CRIMSON AND WHITE Friday. Dec. 10,1937 THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany N. Y. Volume VIII, JUNIOR Number 10 N E W S J iJ L L ^ -- -i J \lo\um^ ySL /^iumU^ 10 CRI.VISON M D WHITE PAOE 3 DECEMBEE 1£>, 1937 THE FixSKIOK PLixTE OF MILNE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Usually c.bout this time of yec.rj everyone wr.nts some specic.l giftc I suppose a gr^ct mc.ny of you girls went clothes® I imagine some will wr.nt school dresses, some will went Q ' "OUX.DQY dress," and some will have their h^.irfe set on outdoor clothes* Have you noticed the tight waists they are shov^ing' this yer.r? If you are if.-the group that desires dresses, you will probably see them when you sh^pa You v/ill also see to what extremes they go in skirtso They either are very full or very pleatedo Something- entirely different in the line of snowsuits are culotteso They have tight v/oolen linings, while the culottes are very loose» Hov/ do you like the rain coats? I thinfc it taste. They are r e d l y they arc not as bulgy as coats, and yet they keep new transparent is a matter of convienent so the old rain you dry© Lo YOU mm* Do you know that there are five more school days'till our Christmas vi.cation^? Do you knov; that Professor Sayles'l son Is an instructor at Cornell3 Do you knov/ that Sunday is the strongest day? All the rest are week days. Do you knov; Miss Solomanp Milne very chorming rjid efficient secretary^ is is a graduate of Albany High? Eer hobby collecting picture m a p s c She came to Milne, Aprils 1937c Do you know peopl'o? that Milne employs 30 Do you knov/ that Miss was studying in the University of Columbia last year? Do you knov; that 54 students graduated from Milne last year? CHRISmviAS PLi^Y Well, I^"<11 be back next week with more fash ions® Until then, bye^ CLLLING ILL T>JtwEKT A Christmiis Play will be given in assembly next Monday i.t It is a talent show in the form of a play, •.'t-wn two or more people from every Junior High homeroom will tatee parte In charge of the play are Miss Dibole end Miss McClungc The set committee consists of Elaine Becker and Mar*jorie Gade© "The Enchanted Tree" is the title of the junior High Christmas Play « M'-'So Benton J who is played by Elaine Droozj, .'.s Q cjoss, miserly^ old lady® SooQrt Schomberger plays the part of Mra Bentonc The play is a delightfud comedy® Mrc and Mrso Bonton dislike to see child*»i, ren happy® The outcome of this i is a laughable climax© Evei-/o ue Q good lau^o should see this play for * * * * * * * *CLUBS * * *» EElViEMEER WPIEN—• Ivlr^ Saroff, new science ©upervisorj comes to Milne c.fter two of teaching at Keene VnZley near Lake Plac&do He will remain here for one year in the absence of Mr® Moose, who is studyir-g at Cornell. The Glee Club v/ill sing Christmas Carols in assembly on December 17. The Typir^g Club is giving a Christmas party during their last club meeting before vacation. They are having refreshments rjid entertainment iRlitbh wll be given by members of the club® The Sub«deb Club enjoyed a talk b^ Jane Phillips on the activities of the Clubo They decided to send to the Ladies COOPEEixTING AT THE G . M S Home Journal for monthij- pcmphlets wErch How many of you students like to go they will discuss during club meeting® to basketball gc.ines and see your home tetm win? Of course all of you do,and wh^'-p beThe Boys Cooking Club made broiled cause you want to be able to bo pointed at luncheon sondwiclies which were very for having a good team^ If this is true.why ap etizingj judging from the way they d o n H you all cooperate at the gamos? Let^ disappeared© have a big showinti* at the t^ames^ The object of the boys sports clubs is to play basketball in the gym. It is At tho past games the sifcudonts have taken it upon tbenisolves to hir.s and boOoDo gettii^ too cold for football and they you thiak this good sportsrru.nship'i I don^tr have nothing to do except discuss foot* ball scores© That will be impossible ^ Think this overo soon. CEmSON PAGE 3 Junior High Staff Jerome Levitz Miric.m Boice Elizabeth Koyt Barbara Songer Jean Mary/oil or Marguerito Hunting Edward Moosey Robert V/olss EthGlGO Goudd Maryliii Tincher Joseph Rose revarly Kemp Marilyn Potter Helen Hutchinson Catherine Morrison Donald V/elsh Robert Silverstein Sanford Golden Stanley Sv/ift Robert Rudy Jean Hunting Ruth Martin Leah Einstein Josephine '.Vilson Melbe Livine Ann Loucks Rhea Kovar Miriam o'teinhardt Laura Lyon Phyllis Heed Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Composing' Stc.lf Club Editors Art Editors "" DECTi:v.V]T:-v lO.. 19 fJumb^vrio SOOIiiL SCIEKCE CLAIMS To TRxlVEL /JvOUIQ Small groups from the Sociv^i classes of Milne High Schcoil h-vc r/.^a^ 39 interesting trips ar'^und Albc-j/o -//a s e ve nth gradefo r ins tu^ r o 3 v i1ri- t he fire station, Elick Travel Burv.'u'i. bany Pocking JOcj and many obi-r:. 'nbci'-" esting places.. The eighth grave . v-'.-is been to the Times Union anfi tho Kjil'.;]:erbocker Press ofi'icos, police Court, and Ccmjn'^n Council, on several .1 ions, to tho Commissioners at the City Hall, and to WOKC Radio Station. Sports Editors M1 me ogr ciphers Circulation The ninth grade has been to the Historical and At't Society; the Harmon-* us Bleeker Library, where they were looking for somie now books suitable for our library, City Coui-t trial,, and the Reg.ional Plarjaing conferenceo Humor Fashions Bessie Bookbug Reporters Faculty Advisor Miss Waterbury CiJEDL BOYCE GOES TO BERMUDA Carol Boyce sailed December 5 from Boston Harbor on the "Se Sa Lady Haw kins"c Carol Is m.oking a voyage to Berm.uda^ West Indies 3 and Central Americao Carol is goir-g to stop at several ports on the v/ay to Berm.uda and return on the sam.e boat, stepping at the same ports on the v/ay back, Carol will return to iilbaiiy on January 4. He wants to tharic all his teachers for making' his trip possible^ AbbEMBLIES If the student body wants more assemblies it hr.s tc sponsor them. One assem- WORLD NEWS - 9-1 SOCI.l STUDIES CLi'vSS bly every other week Is not very m.any assemblies. If each homeroom puts on an Flashy San Francisco library lends assembly there would be more li.** tcys instead of bookso Children in the mento If a motion is made in classes or slums gain pleasure from use of toys* homxerooms to sponsor assemblies v/e could FlashJ Britain plans to stamp out enjoy Mondays miuch more® violence in Palestine, to ease the sltu»* ation between tho Jews and Arabs; — she plans to limit the number of new Jewish settlers. JU1^I10R HIGH CELEBRATES CHRISTIvu.S Junior High pupils at Milne High school arc taking advantage of the holiday 30-son to encouiage reading and prefect work in their English classes o Each eighth grade class is preparing attractive littlo reading reports of their favorite Jmas stories^ They are particularly stressing DickerJs short stories and stories of other countries^ Becausera.ostof the reading is being carried on in class, the pupils are m.akIng Dickons scrapbooks, window pictures, and Christm.os posters for homewcrko They aro goi>ig to have room. exhibits of all prrjcccs on Friday,,Docember 17<, their The seventh graders are m.aking own Christmas trees v,.nd wreathso^'^s each pupil finishes a st..ry, he may add an o r n a m e n t or c. red berry to his v/reath or his trco> Everyone is quite interested in., ma king a very colorful and complete tr-o. FlashJ President Cardenas is beset by problems in rrisino social conditions in Mexice* Life for most of the 16,000, 000 people in Mexico has been a hard struggle for a bare living since the Spanish conquest in the 15(!)0's, Flashi War in Spain is in a dead'-f locke Not on^i m.ile changed ha rids last week^ Volunteers in Spain have teen withdravmij Sides are about even and both sides are losing spirit, FSiashl Chiongfe flee from Nanking by air. They v/ere chased by Japanese planes* The Chlcjig-4Cal^sheks narrowly escaped de^th when they took off from Nanking in t]:^eir airplane and were chased 17 ;175 miles by Japanese v;ar planes, Flashl l4.e,'.diA_, doctors demand Federal aid to medicine. This statemient disagrees sharply v/lth the ijiierlcan Medical Association's vlev; that government financial aid to uodlclne will lead to government ccn Droll,