add to chance thrt something will„ Do you the success of tho ..fffiiirc At a dunce -groe v/ith me? This is your school, run of this kind, everyone pr<95ent helps. •y you. Why don»t youexp..ross your opinUse your influence ^nd get a crowd ion? there, won't you, Mjllnltes? O BS-^SrSFSS l5b\. TZIl AJuvrbcr CRIMSON AKD M I T E * * bCCIETIES M U a R Y 22, 19S7 Page 3 * * • » fj K-CCRtil^GES " • Erithfjo^ thou fair students of yee Milne Schoolc Your Mistress Lucy greets you with many enjoy^.ble exchanges. (I em about to see Romeo end Juliet.) Quotations were from Proverbs. The final business concerning new members was completede The society Issued invitations to the prospective members From School Daze Strange -.s it Seems 1. The North Pole is moving South at a rate of Si:^ inches a year ecoording to the United States Geographic Society. Jean i^mbler was appointed chairman of the Quin-Sigma Dance as representative of Q,uin. From the Mur-Mur-Ette Carolyn Hausman, mistress of ceremonies, is in charge of the initiation and Miu'ion Kosbob will take care of the refreshments. Maxim for motoristsj Pedestrians should be seen and not hurt. Irate f-therj "1*11 love to my daughteri THiSTA KU: At the meeting last Monday the members of Theta Nu discussed a list of eligible candidates for membership to Pheta Nu, Thore will be a meeting' committoe, composed of Theta Adelphoi raembers^ to decide upon to be given at the basketball March. of the Ku and the cup game in SI^TMA: Thvj president announced that there /vould bu no quotations given until the initic^tion is over. Priscilla Simpson, mistress of ceremonies, appointed a committoo uo assist her with plans for the initiation. M..trtha Gordon and Norma Xapov/ich are on the committee,.- Anxious Suitor: "I wish you would. I don*t seem oo be m .^ing much progress. I am so soon crlied by a friend. Wait until ne::t wuuk, and your Kindly editor will fool you with a great big column. FRIiWCH CLUB IL.YS GaivIE The French Club in the regular meeting, pla;yed ^ French i..nd worked out cx French - Erif^lish crossword puzzle. When the roll V/^.G called, membui s iinswei'ed with the n-mu of French provinces. They held a discussion about how to keep members who are present it school from st^yin^r '.w .y from the club meeting. The president chose Dorothy Harrison to be chcirnian ox the ^uin Sigma 0 .ncu from Sigmtu She will announce the couimlttoes for the d;;nco at the next mo u ting. The members contributed sever..l Gugi_,^-stions for the initiation ,vvhich t lus pi .ce 11, from .5;30 to 5J00 P.iVi. in the smf,ll gym. .iD^LPEOh Bill Crawford g^ve a very interesting rej)ort on the book "Buckaroo" by dess. teach you to make WliEELER IS bTULiWT DIRECTOR Dr_m:tics Cjub niet in the regul. r sections Mondcy. Is for plc.ys th^.t will will be given in assemblies c-re being c ri-ied on. The Junior Section has appointed Alfred .Vheeler as assistant director.The cast is as follows* Polly, "Virginia Tripp; Peggy. Janet Cole; Tad, Robert V/ilke; Mr. Brown, -Vilson Hume« '-^'he play will be presented March 17 in an assembly program. (continued from column 1) HUIVIOR Y/ith many of us it's today and t.oae tomorrow. Seen in tne •'Readers Digest'' ASkejd ix he might have the last dance with her, slie replied, "You^ve just hs/ io»" hair Many a man v;ho used to play golf to keej! in the ^..imc has given it up to get out of the red. / ,t)entists epitaph in a coinetbry; i'/hen on iji. is tomb you gaze with gravity Cheur upt I*m filling my last cavity. There's one thing about bc.l dness neat. (coVitinued in column 'i^) just s Bachelor- a man who couldn't "yup"for uiii <-.nsv;ur. take The Cc.r to watch is the car in back j^j:,,, ^ ^^-fVont of you. m . CRB/iSOK AND WHITE I'AdB 4 THE COI^VIENTATOR Aiuwsbt;^ jL^ JANUARY p^ M l 1937 THRU THE KEYHOLE....BY HIDE aND SEEK Maybe it»s the weather or maybe the crowd yells too much, that or there's a jinx on the team this year, because we are losin^i too many gamesc As far as the last i^ame goes, it was a honey; the crowd was on its feet during the whole last period yelling' at top speeds The two minutes of the fourth g_uarter v.^-.-'m Milne left a little too much room open and in slipped Rensselaer for two more baskets, to win 16-12. Because of the various rumors that are floating' around school, in rogc^rd to us, our blood pressure is slowly but surely mountingo It seems that the whole three of our readers h;.ve a vague idea as to our idenity® Be3 ;use W3 are naturr.lly very kind we going to give you a hint as to who we are by tolling you who we are note We ,ure l^PTj Jorji Ambler, Cr.rolyn Virginia ^Liz St, The Time ticker. The team tried hard and did a ^ood job but it's alwL-ys those last few minutes that ruin our chanceSt, But, my friends, don't be disappointed; cur Crimson Eive always gives us a thrilling ejame win or lose; so keep up the good support. Here's a piece of strategy that's really very clevero It seems that at the recent Milne Depression Party during the barn dances,Gassie 2a Wendell shashayed his partners into a corner"the bott..a to kiss you my dear"o Why, oh, why couldn't we have thought of th-to We're proud oi our J.Vo team; they took the Rensselaer Jo V.'s 17-7 tais time. And that's not all. They took Ravena by 15-5 and Delmt.r 18-9, In fact they have a w..y better average than the Varsity® Selkirk, Game, Atwood, Smith, Jenlcins and Grigg h-,ve been doing a great job; at each game they start by giviiig r. tsood impression for M.ilne. Another thing that bothers us is the "Ivlan Hunt Club"o What ever has become of it—or~-have the girls already got their m_ji? Did our old eyes deceive us was Will "Smoothie" Hotaling readlJ truckin' along with Jan Bremer? Very few of us seem to rocJize Hero and t h e r e o . . . H o w about some critthat our supervisors cire am^ong the icism of this column, after all we w. nt best-dressed and best-looking of any it to please you ooif you have any in Albanyo ide-E or comments on sports soe me (L. Gypson) and I'll put them in the comWe don't v/ant to insinuate things mentator ...... .Hey J don't forget we play but didn't Ken Lasher give Peg Jimtz a Phillip Schuyler Saturday night. pink heart with "Kiss Me" on it the othThey're fcOins "to auto racing at er dav in homeroom? Hawkins Stadium this sumiTier o. • . • .Any of you Milne fellows who like boxing Our dr ,t3, bid. Senior boys seem to should go down to Oddfellow's Hall and be getting somewhere in their campaign see the amateur bouts- they're gre^tee. to ruin the lipstick business^ Of course ..•The Theta Nu and Adelphoi basketball there must be a r ,ason and most likely game to bo played in March is a swell the;y know it^ Any/vr.y, steal u look at idea and shovjs great sportsmanship. Jinny Sopor and Betty Potoer as the outstanding examples of the obedient girls. CAPT^.IN AI^'OUNCES TEiilvl The girls whom Miss Hitchcock a.nd Virginia Sopor, captain, have chcsen for the varsity baiaketb .11 squad aro as follows; Guards* Ecleshymer, H .usmann, Kosbob, Potter, Rutidemann, J. Vvinshurst; (.nd forwards: Knox, Sopor, K<.pewich, Tripp, Fowton, Simmons. Varsity pr.actice will bo hold on Tuesday evenings ,.nd P$»id-'y afternoons. TuoSdc.y the Senior first to. m played the Junior second toc^mo The Seniors wero the victors by .. score of 21-2. Horma Kcp owicji wr s tho high scorer with 16 points. /' We feel it our duty to wc.rn ypu "Bring Em Back Alive" Hayner will be present this afternoon at the Te.^.. Dance with that too, too ducky yougest Raider boy. Oh, boyi Brud Davis ha.s ^ot everyone wondering who tiie beautiful girl from Albany High iSo We fccnowo Her first is Doris ;..nd her name is W o We'll be around to collect for not telling v.ll tomorrow, Brudu Among the Senior follows seen a.t the Senior H".gh p.a'ty 'jripping r.round v;ith th a'. irt s';:mul :nt, jinnabella "Sophis .tion'^ Voglor, wj'.s Eddie "C.&Wo " Hc^Sivii-S; and he was'nt the only nne. If wo don't stop now, the puper will give out so-o-o-o we'll be seein ' you all next Week. [VoV ^ CRIMSON Al^j V.KITE Pi-iGE 5 CELLULOSE ADxjS TO COMK)RT, LEKGTH OF LIFE SaYS DR. HOWE Cellulose Is one of the most important materials of research cliemlstry from the viewpoint of adding to the convenience, c mfort, and length of life, according to Dr. Harrison E. Howe, who was a speaker on a lecture program before 1200 honor high school students, given recently at the American Museum of Natural History in New YorK.. Cellulose, which is the fundamental material of the structure of plants, comes from many sources, Dr« Howu stated, It may be fibrous matorial like cotton linters, or the woody material of spruce, or it may come from sugar cane, long leaf pine waste chips, cornstalks, or any one of m.any other sources# 'vVood was cited as the most important source. It is chosen for beauty, for strength, for oder, it is the raw material for paper making, one of our highly important industries, and now it is being- converted by the chemist into the most varied types of objects which bear no resemblance to the original material from which they are derived. New types of paper pul}. are being devGlo_;od from cellulose, the speaker said, v;hich will both relieve our dependence on foreign countries for sources of sup_ly and will open up for development a large section of the southeastern United States. According to Dr. Howe, cotton enters the rank next in importance to spruce as a source of cellulose which, he said may become anything "from literature to lingerie." The first conversion problem of the chemist is to get the cellulose into solution, from which varied materials are made. The objects demonstrated and discussed included various aspects of Cellophane cellulose film, rayon, lacquorod fabrics, and plasi:ics« Fabrics m.ade in part or entirely of Cellophane, included a velvet with metallic plint, and drapery materials which are becoming increasingly important in decoration, (continued in column two) A/urv^loer 1 3 Ji^UARY 1937 A BEDTIlViE STORY As our story begins, Wb find our hero and heroine strolling on "The Beach at Malibu" or was it Coney Island? At any rate v/e find them strolling. The pale gleam of "IVIoonglow" surrounds them and there are no "Clouds"® But their enviorment is noisy as any such place is with barkers yelling," Take a Number from One to Tcn^', or •I'm Putting all my Eggs in One Basketv for the last chance this eveningo" Barbara and Lowell have been attracted mainly by the merry-goround and we've seen them "Riding on the Merry-Go-Round" where "The Music Goes 'Round and Around". '^#ould You Like to Take a V/alk?," asks Lowell,alv/ays the gallant gentleman, of his fair companion® "'^ell," says Barbara, "I've alwc.ys, always said thaf'Y'U Gotta' be a Foot-all Hero' to get on v;ith me e "I take boxing," answered Lowell eaberly. "Well in that case,'I'll String Along With YOU,'" said Barbara. "Goshs I wish it would rain'Pennies from Heaven' or something",said Lowell, so thot we could have 'Tea on the Terrace'", as he felt his lean wallet. "Good night," tho'jght B a r b a r a T h i s Is a Fine Homr.nce', 'When I Get too Old to Dream, I'll get a kick out of 'Memories' like this one, 'Would You?" "Well, 'Good-night, Sweetheart,'" whispered Lowe 11 • "V/ill you take thlB 'Tliittle White Gardenia" in memory of me? You know, 'I Like the Likes of You'". "Oh, goodness, what will my brother say". murmured Barbr.ra, "It's been a'Delovely' evening and 'Thanks a Million'". And so wo leave Lowell, hitch hiking home and humming '^Jbove in Bloom" and sech in bet7/een rides. We've already left Barbara, so that disposes of all our characters and the stige is clear. (continviod from column one) The plastics included shatterproof or "safety" glass, described as cellulose acetate sheeting, put with adhesives between tv/o sheets of plate glass. Toiletware sets, toys, hcndb;.gs, and scuffless heels were shown. In conclusion Dr© Howe emphasized to the students present the future that lies in cellulose reset.rch because of it's endless uses and universal application. Sj