C W rimson

Crimson and White
MAY 26, 1955
Student C!ouncil Election Today
Ruth Spritzer
Say hey! Vote Willie May! This
is the cry that has been ringing
enthusiastically through the sacred
halls of Milne. You have undoubt­
edly heard this phrase from some
of Tripp’s many(?) backers or pos­
What do YOU want in your V.P.?
sibly in my candidate’s own words
Is it leadership? What about new
(more than possibly).
ideas? Perhaps you’d like integrity,
Tripp’s the people’s choice; his
too. And how about a real desire
to work “like a dog” to make the and mine. Incidently, if you have
’55-’56 student council “Class A”? been wondering how we came up
with “Willie May,” Tripp’s full
I know that’s what I want . . . and name is William Benjamin May.
that’s just what my candidate, His athletic appearance often re­
Ruthie Spritzer, has.
sembles the giant center fielder, too.
Leadership’s our first quality. They both bat right handed.
Let’s take a look at her Milne
To cut the clowning for a few
record—you’ll see! Her classmates
showed their opinion of her by vot­ lines, I deeply believe Tripp to be
ing her representative of Milne to the man best suited for the office of
the Syracuse Citizenship conference vice-president of the senior student
this year. Ruthie’s president of the council. If I didn’t think this, I
Milne debate club, president of the wouldn’t have backed him. Come
French club, and an active member to think of it I didn’t. During the
of Tri-Hi-Y and Quin. She was nomination, I yawned when the
favor chairman for the ’55 alumni president of our class said, “All in
ball—and really got those juniors favor of T. May raise their right
working—just ask them! To add to hand.” As you can see I am still
all this, she’s literary editor of the clowning. However, Tripp is a good
Bricks & Ivy, feature editor of the man.
C&W and a graduation usher. She’s
Elected as treasurer of the Hi-Y
an honor student, too!
club last year, he has done a com­
Now on to new and original ideas. mendable job. Another of his activ­
You and I know that a person with ities includes active participation in
imagination can keep an organiza­ the debate club. He is also a mem­
tion really going.
And Ruthie’s ber of Theta-Nu. This is not a
your gal for newness and sparkle. handicap as the candidate (Tripp
As head of the assembly program, May if you forgot) can boast a good
she’ll be responsible for all as­ number of friends in all three org­
Personally, I’ve talked anizations and also the sororities.
her into sponsoring one featuring Because of the ease in which he
Marilyn Monroe! Vote Ruthie in makes friends, I believe he will do
and each and every one of you will a tremendous job on the assembly
have a say on your Milne assembly committee. So I say to you—ALL
Art Evans, Campaign Mgr.
George Bishop, Campaign Mgr.
HEAR THIS . . . and you don’t have
to be a sailor to hear and appreciate
the fact that Ruth Carolyn Spritzer
has been nominated for “Veep.”
Dave Wilson
Paul Howard
Looking for a president? Don’t
Fellow students of Milne, I offer
consult the classified, here’s your to you my candidate for the office
man, “Dave Wilson for President!” of president of the senior student
council, Paul Crawford Howard. It
The job of president of the senior has been my privilege to know Paul
student council requires a man with for five years. During this time he
all round ability. Hardly a phase has shown me that he is a hard
of school life has been left un­ worker in anything he intends to
touched by this man about the quad. do.
“Weird he go?” one would have to
Paul has the needed qualifications
ask to keep up with Dave. Scholas­ for the office which he seeks. He
tically he has been top man on the was vice-president of the junior
totem pole, averaging straight A’s student council in his freshman
through high school. This year he year, so he knows what the council
received the sweater award for his functions are. He is a member of
participation in varsity basketball, the assembly committee this year,
and tennis. When in his freshman and has taken part in numerous
year, Dave reached “Eagle,” the other activities in the school. He
top rank in scouting and proved his was chosen by his classmates as
leadership ability as senior patrol their choice to be one of the repre­
leader for three years. Just recent­ sentatives to the Citizenship Day
ly he received the God and Country conference at Syracuse university.
award for his fine work for the
He is a member of Adelphoi
(Theta Nu and Theseum: DON’T
“Mr. President” could well be HOLD THIS AGAINST HIM). Paul
Dave’s middle name. For the past is sports editor of the C&W where
(His name
two years, his classmates have he works very hard.
chosen him to be their class presi­ won’t appear more than 20 or 30
dent. He also has been homeroom times, next year.)
Paul has time to do a good job
president since his freshman year.
But, first come first serve. With all if elected, as his activities are lim­
his other activities for next year, ited to a few. Aside from bombing
“Mr. President” must limit the around town in his DeSoto, he is
number of presidencies he can take. never too busy to talk to anyone.
Already he has been elected next His friendly manner is a great asset
year’s president of the Albany to him (just don’t slap him on the
youth council and president of his back too hard; there’s a limit to
fellowship. So if you are looking everything).
For these reasons, and others too
for a man with a great background
of presidential leadership ability . . . numerous to mention (see me in the
hall sometime and I will give you
“Age, grade, size, sex
a one hour discourse on my candi- j
here’s the place to put your X.”
date), I ask you to vote for PAUL'
Dave Bairn, Campaign Mgr.
Paul Cohen, Campaign Mgr. |
Tripp May
MAY 26, 1955
Lois King
Carl Eppleman
Mary Killough
From the rock-bound coast of
Maine to the sunny shores of Cali­
fornia, you could not possibly find
another candidate with the qualifi­
cations for secretary as Lois King!
About this time of the year, the
senior high holds its elections for
the people who will run Milne’s
senior student council next year.
This year the juniors nominated
Lois King and Carl Eppelman for
the position of secretary.
At Milne the treasurer holds one
of the most important jobs on the
council. He must pay the bills, be
able to keep records neatly, and
has complete responsibility for all
the council’s money.
Before going into the many, many
excellent qualifications and abilities
of my candidate, I would first like
to make it known that Lois is very,
very handy at keeping pencils sharp­
ened, and “man” can she clean type­
writers. Now I ask you, what more
could anyone possibly want from a
good secretary? You say you aren’t
satisfied? I’ll give you a secretary
that can type at an amazing speed,
take notes in shorthand faster than
you can talk, and is the chief typist
for the C&W. This person has also
had a secretarial job during the
summer, and guarantees, without a
doubt, that the minutes of all meet­
ings of the senior student council
will be out on time. (That is, if
she is elected.)
I have the privilege and pleasure
of being the campaign manager for
Carl Eppelman. Naturally, you, the
voters, are interested mainly in the j
attributes that my candidate can
offer for the job.
I have known “Epp” for five
years, from the seventh grade up,
and in all these years he has par­
ticipated actively in various organ­
izations and extra-curricular activi­
ties throughout the school. I have
known Epp only to do his best at all
times and to sincerely try to over­
come any obstacles that may be in
his way.
Still, you may say to yourself,
what actual experience has Mr.
Eppelman had in this particular
field? We know that he can write,
This candidate also hjis all the but so what. What has he done
attributes of a good secretary. She that would seem to justify your vote
has stick-to-it-ness, a sense of for him?
humor, a chihuahua dog, a driver’s
Carl was elected by the class of
permit, and is sincerely looking for­
ward to serving our school in some ’56 to be their class secretary for
three years in a row. Ever since
we started having class officers
Why look anywhere else? You’ve (ninth grade), Epp has been elected
got her, hold on to her, Lois King, secretary. This shows what a great
that is.
job he must have been doing keep­
ing the minutes to be elected to this
You will find Loi’s school record post three years in a row. Besides
to be well above average, especially being class secretary for three years,
in her business subjects. If she has Adelphoi has also elected him their
been capable of doing such excellent “keeper of the books.” I don’t think
work steadily, in her years at Milne, you can find anyone that has more
you may rest assured that Lois will actual experience than this.
do just as good work in the position
I also had the pleasure of working
of secretary of the senior student
with,Epp this year on the student
council. He always gave forth with
Place your vote for Lois King, and his ideas, many of which blossomed
remain confident that all the work out into various ways of making
and events of the student council Milne a better school.
will reach you quickly, efficiently,
These are the reasons that I hope
and with your satisfaction and in­
you will elect CARL EPPLEMAN
terest inm ind.
secretary of the senior student
Vote row K all the way!
Mike DePorte
Got a minute? Here’s a word to
the wise. Have you seen a 6 foot 2
mass of muscle strolling around the
quad? If you have, there is no
doubt in my mind, that this could
not have been Mike (he is 5'-8" and
weighs 135), so don’t bother voting
I feel that Mary Killough is the
for “it.”
person for this important job. She
has taken care of the spectator
Mike entered Milne in the seventh
buses for the past two years. This grade and has made his presence
means that she has had to collect known ever since (ask any junior).
and keep a record of well over $20.00 Mike is now editor of next year’s
per bus.
yearbook, a job which requires the
Who do you think collected and handling of over $1600.00, which is
kept a record of the $450 for the no petty sum. Besides this, he is
M.G.A.A. banquet? Mary, of course! a member of Adelphoi and Hi-Y.
He also lent his talents to the C&W,
She gets good math marks, keeps
the M.B.A.A., Debate club, and his
neat records, and has a good sense
athletic interests to the tennis team.
of money value. These are all es­
sential characteristics needed to be
Why should you vote for Mike?
a good treasurer.
I have asked myself this question
Mary has been student council repeatedly, and have found several
representative from her homeroom good answers. In the first place, he
for many years. She attended the has an average of 95, which is made
workshop at B.C.H.S. and was editor up by, among other things, the A’s
of “Le Scoop,” the paper that Milne he has- received in seventh, eighth,
put out for the federation of schools. and ninth grade math, as well as
Mary was also elected by the those obtained in geometry and in­
junior class to attend the Citizen­ termediate algebra. A conscientious
ship Education conference held at and willing worker, he will always
Syracuse university.
work for you, the student body.
As you can see, Mary has had Furthermore, Mike is well liked by
excellent training for the office of his classmates, and has proven his
treasurer. She can be trusted to
keep neat and accurate records of capability by working hard on class
all the money that is in her care. projects like the alumni ball. He
She certainly knows all the whys has recently been appointed chair­
and wherefores of money and how man of the membership and hospi­
it should be handled for a large
tality committee at his fellowship.
Since she knows so much about
All this goes to show that my
the council and how it functions,
candidate is your best bet for treas­
I’m sure that Mary Killough is the
urer. He has brains and personal­
best one for the job.
ity. So remember, today, when you
We want Mary Killough
see a lifesaver with a hole in his
Our money she will billow
head, that, MIKE DE PORTE, my
And when she’s finished
man for treasurer.
Our debts will be diminished.