CRIMSON AND WHITE Friday, January 18, 1935 THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany, N. Y. Volume V, SENIOR TEOY COUWTHY u^Y TEOUiX'ES I\:ILKE FIVE j3Y SCOl^ LAST SiiTUKDAY m AvVAY OalwE j ! Number 11 NEWS PUKCHaSL OF ICT MILI\TE EADIO WILL GIVE TO MILNE STUDENTS CHANCE TO HEAR DAILY FEOGLMi Nlilne High suffered her j Milne will soon be the 1 \ first defeat of the tasket- j j possessor of a radio. Under ball season at Troy Cnuutry Professor V\fho is the Irv- the approval of Dajr School, Satui-da^, January- ing' Berlin of Milne John M. Sayles, arrangements The final score was 47- High School? This for its purchase have been 22, with Howard Kosenscein j will be disclosed made by Miss Katherine Wheeluhe high scorer. Several | when the winner of ing. Mr. Carle ton Moose will fouls were recorded for each I the Hi-Y Alma Mater investigate the desirable team. 1 contest is announced. features of several makes of radios and decide upon one of The lineup for Milne Due to the fact them. consisted of the following: that Milne has no i^t /Valter Simmons, Howard Rosen- m.a Mater the Hi-Y is Thej rc.dio will be placed stein, Douglas MacHarg, Ralph | offering' a gold key in room lo5 and used at 2:30 i^orvell, Richard Thompson, | to the writer of an j every day when "The Amei'ican Frederick Deai'Styne, and Os- original school song.: School of the Air" is sponsormund Smith. Captain Edwin This song- has to oe j ing programs for high school Blocksidge was unable to play oi-iginal both in students. The five programs due to illness. words and music and i a week v/ill consist of Literwritten by a Milne ature, Curi'ent Events, SciMore than half the spec- student. The con- ence, Geography, and a Musictators were composed of the testants miust Lave story. The class studying' visiting Milnites. The Milne their entries in oy som.e special phase of Literacheering was led by Olive Friday, January , ture, "MacBeth, " for instance Vroinan and Betty Boyd. There 1935. They will be will act as hosts for 'the prowill be no basketball game judged in time to be gram that day, and other stuthis week-end, the next gam.e iused at the first dents v;ho desire to listen beiii^ scheduled for januai'y ] basKetball game of | m^ust apply for permission to v;hen the Milne quintet j the second seiuester. i the chairman of that group. will meet Sharon Springs on • ' Each week the Crimson and the page Hall court. Bring tax tickets: White will carry the radio progi-ams for the foll'O^^ing wee^. : BEPRESEKTATIYES 'IffiT.'TO NAME • •'-'lTa4S0CLETY DAI^ICE COI^MITTEES Thursday afternoon Januar-y 10, Carolyn Mattice and Barbara Bladen, president and vice-president respectively of Sigma; Chjr'istine Ades and Helen Gibson, president and vice-president of and Ganson Taggart and Dunton Tynan, president and vice-president of Adelphoi' met in -33 to appoint the committees for the Tri-Society dance, which will be held Saturday, February 9, in Recreation Center. sTAi^iDARD OIL CO. TO PRESEI;:T PZ^OGP^Vi IN ASSEMBLY, JAIM . 23 The Standard Oil Company will present for the Milne assembly a special program on January 23, at 12:00, The entertainment will consist of the showir^' of pictures of a special test trip from Canada, throut^h the United States to Mexico, Arrangements for the presentation were made by Ray Hotaling. N, E. A. SPONSORS POSTKR CONTEST The committees appointed are as follov;s: orchestra: Kemieth Snowden, chairIn celebrating the 300th annivers[lan; Fredei'ick Dearstyne, Florence Bren- ary of the American High School, the enctuhl, and Barbara Birchenou^h; decor- National Education Association is sponations: Helen Gibson, chairman; Edwin soring', through Scholastic, the National Freihofer, Frances Hoornbeek, and Vir- High School Weekly"]! a poster contest to ginia Hall; publicity: Irm.a Komifort, increase student familiarity with the chairman; Isabel Buohaca, William Hotal- story of Salmon. Thei-e ai-e eight nationing', and Doris Shultes; tickets* Raymond al prizes, but each student who particiHotalino, chairrnan; Edwin Blocksidge, pates in this contest will receive a 19 Dujiton Tynan, Vivian Snyder, and Olive j X 2b historical map free. The contest Vromani refreshments are served, _ • jends March 1, and the winning poster Barbara Bladen will be in chart^e of themj will be published in Scholastic, May 25. with Elizabeth Roosa, and Sara Kessler. C\/ol J g FRIDAY CRIMSON AND WHITE Editor-in-*dhief Associate Editor Literary Editor Sports Editor Sports Editor Humor Editor Art Editor Alumni Editor School Editor S. C. Editor Exchange Editor Reporters Business Manager •printer Mime ographers Miss Katherine Wheeling Faculty Adviser Mr, Daniel Van Leuvan Student Teacher Adviser Published weekly by the Crimson White staff at the Milne School, bany, New York, Terms: vance, tax. No basketball team, no matter how good it is, can play its best without support. Milne, although it has a very good team this year, must support it if it is expected to show up well. In last week's game, most of th« spectators were Milnites, and they gave the team excellent support. The team played a very good game, but, unfortunately, facing a team at full strength, they lost, Therefore, in the next game, on Friday, January 25, support the team to your utmost ability, and let's win and show Sharon Spa how good we really are. Business Department Canson Taggart Harry Witte Robert Haner Seldon Knudsen JANUAFT 18, 193-6 the excellent support which was given to the team by the members of the school. CRIMSON AND V/HITE Helen Gibson Barbai'a Birchenough Carolyn Mattice Edwin Blocksidge Olive Vroman William Tarbox Calvin Dutcher Christine Ades Luise Morrison Lois Lantz Sara Kessler Virginia Hall Mary York VumbcrW and Al- $1.00 per year, payable in adFree to students paying student EDITOR'S NOTE: The Crimson and White will soon profit by the addition to its staff of the Junior Journalism Class, The members of this class will assume positions on the staff as assistants and reporters and augment their technical knowledge with actual experi* ence. Next year these ambitious juniors will edit the newspaper and many of you sophomores will be enrolled in a similar Journalism class. Already, under the direction of Instructor Daniel Van Leuvan, editor of the State College News, the Juniors have written several news and feature stories which were included in the January 11 and January 18 editions MORE PROGRESS THE JOLLY MILNER The Milne March of Progress greets a newcomer and wishes them a safe and happy journey. The Theta Nu Literary Society, for boys, has recently been established as a regular extra curricular activity in Milne with Lowell Gypson as president. NEWS NOTE; "Typical honor students don't crack a smile at puns, but low-^ ranking students find them funny," (college psychological findings.) To make these facts authentic, we publish hereby the results of Milne interviews: Honor Student Neef: Neigh, even a Praise is due that energetic and horse looks down on a pun. Low-Ranker Barbara Allen* Ha, ha, ambitious group of sophomore boys who, do I like puns, indeed? Especially with by their own efforts, drew up plans for coffees I think that's original. and organized a new boys* club, designed especially for the discussion of current H-S Smith; I have mintained that world problems. The name of the society, the pun is the highest, most authentic, Theta Nu^.. was chosen out of respect for and most glorious form of humor during' deference to an old society which my entire 7-year career in this jernt, existed years ago in Milne, The society which does not disprove the point as I has already won the support and consent am not a tjtpical honor student. of the faculty and the Student Council L-R Tynan; I agree to that, and the first meeting as a recognized H^S Emery; Gleepsl society was held last Tuesdeiy in room 126 J,M«S. Define the term, please, at 11:00, when Quin, Sigma, H-S (G) Stein; A pun is a pun is a also meet. pun', is a pun is a rose is a rose, J,M.S. Thank you, L-R Kessler; A pun is the lowest Each week, then, we see new eviform of humor, dence of progress in Milne, new indicaL-R Vroman; Pardon me, but how do tions that the youth of Milne, of Alyou spell "Country" in Troy Country Day? bany, of America, of the whole world are That interruption so throws us off not standing still, but are ever advancthe track that we conclude with the sad ing onward. story of the gold-digger who didn't recognize her sugar because he wasn't SUPPORT THE TEAMJ wearing the sam.e pocketbook, Gleeps, indeed I In last week's basketball game, on Saturday, January IS, one thing" we nsi^ ticed with very great satisfaction was CVOI JK: 'Vwrv^w^ni p . FRIDAY JANUaKY 18, 1935 CRIMSON AND WHITE JIHUOE GIRLb IX)WN SENIORS • THe junior girls .jcaras Into" their own last Monday at 3:00, when they were victorious over the seniors in basketball by a score of 14-8*. Two of the regular senior players were unable to be included in the line-up, Ruth Campbell and Irene Hawkins. The score at the half was 4-ki in favor of the juniors. The junior line-up consisted of Barbara Birchenou^'h, Ruth Mann, Jean Graham, Sally Ryan, Cora Randies, and Vivian Snyder. Elsbeth Frornm, Olive Vroman, Christire Ades, Helen Gibson, Marion Mallory, and Jean CombrinckGraham made up the senior team. This game was the second in a series of championship contests. Varsity try-outs, which have been held during the last two weeks, have resulted in the appointment of these senior high girls to the varsity basketball squad: Ades, Birchenough, Bujger, E. Fromm, J, Fromiri, Gibson, Gillespy, J. Graham, J. C* Graham, Hawkins, Mann, McDermott, Randies, Ryan, Wander, Sipperley, Shultes, and Snyder. • • DRIBBLE COLUMN * » * Last v/eek's game was a sour apple to the Milne High School squad. It seems that Troy Country Day likes to get players who have graduated from other schools to play for them (meow). Oh well, better luck next time. The sing'ing on the bus was peeche fine anyway. There is a nev/ craze in Milne High School these days, iJid it is 'called "Che0-sie in the Hallzie." That is, two boys play chess in the hall while Professor John M. Sayles looks on. It takes three good sports to play the game succeeslully. Figure it out for yourself* T. S. A. Q,uin, Theta Nu, Sigma, Adelphoi. This year we can have a real Q, T. S. A, Dance. And you all knov/ why. Now everyone in the school says; "Lots of luck to Theta Nu, That's just a wish from me to you." Ques: * * * SOCIETY NOTES * * * SIGIv'IA: The quotations of Sigma's literary program were from the works of Christopher Morley. There vvas no program as there was too much business on hand. Sig-ma voted the Tri-Society dance to bo semi-formal, but wcs overruled by the other societies. The list of the committees workij:ig on the dance v/as read. Did you miss tho Dribble Column last v/eek? Ans: Freshman - No, I never read it. Soph - Yes, a happy miss that. Junior - No, the paper v;as good. Senior - Yes, it seemed good not to read the trite. Sonny B. - Yes, it's a peeche fine column and I love it, You see someone has to like the column and it might just as well be (me) or (l). I Know for a fact that Harry (Ace) Witte v/as chasiiig- Ray Hotaling around a bush last v/eek with a wc.ter gun at the Edge of tho Wood. (Some i)un, eh Ray?) - S. B. ^ G. A. C. DISCUSSES DiiNGE Q,UIN: A group of quotations by Oscar Wilde v/as given by Virginia McDermott. Mary Volk gavGj a biogi-aphy of Robert Louis Stcvonson. a list of the girls who handed in their acceptances v/as road. A list of comnuttees for the TriSociety dance was also read and approved. A motion was made and cari'ied that the dance should be informal and that the tickets should cost one dollar per couple. Discussion on the Hi-Y-G.A.C. Dance was postponed indefinitely when Edv/in Blocksidge announced the possible joining of Hi-Y Clubs of Milne and other schools of tho Capital District for a dance. Miss Margaret Hitchcock, athletic instructress, explained her plans for an afternoon bridg'e party for the mothers and a possible Mother-and-Daughter banquet, Changes v/ere proposed concerning the girls' athletic awards, but action was deferred. ADELFHOI: DR. CROASDALE ADDRESSES SENIORS President Ganson interesting literary Gets Tho Confession." Taggart gave an report, "Science It v/as voted that the Tri-Society dance be informal, and the price $1.25. A suggestion was made th;.t each society be assessed tickets and that the money be distributed equally. Dr. Carolyn Croasdale, of the New York State College for Teachers, spoke to a senior high school assembly at 11:00 on Wednesday, January 9. Her contribution v/as a story, "The High Places," written by herself. She was introduced by Kenneth Christian, a senior at the college.