SCHOOL OF ART APPROVED MINORS University of Houston – School of Art 100 Fine Arts Building Houston, TX 77204-4019 Advising:713-743-1358 Fax:713-743-2823 Catalog year 2014-2015 Minor in Studio Arts 21 hours Course Requirements 1. Twelve semester hours of Foundation Program (ART 1000 level) courses. 2. Nine semester hours of advanced Related Arts (ART 3000 or 4000 level) courses in studio areas in which the 1000 level courses were taken. Policy Requirements 1. 2. At least twelve semester hours in residence, of which six must be 3000 or 4000 level. A minimum 2.00 grade point average for all minor courses attempted. Minor in Art History (for non-Studio Art Majors) Course Requirements 1. 2. 3. Policy Requirements 1. 15 hours ARTH 1380 Art & Society: Prehistoric to Gothic ARTH 1381 Art & Society: Renaissance to Modern Nine semester hours of Art History (ARTH) courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. At least nine semester hours in residence, of which six must be 3000 or 4000 level. 2. A minimum 2.00 grade point average for all minor courses attempted. 3. ARTH 1300 may not be applied to a minor in Art History. Minor in Art History (for Studio Art Majors and ART BA Majors) 18 hours Course Requirements 1. 2. 3. ARTH 1380 Art & Society: Prehistoric to Gothic ARTH 1381 Art & Society: Renaissance to Modern Twelve semester hours of Art History (ARTH) courses, of which nine must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. Policy Requirements 1. At least nine semester hours in residence, of which six must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. A minimum 2.00 grade point average for all minor courses attempted. ARTH 1300 may not be applied to a minor in Art History. 2. 3. 2014-2015