C W rimson

Crimson and White
MAY 10, 1956
Student Council Election; Vote
For Vice President
Ellie McNamara
For President
Bob Horn
Jim Dougherty
Action!—That’s what you want in
a student council president. Who’s
the man for the job? Bob Horn—
natch! Bob has seen more action
than you will ever know, above and
beyond the call of duty.
“The world is full of willing
people; some willing to work, others
willing to let them.”
That’s the reason for electing a
president. He must be willing to
be a leader, willing to accept re­
Bob doesn’t believe in promises sponsibility, but most of all he must
unless they are kept. Bob keeps his. be just plain willing to work.
He is a hard and efficient worker
Jim’s willingness to work shows
who does not leave the job for itself in the numerous activities in
someone else to do.
which he takes an active part. He
Sports and cars are two of Bob’s was captain of the Albany Boys’
interests. He has played freshman Club basketball team. He is pres­
basketball and baseball and for the ently a member of Theta Nu Liter­
past two years he has been catcher ary Society. In addition, Jim finds
time to help with C.Y.O. activities,
of the j.v. baseball team.
and is a swimming instructor for
Speaking of parliamentary pro­ the Red Cross.
cedure — who was? but anyway—
More is needed than willingness,
Bob is an expert in this field as
every office he has held has been however. Ability and experience
that of president! He was elected are also requisites. Jim possesses
president of the Junior student both of these in abundance.
council in the eighth grade. Bob has
His ability to get things done and
been president of his class evef since to get them done on time was proven
they have had one. This year he when he was elected to, and served
was chairman of the Alumni Ball. in, the position of editor of C.B.A.’s
He is also a member of Hi-Y and Junior High School newspaper. Stu­
dent government is also a part of
A president must 'have a pleasing Jim’s background. For two years
personality, brains and speak well he was a class representative on
in public. Bob has all three of these C.B.A.’s highest student committee.
qualifications. He is one of the most .Jn the Hi-Y, too, Jim came in
popular and well liked boys in the contact with parliamentary pro­
Junior Class. Bob is also one of cedure and the methods of student
the smartest in his class. He has a government. On two occasions he
flair for public speaking that will was chosen . to attend important
stand him in good stead if he is conferences as one of their personal
It is obvious, then, that JIM
So—keep this slogan in mind:
DOUGHERTY has the willingness,
This is it—simplified,
experience, and ability to lead
He’s the one who’s qualified.
Want the right man for the job? Milne’s student council. Why not
let him do this by voting for him?
Vote for our candidate—Bob!
Paul Cohen,
Bob Killough,
Campaign Manager
Campaign Manager
Elbe McNamara for Vice Presi­
dent—Why?—She’s the gal with the
background for the job!—Vice Pres­
ident of junior student council—
Vice President of M.G.A.A. — Vice
President of Sigma—Representative
to student federation of councils.
Her Vice President experience is so(
enormous and so successful that she
is the logical choice for the coming
election. It really isn’t necessary to
mention that she is news editor for
the C&W and chairman of the card
party for next year. Her qualifica­
tions are simply based on her past
record and experience in student
government. She has imagination,
loyalty, fairness and above all, the
courage of her own convictions.
One of the main jobs of the Vice
President of the senior student
council is to set up and plan as­
semblies. Elbe’s originality and dis­
crimination will provide a varied
and interesting program throughout
the year. Another important re­
sponsibility of the Vice President is
heading the various charity drives
during the year. Because of her
organizing ability, these drives will
be run successfully and with a
maximum of efficiency. I also feel
that Elbe would be able to preside
over the meetings which the presi­
dent could not attend because of
her wel Irounded background of
parliamentary procedure and public
speaking ability.
McNamara’s Band is on the move,
Come on kids get in the groove
Swing and sway with Ellie-Hey!
She’s our veep in every way!
You join McNamara’s Band—elect
Elbe—and your student council will
make sweet music next year!
Ellen Hoppner
Are you in the market for a new
vice-president of the student coun­
cil? I’ve got a wonderful offer to
make. Ellen Hoppner, my candi­
date, is a real bargain, and all you
have to do to obtain her for the
job is to vote for her on election
day. She’s been tested and found
to be working smoothly because she
has actively participated in the
student-faculty committee, one of
the student council branches. Ellen
has been a student council repre­
sentative in junior high, and she
has proved her ability to offer good
suggestions and do work efficiently
for the good of the organization.
Ellen hails from Loudonvibe. Ever
since she was young, she has liked
people and associating with them.
In fact, Ellen has traveled quite ex­
tensively and lived with families in
Guadalupe and Europe. Ellen has
a good knowledge of parliamentary
procedure and she could be called
on at any time to conduct a meet­
ing. She tells me that she also
reads the student council minutes
avidly each week.
Ellen’s extra-curricular activities
number quite a few, but she says
that she will devote as much time
as possible toward bettering the
functions of our already pretty
super council.
Remember folks! If you want a
good gal for this job of veep, vote
row Hoppner all the way. You’ll
be glad you did!
Be happy,
Vote Hoppy
Vote Hoppy all the way!
MAY 10, 1956
_______ ___ ________________
Melinda Hitchcock
For Secretary
Sue Hershey
Attention! — students (?) of these
not so hallowed halls.
Tons of
posters—campaign buttons—slogans
—what are they all for? Student
council elections of course.
Have you ever bought a Hershey
bar at your corner candy counter?
Sure you have—good, huh! If you
thought that was good, you should
see Sue Hershey on the job. She
has all the ingredients for SECRE­
TARY. Writing ability—efficiency—
neatness—punctuality—sense of hu­
mor—and a knowledge of the stu­
dent council.
They say that clothes make the
man, well, qualifications make the
Sue is qualified for the job as she
has held many fine offices since en­
tering Milne in the seventh grade.
She was secretary of Ham’s Incorpo­
rated (Dramatics Club), Vice Presi­
dent of her sophomore class, office
manager of G.A.A. and a represent­
ative this year. All these jobs have
been handled well. Sue was also
representative of the Capital District
Federation of Student Councils for
two years, and is feature editor of
the C&W next year. She receives
A’s in English and can type. She
is also a member of Sigma and TriHi-Y.
The job of Secretary calls for a
variety of skills. Apart from typing
up and distributing the minutes
each week on time, the Secretary
has to type all material that is used
by the student council. She has to
write all correspondence to other
schools, also.
Soon Page Hall will be filled with
students who will' listen to the
speeches of the candidates and their
campaign managers. Then the vot­
ing takes place. When voting, think
over what you want most in a sec­
retary. Sue, I feel, is the most
qualified for the job.
Remember Confucius says:
Spring has sprung,
Fall has fell
Sue for sec.
She’ll work like - - - heck!
Mary Killough,
Campaign Manager
For Treasurer
Melinda Hitchcock
Bill Englander
Jim Cohen
Well friends, the time is here
when we must put our brilliant
minds together and elect our officers
for next year’s senior student
council. Since we can’t vote for
ourselves, the question then arises
whom should we vote for?
You want a hot tip on who’s going
to win this year’s pennant races?
I’m not sure about those, but I will
give you a sure bet for the next
treasurer of the senior student
council. He is William Englander,
Norwalk, Connecticut’s contribution
to Milne.
That’s right, you,
come here I want to tell you some­
thing. You see that young man over
there hanging by his thumbs, well
that’s my candidate for treasurer of
the senior student council', Jim
This year I have the distinct privi­
lege and pleasure of being the cam­
paign manager for Miss Melinda
It’s not Melinda and
Her first name is
Melinda, her middle name is ANN
and her last name is Hitchcock. I
believe that if you put these three
words together, AND if you elect
her for secretary of the student
council, you’ll have made a wise
I’ve known Melinda since she
came to Milne in the seventh grade,
and in these five years, she’s taken
an active part in Milne activities
and affairs. She’s a bit quiet, (you
don’t want to have a noisy secre­
tary, now, do you?) but never hesi­
tates to state her ideas.
Still, you may ask, what actual
experience does Melinda have in
this particular field. We know she
can write (very well, incidentally),
but, so what. Justwhat does this
dear lass have that would justify
your voting for her.
Melinda was elected by her sisters
in Quin to be their “keeper of the
books” this year. (The rumble from
the grapevine says that she did a
sterling job). Besides this she was
secretary of her homeroom for two
ypars. She was also on the literary
staff of the B&I this year and on the
assembly committee.
So, friends, when you’ve given
your ballot to vote for the officers,
I hope that you will vote for the
girl with all the qualifications—
Steve Greenbaum,
Campaign Manager
“Jiggs” as he is better known, en­
tered Milne in the tenth grade after
attending those two “glorious Al­
bany institutions” P.S. 19 and Hackett junior high. Jiggs is very popu­
lar, for he attracts friendly swiftly.
To prove this, he made such a good
impression on this year’s junior
class that after being acquainted
with him for only one year, they
elected him as their Vice President.
Jiggs has upheld their faith and
trust in him, by doing a very cap­
able job. He was assistant chair­
man and a great deal responsible
for the carrying out of this year’s
successful Alumni Ball.
In this position as well as through­
out the rest of his school curricu­
lum, Jiggs has proven thoroughly
that he can handle great tasks
and responsibilities efficiently and
smoothly. This qualification is one
of the essentials for the job of
treasurer. He is also on very good
realtions with the faculty which is
necessary, as the position calls for
being chairman of the studentfaculty committee.
Jiggs is also
capable of handling the books and
At the ripe old age of 12, Jim
made his first appearance as a Milne
student. Since then he has made
many appearances in Milne activi­
ties. “James,” who is a member of
Adelphoi, has an inexhaustible in­
terest in Milne athletics. Scholas­
tically, Jim has maintained a good
“B” average in all subjects, especial­
ly in math.
No one can say he has not had
the experience of being a student
council treasurer. In eighth grade,
the junior student body elected him
treasurer of their student council.
As treasurer, he kept neat and effi­
cient records of the council’s finan­
cial -affairs.
I have only known Jim for a few
months, but in that time I have
come to know him as a hard and
industrious worker. With Jim’s win­
ning personality and attraction to
money, you can rest assured that
the funds of the senior student
council will be in excellent hands.
North, south, east, or west there just
isn’t a more competent man for the
job, (who can hang by his thumbs).
I am speaking to you as a Milne
student when I say that for keeping
careful, accurate, and neat books
for us students, you can’t top
He has varying interests, being JAMES ARONSON COHEN.
on the baseball team, while also be­
All these extra, extras and many
ing in Adelphoi and Hi-Y.
more can be found in the library
After giving you all the qualifica­ under D.T. (displaced thumbs). So
tions that he has for the job, I don’t —if you think you’re going places
see how you can miss voting for and doing things with Monitor—
BILL ENGLANDER for Treasurer. wait till you travel with Jim!
Jim Cohen,
Campaign Manager
Bill Hoff,
Campaign Manager