C W rimson

Crimson and White
FEBRUARY 28, 1957
Student Council Election Today
Vice-Presiden t
Dick McEwan
Bill Warren
President of the Milne senior stu­
dent council is a very high honor.
To the person elected, this office
should mean hard work, and it must
be done by someone who will fol­
low through to the best of his abil­
ity. Why not elect a man of integ­
rity to be your leader!
Bob Killough
Experience, knowledge and school
spirit is what you want in your
student council president.
the man for the job? BOB KIL­
LOUGH. Your first question may
be why. Well, Bob has been' on
student council since eighth grade,
he was elected president of the
My candidate, BILL WARREN, is junior student council in ninth
very capable of holding this position. grade and he has been tops in Milne
I have known him for many years athletics.
and during these years he has held
These are the things you will be
many positions of leadership and has
never once let a position of popular­ thinking of when you cast your vote
ity go to his head. Bill promises, for the presidency. Bob has the
if elected, he will do this job to the experience of four years of student
best of his ability. He will surely council membership. His knowledge
devote his spare time helping to ful­ is proven by honor role marks. His
fill all of his promises to you and Milne athletic record tells us that
also the promises of latter years he will strive for more school spirit.
He also has been a member of Theta
which have never been realized.
Nu Literary society and Milne Traf­
Bill has been a leader in the Boy fic squad.
Scouts of America for many years
Now that you have seen his out­
and has advanced as far as an 'Eagle
scout. He has led many scouts up standing school record you will
the trail of knowledge and is at the want to know what his objectives
present time an assistant scout are for the future.
master. Two years ago he attended
It is Bob’s aim, during his term,
the world jamboree of scouting. to create a better understanding be­
Here he met scouts from over 64 tween the student body and the
different countries represented by student council so that incidents
more than 20,000 boys. Bill was the like the last assembly won’t happen
secretary-treasurer of Milne’s For­ again! To create more school spirit
eign Relations club as well as a in all school activities, not only
charter member. He also belongs athletics but council programs. Bob
and is a hard worker in Adelphoi. wil Ido his best to serve the interests
Bill is also the only male officer of of the student body, but the stu­
his church fellowship (this he en­ dents through school spirit, must
joys). He attacks this job with full take a greater interest in student
force. Bill is also a good commu­ council affairs.
nity worker and is a fine athlete.
He has played basketball and base­
With these facts in mind, there
ball for Milne fox the past four will be no doubt as to who you
should cast your ballot for.
Steve Ten Eyck, Campaign Mgr.
Scott Roberts, Campaign Mgr.
Stephanie Condon
Let’s take a look at my candidate
Q.—What activities have made
for vice-president of the student Stephanie qualified for the job?
A.—In the ninth grade, Stephanie
council, Dick McEwan.
was vice-president of the junior
In his first year in Milne Dick was student council, and since that time,
elected treasurer of his homeroom. she has been president of the ForLast year, Dick was chosen presi­ eignn Relations club and president
dent of H.R. 130 and was selected of her church young people’s group
as their representative on the stu­ for the last two years. This year,
she is a student writer for the
dent council.
Times - Union. These duties have
This year, he has been busy serv­ prepared her well for the job and
ing his class and the school well. have made her an experienced offi­
Dick is currently vice-president of cer.
his class and doing a fine job. This
Q.—What improvements does she
:ffice, coupled with his second year intend for the student government?
on the council, give him the neces­
A.—Stephanie feels that the rela­
sary experience needed to handle
the issues that arise before that tionship between the student council
and the student body can be bfe'tter.
In order for the council to function
Dick also participates in various efficiently, both students and coun­
extra curricular activities. He cil members must participate in
handles the books for Hi-Y and is governing the school. The student
a member of Theta Nu. He also council has a great task in acquaint­
worked hard on the alumni ball, ing the student body with govern­
ment, thus helping them to become
helping greatly in its success.
good citizens.
Stephanie believes
If elected, my candidate will, to that we should take advantage of
the best of his ability, carry out the the large voice Milne students have
functions of the vice-presidency. in school affairs, and show a live
He will work closely with the presi­ interest in student council proceed­
dent on all the issues that confront ings.
the fine work on the career series,
Q.—What views does Stephanie
and assemblies, done by Ellie Mc­
havee about “school spirit.”
Namara, the outgoing veep.
A.—“In a relatively small school,
Dick McEwan is not only a good says Stephanie, “like Milne, gather­
student and hard worker, but a ings which include the whole school
good guy “to boot.” He’s one of are very necessary to keep “school
the most popular members of the spirit” alive. “School spirit” is an
class of ’58. Having served in many important part of school life. This
offices previously, I feel Dick is the concern binds the school together.
one best qualified for the position Therefore, Stephanie is in favor of
of vice-president of the student having more assemblies throughout
the school year.
Brud Snyder, Campaign Mgr.
Dick Berberian, Campaign Mgr.
FEBRUARY 28, 1957
Igor Magier
Larry Kupperberg
The treasurer holds one of the
most important jobs on the council
as he has complete responsibility for
all the council’s money. He must also
pay the council’s bills, and be able
to keep neat and accurate records.
Running as a candidate for the
position of treasurer of the senior
student council is Larry Kupper­
I feel that you could not find, in
the entire Milne school, a person
who combined all the attributes of
honesty, sincerity, and school spirit
with the amount of experience of
my candidate, Igor Magier.
Katie Simmons Jane Arms trong
“Here’s the thing of it,” says
Eloise! “Do you want to have the
best possible secretary for the senior
student council next year? Well
the girl for the job is KATIE
I suppose you’re all wondering
just what “Eloise” has to do with
this campaign. We chose “Eloise”
as the theme of our campaign be­
cause she has definite ideas. “Eloise”
is also a very intelligent little girl,
who knows just what she is talking
about, and when she says, “there is
absolutely no other person for the
important job of secretary, but Katie
Katie Simmons has been a very
active member of the class of ’58.
In the seventh grade Katie served as
a representative to the junior stu­
dent council. This was the begin­
ning of Katie’s experiences with
working for the council. In the
ninth grade Katie worked for the
junior student council once again.
But this time she was the secretary.
Since Katie held this important
position, it is easy to see that she
is well qualified for the job. Her
record in working for the junior
student council was one to be proud
of. When Katie was in her sopho­
more year, she once again served as
secretary. This time being secretary
of her class. Aside from her past
experiences, Katie received A’s in
typing, which is an essential quali­
fication for the office of secretary.
She also receives A’s in English
and takes accurate and sensible
I think that you can easily see
just how qualified Katie is. Through
her previous jobs, she has made it
clear to the faculty and to the stu­
dent body that she is a very capable
7th Grade—Homeroom president
Even though Igor entered Milne
this year, he has already made so
many friends and has been entrusted
with so many jobs that he was given
the great honor of being nominated
for treasurer. Of course, friends
were not the sole reason for his
being nominated, as he has many,
many excellent qualifications and
Larry has had experience as an
officer in various student organiza­
In the eighth and ninth
grades he was his homeroom presi­
dent, and was a member of Hi-Y
and International Relations club.
Now he has spread his time between
Adelphoi and the senior student
council. In the latter organization,
he has been active for two years.
It is because of a fondness for the
student council that my candidate
is sincerely the best for the office.
His fondness will be directed to the
particular love that the treasurer
must have in collecting, feeling,
spending, and even perhaps saving
of our lucre. He has maintained
an excellent average in mathema­
tics, and is a good connoisseur of
figures, or a connoisseur of good
Igor was the treasurer for the
very profitable alumni ball which
entailed the handling of $120, and
is at the present, the treasurer for
the class of ’58; therefore he has
My candidate is most interested
9th Grade—Crimson and White staff responsibility for over $250.00.
in promoting a closer relationship
Bricks and Ivy staff
He works for, and receives, good between the faculty and the student
Since the student council
marks in mathematics, he has a body.
10th Grade—SECRETARY—
treasurer is also the chairman of the
student faculty committee, I feel
Crimson and White staff also be trusted to keep accurate that Larry is the proper candidate
Bricks and Ivy staff
his care. These are all essential with the most qualifications required
characteristics needed to be a good for this responsible position. He has
been trying to promote better rela­
Homeroom alternate to treasurer. Besides this he is also tions with each of his own personal
student council
active member of Adelphoi, the teachers, all along the line. His
11th Grade—SECRETARY—Quin
members of Theta-Nu cannot hold adjustment marks bear this out.
Vice-president—G. A. A. this against him, as Igor can boast
As for the position of treasurerj
BUSINESS MANAGER a good number of friends in both I feel that he has all the necessary
for C ri m s o n and organizations.
He likes money,
knows its color and size, and what
worker, and will always work for it is used for. Larry recognizes the
special duties of the office he is
Homeroom alternate to you, the student body.
seeking, and I know he will do an
student council
These are a few of his qualifica­ excellent job if elected.
At Milne the secretary holds one tions which help to prove that he
The next time you see Larry in
of the most important jobs on the has the ability and experience ne­ the halls, look him over and see if
council. She must be able to keep
he doesn’t fit the bill. I know he
this job.
records neatly and accurately.
Roger Dewey, Campaign Mgr.
Ed Sells, Campaign Mgr.
I feel that Jane Armstrong is the
person for this important job. She
has served as secretary of the
M.G.A.A. council and also Quin.
This means that she has had ex­
perience as a secretary. She fulfills
all her obligations eagerly, efficient­
ly, and effectively.
8th Grade—Homeroom president
Janie can type and also takes
shorthand which should help her
in taking notes which is so neces­
sary for the-efficient running of any
business meeting. Since she knows
all the whys and wherefores of the
job of secretary and knows how the
student council functions I’m sure
Jane Armstrong is the best for the
Place your vote for Jane Arm­
strong, and remain confident that all
the work and events of the student
council will reach you quickly, effi­
ciently, and with your wants and
interests in mind.
Abby Perlman, Campaign Mgr.
Terri Lester, Campaign Mgr.